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Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Hello, and welcome to this unit called, Electronic Simple Circuits and Switches.

My name Mrs. Bishop.

What's your name? Oh, that's brilliant.

I feel like we know each other a little bit better already.

I'm really excited to start this journey with you today.

We're going to learn all about electrical systems and we're going to be creating our own electrical products.

Please remember that throughout these lessons, you must be supervised by an adult whenever we are investigating and exploring electrical products.

Today, we're going to start by trying to find electrical systems around our home.

I'm going to explore some of the inputs, processes, outputs of these products.

In today's lesson, you will need an exercise book or some paper.

If you have some blank paper that might be useful because we will be drawing today.

You will also need a pencil to draw and write with.

We started today with our intro quiz, but if you haven't given it a go, you could pause the video now and go and have to try.

Today will start with safety first.

It's very important that we learn how to stay safe around electrical systems and electrical products.

After that, we going to be looking in more detail at electrical products that we can find around our home.

Then we're going to be identifying inputs, processes and outputs of electrical system.

And finally today, I would like you to complete your exit quiz.

You can show me how much you've learned within this lesson.

Today there are some keywords, I will say the keywords and I would like you to repeat them after me.

These keywords will be important in today's lesson.

So I will also read to you a definition of each word.

First keyword is electricity, can you say the word electricity.

Electricity is a form of energy.

Our next words are input devices.

Can you say input devices? Input devices are components used in order to get the circuit working for examples switches.

Our next words are output devices? Can you say output devices? Output devices are components that work if the circuit is operating correctly.

For example, a bulb lighting up or buzzer sounding.

Before we can begin investigating and exploring electrical systems in our home, we must consider safety first.

There are two main types of electrical systems within your home.

There is mains electric, we use plugs to plug electrical items into power sockets.

Normally find in the walls of our home.

This type of electricity can be incredibly dangerous, if we do not treat it with respect, we also might find that some products in our home, use batteries to power them.

Now, how do you stay safe, when you using electrical systems? I want you to pause the video now and have a think about that.

Welcome back.

Let's have a look at it together.

How do we stay safe when using electrical systems? The first thing to remember is that mains electric can be incredibly dangerous.

So there's some things that we must do.

We must keep water away from electrical item.

We must make sure that whenever we use electrical items, they are dry, never used mains power electric near water.

The next thing we must remember is not to pull wires, do not pull wires.

Don't let leads or wires trail along the floor, and please do not use a damaged cable.

The next thing is do not play near power lines.

Never play in your electricity pylons or near railways as this can be incredibly dangerous.

Make sure you keep fingers away from power socket.

Be careful.

You do not want to go an electric shock.

You also must make sure that we do not fly kites or drones near power lines, as they may get caught.

You must not overload an extension cord.

It could overheat and cause a fire.

Always use electrical items very carefully.

Check it as safe before you use it and never use a blackened plug.

Finally, ask an adult for help.

If you are unsure of anything in regards to electrical products, do not touch it, go and ask an adult for help.

Also make sure an adult is tacking electrical items regularly.

And I'm going to ask them children, We will use batteries only.

However care must still be taken.

Really, you must make sure that you handled batteries carefully, do not try to force them into places that they do not fit.

Flat batteries should be recycled.

And that means that we can look after our environment.

If a battery is damaged, do not use it.

If it is damaged in any way or leaking, do not use it at all.

Please go and tell an adult.

Rechargeable batteries, we will not use these within our lesson.

However we must remember not to charge a battery that isn't rechargeable.

Always ask an adult for help first.

Today's first task is to design an electronics safety rule poster.

In this unit we will be using battery power.

However it is very important that you were aware of the dangerous all types of electricity.

So what I want you to do is design a safety poster, to show how to stay around electrical systems. You may pause the video to complete your first task.

Welcome back.

I hope that you have now designed and created a wonderful poster to show how to stay safe around an electrical systems. Here's an example of the poster that I completed, and you can see that I have taken some of the things that we discussed and put it on the poster.

I got some of the tips to keep us safe.

For example, do not fly kites near pylons, do not pull on cables, never put your fingers or objects into power socket.

Keep water away from electrical devices do not use broken cables and don't overload power sockets.

Did you say anything different? Perhaps you did.

Well done for completing your first task.

Now we can look at electrical products.

And we are going to look and find electrical products in our home.

You must make sure you're supervised by an adult at all times during these activities.

The first thing I want you to do is I don't want you to go to your kitchen but think about your kitchen.

And I want you to pause the video and think about the electrical products that you can find in your kitchen.

If you cannot go to your kitchen, you can look at the picture of the kitchen I have on the video.

Welcome back.

Well, do you want to shout out to me all the different electrical products you find, perhaps you find some of these ones, lets have a look together.

Kettle, blender, cooker, Washing machine, toaster microwave or a mixer.

Nice lets look at the next room in our home.

So I want you to pause the video now and go and explore what type of electrical products you might find in your living room.

If you cannot do that, you can look at the picture of this living room and see what electrical products you can spot.

Pause the video now to complete that task.

Welcome back.

Well, I wonder what electrical products you find, in this living room I can see quite a few, lets look at some of them together.

Did you say a TV or television actually find a mobile phone or a mobile phone charger? Both of which are electrical products.

Maybe if I be comfortable, maybe if there some lights or lighting features like this one? Or you find some spark speakers or different types of lights.

Now I want you to pause the video and go and explore in a bedroom, what type of electrical products you might find.

