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Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee, and I'm going to be your design and technology teacher.

Today is lesson seven of our topic which is reactions, control in design and technology.

And if you've been with us previously, you will remember that we've learnt an awful lot.

We've been learning about electrical systems. We've also learned about mechanical systems and we've learnt how we can connect an electrical system to a mechanical system to make it work.

And we've learnt about the different parts of both systems. We've learnt about inputs, processes, and outputs.

And we've also learnt about how to create our own ideas.

And if you remember, Mrs. Mee has given you a brief, do you remember what that design brief is? That's right.

We are designing a smart device to help children with recycling.

We've explored the problem.

We've developed our own criteria.

We've developed lots of design ideas.

We've even developed our ideas.

And today's lesson is all about planning how we're going to make them.

So come and join me and I will talk you through today's lesson.

Okay, so today's lesson is all about planning to make an end product.

So we need to make sure we're following the rules as always.

Now, before you plan, you might still need to do a little bit of exploring and experimenting before you decide how you're going to make your end product.

So don't worry if you still need to do that.

What you are going to need for today's lesson is a piece of paper, a pencil, and you may need a computer to create your plan of making, so that is entirely optional.

You can plan your products by hand by planning them on a piece of paper or you can use a computer as a tool to help, it's entirely up to you.

But if you pause the video, make sure you've got all of the equipment that you need for today's lesson, when you're ready, press resume and we will start today's lesson.

Fantastic, so hopefully you've got everything you need for today's lesson.

So you should have already done the intro quiz.

What we're going to look at today is we're actually going to look at planning in design and technology and what that looks like.

We're then going to use that knowledge to plan how to make your final prototype.

And we're also then going to do a separate plan on how to make an electrical system.

So some of the keywords we're going to use this lesson, the word plan is going to be used a lot.

So this is a term to describe how we intend to make our product and how we plan can be presented in lots of different ways.

We're also going to use the word inform because the plan will inform someone else how you're going to make your product.

So a plan, sorry, the word inform is the act of giving or receiving information.

And we will inform others how to make our product.

So let's have a look at what planning looks like in design and technology.

So why is it important, first of all, to make a plan how to make an end product? Is it important to make a plan so we can show our teacher or is it to help us understand how to make our end product? Which option would you select? Point to the screen when you think you've got the answer.

Brilliant, so hopefully you've got the right answer.

It is indeed to help us understand how we're going to make our end product.

So you may need to rethink and revisit your models to be able to remind yourself how to make it before you begin.

Now, a plan is also used in industry, by designers and engineers, to help other people make our products.

This can also be supported by key drawings to help communicate the key information that's important.

What would you include in a plan if you were informing somebody else how to make your product? Pause the video and have a little think, what would you include in your plan of how to make an end product to allow somebody else to be able to follow that plan and make your product? Brilliant, have you had a think? So let's explore.

What would you include in a plan if you're informing somebody else to make a product? Let's see if you've got some of the same ideas as me.

Did you have tools? That's right.

So before you start making your prototype, you may need to inform someone of the tools that they will need.

What else did you say? Step-by-step process, absolutely.

So it needs to be clearly written stage by stage so that I can follow it.

Did you say materials? Well done if you did.

You are going to need to identify what materials will be needed so if someone else is following it, they need to know everything.

Equipment, did you say equipment? Yes, brilliant.

And clear instructions.

So you need to include instructions that are clear for another person to follow.

And you may have mentioned components if you are using components.

So here's just some of the things that you need to include in your plan.

And you may have actually identified the software.

Now, if you remember, to make the electrical system, we do need a key piece of software.

Okay, so how can you present a plan so it's clear? Let's have a look at some of the ways we can present.

We could present it as a list, a flow chart, a table.

The list could include written instructions.

A flow chart would include shapes and they'd be written in a particular order.

A table might include written instructions and images.

So let's have a look at some of these examples of how we might present a plan of making.

So if you're presenting it as a list, here is an example you might use bullet points, you might use numbers, and you would write the instructions really clearly.

So before I instruct another person to make my end prototype, I'm telling them what they need to do.

So collect materials, you will need cardboard, tape.

Collect equipment, you will need scissors and a ruler.

So that is a clear example of a list.

Now I could use bullet points, numbers, letters.

It's entirely up to you how you present your list.

But a list is one example of how you might plan.

Another example is a flow chart.

So a flow chart is made up of shapes.

So in each shape, you can either clearly write instructions or you could include images.

So the flow chart, we use boxes with the information clearly inside and we use arrows to indicate the direction.

So the same information, but it's presented in a different way, collect materials, collect equipment, and you'll notice those arrows.

Now, you'll notice a different shape in a moment, but shapes are used for each stage.

