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Equipment requiring safe usage.

Adult supervision recommended


Lesson video

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Oh dear.

Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee and I am your design and technology teacher.

We are exploring cooking and nutrition and our topic is celebrating culture and seasonality.

Today's lesson, we are looking at combining ingredients and we're going to make a soup.

So come and join me as we explore what we're going to do in today's lesson.

Okay, so today's lesson, we're going to learn how to make a soup.

So we're looking at combining ingredients.

The rules are, as they've always been, we need to have fun, explore and experiment, but remember, today's lesson is practical lesson.

So we are using lots of dangerous equipment, so you do need to play safe and you must have an adult supervising.

Be confident.

Don't worry if you make a mistake because that could turn into a new idea.

Now in today's lesson, we're going to be doing a focused practical task.

That means Mrs. Mee is going to teach you how to carry out a practical activity to learn a new skill.

We are going to be looking at how to prepare our work area safely before we begin.

We're then going to be looking at how to prepare a range of ingredients.

And then, we're going to look at how we can combine those ingredients.

That's what we're looking at in today's lesson.

So we are going to be using lots of keywords in today's lesson.

The first word we're going to look at is cooking.


cooking is the art, science, and craft of using heat to prepare food for consumption.

We're also going to look at food hygiene, and this refers to the safe handling, preparation, and storage of food.

We're going to look at the word and use the word cross contamination.

And this is what happens when bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one object to another.

We're then going to be using different cutting techniques in today's lesson, the claw and bridge method.

So these are ways of cutting vegetables safely.

And we are then going to learn how to combine our ingredients.

And this refers to taking one or more ingredient and cooking them together.

So we do need an awful lot in today's lesson.

The first thing you're going to need is you're going to need to download this recipe card.

So you're going to need to download this part of the recipe card, which details the ingredients and equipment that you'll need.

So if you can download that, you then need to collect all of the ingredients and equipment off that recipe card.

If you don't like those vegetables that are listed, you can swap them for other vegetables.

It doesn't matter which vegetables you use.

So you can swap them, but you need to collect all those ingredients and equipment and you will need an apron in today's lesson.

As you can see, Mrs. Mee's got her apron on ready.

So pause the video.

Once you've got all of those ingredients and equipment, resume the video and we'll start today's lesson.

Okay, so hopefully, you've got everything you need for today's lesson.

You should have your ingredients and equipment and you can download this from the worksheets, and you should have the method sheet, as well.

So what we're going to look at first is how to prepare to work safely.

So Mrs. Mee is going to introduce you to what we need to do to work safely.

So before we start preparing and combining, we do need to consider four things.

So there are four things that we need to do to follow the guidance on food hygiene.

The first thing that we need to know about is cooking.

And we'll look at that in some more details.

So these are me, this is me introducing you to the four Cs that are really important.

We need to really remember them.

Cooking, cleaning is key, chilling and cross-contamination.

So those are four keywords that we're going to look at.

So what do we mean? How do those four things mean that we are ready to work safely? Well, let me explain.

The first thing is cooking.

So what we need to make sure we do to make sure food is safe to eat, food needs to be cooked at the right temperature for the right length of time to remove any bacteria from that food.

And that is why we cook it.

So the food products that we explored during this unit, all of them need to be cooked in order for them to be eaten safely.

So when you've done food lessons previously, you may have washed, cut and eaten those food products raw.

And some foods can be eaten raw, but actually some foods do need to be cooked.

And that's what we're going to look at.

So before you cook anything, you should check the advice and guidance on the packaging about how to safely cook it.

So today in the lesson, we're going to follow the method, aren't we, to make sure we do it safely.

And the next thing we need to think about is cleaning.

Now, there are lots of things we need to consider when cleaning, aren't they? So what do we need to think about? We need to think about our personal hygiene.

We need to think about cleaning the food.

And we need to think about cleaning the work area and equipment.

All of these things need to be thought about.

So we need to think about our personal hygiene, which Mrs. Mee is going to talk you through, but we do need to make sure that the vegetables that we're using today, we need to wash them, run them under cold water to make sure they're safe to be cooked and prepared.

But you also need to spray your work surfaces with antibacterial spray and wipe them with a clean cloth.

And you need to wash all of your equipment.

If your equipment's been in your cupboard for a long time, it's best to rewash that again.

