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Hello, I'm Mrs Enock, and I'm delighted to be your design and technology teacher.

This unit of work is cooking and nutrition.

we're having a special focus on healthy and varied diets, in particular, what's inside a packed lunch? Let's see what today's focus is shall we? First of all, we're going to focus on why we need to eat and drink.

After that, we going to be exploring different packed lunches.

Next, we're going to compare fresh, pre-cooked, and processed food.

Finally, we're going to actually analyse our own lunch.

In this lesson you're going to need; some paper, a pen or pencil, and access to your food, ideally a cupboard or a fridge.

In today's lesson, there are going to be some key words that are very important for us to be able to use and understand.

Our first word is nutrients.

Can you repeat that after me? Nutrients.

Good job.

Nutrients are what your body gets from food, to help it survive and grow.

Let's look at our next word together, ready? Processed.

Can you repeat after me? Processed, excellent.

Processed refers to foods that have been changed in some way, to enable them to be eaten or used in food preparation or cooking.

Our next word is pre-cooked.

Can you repeat that? Well done, pre-cooked.

Pre-cooked refers to foods that have already being prepared, and can be eaten either straight from the packet or after reheating.

Fresh, this is a word we'll be using a lot in our cooking and nutrition unit of work.

Fresh refers to foods that have not been changed in any way at all.

Finally our last word, analysis.

Can you repeat that for me? Analysis, well done.

Analysis involves a detailed examination, to gain a better understanding of something.

You should be able to learn from this to help you in your own work.

Analysis helps us become better learners.

We're now going to be looking at all the reasons why do we eat and drink? I would like you to complete the following task.

Why do we eat and drink? Your task is, to pause the video and quickly write down three reasons why you think we eat and drink.

When you're done, just press resume and we'll carry on with today's lesson.

You complete the task? If so, really well done.

Let's have a look and see why we need to eat and drink.

We need to eat and drink because it is enjoyable.

I can think about three different foods and a drink that I could have right now.

Can you? I bet you can.

We also need to eat and drink because it gives us energy.

Without energy we won't be able to do what we normally do everyday like, run, play, learn, move.

We also need to eat and drink because it helps us grow.

It's not only our bodies that need to grow, but our minds as well.

And because of that, it's really important to think about what we put into our body.

Food helps us by giving our body what it needs.

And it's actually one of our key words today, nutrients.

When we eat certain foods, there's goodness inside the food called nutrients that gives our body what it needs to thrive, grow and be healthy.

I'd like you to pause your video, to have a think about different things you might have in a lunch box that helps you be healthy, grow, things that have nutrients in them.

Have a think.

Press resume once you are finished.

Did you have a think? I bet you came up with lots of fantastic ideas.

Let's have a look together of what you might find inside a packed lunch, and I've actually got my packed lunch here to share with you.

So let's have a look at what's inside.

I have a delicious ham and lettuce sandwich to having that.

Let's see what else I've got.

Ooh, I have some hard boiled eggs, scrumptious.

Now for my fruit, I've got two different types of fruits.

Can you guess what they are? Let's look and see.

I've got raspberries, and I've also got a banana, which needs to be eaten very soon.

Got one more thing in my lunch box, my special treat, delicious oaty bar.

What I'd like you to do now, is I'd like you to and have a look and find something that you would eat in your lunch box.

Press pause on this screen, go and have a look and bring it back to show me.

Off you go.

Have you got something? Hold it high for me to see.

Oh, that looks delicious.

Do you know what you've got in your packed lunch? If you do, good job.

Let's explore packed lunches a little bit more now.

We're now going to move on to exploring different packed lunches.

Now, people's packed lunches can look very different.

Have a look at these three pictures.

You notice these things they are similar.

There's all the things that are very very different.

Can you name the different foods? Can you recognise any foods that would give you nutrients? I have another task for you to do.

In a moment, I'd like you to pause the video, and have a think about the three pictures of packed lunches you've just seen.