So each instruction we use a rectangle and we use arrows to indicate, but then we use a diamond for quality checks.

So a quality check, for instance, might be where you tell the person to stop and check that they have got the correct equipment.

So a quality check might be check that you have the equipment.

If you have the equipment, go to the next stage.

If you don't have the correct equipment, go back to the collect equipment instruction and make sure you collect all the equipment you need.

So that is an example of flow charts.

We've looked at lists, we've looked at a flow chart.

We've looked at the use of a diamond for a quality control check.

Now let's have a look at an example table.

So here is an example table.

So you can see I've got the stages written out and I've got illustrations on the right.

Collect materials, cardboard and tape.

Collect equipment, scissors, ruler, and pencil.

So you need to think about which plan of making you might use.

Might you use a list, a flow chart, or a table? There are lots of different ways you can present a plan of making.

You could think about how you could present it in other ways as well.

So let's have a go now at planning to make your final prototype.

So this is the physical model of your design idea.

How are you going to make it? So what we're going to do is we're going to select one of those methods and use it to present how you're going to make your model.

So you do need to consider the materials, tools, and equipment, any components that you might need, and how you're going to present each stage.

So a reminder of the different ways in which you can present, you can use a flow chart, you can use a table and here is an example.

you could create a list.

And here is an example of the table that I have used.

So I selected to use a table rather than a list or a flow chart.

And here's my example.

So I have listed and illustrated all of the key stages, as you can see.

So what I want you to do now is select a method and have ago at planning how to make your final prototype.

So pause the video.

You can do this either by hand, so you could draw it out on a piece of paper, or you could use your computer and type it up on your computer.

So you can use a list, a table, or a flow chart, it's entirely up to you.

Once you've completed your plan of making, press resume and we'll continue today's lesson.


Okay, so now what we're going to look at is now we're going to look at how to plan to make our electrical system.

So we've got a clear plan on how to make our final prototype.

Now we need to look at how we're going to plan the electrical system.

So we're going to need to select a method to use to present our system, but we need to consider what components might be needed, what tools and equipment we might need and how we will present each stage.

The plan of making for your electrical system will be slightly different because you're making a slightly different product.

Have a think about what the key differences will be.

Equipment, the equipment that you need will be very different, won't it? So if you're creating your electrical system, you might be simply on a computer using a piece of online software.

The specialist knowledge that you need will be different compared to making a prototype.

When we made a prototype, we're measuring and marking out and cutting, whereas now, we're actually learning how to programme.

And the instructions may need to be presented to make it easier for another person to follow.

So are there any other ways we could present this plan of making? Have a little think about how you could present it.

Brilliant, so have you had a think? Now we could present it as a video, couldn't we? You could video yourself.

You could include images, you could sketch each stage, or you could do a screenshot, couldn't you? You could actually take a screen capture of what you are creating on screen.

You could use a flow chart, again, a table, or a list of instructions.

Have a little think about which method you're going to use.

So have a little think about all of these methods and have a think which method you are going to use.

Now, Mrs. Mee decided, and I'm going to show you my example, to use the flow chart.

But what I've decided to do is take a screen capture of each stage to include in my flow chart to make it really clear.

Let me show you my example.

Here is my example of my flow chart and each stage explaining how I'm going to make my first electrical system.

Now, the first electrical system is to make the eyes light up at the back of my recycling unit and it's going to be activated using sound.

So I've used sound as an input and light as an output.

And it will only be activated if the sound is above a certain threshold and it will stop being activated when the sound is below.

So that's my example of my first electrical system.

My second electrical system is the points.

So when you dispense litter into my bin, you will get a point each time.

Now I explored with different ways of doing this and the way that I've activated it is I've used an example that was already on the Micro:bit's website, and I've actually used a variable.

So it will add points each time a person touches the bin and it senses that movement.

And I've used the accelerometer input to sense the movement.

So I've explored different inputs.

So there's my example.

What I'd like you to do now is select what method you're going to use to present and actually present and complete a plan of making for how you're going to make your electrical system.

So pause the video, have a go at creating your own plan, when you've finished, press resume and we will conclude today's lesson.

Fantastic, so have you done your plan of making for your electrical system? Well done.

So you may have, like me, had to have done some more exploring before you planned your electrical system.

That's absolutely fine.

I had to explore different inputs until I got it right.

So we've done a lot this lesson.

You've completed the intro quiz.

We've looked at planning in design and technology.

We've looked at how to plan to make our final physical prototype.

And we've looked at planning to make an electrical system.

I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson.

If there's anything you'd like to share ask an adult to take a picture and share with us @OakNational, using the #LearnwithOak.

And I hope you've enjoyed today's lesson, and I look forward to seeing you next lesson, where we're going to explore how to make our final prototype.