So in terms of personal hygiene, now what do we need to think about? What have we got to do before we start cooking today? That's right.

First thing we've got to do is wash our hands using warm, soapy water.

What else do we need to think about? That's right, Mrs. Mee's got long hair.

So if I don't tie this long hair up, my hair could fall into my soup, and that wouldn't be very nice, would it? So we do need to tie your long hair up.

And in some food factories, they actually wear nets as well when they're preparing to make sure none of the hair ends up in the food.

The other thing we need to do is we need to roll up our sleeves.

So long sleeves need to be rolled up.

Can you think of anything else? We need to wear an apron.

Mrs Mee's got an apron and we do need to remove jewellery.

So Mrs. Mee's wearing rings, which she's going to remove now and she's wearing a watch.

So those need to be removed before you start cooking.

So personal hygiene is key and you do need to keep washing your hands on a regular basis when you're in the kitchen.

Now cleaning your work area and equipment, what do we need to think about? We need to clean all work surfaces.

We need to make sure the equipment has been washed with warm, soapy water.

And we need to make sure that the dish cloth that we're using is clean as well, okay? And then cleaning food.

What do we need to do? That's right.

You must not wash meat as this can spread bacteria.

So that's one to think about.

We're not using meat today, but the fruits and vegetables that we're using, they need to be washed before eating and processing.

So we're going to run them under cold water.

Now, chilling food properly helps stop the harmful bacteria from growing.

So what we need to do is we need to make sure we read the storage instructions for all food.

Some foods need to be kept in a fridge, but some foods actually are fine in a cupboard, but you'll have storage advice on the packaging to let you know how to store it.

And you need to check that all of your food is in their best before and used by date, which will be on the packaging as well.

So the final C then.

Cross contamination is what happens when bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one object to another.

Most common example is the transfer of bacteria between raw and cooked food.

So you need to be careful that you reduce that chance of cross contamination.

So we need to be careful that the food today is not anywhere near other foods that could transfer bacteria.

Okay, so your task now is to go off into your kitchen, prepare your work area to ensure that your food preparation area is clean.

Make sure you followed all personal hygiene advice and that all your ingredients are in their use by date and best before dates.

Make sure you've cleaned all of your equipment and your vegetables that you're using, and there's no risk of cross contamination.

When you've done that, resume the video and we'll start today's lesson.

Okay, so hopefully now, all your kitchen is ready and clean and you've washed your hands like Mrs. Mee's done.

You've got your hair tied up, jewellery is removed, and you're ready to start preparing your ingredients.

So Mrs. Mee's cleaned her work surfaces.

She's made sure there's no risk of any cross contamination, she's removed any crumbs, because Mrs. Mee, if she got crumb of bread in her vegetable soup, that could be harmful to her because that would be a way of cross contamination of breadcrumbs into her dish.

So what we're going to do now is we're going to explore how to prepare and process your ingredients ready for combining.

So could we cook the vegetables as they are? Could we just grab a carrot from the ground and cook it? We could, we actually could, but it might have a lot of dirt on it.

So we'd need to wash it first, but actually that carrot, it's a bit large, isn't it, to pop in our soup.

But you can indeed wash it and actually cook it as a full carrot, but there are parts of it you'd want to remove.

But actually, today, we do need to process it to make it the right size and texture for our soup.

So I'm going to show you how to peel, how to cut and prepare your ingredients ready for your soup.

Okay, so now you should have prepared your work area so it is safe, clean, free from any risk of cross contamination and you are ready to prepare and cook your ingredients.

So we're going to demonstrate how to prepare your vegetables.

So you should have cleaned your surfaces, your equipment and your vegetables.

But actually, if we look at the vegetables that need peeling, like the carrot, I have washed it, but once I've peeled it, it would be advisable to wash it again.

So let's just look at how to safely peel.

Use the angle of the camera so you can see a little bit better how to peel the vegetables.

So as you can see, I grabbed it with one side and then I use the peeler and I drag the peeler across, making sure I'm peeling away from my fingers.

So you're turning the carrot as you're peeling and you're making sure the blade is flat on the carrot.

It just takes a little bit of getting used to.

Once you get used to how it cuts, you'll find it quite easy.

And then remove all of the bits that you don't need, pop them to the side.

