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Hello I'm Mrs Enock.

And I'm delighted to be your design and technology teacher today for healthy and fairy diets.

In today's lesson, we're going to use evaluation to help develop our ideas further.

Let's go and see what we're learning about today, shall we?.

Let's go and have a look and see.

Let's look at what we're going to do in today's lesson.

First, we're going to evaluate a previous packed lunch that we've already made.

Next, we're going to design a healthy dip and designed a healthy oat bar.

Afterwards, we're going to organise the steps needed to make each recipe.

In this lesson, you're going to need a picture of the packed lunch you previously made in lesson 5.

You're going to need a pencil and paper and ideally some people that you can ask questions to Keywords.

These are the important words that we need to use and understand in today's lesson.

Design criteria.

Can you say that? Great.

Design criteria are the important things we need to include when creating our product.

Let's look at the next word.


Can you repeat that for me? Great.

Evaluation is when we identify the strengths and areas of development in a product.

Evaluation is a very important part of the design and technology process.

Our next word is product.

Can you say product? Great.

Product is how we refer to the item which we've designed and created.

So instead of saying a healthy packed lunch for primary school children, we will simply say the word product.

And our last keyword is dried fruit.

Can you say that? Super.

Dried fruit is fruit which has had the water removed from it.

It lasts a long time and still holds its nutrients.

It also tastes delicious.

Let's look at evaluating the packed lunch we've previously made.

Here are photographs of my healthy packed lunch that I made.

Now you will be doing the evaluation today with the packed lunch that you made using your packed lunch and your pitch is to refer to.

As you can see in my healthy packed lunch I made carrot sticks, pepper people, strawberry hearts and grapes, cucumber sticks, and a healthy sandwich with grated cheese, crunchy lettuce and cucumber.

I was more proud of it.

Were you proud of your packed lunch? I bet you were.


Using those pictures and my memory, I'm going to evaluate my product.

It's time to analyse, reflect and not be afraid to develop ideas, strengths of products The strengths are the things of what I believe worked well.

I felt my product was colourful because it had a lot of fruit and vegetables in it.

It was healthy because there was very little extra salt and sugar.

I also thought cutting the food into different shapes made it look more fun.

I was especially proud of my pepper people.

Now this part's really important and it can be in part that we can find more tricky, but it's okay to say there's an area for development in our work.

We can still be proud of it.

We're just not being afraid to develop ideas and improve our product even more.

So big breath.

Here we go.

Areas for development, always proud of my pepper people, I feel the other chopped up vegetables could have be more exciting.

Also on reflection, I realised there were not many carbohydrates in my product and I might become hungry quite quickly which would not be ideal.

What I'd like you to do now, if you haven't already is pause the video and have a chance for you to evaluate your product have a look at it, evaluate it yourself and ask other people to respond to your product as well.

And then hopefully you can think how can you redesign your packed lunch to make it even more appealing.

When you finished, press resume and we'll carry on learning together.

Now I'm going to focus on designing a healthy dip.

Having reflected on the feedback, I will be designing and making a dip for the vegetables and have a look at the pictures on the screen.

You can see that dips can look like different colours different textures, but I do think they do look rather fun.

Let's explore dips a little bit further.

Designing your own dip.

Having reflected on the feedback, I will be designing and making a dip for vegetables.

And the first thing I wanted to do was have a brainstorm of what came to mind when I think of a dip.

If you have a look at the words on the screen lots of different ideas came to me.

I thought about chickpeas.

I liked chickpeas.

I thought about tomato salsa.

I felt like I wanted my ingredients to be quite cheap.

I wanted some yoghourt possibly in the dip.

I'd like it to be simple to make.

I thought about mint.

I thought about avocado and beetroot.

I was thinking about dips I'd had before.

What I'd like you to do is pause the video and have a quick brainstorm of what you think about when you think about to dip.

Once you've had a think press resume and we'll carry on learning together.

Ready? Get thinking.

Did you think a lot about dips? Well done if you did.

I bet you came up with a lot of great ideas.

After I thought about these ideas, I then started to focus a little bit more on what I really wanted.

Now I took away the things I didn't fancy and I was left with chickpeas.

I like chickpeas.

I also really like avocado.

I thought it was important to focus on my ingredients being cheap and quite simple to make.

Now I also thought adding garlic would be wonderful.

With this in mind, I came up with the idea of making hummus.

Hummus is used by blending chickpeas with lots of other ingredients.

I'd had hummus before.

And I really like it.

The ingredients in hummus we can read them together and see There are a canned of chickpeas, two tablespoons of lemon juice or more if you want, two garlic cloves crushed a teaspoon is ground cumin that's a spice four tablespoons of water, two tablespoons of olive oil.

And as an optional extra, because you don't have to you can add avocado if you'd like to make avocado hummus.


Method is the way we make the hummus and it's written out in steps.

Step one, drain the chickpeas and rinse Step two, combine which means put together combine the chickpeas, the lemon juice, the garlic, cumin optional salt and water in a food processor or electric whisk and blend to a creamy puree.

Step three, add more lemon juice garlic, cumin or salt to taste.

What I'd like you to do now is I'd like you to pause the video and have a think about what sort of dip you would like to make.

Use the worksheet to help you to plan out your ingredients, the equipment you might need, and the method The steps you will follow to make your dip.

When you've done that press resume and we'll carry on learning together.

Ready? Off you go.

Well done for designing your dip.

That is fantastic.

Let's just recap on a question to make sure we really understand about hummus dip.

