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Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Mrs. Enock, and I'm so happy to be your design and technology teacher for mechanisms, levers and linkages.

In today's lesson, we're going to be exploring and developing our ideas further using our understanding of mechanisms. It's a great lesson and I can't wait to get started.

Let's go.

In today's lesson, you are going to need pencil, rubber and ruler and possibly pencil crayons.

If you want to develop your ideas further before your final design, then you will also need cardboard, scissors and split pins.

Please remember, scissors must be used under the supervision of a parent or carer.

In today's lesson, we're going to look at our design brief.

We're going to look at the design criteria.

And then begin to develop our persuasive picture ideas through a range of different techniques.

We're then going to expand our ideas and learn to add annotation, special notes to our pictures.


Here are the keywords for us to use and understand in today's lesson.

I'll go first, then you go, okay? Mechanism.

Can you say that? Great.

Mechanism is a device used to create movement in a product.

Design brief.

Your turn.


A design brief is a description of a product of how it will be designed.

It will say exactly how the product will function to meet the needs of the user.

So our design brief will be about our moving persuasive picture.


Your turn.

A bridge is when we use a short card strip, which helps keep the lever and the linkage mechanisms in place.

It help gives a more controlled movement to our design.

Loose pivot.

Your turn.

A loose pivot is when we have the pivot, the paper fastener just joins the two cardboard strips together.

It is not attached to the back of the card.

That's why it's loose.

And finally fixed pivot.


The fixed pivot is when the paper fastener joins our card strips, which are the lever, to the backing paper.

Therefore the pivot is fixed, hence the name.

Let's explore our design brief.

Our design brief was to design a persuasive picture with moving components.

Now, you might have chosen to do a persuasive picture or advert.

Remember, the focus is on what you want to design.

Let's just recap on exactly what we have to do.

Let's read this statement.

The picture does not need to have moving parts.

Point to true or point to false.

It's right, it's false.

The design brief states it must have linkages and levers to make part of the picture move.

Let's look at this statement.

The picture will be designed to persuade the viewer.

Point to true or if you think it's false.

That's right, it's true.

We are designing a persuasive picture.

We want to persuade a target market audience to either do or think something and we're persuading them to think that way.

Here's our design criteria.

This is the design criteria that helps us hone in and really understand what the persuasive picture must include.

Let's have a look.

It must be moving.

The advert or picture must include a lever and linkage to make that very important movement.

It must be controlled.

The movement needs to be smooth and controlled.

A way of achieving this is by adding a bridge onto our levers and linkages.

It must be appealing.

We want the picture to look attractive to a viewer.

So their attention is drawn to it, making them read the information that we're presenting to them.

And finally, it must be persuasive.

The adverts or picture must persuade the viewer to think or do something.

Let's recap on what our design criteria needs to include.

Have a look at these four statements.

Appealing, big, persuasive, have moving parts.

Which one of these are part of our design criteria? Point to the correct answers now.

Did you guess correctly? Well done if you did.

Our product does need to be appealing so people want to look at it.

It does need to be persuasive and it does need to have mechanisms to make parts of it move.

The size of your product is not a criteria.

Okay, it's time for us to develop persuasive picture ideas.

We're going to think about what we're persuading people to do.

Think about what your persuasive picture is going to focus on.

If you haven't decided this, press pause and decide now.


Here's what I'm going to focus persuading people on.

I want you to persuade people to help the planet.

So I had an initial brainstorm.

And then I began to explore my ideas through sketches, tracing and looking at pictures for inspiration.

And once I'd really focused on what I wanted to do, I then started to explore different ideas.

I thought about the persuasive message use less plastic, because I'm aware that plastic can end up in our oceans and this is going to have a negative impact on the sea creatures that live there.

I explored about having a strong visual image of creatures being upset.

Initially, I thought about an Arctic theme with the melting ice caps but I'm really now fixed on a sea theme using sea creatures.

I really liked the idea of including a turtle in my picture and the idea of actually showing people the animals trapped in plastic to make it more persuasive to help them to make the right decision and use less plastic.

So once I had my initial brainstorm, and I really worked on developing and exploring different ideas, I then locked in on developing my sketches into pictures.

I used a fine thin black pen just to make it look really bold.

I wanted to focus on almost cartoonesque fishes to make the picture appealing to people.

And then I decided to add plastic.

So you can see the sea creatures actually covered in the plastic to help people visually realise the impact of plastic in the oceans.

And finally, I wanted to make sure that the fish conveyed their unhappiness.

So I really emphasised the sadness in their face.

I also worked really hard to try and draw my turtle in the water with the plastic.

Now, as you can see, there's lots of pencil sketch marks.

That shows that I was not afraid to rework my idea, keep trying out the different designs.

And once I'd got it locked in, I then went over my drawing with a fine black pen to really make it stand out.

It's now time for you to pause the video and complete your task.

You're going to develop your ideas for your persuasive picture.