And then, once you've done that, you can then peel the other side of the carrot, and then you can have a go at peeling the potato.

So I'm holding on tight while I'm peeling and I'm making sure that I cut it away from me.

And I'm keeping my area nice and tidy.

Okay, so Mrs. Mee is now going to show you how to cut your vegetables safely.

So we've got a potato that's peeled and has been washed again, put that to the side.

We've got our carrot, we've got our celery, and we've got our onion.

And you need to keep on top, can you see how this water that's come off the carrot is actually, Mrs. Mee is keeping on top of her cleaning as I go along, because I don't like to see that anything is, has got any dirt on it, but obviously, that's just carrot juice on there.

But even so.

So I'm going to show you two techniques to cut safely.

The first technique is called the claw and to cut using the claw technique, you need to make a claw method with your hands, like so, to grab on to the celery.

So using the claw technique is a way of holding on tight to a vegetable.

You then take your knife and you're making sure the sharp end of the knife is facing down, not upwards.

That would be very dangerous.

And you are holding the celery quite close to the end, but not too close to the knife.

And then you are cutting it by pulling back on the knife.

Now, if the knife is sharp, the knife will do all of the hard work for you.

So I'm cutting the celery using the claw technique and you'll notice what Mrs. Mee is doing with her fingers.

Yeah, I'm moving my fingers back because I do not want to cut my fingers, do I? So those bits of celery now, they're probably a little bit too big for the soup.

So you can just chop them in the middle to make them smaller for your soup.

So once you've prepared that, that can then be put to the side, ready for your soup ingredients.

So that's your celery.

Now, Mrs. Mee's got her scales here.

So what I am going to do to make sure I don't have too many vegetables, I am actually going to weigh it, bit by bit.

Now, how am I going to weigh these ingredients? That's right.

I'm going to use scales and I'm measuring in grammes.

So once you've cut all of your ingredients, you can measure your ingredients in grammes, making sure all of the pieces are small enough for your soup.

Really take care of your teeny tiny fingers, put all of the bits that you don't want to the side.

And then, I'm going to use my scale.

I've switched them up, make sure they're on zero, put the ingredients into the scales and there I have it.

So that's my first ingredient, which weighs in at 40 grammes.

So now I'm going to give my chopping board a wipe before I continue with the next.

Now, if you're really good or you've washed your ingredients before and after, be really good to actually wash your ingredients before they go into the soup.

Now, with my onion, it's rolling around on my chopping board.

so it can be quite dangerous to cut.

And the other thing with the onion, it might make you cry.

So I'm going to use a claw technique to grab hold of the onion firmly.

I'm just going to cut end of the onion.

And that's going to then give me a nice flat bottom in order to prepare my onion.

But what I want to do is I want to cut the other end off too, because we can't eat this.

I'm going to do the same again.

Cut the end of this onion off and there we have it.

So that's sitting nice and flat.

Now I'm going to show you a different technique for cutting now.

So we've learned how to use the claw.

Mrs. Mee's now going to show you this technique.

This is called the bridge.

So the bridge technique, if you make a bridge with your hand, so Mrs. Mee is trying to show you in this camera view, it's a bit tricky.

You make a bridge over the onion.

Mrs. Mee is going to put a bridge over the onion and then the knife comes inside the bridge.

So the knife is nowhere near your fingers.

If I try and turn it like that, I put the knife there, bridge over the onion, and I can chop that onion.

And that, then, allows me to take the two halves of the onion and actually prepare them more safely because now I've got a flat bottom.

But before I do, we need to peel the onion, don't we? How do we peel onions? That's right.

You just peel the skin off the onion, like so.

Okay, here we go.

So now, keeping on top of the cleaning, making sure my work area's clean at all time.

I'm going to put this half of the onion to the side and I'm going to cut this.

And I'm going to use the claw and I'm going to cut it with a claw and I'm going to cut slices.

Now the shape of our onion, is that the right shape to go in your soup? No, what you can do is you can chop that up into smaller pieces, like so, using my claw technique, making sure I'm cutting safely and that can then be weighed in.

Okay, so that is how you peel and cut your vegetables.

So pause the video, go off and peel your vegetables.

Once you've peels and cut your vegetables, resume the video and we'll look at how we're going to measure the other ingredients.