Look at the four options below.

Which of these ingredients would you find in a hummus dip? Chickpeas, lentils, garlic, lemon juice.

Have a think.

There might be more than one answer.

Did you guess correctly? Well done if you did.

Chickpeas are an essential ingredient when making hummus.

Garlic and lemon juice are also important ingredients.

Lentils are not needed when making hummus.

Now we're going to look at designing a healthy oat bar in response to the feedback I got from my evaluation.

Exploring your own oat bar.

Exploring ingredients.

Having reflected on the feedback, I will be designing and making a healthy oat bar The oat bar will be healthy because I'm going to add fruit to it.

Now the oat bar has two main ingredients.

Can you think what they are? That's right.

Oats and honey.

I'm going to use oats and honey as my two main ingredients.

Now, to make my oat bar healthy, I want to add dried fruit into the out bar.

Please pause in a moment and have a think what dried fruit could you put into the oat bar? When you finish thinking press resume, I'm willing to carry on exploring the gradients together.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you have a think? Let's see what ideas I came up with Here's an example of my design.

I've got my oats and my honey.

And I thought about all these dry fruits that I enjoy eating.

I thought of dried strawberries, raisins, sultanas dried apricots dried apples and dried cranberries.

I had to think about all the fruits that I like eating but I also need to give consideration which means careful thought into what fruits I have access to Because remember, I'm wanting to use ingredients that are quite cheap.

Thinking about all my ingredients, I've now had to think about a recipe card.

For the recipe of an oat bar, I've got my ingredients and I've got my method.

The method.

Do you remember what it means? That's right.

It's the special steps we follow when making and following the recipe.

Ingredients, 75 grammes of mixed dried fruits.

You could've have a mixture of raisins, sultanas and apricots.

But importantly, you can choose the fruits that you like and that you have access to 150 grammes of oats.

A 100 grammes of butter, 50 grammes of brown sugar and a 100 grammes of honey.

You can use golden syrup, if you do not have access to honey.

Let's look at the method.

Step one, Grease and line a cake tin with parchment.

This can also be known as baking paper.

Step two, put the dried fruit in a mixing bowl.

Add the oats and mix well.

Step three, put the butter brown sugar and honey into the saucepan.

Stir until melted.

Step four, take the pan off your heat source.

Add the dry ingredients.

Mix well until all the ingredients are coated with the syrup mix.

Step five, fill the baking tray with the mixture.

Use a spatula to press the mix down evenly.

Bake, at 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 140 if you have a fan oven or gas 3 for around 20 minutes.

My goodness, that looks like an exciting recipe to follow.

What I'd like you to do now.

So I'd like you to take this opportunity for you to design your own oat bar.

Have a think about the ingredients that you like and the ingredients that you have access to.

Use the recipe card to help you write down your ingredients equipment you need and the method.

Don't forget to organise the steps and put it into the correct order.

When you've done that, press resume and we'll carry on learning together.

Ready? Get designing.

Did you design your oat bar? Well done if you did.

Here we can have a quick recap of what we've been learning.

Which of these ingredients are in the oat bar recipe? Chocolate oats, dried fruit honey or golden syrup.

Have a think that might be more than one answer.

Did you guess correctly? Well done if you did.

Chocolate can be added to the oat bar but it would not be the healthiest option which is why I've not chosen to use that as an ingredient.

Oats are an essential ingredient when making oat bars.

Dried fruits is a great way to add fruit to the oat bar.

And honey or golden syrup is important because it helps bind the ingredients together.

It helps them stick together to bind.

We're now going to organise the steps to make each recipe.

Here is my friend the alien again.

Wants to know how to make the dip or an oats bar.

alien has landed on planet earth.

Can you tell him how to make a dip or an oat bar? I'd like you to pause the video to complete this task.

Explain to an alien how to make one of the recipes.

Choose a way to explain to an alien how to make either a healthy dip or an oat bar.

You can choose to write down the instructions draw or record yourself explaining.

Press resume once you're finished and we'll carry on our learning together.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you explain your recipes to an alien? Well done if you did.

Let's look and see how I would explain.

This is how I would explain to an alien how to make a simple hummus.

Step one, drain the chickpeas and rinse.

Step two, combine all the ingredients and blend.

Step three, add extra lemon juice or garlic to taste.

I made it nice and simple for my alien friend to understand.

Let's have a look of how I'd make the oat bar.

Step one, mix together the dried fruits and oats.

Melt the butter and sugar and honey and in a pan.

Mix all the ingredients together.

Put in the oven for 20 minutes at 160 degrees.

Leave to cool before cutting into squares.

Were your idea similar to mine? Well done if they were.

You've done a great job organising your thinking and planning the steps or the method that we need to follow the recipe Over the next two lessons, we will be be making first a healthy dip followed by making an oat bar.

So it's a really great idea to check that you have the ingredients you need before moving on to the next lessons.

Let's see what we've learned today.

Shall we? My goodness, we've done a lot of things.

First of all, we've evaluated the packed lunch we made together.

We then looked at designing a healthy dip and designing a healthy oat bar.

We've organised the steps to make each recipe.


That was a lot of work.

And we're ready for our next two lessons on practical cooking.

Well done for today.

You've done a fantastic job.

If you would like to share any work with Oak National feel free to ask your parents or carer to share your work on Twitter tagging @OakNational or #LearnwithOak.

I look forward to seeing all the learning you've been doing.

Well done for today.

You should be really proud of yourself.

Take care and I'll see you soon.
