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Hello, and welcome to your Design and Technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee and I am your Design and Technology teacher.

We are exploring cooking and nutrition, and our topic is celebrating culture and seasonality.

So today's lesson is session nine, and we're actually going to be looking at designing and creating our own dish to reflect a culture or celebration.

So I hope you enjoy today's lesson.

Let's explore what we're going to look at in today's lesson.


Welcome to lesson nine, where we're going to design your own dish to reflect a culture or celebration.

Let's remind ourselves of our rules.

So if you remember, Mrs. Mee said to have fun, explore, experiment, play safe all the time when we are designing and making any product in Design and Technology, and don't be afraid if you make a mistake 'cause your next mistake could be your next big idea.

So what will we explore in today's lesson? Well, we're actually going to do a design and make activity today.

So we're going to take everything that you've learned in your investigative and evaluative tasks and your focus practical task, and we're going to put that into practise.

And we're going to be looking at cultures and celebration, and we're going to be revisiting what we know about foods that are eaten in certain cultures and celebration.

You're going to use that knowledge that you've already developed, and you are actually going to develop a specification for your own dish.

So you're go to specify what your dish will include to reflect your users.

And then we're actually going to have a go at designing your own dish.

So you are going to design your very own dish.

Today is where you really get to be creative and explore and experiment with your ideas.

And this is where Mrs. Mee says, "Don't worry if you get it wrong because you need to try to try new things.

Sometimes it doesn't always work so explore and experiment." So we're going to be using a lot of keywords in today's lesson.

We're going to be looking again at culture, which is something we looked at at the start of these sessions.

And that refers to a pattern of behaviour shared by a society or group of people.

We're going to be looking at developing a design specification.

And this is a list of specific points that a product needs to meet.

We're going to be looking at the word, user.

And this refers to the person or people we intend to design products for.

And these are the following things that we need in the lesson.

So today is a designing lesson so all you'll need is paper or a book, and you will need a pencil.

So if you want to pause the video now, go off and get what you need for today's lesson.

When you've got everything you need, come back to me and we will resume the lesson.


So you've got everything you need to start today's lesson, so let's carry on.


So the first part of this lesson, we're going to look at cultures and celebration, and we're going to look at the food that we eat in different cultures and celebrations.

So I'm going to take you back to some parts of our lesson that we've done previously.

So this slide is from a previous lesson where we looked at different cultures and we thought about what makes up different cultures.

So do you remember what is it that defines a culture? What are the things that make up a culture? Excellent.

Hopefully, you've got that right.

So we already know that culture is a pattern of behaviour that is shared by society, or a group of people.

But actually, there are lots of different things that make up a culture, aren't they? So the food that we eat can be linked to our culture, the language that we speak, the clothes that we wear, the music that we listen to, the arts, customs and our beliefs, our religions, all of these things make us part of a culture.

So when we looked at this lesson, we actually looked at national cultures and we looked at foods linked to national culture.

So Mrs. Mee thought she'd help you revise what you should already know.

So Mrs. Mee has put down four options of foods that are enjoyed in different cultures nationally.

And I would like you to tell me what nationality.

So what nationality is fajitas linked to? Correct.

It's Mexican.

What about fish and chips? Excellent.


What about pizza? Yes.

I mean, we all enjoy pizza, and we do eat a lot of pizza in the UK, but it's actually an Italian dish.

So you might already think, "Oh, actually, I'm quite multicultural.

I eat quite a lot of different foods from different national cultures." What about spring rolls? Have you enjoyed a spring roll recently? And what culture is that linked to? Yeah, that's Chinese, well done.

So here are just some of the food cultures.

So cultures is something we need to remind ourselves of.

And the other thing that we need to think about is celebrations.

Now, previously we explored lots of different celebrations, and food is often a big part of our celebrations, isn't it? So can you think of some of the celebrations that we listed previously? So let's have a look, let's have a think.

What celebrations, have a little think of a celebration in your head.

And you know, if I say the same celebration, brilliant, that's a bonus point for you.

So the first celebration we've got is a birthday.

So we all like to celebrate our birthdays, don't we? So we have, obviously, the food that we have on our birthday will depend on our culture.

What about carnivals? Yes.

Hopefully, you've had a chance to go to a carnival.

