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Hello, and welcome to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee your Design and Technology teacher and we are exploring cooking and nutrition.

Today is lesson 10, so it's the last lesson.

And if you remember, we're exploring culture and celebrations.

So today we are going to be creating the dish that we designed in lesson nine.

So it's our last practical cooking and nutrition lesson.

Okay, so remember, we are creating our own dish to reflect your chosen culture or celebration.

So last lesson, you designed your dish and you decided what culture or celebration it was going to reflect.

So you will need to grab your notes from last lesson.

If you didn't join us in last lesson, you do need to download one of the recipe cards and have a look at redesigning a recipe to address your user's needs.

That could be someone in your household.

So don't worry if you weren't here with us last lesson.

Okay, so remind ourselves of the rules.

We do need to have fun.

We need to explore and experiment.

And this lesson really is about us exploring and experimenting.

Mrs. Mee's doing a new soup that she's never cooked before.

Be confident.

It doesn't matter if it goes wrong.

That could turn into a new idea.

But please, please, please play safe.

We are doing a practical lessons, so we need to make sure we're safe at all times.

And you must have an adult supervising you all lesson.

So what we're going to explore in today's lesson, we're going to carry out our design and make activity, we are going to look at how to prepare our ingredients, and remind ourselves of what we've learned previously in the focus practical tasks on how to make soup, how to make pancakes, and how to make bread.

We are going to be reminding ourselves of the different way of combining and cooking ingredients.

So Mrs. Mee's making a soup, but you could be making a bread.

So we're going to remind ourselves of the key ways to combine different ingredients.

And then of course, we're going to have to evaluate the food that we've cooked and find out how delicious it tastes.

And that's really, really important that we get feedback from other people on the food that we cook.

So the key words that we're going to use in today's lesson.

We're going to use the word cooking again and we know that this is the art, science, and craft of using heat to prepare food for consumption.

So we've used heat in all of the three products that we've made, haven't we? We're going to evaluate.

So we're going to look at a product and make judgments on its advantages and disadvantages.

We're going to use the word sensory again.

So we know that this relates to our senses being stimulated by testing food products.

And we're going to be looking at the differences in how we combine ingredients.

So this refers to taking one or more ingredients and cooking them together.

So in this next lesson you are going to need the following things.

So this is a practical lesson, so you must have adult supervision.

So you need your own recipe card that you developed in last lesson.

So remember if you haven't got that, just download one of the recipe cards from the previous lesson and actually modify it or follow it.

It doesn't matter if you don't change it.

But you do need to collect all of the ingredients and equipment off there, and you do need an apron.

And as you can see, Mrs. Mee has her hair tied up, ready to start cooking.

So this is Mrs. Mee's new recipe.

And you remember Mrs. Mee's named hers, Mrs. Mee's Mexican soup.

So those are the ingredients I need.

This is the method sheet that I've planned how to cook my soup.

And this is the equipment I need.

So you need to go off and make sure you've got all of those things.

And when you're ready, click resume on the video and we will start today's lesson.

Okay, so before we start in the kitchen, I just want to test on what you know about cleaning your work area, but also preparing ingredients.

So first of all, we do need to make sure we're working safely.

So do you remember the four Cs? Can you tell me? Have a little think.

Yes, the first one is cooking.

So we cook food to get rid of any bacteria to make sure it's safe to eat.

What's the second C, which is really important? That's right.


So we need to clean our work area, we need to clean our equipment, and of course we need to clean ourselves, don't we? What about the third C what's the third C? Chilling.

That's right.

So some of our ingredients do need to be chilled before we actually use them to combine them in a food product.

But some foods need to be chilled after they've been cooked to keep them fresh and safe to eat.

And what is the fourth C that we need to remember? That's right.

It's cross-contamination.

So we looked at cross-contamination last time, didn't we? And cleaning is key to preventing cross-contamination and we do need to be careful of that.

So well done if you remembered how to work safely.

Now before we start preparing our ingredients in the kitchen let's just remind ourselves that the cutting methods.

What are the two different ways in which we can cut our ingredients? Do you remember? We use these to cut them safely.

Well done.

Hopefully you got the claw.

So the claw is how we grab hold of a vegetable or fruit or other ingredient to hold it safely while we cut it.

What was the other method? That's right, the bridge.

And that's where we get our hand and put it over the vegetable.

And Mrs. Mee's trying to demonstrate that here.

