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Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Mrs. Enock, and I'm delighted to be your design and technology teacher today.

We're focusing on food and nutrition, a healthy and varied diet.

Today's lesson is called using ingredients to create a design.

And I don't know about you but I'm really excited to get started.

Let's go and see what we're learning about, shall we? Now, it is recommended that you complete lesson five and lesson six together.

The reason for this is lesson five, today's lesson, is a practical lesson making a sandwich.

Lesson six is eating and evaluating that sandwich.

Let's see what we're learning about today.

To start with, we're going to recap on what our design brief is.

After, we're going to recap on how to make a sandwich and then look at following procedures for safety and hygiene.

After all that, we will begin our practical work of preparing and combining the ingredients.

In this case, the fillings for the sandwich.

Finally, we will assemble the ingredients to make a healthy sandwich.

Looks like a busy and productive lesson today.

Equipment you will need.

For today, you will need a cutting knife, a spreading knife for the butter and a cutting board.

Also a cheese grater.

Please remember knives and graters must be used under the supervision of the parents or carer.

Ingredients you will need.

You will need a choice of bread and butter, lettuce and cucumber and cheese which can be grated.

Now please, always check for allergies before working with any ingredients.

Let's look at the key words in today's lesson.


Can you repeat that for me? Well done, hygiene.

Hygiene is the procedure to follow to keep healthy by being clean.



Can you say ingredients? Excellent, well done.

Ingredients are the individual items of food which will be used in a recipe.


Can you say grate? Excellent.

Now these grate isn't describing how you are.

It is the grate, which is a procedure, a method to reduce food to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.

And finally claw and bridge.

Claw and bridge.

These are methods we'll use to safely cut our vegetables.

We're now going to recap on our design brief.

Do you remember what our design brief was? That's right.

It was to design a healthy packed lunch for a primary school child.

And there were four things we wanted our packed lunch to be.

We wanted it to be super tasty.

The ingredients must be tasty for the person eating it.

Super colourful.

It must have at least four different fruits and vegetables.

Super healthy.

We're striving for the healthy packed lunch to be low in salt and sugar.

And super fun.

We want the packed lunch to look appetising and be fun to eat.

We've also previously looked at different design techniques to make fruits and vegetables appeal to a target market.

We talked about cutting the vegetables into smaller pieces, making them into different shapes, putting them onto a kebab and combining the ingredients.

And here are some photos of when we looked at preparing our vegetables in different ways previously.

You can see the strawberry hearts and grapes, the pepper gingerbread people, the cucumber and the carrots.

Here was our previous plan of designing a healthy packed lunch.

So we've already prepared the vegetables and we've already prepared the fruit.

And today we're going to prepare the sandwich.

Here's a quick question for you.

We want the packed lunch to be simple, sugary, tasty or healthy, tasty and fun? Have a think.

That's right.

We want the packed lunch to be healthy, tasty and fun.

Our design criteria for the packed lunch was to be super tasty, super colourful, super healthy and super fun.

Let's recap on how to make a sandwich.

How do you make a sandwich? Do you remember our alien who landed on planet earth? We had to tell him how to make a healthy sandwich, didn't we? Here's what we did.

First, gather all ingredients and equipment.

Next, spread the bread then prepare the filling.

After, add the filling on top of one slice of bread.

Next, place the second slice of bread on top.

And finally cut into different shapes.


Let's have a look of how we follow procedures for safety and hygiene.

Health and hygiene.

It's really important to follow this advice before you begin working with food.

We need to wash our hands with warm water and soap, tie any long hair back and make sure that we clean our work surface.

In a moment I'd like you to pause the video to wash your hands and have a nearby adult to supervise you when you're using the sharp knife and the grater.

Once you've got everything you need, press resume and we'll get started.

Ready, off you go.

This is a very important safety warning.

For the practical activity, you will be asked to use a sharp knife and a cheese grater.

So please go and ask an adult to be present before you start the practical part of this activity.

Never use a sharp knife or grater unsupervised.

You got that? Super.

Once you found your adult press resume and we'll carry on with the lesson.


Choosing the correct knife.

We need to make sure that the knife is clean and the blade is sharp.

There's no rust on the knife and it's the correct knife to use for your food.

Remember, only use a sharp knife when supervised by a responsible adult.

Choosing the correct cutting board.

Ensure the cutting board is clean and flat on a clear surface.

Choosing a suitable grater.

A grater is specifically designed to have sharp edges.

Only use a grater when supervised by responsible adult.


Let's have a look of how we prepare and combine ingredients.

In this example, the fillings for our sandwich.