Okay, so now we're going to look at measuring the ingredients.

So, so far, you can see that's the pre cut vegetables.

So if I bring the camera closer and just show you my weighing scales, not sure you can see them very well at all, can you? There you go.

So you can see it has 168 grammes, but you'll notice there's one vegetable missing from Mrs. Mee's ingredients.

That's right, peas.

But because my peas are frozen, we're going to pop the peas in now.

It's a way to make sure that it weighs at 200.

We've gone slightly over.

We can take some of those peas out until it weighs 200.

I'm looking at the weights on there, at the moment, is 202.

If I'm going to be really precise, I can take a few peas out.

There you go, it says 199, then we've got 200.

So it's 200 grammes.

So it's 200 grammes of vegetables.

And remember, it is, your potatoes are weighed in grammes as well.

So that's how you weigh your vegetables and your potatoes.

So now what we're going to look at is how to weigh the other ingredient.

So the other ingredient is vegetable stock.

So you were asked to get a stock cube.

Now stock cube, you need to add into a jug, because what we're measuring now is not weight.

We're actually measuring a liquid.

So we're measuring volume of a liquid.

You can measure volume of the solid, but actually, we're going to measure the volume of a liquid.

So we're going to put the stock cube in the jug.

I've pre boiled the water.

And you need to read the instructions on the stock cube to see how much water.

And it says 500 millilitres.

So you're looking for millilitres.

So here is a quarter of a litre.

So I need to fill it to 500.

That's half of a litre.

So that's 400 and that's 500.

So just make sure you know before you start using the water.

Now, if you are using water or a boiling kettle, I would ask for help from an adult in doing so.

So you're adding water all the way up to 500 mils.

That's how you measure your liquids.

There's one other way we need to measure, whilst we're making this soup.

Do you know? We're using grammes to weigh the weight.

We're using millilitres and we're going to use a spoon and that should give you a clue.

That's right.

We're actually going to use a tablespoon when we measure out the oil that we put in the pan.

So that is how you measure all of your key ingredients to make sure they're accurate.

So make sure your vegetables are weighed in, your potatoes, make sure your stock is ready, give it a stir.

And you're waiting for that stock to dissolve.

So go off and do that.

When you're ready, resume the video, and we're going to then start looking at how we're going to cook our ingredients using heat.

All your vegetables now should be prepared and ready to start combining.

So we've looked at how to cut, we've looked at how to peel and we've looked at how to measure our ingredients.

What we're going to look at now is how to combine our ingredients.

So we're going to explore how to cook and combine our ingredients, ready to serve.

So I'm going to jump back in the kitchen and I'm going to demonstrate to you how we're going to cook our soup.

Okay, so now we're going to look at how to start cooking our ingredients.

There are different ways in which you can actually cook ingredients, but we are looking at, during this unit, all of the ways to cook using heat.

So when we're making our soup, we are going to use heat from a hob.

So the first thing we need to do is switch that hob on.

Now, before you switch your hob on, you must make sure you've got an adult with you and present to help you do that.

So you're switching your hob on, and then what we need to do, the first method of cooking we're going to explore is frying.

So we're going to use some oil.

If you remember, you need one tablespoon of oil.

So I'm going to pop the tablespoon above the pan and I'm going to pour the oil into the tablespoon.

So just really slowly.

Now, when you're working with hot oil, you've got to be really careful.

One tablespoon of oil, brilliant.

So that is another method of measuring using a tablespoon.

Standard method in cooking.

So now we've added the oil, we're going to preheat the oil slightly.

We are then going to add the vegetables and we all then go into lightly fry them.

So we're going to add the vegetables and I'll use the spoon out of the stock.

We're going to add the vegetables and we're going to lightly fry them.

So remember, we have 200 grammes.

We measured these in grammes, the vegetables.

We had 300 grammes of potatoes, so add the potatoes as well.

We're just going to lightly fry all of the vegetables and the potato until they soften slightly.

That's the first process of cooking, frying.

You're going to fry your vegetables.

Okay, so have a go at doing that, lightly fry your vegetables.

And when you're ready, come back to me, and we'll move on to a different method of cooking.

So actually, from here, the vegetables are being fried lightly on the pan.

That is quite noisy, isn't it? That's because we've got oil and the water is mixing that oil and having a reaction.