We create a bridge using our hands and we pop it over the vegetable to protect our hand so we don't cut it.

So now let's remind ourselves of the units of measure.

So we've learned about measuring ingredients, haven't we? And measuring ingredients comes in all sorts of different forms. So what ways have we measured our ingredients? What have we used? Have a think.

Yes, we've used g.

What does that stand for? We've used ml, we have also used TBSP, and we've also used tsp.

What do those actually stand for? Should we have a look at the g.

What does that stand for? What we measuring when it says g? That's right, we're measuring in grammes and we need scales to do that.

So some of the ingredients we've used, like flour, we've actually measured in grammes.

Other ingredients we've measured ml.

What does ml stand for? Millilitres, well done.

So millilitres is measuring the volume of liquids.

And we actually, if you remember, we measured some solid materials using ml.

Now, when we made the pancakes, that was Mrs. Mee's little trick.

So that was me exploring with different ways of measuring.

So this is how we use a measuring jug and we measure how many millilitres a liquid is.

What does TBSP stand for then? That's right, it's a tablespoon.

So we use a tablespoon to measure key ingredients in the kitchen.

So we might use a tablespoon to measure liquids or solid materials as well, actually.

And what does tsp stand for? That's right, that stands for teaspoon.

So sometimes in the kitchen, and we need to make sure we don't muddle them up.

So Mrs. Mee, today is going to be using chilli powder in her soup.

Could you imagine if you put a tablespoon in there, instead of a teaspoon, it would be a bit hot, wouldn't it? So we need to think about that.

So well done.

So hopefully you've got that right.

So we reminded ourselves how to cut, how to measure, and now we're going to look at preparing our ingredients for making our soup, pancakes, or bread.

So we're going to go into the kitchen now and you are going to measure and prepare your ingredients for making either your bread, your soup, or your pancake.

So pause the video.

Off you, go into the kitchen.

I'll meet you in my kitchen in a couple of minutes.

Hopefully now you've got all of your key ingredients and everything is ready and safe to begin cooking.

So all of your equipment should have been washed using warm soapy water.

You should have wiped your surfaces, which Mrs. Mee has done.

Remember personal hygiene.

You should have washed your hands.

You should have an apron on, hair tied back, and what else has Mrs. Mee done? That's correct, she's actually washed the fresh vegetables that she's going to use.

So you can see here, I've washed the courgette and the peppers.

So I'm making a soup, so this is the equipment I need as per my recipe card, but some of you may be making pancakes.

So the ingredients that you have and the equipment that you have will look different, or you might be making bread.

And again, that would look different.

To remind yourselves of what sorts of equipment you need use your recipe card, or revisit those lessons.

So remember we made soup in lesson four and we made pancakes in lesson six.

You can revisit those lessons.

So now we've got everything ready.

We're going to start looking at how to prepare and combine our ingredients.

So now that you've got clean work area, you've measured and you've prepared all of your ingredients.

Let's look at how we can combine and cook our ingredients.

But before we begin, remember, I might be doing a soup, you might be doing a bread.

So let's just remind ourselves of what we already know.

So before we begin, let's look at the different methods.

So if you remember, there's different methods for cooking.

One of the methods is boiling.

Can you remember what the other method is? So we've boiled food.

That's right, we've baked food.


What else? Fry.


And there's another.


We use the word simmer.

So when we use those terms, what was we actually cooking? And what do those terms mean? When we boil food, what are we actually doing? Can you think? That's right, we're heating food in liquid on a hob, using a pan to cook it until it bubbles.

So we're boiling it.

So the water's quite fierce and there's lots of bubbles.

When we bake something, what are we doing? That's right.

We bake food in an oven.

If you remember, we baked the bread in the oven to heat the food throughout.

So it's dry heat.


And then when we boiling, of course, it's in liquid, isn't it? So we're putting the food in liquid and we're boiling it that way.

When we fry a food, what we're doing? Yes, we're using a frying pan and it's on a hob again.

And we're using oil to ensure that the food doesn't stick, it's a light frying, and you can deep fry foods as well.

And then we use the word simmer.

So you know what the word simmer means? It's when we simmer food on a hob, we bring the temperature down because we don't want the water to overflow.

So if you remembered, we simmered soup.

So that's reminding ourselves of the different ways to use heat.

So all of these methods use heat to cook your food.

We boiled and simmered our soup, we baked our bread, and we fried our pancakes didn't we? Okay.