As you can see, we're going to be focusing on the healthy sandwich and the ingredients that we have in there is grated cheese sandwich with shredded lettuce and sliced cucumber.

As we've previously said, choosing a suitable ingredient is extremely important Fresh.

Make sure all your ingredients are in date.


Make sure you wash your fruits and vegetables in cold water before using them.

Easy to use.

Check your buttery soft enough to spread across the bread.

And finally allergies.

Please checK that no one has an allergy to the ingredients you've chosen to use in today's lesson.

We're now going to look at grating cheese using a grater.

Just another safety warning before we start.

You're going to be asked to use a cheese grater for this next activity.

Please go and ask an adult to be present before you start this activity.

Never use a grater unsupervised.

So, go check that a sensible adult is nearby and then we'll carry on with the lesson, okay? Fantastic.

Just one more check.

If you haven't tidied your workstation and washed your hands, please do that now, press resume and we will go and grate the cheese together.

I'm just going to go and wash my hands now and tie my hair back.

I'll see you in a moment.

Hello, we're going to be looking at how to make grated cheese.

So here I have a block of, I've chosen cheddar cheese.

Now remember, you can use lots of different cheese.

You can use vegan cheese, goat cheese whatever cheese that you like.

But I've chosen for the nice hard cheddar because I find it easier to grate.

We have a grater.

Now the grater has a handle at the top for you to hold safely and it has a lovely rubber grip at the bottom to stop it from slipping.

Now there is a smaller side to make small grate things.

And there is a larger side.

Now, you must be very careful because all of these can be incredibly sharp and you really do not want your skin to be grated along that.

Ouch, absolutely not.

So, I'm just going to get my cheese out, just like this.

I've got my cheese and I'm going to hold the cheese in this special way, holding it like this.

So you can see one side is flat.

And I'm going to hold the top of the greeter and I'm going to put the cheese at the top and I'm going to pull down firmly.

And look ta-da, a tiny bit of cheese.

So watch again, I'm going to go and I'm going to pull, pull and keep going downwards.

And to grate as you pull the cheese down, the tiny little blades cut to the cheese you can see here where the lines are.

Let's go and grate a little bit more.

Pull down.

So we go down, we lift it up, we go down again making sure we're holding the top of the grater.

Just like so, In fact I have to show that, see, I'm holding the grater.

One, two, three lift.

Ta-da, we have a whole pile of lovely grated cheese that we can gently scoop into our bowl.

To push all that under there, scoop it all up and there we have grated cheese ready to put into our sandwich.


Great job grating the cheese.


Let's just have a quick safety warning because you are going to be asked to use a sharp knife for the next activity.

So if your adult isn't already nearby, please go and ask them to be present before you start this activity and never use a sharp knife unsupervised.

If you haven't had a chance to, now's a good time to pause your video to tidy your workstation, rewash you wash your hands just so you're ready for the next part of the lesson.

Press resume once you're finished.


We're now ready to assemble and combine our ingredients to make a sandwich.

Here's a quick recap on what we'll be doing in the video.

We'll gather all the ingredients and equipment, we'll spread the butter on the bread, prepare the filling, add the filling on top of one slice of bread and place a second slice of bread on top.

Hello, are you ready to be making a sandwich together? I certainly am.

Now in today's lesson, I'm going to be running through quite a few skills that we've visited in previous lessons.

So if you're not sure how to cut a vegetable or grate some cheese, you can always go back to a previous lesson and just practise those skills.

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm really looking forward to making my healthy cheese sandwich.

Are you ready? Fantastic.


Step one.

We need to make sure that we have all our ingredients and that they're fresh and clean.

So I'm just going to check through everything before I actually make my sandwich.

I have some cheese ready to grate.

I've chosen cheddar for today's cheese sandwich but remember you can have the vegan cheese, you can have goat cheese, whatever cheese that suits your needs.

So we have cheese.

We also have some butter.

Again, you can choose a dairy-free option if that's what you prefer, but I've chosen better made from cow's milk for today's cheese.

I also have some scrumptious cucumber, one of my favourite foods to eat.

Ready to be cut.

As you can see here, I have my lettuce that I have washed.


And I also have for today sandwich some wholemeal bread.

Now again, you can choose whatever bread you have chosen in your design.

This could be rye bread, gluten free bread, so many different breads that we've explored together.

Okay, so we've got the ingredients and let me just check the equipment.

So I have a grater.

I have this greeter ready to cut my cheese into.

I have a knife ready to butter the bread.

And I also have my sharp knife.

