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Hello, and welcome to today's lesson.

We are learning about electronic simple circuits and switches.

My name is Mrs. Bishop, and I will be your design and technology teacher for today.

In today's lesson, we are going to learn how to design a simple electronic circuit.

So when you are ready, we can begin.

In this lesson, you will need an exercise book or some paper.

If you do have it, could you try to use some clean paper today with like the lines on it, but don't worry if you don't have that type of paper.

You will also need a pencil to write and draw with.

I hope today that you've started by completing your intro quiz.

If you haven't, you can pull up the video now and give that a go.

We'll start today by looking at electrical components.

After that, we will think about how to draw a circuit.

And finally today, I would like you to complete your exit quiz.

In today's lesson, there are some keywords.

I will say each keyword, and I would like you to repeat them after me.

I will also read a definition of the keyword, as they could be helpful within today's lesson.

First keyword is components.

Can you say components? Components are the key parts used in an electrical circuit.

Our next words are input devices.

Can you say input devices? These are components used in order to get the circuit working, for example, switches.

Our next words are output devices.

Can you say output devices? These are components that work in the circuit that shows that it is operating correctly, for example, a bulb lighting up or a buzzer going ding.

Now let's lean back to what we've learned before within this unit.

In this unit, we've learned that we will be designing and making a battery operated night light.

So far, we have looked at electrical safety and how to stay safe around and battery-powered electrical items. We've also investigated electrical products, looking at their function, their look, who the user will be, and how well they are made from different materials.

We've also developed design criteria for our particular light that we would like to make.

We identified the user and the function of the night light that we want to design and thought about what we need to do in order to make to this design criteria.

So let's consider this question.

Water and electricity should be kept away from each other.

Do you think it's true or false? That's right, it's true.

It's very important that water and electricity are kept away from each other, because it can be very dangerous and cause an electric shock to your person.

Let's now look at electric components.

What can you remember about electrical systems? Pause the video and have a think.

Welcome back.

Well, what could you remember? Did you remember that electrical systems are made up from something called input devices? Well done.

They are components that are used to control electrical products, such as switches.

Then we have processes.

Inside all electrical devices, there is a process that changes an input to an output.

It is the part that sort of thinks in the electrical device.

And then we had output devices, our main components that produce an outcome such as a light lighting up or a buzzer making a sound.

In an electrical system, we also need to power source.

Power sources can be batteries, which provide different amounts of power.

We also use battery holders to hold these in place that they are safe for users to use, and they look a little bit like this.

Or we might also use coin cells, which look like these, which are used in smaller electrical products.

In our electrical systems, we will also use switches.

These are used by a user to control how the product is turned on or off, and they come in different forms. We have a simple toggle switch, which looks like this, and it's just a simple on and off switch.

We also have push to make switches.

And this is when you push, and the electricity flows through the circuit.

When you release your push, the circuit is broken, and the switch is off.

We also have what's called a push to break switch, and these switches are , when the switch is off while the button is pushed, but it returns to its on position when the button is released.

The next type of electrical components we might use are ones that should give us light.

So we have bulbs, which we can place inside bulb holders like these ones, and they provide a bright light.

We also could use LEDs, and they are good because they come in different colours, and we might want different coloured lights for our product.

They also use very low amounts of electricity compared to bulbs.

We might also need something to connect all the components in our circuits today.

So we can use wires to do that.

They help electrical data flow from the battery to the component.

We need crocodile clips as well to connect the wires to the components.

You might also have other components, and there are many other ones.

Thinking about your night light, you might think about using other types of components too.

Let's now look at how we can draw a circuit.

Before we begin drawing our circuit, we need to select the components that we would need for our night light.

Let's have a look at some together.

Here they are all.

Can you pause the video and select the components that you're going to need in your night light design? Welcome back.

Have you selected the components that you need? Fantastic.

I'm going to select the wire, this switch, the battery, the bulb holder, the bulb, and maybe some crocodile clips.

Not that we know which components we want to use in our circuit, I'm going to show you how to build a circuit.

So we need to start with our power source here.

I've got two AA batteries inside of this battery holder, and this is the positive terminal, and this is the negative terminal.

I also have two examples of switches here.

I have a push to make switch.