So let's look at the methods we use to combine foods before cooking.

How do we get the ingredients and actually make sure they're all working together.

What are the methods? Have a little think.



We used a whisk.

Do you remember what else we did? We mixed.

Well done we did mix.

So we whisked, we mixed.

Knead, well done if you said knead.

So we kneaded the dough, didn't we.

And prove, well done.

So these are all different methods of combining our ingredients.

So what do these words mean? So when we whisk something, what does it mean? So pancake, we used a whisk to make the batter didn't we? So we whisked the ingredients.

So we used whisking as a way of combining all of those ingredients.

What did we mix? We mixed the bread mix, didn't we? To combine the ingredients in a bowl with a spoon before we did something else.

What about kneading? The bread, that's right.

We knead the dough to help the combination of the ingredients work and to make the dose stiffer.

What about the word prove or proving or proofing? That's right.

It's the bread.

We use that prove the bread by leaving it to rise didn't we? Okay, so now we're going to go back into the kitchen and we're going to explore how to combine your ingredients to make your food product.

So we're going to explore how to combine.

We're also going to explore the different methods of how to cook food using heat.

So hopefully you're ready for this next step.

I'll see you in the kitchen and a short while.

Okay, so now we're going to prepare our ingredients.

Now, Mrs. Mee has got one piece of equipment here that she actually doesn't need.

But I did need when I made my first soup, can you spot it? That's right.

It's a peeler.

So none of these vegetables need peeling using the peeler.

Two of these vegetables do need peeling, but we don't need that.

So we just need the knife and the chopping board.

So when you're preparing a soup, remember we need to wash the vegetables first.

Now, a courgette, you don't need to peel the skin because you can actually eat the skin on a courgette.

But what you need to do is you need to cut it.

So there's two methods we can use for cutting, which we've already discussed.

Can you remember what they are? That's right, the first method is the claw.

That's where we create a claw shape with our hand to hold onto the vegetable firmly.

And then we cut, making sure we're not cutting our fingers.

And the claw moves back as we are cutting, but you almost always must watch what you are cutting.

So that is the claw.

Now, this courgette is a very heavy courgette.

And I know this because I've actually measured it.

Now, my total ingredients I need in my soup is 200 grammes.

And the courgette alone is 270.

So I don't need too much of the courgette, so I'm just going to chop it up.

I'm using the claw methods to cut into slices.

Now I'm going to move that there, now.

I might do one or two more slices.

Are those slices, appropriate size and shape for my soup? I don't need this end, do I? No.

So what I can do then is I can use the claw method and I can cut in half and in half again.

So that is how you would cut and prepare your ingredients using what we've learned previously.

Now I'm going to now just show you how we the onion again, because you might be using the onion as one of your ingredients.

So let me move the courgettes to the side and you can cut more than one courgette at the same time so you could stack them and you could cut them like this to make the process a bit quicker.

So here's the courgette, they're all ready.

I've set my weighing scale to zero so I can see how much that weighs, so so far those courgettes weigh 85 grammes.

So now I'm going to take my onion and what part of the onion can we not eat? That's right.

The skin and the end.

So Mrs. Mee is going to use the claw method to actually hold onto the onion, get rid of the end.

And once I've got rid of the end I can actually cut the onion like this and it's a bit safer, but before I do, I'm going to use a claw method again, to cut the other end and remove that.

Probably cut a bit too much off there and wasted the onion.

But now the onion can sit flat on its bottom.

And I can now peel the skin off.

That's obviously falling off, but now I want to cut the onion in half.

Now you could use the bridge method here where you place your hand over the vegetable creating a bridge shape and actually put the knife in the middle and cut.

So that is the bridge method.

And now I've got two halves.

All I need to do now is peel the skin off the onion, which I'm doing and then, there I have my onion.

So I might not want both halves, so I might want to pop that back in the fridge, because an onion to keep fresh does need to be chilled.

And now I can take my onion and use my claw method and cut the onion.

Now, when I cut the onion is the shape that I'm cutting now is that the right shape for the soup? It's not is it? And I've got to be really careful here.

What I can do is I can take all of those pieces and put them back together and cut the other way.

And cut them into small pieces like so, okay.

So is that has reminded you of the claw and the bridge method.

And those then can be popped into the scale.

So I can see where I'm at with my volume.

That takes me to 130.