Now, remember, please do not do any cutting using a sharp knife without a sensible adult present.

Okay, fantastic.

Now, we've checked the ingredients, we've checked the equipment.

Just need to make sure my hair is tied up.

I promise I have washed my hands and my surface is clean and ready to go.

You ready to get started? Fantastic.


Step one, gather the ingredients, check.

Step two, take one slice of bread.


Take the knife and your butter.

And we're going to gently use the side of the knife to take a generous amount of butter.

Then we're going to gently hold one side of the bread and with the butter, see this part has the knife, we're going to spread the butter.

Almost, I imagine it like we're stroking a lovely furry animal, having that balance of being gentle and confident at the same time.

Now, I'm moving the better and I keep spreading.

And I'm using the flat side of the knife, right to the end.

I do like my butter right at the end of the bread.

Okay Excellent.

Spread the butter all the way down to the edge.

Taking our time, there's no rush.

Here we go.

So we've got one side of the bread buttered.


I'm going to move that out of the way while I prepare my fillings.

Now, first one I wanted was grated cheese and I chose grated because I feel that it can be softer to eat but again you can have sliced cheese but today I'm using the skill of grating.

I've got my cheese and I've got my grater, remembering the sharp edges.

And what I need to do is make sure that when I grate my cheese, there's no way that my fingers or knuckles will scrap against those sharp blades.

So I'm holding my cheese, actually using the claw method.

I'm going to hold the cheese and I'm going to pull it down and lift again.

So making that lovely cheese by using the long grating movements.

We're going to move those little bits there.

My cheese is a tad crumbly today.

I'm going to keep grating because I'd like quite a lot of cheese in my sandwich.

I don't know about you but I don't like to be stingy on the fillings.

So, I'm going to keep going.

There we go.

And once I've tidied up my workstation, there we go.

We move that back.

Let's lift up and see, are you ready? Here we go.

Wonderful grated cheese inside there, fantastic.

That's my cheese prepared.

I'm going to move that to one side.

We just tidy up my workstation as I go.

The cheese is done.

Okay, let's move on to those crunchy delicious vegetables.

So, I've got my lettuce and I wanted to be shredding the lettuce today.

Which means because it gets into very small, long pieces so it doesn't fall off my sandwich.

Now, you can see here we've got this section of the lettuce which is not the part that I like to eat, particularly.

So I'm going to focus on the outside.

I'm going to hold the claw technique, quite a large claw this one, and I'm going to hold my knife, blade down with confidence and I'm going to focus on here and I'm going to cut a few all the way down.

You can see how easily that lettuce comes away.

Goodness me, that looks great and crisp.

Can you hear it? Excellent, okay.

Now I've cut off a section of lettuce that I want.

I'm just going to tidy my workstation, move all that out of the way.

So, I've got my lettuce here.

And as you can see, it's quite large pieces and I would actually like it to be shredded.

So what are most of these gather my lettuce together and I'm going to hold it using the claw technique and I'm going to start to cut down and make long thin strips, making sure it's away from my fingers.

I'm holding the knife with confidence, sharp edge down.

And I am going to start cutting.

So I'm going to push down and push through, push through.

As you can see, I'm moving my fingers back so my knife is never near my fingers.

I'm going to keep cutting.

I won't cut that last section.

Don't want any accidents.


And as you can see here, I've got some delicious shredded lettuce ready to add to my sandwich.

So I'm going to put that into this bowl here.

Look at that.

Oh my goodness.

I don't know about you but I'm starting to feel a tad hungry.


I've got my grated cheese, I've got my shredded lettuce.

And once I've cleared my workstation, there you go, make sure all equipment is clean and ready.

I can then move on to cucumber.

Here we go.

So I've got my cucumber and I could choose lots of different shapes.

We looked at cutting cucumber into sticks previously but for today's sandwich I would like circles.

So what we're going to do is, we're going to make sure the cucumber is on the side of the clean surface and for this method we can use the claw technique.

You can see here how I'm holding the cucumber.

My fingers and thumbs are away from the knife.

Now, I would like very thin slices.

It's just what I prefer.

But you can choose to cut your cucumber however thick you want.

So, let's start cutting those circles, shall we? Have still got your sensible adult there? I do hope so.

Okay, let's go.

I'm holding the knife with confidence.

I'm holding it sharp edge down.

And my fingers are away from the sharp blade.

And I'm going to plan where my cucumber slice is going to be.

And I'm going to put the pressure forward.

As you can see, look at how delicate and thin that slice is.

I'm proud about that.

I'm going to pop it into my bowl there.