The food that you eat at a carnival is very different to a food that you might have as part of a Christmas dinner.

So food is linked to every sort of celebration.

And then we've got Easter.

So the food that we eat at Easter and the reasons we eat it, okay, is linked to a religious culture.

And then we've got Diwali, again, another religious celebration.

And that part of that festival, obviously, involves a lot of food, a lot of cultural dishes.

And then we've got a festival.

So if you go to a festival, you might have a predominantly fast food, and then we've got Christmas.

So the food that we eat at Christmas is linked to a culture and it's linked to a religious culture.

And then we've got Eid, and again, that's another religious celebration.

So think about all of these celebrations, think about cultures, because during today's lesson, we are going to design and go back to our findings on what culture and celebration we're going to design a product for.

Now, food products can be changed and adapted depending on the needs, wants, preferences, and values of an end user.

Now, if you remember back to our early lesson, we actually gathered some information from our end user on their needs, wants, preferences, and values if you remember.

So when we design a dish today, we need to think about those and we need to go back to our findings.

And if you didn't do that lesson, it doesn't matter.

You can use someone in your household to find out what their needs, wants, preferences, and values are, and you can revisit that lesson.

So when we develop a food product to address the needs of an end user and address a culture or a celebration, these are presented differently.

So we have looked at how to make a soup, we've looked at how to make pancakes, and we've looked at how to make bread, but those food items are staple food items. And you will find a soup in lots of different cultures, but it's presented differently depending on the culture or celebration that it's designed for.

So shall we have a look at some food products? Let's start by exploring some of the foods we've learned about.

So let's start by looking at soup.

So I'm going to show you some images of soups that are linked to different cultures.

So here's one soup.

So have a look at the soups as I reveal them to you.

What's different about the soups? What are the key differences? And what soup would you link to your culture or your celebration? And remember the soup and the design of the soup will need to reflect the end user's needs as well.

So all of those soups, as you can see, are different.

And what are their key differences? Yeah, we've got things like colour, texture, flavour, the ingredients that are used, the way in which it's presented.

So a soup, actually, probably exists in most cultures.

I'd like to actually find out; is there a nationality where they don't eat soup? Try and find that out for me.

So that is an example of soups linked to different cultures.

Now, we're going to take a look at pancakes and how pancakes can differ in different cultures.

So here we've got a savoury pancake with chicken, it looks like chicken and spinach and cheese, okay? A little bit healthier than the pancakes I made, wasn't it? So I use cheese.

And then we've got sweet pancakes, but it looks like boiled eggs actually.

So they're not sweet pancakes.

We've got boiled eggs there to serve with the pancakes.

We've then got heart-shaped pancakes, and you see how each pancake is presented differently.

So we've got lady there that's holding smaller pancakes which are quite thick.

And then we've got pancakes that are rolled and filled in and cut, similar to the ones that Mrs. Mee did.

And then we've got pancakes there that have had food colouring applied to them.

So how a pancake is presented will very much depend on the culture and celebration that you're designing for.

So we've looked at soups, looked at pancakes, let's take a look now at bread because you've learned how to bake bread.

And if you didn't do those lessons, go back and revisit.

Remember, soups was lesson four, pancakes was lesson six, and bread was lesson eight.

So breads.

How breads are presented to us will depend on the culture and celebration that you are a part of.

So we can get breads in all different shapes and sizes.

Now hopefully, you've had an opportunity to enjoy some of these breads.

We've got French sticks.

We've got sliced loaf.

We've got ciabatta bread.

We've got what looks like.

We've got garlic bread, and we've got a plaited bread there with seeds on it.

So how you present a bread will depend on the culture and celebration you're designing the bread for, the bread product for, apologies.

So let's do a little test.

So what Mrs. Mee's done there is she's actually listed a celebration, she's got option one is a celebration.

Option two is a food product.

Option three is a food product, and option four is a religious festival as well.

So can you give me the food or the celebration and culture that that is linked to? So take Christmas.

What food, what soup, pancake, or bread would we eat at Christmas? So what did you get? I got tomato, tomato soup, I should have put there.

So tomato soup is a traditional soup that you would often have as part of your Christmas dinner.

There are obviously other options, but that is one of the the soups that we would have as part of our Christmas lunch.

What about naan bread then? What national culture is naan bread linked to? Do you know? Yes, it's Indian.