I'd like you to discuss with another person what was similar about the packed lunches? What was exactly the same? Was there anything different? Press resume once you're finished.

Did you come up with lots of ideas? Well done if you did.

Let's explore packed lunches a little bit further.

Can you name different types of bread? Pause this video and have a little think.

If you like, you can write them down so you don't forget.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you manage to think of different types of bread? I bet your did.

Let's have a look and see about the types of bread I came up with.

I thought of wraps, you can have wholemeal wraps and white wraps.

I thought about pizza bread, I thought about bassoon rolls, baguettes, and rye bread.

Did you manage to think of any of those? Well done if you did.

And I bet you thought of even more.

I'd like you to have another think now.

Can you name different types of fillings? Pause this video, have a think, and again write down your ideas so you don't forget.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you manage to think a lot of different fillings? Well done if you did.

Let's have a look at the fillings I thought of.

I organised my fillings into three different categories.

Savoury, means not sweet.

I thought of ham, cheese, chicken, beef, egg, tuna, bacon and even marmite, which isn't my favourite.

I also thought of sweet fillings such as jam, chocolate spread and peanut butter.

As you know, we must always watch out for nut allergies.

I also thought of healthy fillings, fillings with nutrients in like lettuce, tomato, pickle, cucumber, cress, pepper and even sweetcorn.

Here's another thinking task, have a think.

What salad, fruits and vegetables might you find in a packed lunch? You can use the pictures we've looked at earlier to help you.

Pause this video and have a think.

Again, you can write them down so you don't forget.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you manage to think of lots of solid fruits and vegetables? I bet you came up with so many ideas.

These are some of the pictures I thought of.

I've got a great idea.

Let's play search and find.

I name the fruit or vegetable and you try and point to it.

Ready? Apple, did you find it? Good job.


Well done.

Red pepper, excellent.

I'll have to think of a harder one now.

Passion fruit.

Did you find it? Well done if you did.

Oh, one of my favourite fruits, black berries.

Well done for finding it.

Another one of my favourite fruits, mango.

Can you see it? Well done.

Let's do one more.


Have you found it? Oh, fantastic, well done.

Lots of different things we can have in our lunch box.

Now we're going to look at different drinks you can find in a packed lunch.

In a moment, I'd like you to pause the video, and think of as many different drinks as you can.

Press resume once you're done.

Did you think a lots of different drinks? Let's explore and see what I thought of.

Fresh orange juice, milk, water and my favourite, fruit smoothies.

We are now going to compare fresh, pre-cooked and processed food.

We're going to investigate different types of food together.

We're going to think about where it comes from, we're going to think about how it is made.

Our first key word is fresh food.

These are foods that have not been changed in any way.

For example, different fruits and vegetables and different pure meats.

In a moment, press pause and try and think of as many examples of fresh food as you can.

Write them down if you wish.

Press resume, when you're done.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you manage to think of lots of fresh foods? I bet you did.

Let's test ourselves.

Bread is a fresh food, true or false? You're right, it is false.

Bread is processed, because the grain is milled into flour, and flour is what we use to make bread.

Let's try another quick quiz.

Chopped strawberries are a fresh food, true or false? That's right, it's true.

Strawberries are fresh, because they've not been changed in any way.

What I'd like you to do now, in a moment you're going to pause the clip and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fresh food with an adult.

Here are two ideas to get you started.

An advantage of fresh food is it can be cheap to buy.

A disadvantage is they have to be washed and prepped.

See if you can think of any more ideas.

Off you go.

Did you think a lots of advantages and disadvantages? I bet you did, well done.

Fresh food, fresh food.

Now let's move on to processed food.

Processed foods are foods that have been changed from the way they started.

You either do this for safety reasons or because it is better to store or better to eat.

An example of this is grain is milled to produce flour, and then we use the flour to make things like cakes, biscuits, and bread.

Olives are used to change into olive oil.