Because we've washed our vegetables.

What we're going to do now is we're going to add the stock.

We're going to give the stock one last stir to make sure that the stock cube is dissolved.

We're going to pour the stock into the soup.

Really gently.

Little bit of a spillage there from Mrs. Mee.

And then, we're going to stir it.

And then, we're going to bring this to the boil slightly, and then, we're going to turn it down.

So Mrs. Mee is just going to turn it up and I'm going to just heat the liquid through.

Okay, going to heat that, and then, I'm just going to bring it to the boil.

And then, once we've brought it to the boil, if we boil it for 15 minutes, what will happen to that liquid? Yes, it will over flow.

It's going to bring it to the boil and then we're going to turn it down and we're going to do what we call simmer.

Now I've given it a stir now, but while it's simmering, I'm just going to leave the spoon on the side while it cooks.

So once it comes to the boil, turn it down and let it simmer for 15 minutes.

And then, your soup should be ready to serve.


So pause the video, make your soup by cooking and simmering it.

And then when you're done, come back to me and we'll look at how to serve our soup.

Okay, so now that your soup has cooked, it's going to be lightly simmering.

And so how, do you know the difference between boiling and simmering? Yes, that's right.

So it's bubbling.

So you can hear it slowly bubbling, whereas, if it was boiling, it would be really moving, wouldn't it? The water would be lots of bubbles.

So what we need to do now is turn the soup off.

And again, this pan is really, really, really, really hot.

So you do need an adult to help you.

And now we need to serve a soup and our soup is going to be best served piping hot.

So you need to scoop out your ingredients really carefully, place it in a serving bowl.

And then, we're going to season it with a dollop of cream, if you remember, and some fresh herbs of your choice.

So you could have used any, let's put some more water in there.

It's got a lot of, okay, okay.

That's our soup done.

So there's our soup.

I've got our spoons here.

I'm going to take a dollop of creme fresh, using a tablespoon.

I'm not going to put too much on, because as you know, creme is quite fattening.

Put a dollop on in the middle.

I'm just going to season it with some fresh herbs.

I've got some fresh coriander here.

I'm just going to pop that on the top.

There you have it, there is your soup, all done.

So let's just take a closer look at our soup.

As you can see, oop, I'm causing a bit of a shadow there.

As you can see, there's your soup.

So hopefully, your vegetable soup is delicious and you enjoy testing your vegetable soup, which we will do during next lesson.

So pause the video while you give your soup to your end user to try or try it yourself.

Make sure you clean up all of your kitchen and your utensils.

I will see you back with me in a few moments.

Just resume the video when you're ready.

Okay, so now, once your soup is served, you can eat it and do a taste test of your delicious soup.

Now we are going to evaluate it fully in next lesson but you might just want to give it a quick try now.

So you could also serve it with a piece of bread and give it to people in your household to try it as well.

So I hope you enjoyed today's lesson and I hope it's given you a new skill because that method of cooking soup, you could change those ingredients and cook any type of soup that you wanted.

So we've learned a lot in today's lesson and we've learned a lot of new keywords.

So let's just look at those keywords to remind ourselves what we've learned.

We've learned about the word cooking, and this refers to the art, science, and craft of using heat to prepare food for consumption.

We've used the word food hygiene and we've looked at how that refers to the safe handling and preparation and storage of food.

We've used the word cross contamination.

And this is what happens when bacteria or other microorganisms are transferred, unintentionally, from one object to another.

So Mrs. Mee mentioned that she's got to be really careful when she's cooking in her kitchen, not to get any bread crumbs or any debris of bread from other food items on her food product, because that could be harmful.

So that might be the case for some of you if you have any allergies to any sort of food.

We looked at using the claw and bridge method, didn't we, and that's the safe way of cutting vegetables.

We looked at the word combining, and this refers to taking one or more ingredients and cooking them together.

So we combine it by frying, didn't we? And then we simmered our soup.

And hopefully, you've learned lots during today's lesson.

If you'd like to share a picture, I would love to see some of your delicious soups.

You can take a picture of your soup and share it on the Twitter page.

Get an adult to do this for you @OakNational, #LearnwithOak.

I would love to see a picture of the soup that you've created.

It would be really good as well if you could get your end user in there, tasting it.

So I'll see you next lesson.

Until then, goodbye.