When we push down the button, the current can flow through the switch.

And I have a simple on, off toggle switch.

And again, when it's pushed this way, the current cannot move.

When I push it the other way, the current can flow through this switch into the next component.

I also have here some examples of different types of lights.

I've got a bulb holder and a bulb, which we simply screw in like this.

And I also have some different coloured LED lights.

Okay, now, to connect all of my components, I have some wires.

The great thing about these types of wires is that they have this connector, a crocodile clip attached to them.

They're also coated in plastic, which is a type of electrical insulator, which means that I cannot get an electrical shock from the wire, which is inside of the plastic.

So let's have a go at making a simple series circuit.

So let me start with my power source.

I'm going to use my simple toggle switch this time.

I'm going to use my bulb to begin with, okay? And this needs to be connected up using the wires.

Now very carefully, what I'm going to do, I'm going to show you how I would make this into a theory circuit.

I'm going to connect one side of this wire to the one side of the battery.

Then I'm going to connect this part of the wire to this connector on the switch.

Then I need another wire, and I'm going to use that wire to connect the other connector on the switch to the bulb, and I want to connect one side of my bulb, okay? Now let's see.

Does that work? No, the bulb has not lit up yet.

So what might be wrong with my circuit? Ah.

I can see what might be wrong.

I need to connect this part of the bulb to the other side of the battery.

Let's use another wire.

Okay, and we're just going to connect it on to this connector.

On the other end of the wire, we're going to connect onto this side of the battery.

Now let's see, when I use my on, off switch, will the bulb light up? There we go.

I can see that I've got one complete circuit where my bulb will light up, okay? This time, let's look at using the LEDs in a circuit.

So again, we will need a switch, a light, and we can choose which one we're going to use, and we will need a power source.

Shall we use the push to make switch this time? I think we should, okay.

Okay, and we're going to use the wires and the connectors to connect up all the components in the circuit to make one complete circuit where electricity can flow.

So let's connect this wire to the positive side, and then let's connect the other part of this wire to one connector on my switch.

Then we need to use another wire, connect this side of the switch to one of our LEDs.

We're using the blue LED first, okay? And connect to that just like that.

And now I'm going to connect the other leg of the LED using the crocodile clip.

And I'm going to connect that to the other side of the battery, to the negative side.

Okay, now has the LED lit up yet? No, but that's because this switch is a push to make switch.


But I'm pushing it, and it's not working.

That might be because with an LED, there's a positive and negative side, just like the way with the battery.

There was a positive and negative side.

I might have to troubleshoot a little bit and switch around these wires maybe to see if that will help the LED to light up.

Let's switch around the positive and negative sides.

And now when I pass the switch, can you see that the LED will light up? What I want you to do is I want you to take some time sketching the circuit that we have made.

If you don't have the components, don't worry, you can look at the images with me.

And I want you to create your own annotated sketch of the circuit we made, okay? So I'm just going to go with the things that we used again.

I want you to think about how we could sketch these components and make ourselves an annotated sketch.

So look very carefully about the different shapes and sizes you can see here.

You can see that it's mainly a way to shape.

Let's sketch over here.

Just looking at it, like okay, and take your time to sketch.

You might even see that there's different shapes that you can see, there's a cutout bit here.

What I want you to do now is I want you to sketch the circuit, and I want you to make sure that you join up all the different parts.

You might end up with something like this.

So I have sketched the battery and the wires connecting to the switch and to the bulb.

Once you've sketched your circuit diagram, you might also like to annotate all the different components that you can see within your diagram.

Well done.

Now what I want you to do is to draw a simple series circuit.

Make sure you include a power source, the switch, a bulb or an LED, draw wires to connect the components together.

Pause the video now to complete your task.

Well done for designing an electrical circuit diagram with me today.

I think you've done really well in today's lesson, and I'm really looking forward to seeing you again.

In the next few lessons, we will start to design, make, and evaluate our night lamps.

I hope that you are excited to get started with that.

In the meantime, if you'd like to, you could share your work, and you can do this by asking a parent or carer to share your work on Twitter, tagging @OakNational and #Learnwithoak.

I really look forward to seeing you again soon, but in the meantime, I hope that you stay safe and happy.

Goodbye for now.