So Indian culture, that's where naan bread comes from.

And I really enjoy naan bread.

Now, this one, gazpachos soup, have you ever tried it? Now, sometimes it's presented cold and Mrs. Mee doesn't like cold soup.

Do you know what national culture that's linked to? And don't worry if you don't, Mrs. Mee didn't know before she first got presented with it.

It's actually Spanish.

Well done if you got that correct, Spanish.

So that's linked to Spanish culture.

Shrove Tuesday, what food product would we have on Shrove Tuesday? Excellent.


So well done if you've got those.

So as you can see, the food that we eat is very much linked to the culture that we belong to, and can be linked to the celebration.

So we're going to think about designing a dish today for our chosen culture or celebration.

So, how can that same product, how can a soup, or pancake, or bread, look and tastes so different? What has been changed and what has been adapted? Can you have a little think? The ingredients.

Well done if you said that.

So the ingredients.

The shape.

So today when you design yours, be thinking about what ingredients you're going to use, think about what shape you're going to form.

The size? Absolutely.

And the flavours.

So all of these things are going to be part of what we're going to design today when we design our own dish.


So now we're going to develop a specification for your dish.

So we're going to design our own dish for our end user to reflect their chosen culture or celebration.

Before we do this, we're going create a design specification.

So what is a design specification? Can you remember what we said at the beginning? Yeah.

A design specification is a list of specific points that our product will do and be, and this will specify our ideas and decisions and will reflect what we've found out from our end user, such as: their needs, wants, preferences, values, and what their choice of culture or celebration was.

So in order to specify what our dish will do and how it will be, we need to reflect back to that research.

So this slide has come from our research task that we did, if you remember.

So this is not a task for you to do today, unless you haven't already done it.

So if you remember back, we created a short survey to include five questions, and we gave it to an individual or group of individuals, and we asked them what their needs, wants, preferences, and values were.

So remember, a need is something they have to have.

So it could be that they've got a dietary need, or they have to have certain food products in their diets.

The wants, if you remember, reflected to the Eatwell Guide, the eatwell plate.

So it might be; What carbohydrates do they want? What fruits and vegetables do they want? What dairy products do they want? And, what proteins they want in their diet? The preferences were, what are their preferred tastes, or ingredients, or smells, or textures, or colours? And then the values was what they value.

Do they value cost or do they value a high quality food product that's organic? And then if you remember, you asked them what culture or celebration they wanted you to design a product for.

So this is where we get to use this research.

So what I'd like you to do, we are going to write a short sentence to specify the following.

So you've got to reflect back to what you found out in your research from the first lesson of this unit.

So you are writing a sentence to describe; what your user's needs are, what their wants are, their preferences, their values, and what celebration or culture you are designing for.

So you can pause the video at this point, download this particular sheet, and you can fill it in or you can use your piece of paper on your book and write down these questions.

So pause the video, write down your five questions, and then resume once you are done.

Sorry, your five statements, not questions.

Mrs. Mee got muddled.

And once you've written down your five specific statements, come back to me and we will continue.


So hopefully you've had a go at that now.

Okay, so let's look at my example.

So my example, I've taken all of the findings from the research that I did.

So let's start with needs.

The dish needs to be gluten free to address the needs of my user.

That's the first specification point.

The wants.

The dish needs to include; beans, cheese, mediterranean vegetables, as listed by my user.

The preferences.

The dish needs to include sweet and spicy flavours.

The ingredients need to be cheap to purchase.

And the dish needs to be inspired by Mexican culture.

So you can see, there is my specifications, so I hope you've got a specification to follow as well.

So what we're going to look at next is designing our dish to reflect this specification.

Okay, so now we're ready to design your own dish.

So we're going to design a dish to reflect the design specification that you've created.

You will take a pre-existing recipe and you will adapt and modify it to make it your own.

So before you do this, you need to look at your specification and think about the type of dish that would be suited to your end user.

So here's Mrs. Mee's specification.

So we need to look at the specification to help us decide what dish to design and make.

So have a little think about all of those needs, wants, preferences, and values, and how you can use that to formulate a dish that's appropriate.

So before you start designing, let's explore which dish might be suitable to reflect your specification.

Could you create a soup, a pancake, or bread? Or you could come up with something, a new food product if you wanted.