I got my words in a twist then, didn't I? Olives are pressed into olive oil.

And finally milk is processed to make cheese and butter.

See if you can think of some more examples of processed food and write them down.

Press resume once you're finished.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you think of many processed foods? There's quite a lot on that.

Let's test ourselves.

Cheese is a processed food, true or false? That's right, it's true.

Cheese is processed because we use milk and change the milk to make cheese.

Ham is a processed food.

How do you think? You're right, it's true.

Extra salt is added to ham so it lasts longer, it is processed.

What I'd like you to do now in a moment, is pause the video and again discuss with an adult the advantages and disadvantages of processed food.

And here are two ideas to get you started.

An advantage of processed food is it makes it very easy to prepare.

Making a quick piece of toast in the morning is a lot easier when we already have our slice bread ready to go.

A disadvantage of processed food is we don't always know what the ingredients are.

We have to be careful what we're putting into our bodies.

Pause the clip and discuss ideas with an adult.

Press resume once you're done.

Did you think of some ideas? Well done if you did.

Processed food, food that has been changed from the way it started either for safety reasons or to make it easier to store and eat.

Let's move on.

We have pre-cooked food, food that has already been prepared and cooked.

So it can either be eaten straight away or simply reheated before you eat.

Here I have a frozen pizza and lots of frozen foods you find in the supermarket such as fish fingers, chicken nuggets are often pre-cooked foods.

I'd like you to press pause in a moment, and think of as many pre-cooked foods as you can.

Write them down if you like.

Press resume when you're done.

Ready? Off you go.

Well done for thinking of lots of pre-cooked foods.

We're now going to have a look at which foods are pre-cooked just to check our learning.

Have a look at the four options below, we have frozen pizza, apples, frozen chicken nuggets and bacon.

Which foods are pre-cooked? Have a think.

Well you right, well done if you were.

Frozen pizza and chicken nuggets are pre-cooked because they only need to be heated before they can be safely eaten.

Whilst apples are fresh food, and bacon is a processed food.

Let's try one more time.

Which of these foods are processed? Bread, chicken breasts, strawberries, lettuce.

Have a think.

Well done.

Bread is a processed food.

It's made by combining ingredients and cooking.

Chicken breast is fresh, lettuce and strawberries are also fresh as well.

What I'd like you to do now, is in a moment you're going to pause the clip, and you're going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of pre-cooked food with an adult.

Here are two ideas to get you started.

An advantage of pre-cooked-food is it's very easy to cook.

We simply heat up the oven, and cook the food or put it into a microwave.

A disadvantage is that pre-cooked food could contain hidden sugars that we wouldn't even think were there.

Pause the clip now, and think of more ideas.

Ready? Off you go.

Did you think of different advantages and disadvantages? well done if you did.

Here's some more ideas to share.

With pre-cooked, few ingredients are needed.

With a disadvantage could also contain hidden salt as well.

We're nearly at the end of today's lesson.

Here's our final activity.

In a moment, I would like you to pause the video and complete this task.

I would like you to analyse a lunch that you've recently eaten and enjoyed.

I would like you to draw and label the lunch that you've recently eaten.

Don't forget, enjoyed.

I would like you to label each item of food.

Now this part's really important, don't forget to add the additional information.

Was your food item fresh, processed or pre-cooked? I would also like you to add the label, what type of food is it? Finally, I'd like you to make a note of whether the food item you had for lunch was healthy.

When you're finished, you'll need to press resume.

Are you ready? Off you go.

Well done for completing that activity.

I bet you worked really hard on it and now you've analysed your lunch.

There's a lot of information you will have learned from it.

Let's recap on what we did together today.

First of all, we looked at why we need to eat and drink.

We then explored different packed lunches and compared fresh, pre-cooked and processed food.

Finally, you had to go analysing your own lunch.

Well, you've certainly learnt a lot today and I've really really enjoyed being your teacher in today's lesson.

I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson very soon.

Take care, bye.