So what you need to do is look at your previous sketches and then choose which sketches you want to develop into pictures.

Then it will be time for you to practise drawing your chosen pictures, starting to really develop that idea ready for our final product.

Once you've done this, press resume and we'll carry on learning together.

Ready? Go develop your ideas.

Well done.

I hope you came up with some really great pictures from exploring and extending your ideas.

It's now time to expand on these ideas and begin to add annotation to our designs.

Okay, we're going to produce a persuasive picture.

We've looked at the actual picture.

We now need to think about the mechanisms that we've already explored.

If you haven't decided on your mechanism, press pause and have a think about the mechanisms now.

Once you've decided, press resume, and we'll explore the ideas that I've come up with.

Ready? Go plan your mechanisms. Did you plan your mechanisms? Well done.

Here are the two mechanisms that I have chosen.

Now, we've got the picture of the mechanism and I've started to add a little bit of annotation.

This is the writing that is attached to the picture and it gives the reason why I've chosen that mechanism.

So underneath mechanism one, I've chosen this for a turtle 'cause I'd really like my turtle to have a wide range of movement, that lovely oscillating movement all across the water.

I really want my turtle to feature in my persuasive picture.

And I think this mechanism will allow a wide range of movement.

My second mechanism I've chosen is where there's one input and two outputs.

Now, I've chosen my mechanism two 'cause I would like two fish to appear in my persuasive picture.

And I'd like the fish to sort of swim in the movement of the water, but it needs to be a smaller movement.

So I've chosen to have one wide movement and two smaller movements.

So that's why I've chosen my mechanisms. What you need to do now is you need to make a sketch of your mechanisms and add annotation about why you've chosen them.

You need to know why you've chosen them, what you want your mechanism to do.

When you've done that, press resume and we'll carry on learning together.

Ready? Off you go.

Here is an annotated sketch of the front of my moving picture.

So I need to do two annotated sketches.

I need to plan what the front of my picture will look like.

And then I need to plan what the back of my picture will look like.

So here's my annotated sketch for the initial design.

Now what I have done is I've actually drawn my moving characters separately.

And I've done this so I can still experiment and move them if needed.

So this is what I came up with.

I came up with persuasive messages that are short, sharp and snappy.

I want it to be really clear.

So the viewer does not have to do too much reading.

So I came up with save our planet, use less plastic.

I've added persuasive pictures of sea creatures trapped in the plastic.

Now, I've put the seabed in the background quite simple because I wanted the emphasis to be given to the words and the moving characters.

So there will be colour added to this final design but I want to make sure that my words and my characters really stand out.

Here is an annotated sketch of the back of my moving picture.

I've decided to experiment about doing two different ones.

I'm going to try the fish on two different levers.

I'm developing my ideas.

Okay, let's see.

I've got the slit card for the movement where my turtle will be.

And I've got the one with the fish moving as well.

I'm developing my ideas further.

It's now time for you to pause the video and complete your task.

You're going to add annotation to the front and back of your moving picture.

So once you've got the front and the back of your design, add notes about the parts and the movements you want to see.

Remember, it's okay to change your idea, and make sure that it works for you.

Once you've done that, press resume and we'll carry on learning together.

Ready? Off you go.

Well done for adding the annotation to your designs.

I hope that you have a clearer picture in your mind now of exactly what you want to make and how you want it to move.

Let's just check what we've learned so far with this question.

Does my design have moving parts which are controlled? Be honest with yourself and point to your answer.

Do you agree yes, your design does, or no, it does not? Well done if it's yes.

We need our moving parts to be controlled because the design brief said that the moving parts must have moving parts with good control.

So if it's not controlled yet, I'd recommend going back to the drawing board and exploring your ideas a little bit further.

Okay, let's ask ourselves this question.

Just checking on what we've explored so far.

Is my design persuasive and appealing? Point to either yes or no.

Well done if it's a yes.

The design brief states that the picture must be persuasive and it must look appealing to the viewer.

So if you have not got a persuasive picture and there's nothing appealing about your design, I recommend going back to the drawing board and just exploring your ideas a little bit further.

If you've managed to do those two things, let's move on with our learning.

Wow, I can't believe we've come to the end of our lesson already.

We've worked really hard today and you should be very proud of yourself.

In today's lesson, we looked at the design brief, the design criteria.

We began to develop our persuasive picture ideas.

We turned our sketches into starting to form the final design, really locking in on what we want our character or pictures to look like.

We also began to expand our ideas and we started to make notes to add more detail to explore our thinking.

I hope you've got a really clear idea in your mind now about how your picture is going to move.

And what's going to be included in your picture.

Well done for today.

I've really enjoyed working with you.

And I feel like you've learned a lot in this design and technology process.

If you'd like to share your work with Oak National, just please ask your parents or carer to share your work on Twitter, tagging @OakNational or #LearnwithOak.

All that's left to say is I'm very proud of you and I will see you soon.

Goodbye for now.