So don't really need the extra onion If you've got any large bits that's going in there just chop them, pop them in.

Okay, so now what I need to do is prepare all of my other ingredients.

So I've prepared my courgette, I need to add some peppers.

So I can use the claw method for cutting the pepper.

And then I need to peel and add my garlic.

So do you know, now you've got to be careful when you cutting onions, because it will make your eyes water.

Mrs. Mee's eyes watering at the minute.

Do you know how to actually prepare a clove of garlic? No? Let me quickly show you.

So let's cut the peppers really quickly.

So I'm using the claw method here to make sure I do not cut my fingers Using the claw to grab hold of the pieces.

Those ingredients can go into.

Can't wait to eat the soup.

Oh I can't wait.


There we go.

Pop the ingredients in there.

Now, the seeds, you don't to eat the seeds, but won't cause you too much harm if a seed ends up in the soup.

I'll show you quickly how to prepare the garlic.

So the garlic, you do need to cut and you need to peel and then you need to grate.

So you've grated before, when you grated cheese, so hopefully you know how to grate.

So that is the peppers.

So here the garlic, we need to split the garlic and when it talks about cloves, so I'm using the knife here to split open the garlic.

Now this is fresh garlic.

You could, oopsie daisy, so this, if you open it up, can you say that? We just want one of those, just one clove.

That's all you need.

So you can save that for another dish.

You literally just need that and you need to peel it.

So you're peeling off the skin like you did with the onion and you should be left with what looks like a very white piece of clove of garlic.

And then you can grate that, like that.

That's all you need.

Grate that with a grater and pop it into there.

So hopefully that reminds you of how to prepare your ingredients.

So the other ingredients are being combined in different ways, but remember, we're weighing the solid ingredients using grammes.

If it's a liquid we're using the jug and we're measuring millilitres.

And obviously we use that method of using the jug when we were making the pancakes.

So all of the pancakes, the volume of the eggs, we then added the same volume of milk and the same volume of flour.

So as you can see, Mrs. Mee has got a bit more preparation today before we start combining and she does need to finish chopping her veg.

So pause the video, have a good at preparing your ingredients, ready for your dish.

So now we're going to look at combining our ingredients.

Now, how we combine our ingredients for our soup is very different to how you're going to combine your ingredients for your pancakes or your bread.

So remember for your pancakes, you measured all of the ingredients so they're equal volume, and then how did you combine them? What was the key word that we used? That's right.

You whisked the ingredients.

Now, for the bread, what did you do to combine the ingredients? Yes, you weighed all of the solid ingredients and you added the water and you did what with it? You mixed it.

And then it became a bit of a sticky mess, didn't it? And what did you do then with that sticky mess? You started to actually do some rubbing in.

So you put your hands in there and you start to rub the ingredients together.

And then we actually carried out the scientific process of creating bread to improve the structure of the bread.

That's right, we started to knead the bread and then we left the bread to prove.

So we've learned how to knead, we've learned how to prove, we've learned how to whisk, and that's what you will be doing if you're making bread right now or pancakes.

So if you want to be reminded of how that looks and have another demonstration, you need to revisit lesson four or lesson six.

So now what we're going to do is we're actually going to look at making soup.

So if you remember, we need a sauce pan.

And what do we need to do first? That's right.

We need to switch the hob on.

We need switch the hob on and we need to preheat the pan.

And we're going to add a small drizzle of oil into the bottom of the pan.

Do you know why we're adding a little bit of oil? That's right.

So that the ingredients don't stick.

So I've got a spoon here to measure ingredients, but also add the fresh ingredients.

The first thing you do is you add your fresh ingredients.

So these are all the fresh ingredients that we've pre-prepared.

Add those into the pan, and you're cooking them just until they become slightly soft.

You've given them a stir and you're cooking them until they're soft.

Once they're soft you're then adding the main bulk of your ingredient.

If you remember, when we made vegetable soup, what did we add to the vegetables? That's right.

We added a stock didn't we? So your tomatoes and your black beans and the fluids that they're in, they will become your stock.

And we're going to add lots of spices to make the stock taste delicious.

So you're letting them fry lightly.

And then you're going to add your chopped tomatoes and your black beans.

Giving them a light fry.

So these ingredients here are fresh but what about these ingredients? What are these? That's right, they have been processed.

So they've gone through a process.

That means that something's been done to them to preserve them and actually with the beans, they've actually have been partially cooked as well.