Okay if you cannot do that, you can always look at the picture with me.

Welcome back.

Lets look at what electrical products that you find, maybe you find some different ones to me, but perhaps you find these on, a laptop, radiator, alarm clock, hairdryer, or some hair straighteners, an electrical extension cord, or maybe you find another type of lamp.

She finds some different electrical products.

The next room I want you to investigate is the office.

If you don't have one of these or you cannot go to it right now, you can pull this video and look at this picture of office.

What electrical product can you spot? Welcome back.

Let's look at the images together.

Maybe you find the electrical fan, or the wifi, hope you finds the tablet.

You find a radio or a computer or a laptop, hope she finds a camera.

All of these are types of electrical products.

Now the final one I want you to look out today is outside.

So if you can, you can go outside and see.

Can you see any electrical products? If can't, you can look at my picture.

What electrical products do you think would be used outside? Welcome back.

I wonder what you find.

I find these ones.

I find toys, toy helicopter, or toys like this that will ride on truck, more toys outside.

That's the thing I spotted most.

And also I saw the lawn mower type of electrical device.

Well done for exploring and discovering all those electrical systems around your home.

Now did you know that all electrical systems have inputs processes and outputs, and we're going to look at those now together.

And when you looked at all the electrical systems around your home, maybe you started to see that there's some bits that we as users input information with.

For example, we might input information on dials like these, or we use dial to change the temperature or volume of the device.

I could see one here on my cook card, but maybe you'd spotted them somewhere else as well.

We might also use switches and switches can be like these ones and they can help the user turn a device on or off and it helps to control the electrical system.

We might also have seen some input devices on electrical systems such as microphones, and I thinking about the smart speakers, they listen through a microphone and then perform an action from what they hear.

We might have a list of things like solar cell, and some of our electrical products they pick off light, and from that fan, choose what function to produce.

We might also think keypads on some electrical devices around our home.

They look like this.

And again, they're an input device because our user like me, or you input the code and that makes something happen.

You might've seen some different types of input devices, such as light sensors and temperature sensors, depending on the products that you find within your home.

Now lets look at some output devices.

Output devices range in things like bulbs, maybe you've spotted those around your home and they output light.

And we also have LEDs, which stands for light emitting diodes.

Again, they give light, their output is light.

We often see those used and things like Christmas tree lights, or I know where there's one of my home on the edge of the remote control or on the TV box.

Hope you can spot those two.

We also use speakers, and they are output devices which output sound.

We also have heat as a heating elements.

I'm trying to think what electrical device that was used an output.

That's right.

It was the kettle output.

We must be very careful whenever we're using electrical products to give us heat and there is a lot around our home.

Can you think of any, hairdryers, straighteners all of those things give out a lot of heat.

And we must be very careful when using those.

Other outputs that we find our motors, our movement.

You think of any electrical items in your home, that move, what could it be? I'm thinking about those little toy cars that you might have at home or different types of things like washing machines that move.

There's lots of things in our home that use motors or movement as an output.

For many more output devices, maybe you can look at some of them for yourself.

Then also within an electrical system, there's something called a process.

That's inside all electrical devices.

And the process is the bit that changes our inputs to an output.

I also think about it as the thinking part of the electrical device.

Lets look at this one together, I wonder if you could pause the video and point to where the inputs and outputs are on this lamp.

Welcome back.

I wonder how you got on, well, this is the input on the lamp the switch that turns it on and off again.

And the output of the lamp is the light that comes on or off, depending on the input.

What about this one? Pause the video now, what are the inputs and outputs that you can spot on the kettle? Welcome back.

Let's go through the answers together.

The first input I can see is the switch, which turns the kettle on and off.

I can see an output here at the front with this led light, which tells me when the kettle is ready to be boiled.

Another outcome is the heater which heats the water within the kettle.

Lets look at this next device.

This is a washing machine.

Again, can you pause the video and see if you can identify all the inputs and outputs on the washing machine? Welcome back.

Well, what did you think? Let's go through the answers together.

For the first input device will be on and off switch, we use it to turn the washing machine on or off.

Then I saw another input.

I saw this dial, which we use to help change the different settings.

We can have different types of washes.

I also saw then some output, the first one I saw it was the heater inside the washing machine, which heats the water to help us wash our clothes really well.

And I also saw that there was another output here.

The motor that makes the drums turn round, that was another output.

The other output that I saw was the led display, which is just displays how long there is left for my clothes to wash.

There was lots of things on the electrical washing machine.

What I want you to do now, is I want you to go and investigate electrical products.

You must be supervised by an adult.

I want you to look around your home now and find electrical devices.

And what I want you to do is I want you to identify the inputs and outputs of each device, just that we just did together.

You can choose to display this as a drawing, or you could take a photograph, whichever works best for you, but save the video once you're finished.

Welcome back.

How did you get on? Wonderful.

Were are you able to find lots of different electrical systems around your home? Great.

And when you find those electrical systems, were you able to identify the input devices and the output devices? Excellent.

I'm super proud of you today.

You've done really well in this lesson.

You'll find lots of different electrical systems around your home.

You've learned how to stay safe around electricity.

And also you've learned about different input devices, such as switches and dials and how you use them or uses those to make an electrical product do something.

And that's called output and we learned about different output devices, such as lights and LEDs and posters to make.

So well done everybody.

I really am looking forward to seeing you again next time.

In the meantime, I really hope that you stay safe and happy.