Okay, let's carry on.

So I'm cutting downwards and I'm going to cut down, cutting downwards.

As you can see, making those delicious slices just there.

So I'm going to push down.

I'm going to keep going.

Well, I want approximately six to eight slices because I do love my cucumber.

I might want an extra one to nibble on once I've finished my cooking.

Okay, so let's pop that over there.

I'm going to pop that there.

As you can see, I've got a lovely selection of beautifully cut cucumbers ready to add to my sandwich.


So I have, all my ingredients have been prepared.

I've got my grated cheese, shredded lettuce that's sliced, cucumber and my bread, which has been buttered.

I've got my two slices of bread.

One which has been buttered.

What I'm going to do, just tidying up that butter a little bit, make sure it's nice and neat.

Okay, I'm going to take my first buttered slice of bread, just like this.

And I'm going to place it down.

And then the first ingredient that I want to add is the cheese.

I would like my cheese.

So I'm going to take my cheese and I'm going to sprinkle it onto my first slice of bread, making sure we go towards the edges, I don't know about you but when I bite into my sandwich I certainly want to have all the filling of my first bite.

So you can see I've did the cheese.

Next, I'm going to add the lettuce.

Oh my goodness.

This looks delicious and crunchy.

I want to lightly space it out, laying it right to the edges.

Can't stress enough the importance of making sure your filling goes to the edge.

You can always tidy up the outside afterwards.

Okay, here we go.

Oh my goodness, that's looking good, isn't it? The next part.

What do you think we need to add next? That's right.

The cucumber.

Now with my cucumber, I'd like quite a lot on.

So I'm actually going to place the cucumbers in a neat way.

Oh yes, I can fit three on in a row.

Oh, that's good, isn't it? I'm going to slightly overlap my cucumbers because then, I'm glad I cut more than my eight slices because I can actually fit nine slices of cucumber onto my sandwich.

Look at that sandwich.

This is getting nice and full.

So now I've added the fillings.

I can add the last slice of bread.

I'm going to put it on top and just push down onto my sandwich.


So I've made my sandwich and now I need to cut it into the desired shape.

I think today I'm going to have triangles.

So I'm going to make cuts from here to this diagonal.

And then I cut from here to this diagonal.

You could actually cut your sandwich into squares or into half a rectangle.

But I do fancy two triangles today.

I'm going to take the sandwich and I'm going to make sure my fingers are well out of the way.

I'm going to hold my knife with confidence, blade down, and pressing it lightly onto the bread.

So I've got the angle where to go.

I'm going to hold my sandwich we don't want it to escape, do we? I'm going to start to push downwards and I'm going to bring my knife backwards, guiding it along till we've made a lovely triangle.


I'm going to move one triangle out of the way.

Just while I make the other one.


Here we go.

I've got my next triangle and I'd like to make it smaller.

So I'm going to hold one part, hold the knife with confidence and blade down and I'm going to push downwards and cut through.

Oh my goodness.

Look at that sandwich.

Look at the two healthy fillings in there.

Oh wow.

Nearly lost a cucumber.

I'm going to place that onto my plate, just over there.

I'm going to gather up this sandwich.

Must hold it with confidence, put the crust side down, tuck all that filling in and add it onto my plate.

And so far I've got two sandwiches, just there.


I'm going to cut the rest of my sandwich into quarters to four equal parts.

So here we go.

I've got my knife.

And again, holding the knife safely, blade down, I'm going to press it onto the bread, I'm going to push all the way down to make two more quarters.

Here we go.

Oh, goodness me.

There's sandwiches that we planned and designed together.

They certainly look healthy.

They look fun to eat.

They look tasty.

They've got colour.

I hope they're tasty.

I'll have a little bite and see.

I hope you enjoy your sandwich.

Once I've paused this video, I'm going to tidy away my surface and wash my hands again.

And I'd like you to do the same.

When you've done that, press play again and we'll carry on our learning together.


I'll see you soon.



Well done making your sandwich.

Now's a good time to pause the video to tidy away and wash your hands.

Practical work has finished for today.

When you're done press resume and we'll recap on what we learnt today.

I'll see you soon.

Well done.

Let's look at what we learnt today.

We recapped on the design brief.

We recapped how to make a sandwich.

We followed procedures for safety and hygiene.

We prepared and combined our ingredients, our fillings.

And finally, we assembled the ingredients to make a sandwich.

I really enjoyed working with you today.

And I think you did a fantastic job making your sandwich.

You should be really proud of yourself.

I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson when we will get to eat and evaluate our sandwich.

Goodbye for now.