All we need to do is heat them through.

So once they are fried lightly, few minutes on that.

And then you can add, you could add your tomatoes, so add your tomatoes.

Be careful that it's not too hot.

Then you're adding your black beans.

And this is where you do need an adult helping you because you working on a hot stove.

So you're adding your black beans, but remember we're adding the water as well, which will become your stock for your soup.

Or they look too delicious.

Giving it a stir.

Okay? And then do you know what we need to add next? That's right.

We need to add half a can of water.

So I'm using this can that had the black beans in it.

I'm going to measure half the can of water, and I'm going to add that.

And then we're going to add a tablespoon of corn flour.

So this is going to act as a thickening agent, because at the minute it looks very, very watery.

Doesn't it? So you're adding one tablespoon.

So remember the difference between tablespoon and teaspoon, really important because in a moment we're going to add some chilli powder.

And if we add a tablespoon of chilli powder.

So we just added a tablespoon of corn flour.

Okay, a level tablespoon.


There you go.

And give that a mix.

And now we need to add a fresh herbs and spices and then we need to let the soup sit up.



So let's add the fresh spices.

So do you remember the quantities? So you'll need to check your own method sheet, but my method sheet said two teaspoons of chilli powder.

If you don't like food spicy, you might want to add less.

And then.

oop see that just spilled a little bit.

Got to be careful that I don't get too spicy.

Two teaspoons of chilli powder, one teaspoon of cumin, Now, Mrs. Mee's using these tins of spices but you can actually buy these spices fresh and it would be much better for you.

Where as, Mrs. Mee bought ready-made spices.

That's right, it's simply because my user has said they wanted a cheap dish so I'm just addressing my user's need.

All you need to do now is give it a stir and let that simmer, that's right, for 15 minutes and then come back to it when it's ready and it should be ready to serve.

Now you can experiment more.

You could add more ingredients or more stock.

And that, is your soup ready.


So our soup now is ready to serve.

I'm just going to give it in a stir and then I'm going to take a bowl and remember you will need an adult to help you because this is going to be red hot.

And I am going to serve up my soup to my end-user.

So I'm going to give this to my family and see who likes it.

It will depend, won't it, on their personal tastes but some people will love it.

Some people might not.

Now, remember this was based on my end-user.

Let's just give that a wipe.

So if there's any spilled food around the dish, you want to get rid of that.

And now I'm going to serve it with a dollop of creme fresh.

So I'm going to take a tablespoon and I'm actually going to take another tablespoon and actually put a dollop in the middle.

Now that has increased the fat content, as you can imagine, of that soup.

I'm just going to take some pre-grated cheese and I'm going to sprinkle that on top and that is my Mexican soup, all made.

Do you want me to show you it? Let's bring it a bit closer to the camera so you can see Mrs. Mee's Mexican soup.

Does that look delicious or what? I can't turn too much obviously, because it will fall flat, but hopefully you can do the same with your soup.

Let's move the camera to the soup.

Look at that.

Okay, so that is your soup.

So well done, you have created your own dish so you might have done bread, or you might have done a pancake, but hopefully you've modified it to suit the needs, preferences, values of your end-user and the chosen cultural celebration.

So brilliant, well done.

So now that you've created your final food product, let's look at how to evaluate it.

So if you remember, we're now going to put your food to the test and we're going to carry out what we call a sensory evaluation.

Do you remember what a sensory evaluation is? That's right.

It's where we use the senses.

So let's reflect on our senses.

What senses can we use to make a judgement on our food? Can you remember the five senses? That's right.

The first one is look, isn't it? We look at food products to evaluate and judge the appearance, don't we? We smell them.

That's right.

What else do we do, which is really important? We taste them.

Some foods we might touch might we? Depends on the food products and what we're judging it on.

And what's the other sense? Listening.

So we're not going to use all of those senses.

What senses are we going to use today? Yeah, we're going to look, we're going to smell, and we are going to taste.

So let's remind ourselves of those senses.

So if we look back to our sensory evaluation we did before, when we looked at a product we use lots of different key words.

Can you remember and describe to me any of those key words? Brilliant, so we could look and describe the shape.

We could look at the texture, couldn't we? The size, the colour.

We could use the word lumpy, smooth, thick, appealing.

It could look unappealing.

It could look appetising.

Yeah, we could use the word cubed.

There's lots of words we can use.

So today, when you get your user to judge and do a sensory analysis of your food product, get them to use words to help describe to you, but they don't need to write it down today.

I'm going to show you a different method.

So when they smell it, what words can they use to describe the smell? That's right.

We could say sweet, couldn't we? Aromatic, weak, smoky, savoury, meaty, fragrant.

So you see all of these descriptive words, citrus, strong, earthy, spicy.

So think about how you can use your vocabulary when you're describing your own food or when other people are describing your food.

So that's the way it looks and the way it smells, let's have a look at taste.

So what words would we use to describe how it tastes? Yes.

We might say bitter.

We might say sweet.

We might say salty, sour, rich, tangy, zesty, savoury, spicy, hot, cold.

So those are some of the words that we might use to describe the taste.

What you are going to do now is you're going to ask your end user to use their senses to carry out a sensory evaluation.

It's really important that your user looks at your food product, smells it, and tastes it.

It's a really important job.

And we're going to use that sensory evaluation of your food product that addresses their feedback.

And we're going to use the radar method to make this easier for them to record.

So remember, they can also use the keywords to describe and evaluate and give their opinions, but this is how we're going to record it.

So Mrs. Mee is going to show you a new method for recording how we evaluate a food product.

So have you ever seen a diagram like this? It doesn't matter if you haven't.

So this diagram is called a radar evaluation.

So we're going to use a radar graph.

So you're going to ask the user to complete the radar chart and give you feedback on your food product.

So Mrs. Mee is going to demonstrate this to you.

So as you can see, we have a shape there where we've indicated five ways in which we can evaluate.

We're going to evaluate the appearance, the texture, the taste, the aroma, and we're going to give it an overall rating as well.

And you'll see the numbers zero to five.

So zero means it's not very good, but five means it's amazing.

So the higher the number, the higher that the user values your food products.

So Mrs. Mee has evaluated her own food product.

So this is what you do.

So you decide on appearance first, zero to five.

What would I give myself? So I've given myself a four.

So I've given a four for appearance, I've given myself a four for texture, I've given myself a five for taste, and for aroma, I've given myself a four.

And then I overall, I've given myself a four.

And then what you need to do then is you need to join up those marks with a ruler and maybe a coloured pencil because you wanted to define the difference between each of you user and you can join it up.

And that is how we create a radar chart.

So that is my feedback from myself.

And what I did is I got feedback from other people.

So if you look here, so this is me.

And then if you look on the next slide, I actually got feedback from a different person.

As you can see, their opinions are different.

They only gave me a two for aroma.

That's not very good, is it? And a three for texture, but I did get a five for appearance and a four for taste.

And they gave me a four overall, so I'm quite happy with that.

And then I did the same with another person.

So the other person gave me this feedback.

Oh, they liked it.

So they gave me a five for appearance, a five for texture, a five for taste, again, they're not so keen on the smell.

So I need to think mainly about modifying those ingredients.

But I've got a four overall.

And what I could do is show them all on one graph.

Yeah? So that gives you your feedback, so that it have you evaluate your food product using a radar chart.

So I'd like you to go off and do the same.

So you can download this radar chart, get feedback from your end user and another person, if you wish, but also do it yourself, but use different colours to record.

So pause the video, go and get some feedback on your end food product once it's cooked and then resume when you're done.

Brilliant, I hope that's given you a different way of evaluating and recording sensory evaluation of a food product.

So I'm hoping now you've got lots of skills to make you confident in the kitchen at developing a range of products.

We've learned so much during this unit and I hope you've enjoyed it.

So the key words that we've looked at in today's lesson is cooking, and we've learned that cooking is the art, science, and craft of using heat to prepare food for consumption.

We've used the word evaluate.

And that is to look at a food product and make judgement on the advantages and disadvantages.

We've used the word sensory again, haven't we? Which relates to the senses being stimulated when we test a food product.

And we've looked at different ways of combining, and this refers to taking one or more ingredients and using a method to put those ingredients together.

So I hope you've learned so much and as always I would absolutely love it if you could share, especially from this lesson, your really creative and innovative food products.

So, Mrs. Mee hopefully we'll be sharing a picture of her Mexican soup and I'd like you to do the same.

So take a picture, ask an adult in your household to share it on Twitter @OakNational, sorry, using the hashtag #LearnwithOak, And I really hope you've enjoyed this unit of work.

And I look forward to seeing you on the next unit that I'm teaching.

Goodbye for now, have a nice day.