Or could you create a combination of these if you wanted? Maybe something such as soup with baked bread.

So you can actually do a homemade soup and a lovely, delicious, baked bread.

That would be wonderful, wouldn't it? Have a little think about what dish would be suitable for your end user.

So using mine as an example, having reflected on my user's feedback, I will be designing and making a soup.

And that soup has to include all of the following.

It has to include mediterranean vegetables, has to be sweet and spicy, it needs to have beans, it needs to have cheese, it needs to reflect Mexican culture, it needs to be gluten free, and my user wants me to use cheap ingredients.

So I would like you to have a go at doing this.

Have a little think about what dish is most suitable and jot it down.

Maybe just on a bit of paper like Mrs. Mee has presented it to you.

Pause the video, have a go at doing it for your own user, thinking about what dish and what you need to include, and then come back to me when you're done.


So hopefully you've had a go.

So you might be doing a soup, you might be doing a pancake, or you might be baking a bread.

So whatever you do, you do need to think about how we're going to modify it.

So what you need to do now is you're going to select one recipe card from the previous focused practical tasks and we're going to look at how we can develop it by adapting, changing, or substituting one or more ingredient.

Well, here is the vegetable soup card that you could download and modify.

And that comes across two pages.

So you've got your ingredients and method on one page and then your equipment.

And then we've got your healthy pancakes.

So you could download that and modify that recipe card.

Or we've got your baking bread recipe card.

And again, that's split into two pages as well.

So you've got your ingredients and equipment and your method.

So have a little think about what food product you could download, and which one you're going to adapt and change to link to your own culture.

So Mrs. Mee has decided to actually look at soup.

So if I look at the vegetable soup recipe card, Mrs. Mee has just highlighted in pink what ingredients she could replace and adapt and change.

So I could change the vegetables, couldn't I? I could change the stock, the flavouring of the stock.

And I've highlighted there what I would change, but what I won't change is the method.

How I cook it is going to remain the same, but what will change is the ingredients inside.

So I want you to take this recipe card, this blank recipe card, and take one of the existing recipes and adapt it and change it, replacing one or more of ingredient to make it reflect your specification and your user's needs and wants and preferences and your chosen celebration or culture, okay? So pause the video, download this recipe card, fill it in reflecting your specification, and then when you're ready, come back to me and I will show you my example.


So hopefully now, you've chosen your dish and you've specified what's going to be inside your dish.

Now, remember what Mrs. Mee said about designing products? Hopefully, you've put an ingredient in there, which you're not really sure if it's going to work or not, but that's what we mean about experimenting.

But if that experiment works, you will have a very new soup idea, or bread idea, or pancake idea.

And that's what we do.

So chefs do that all the time.

They're always experimenting.

So Mrs. Mee has designed hers.

Now remember, it needs to reflect Mexican culture, needs to include beans, mediterranean vegetables, it needs to be sweet and spicy, and it needs to be gluten free.

So I had a lot to kind of think about.

So this is Mrs. Mee's Mexican soup, I've even given it a name.

Mrs. Mee's Mexican soup.

So Mrs. Mee's Mexican soup will include; mediterranean vegetables, and I've chosen peppers, onions, and courgettes 'cause they're quite cheap.

And remember, my user wanted cheap.

I've used chopped tomatoes and a can of black beans, again, because they're cheaper.

Actually, are they going to be as nutritious? And then the spices that I'm adding, I'm going to put a garlic clove in there, some chilli powder, coriander, and cumin.

And I'm actually going to put some bouillon powder.

Now, Mrs. Mee had to do a bit of research actually in making her Mexican soup, to make sure she got the right stock compared to the vegetable stock.

And then we've got cheese and vegetable oil, okay? So I've modified the method slightly to reflect the ingredients that I'm using.

But if you remember, it's the same method as the soup, because I'm heating the oil, adding the fresh ingredients until they soften, and then I'm adding all of the liquid ingredients, and then I'm simmering for 15 minutes.

So it's the same process, and imagine a dollop of creme at the end of it, and some grated cheese on top.

And then I'm going to serve.

So I haven't changed the method, but I have changed the ingredients.

But I've changed more than one or two, haven't I? Brilliant.

So hopefully you're ready for the next lesson where we're going to develop and actually make our end product.

So you should have a recipe card now that's good enough to put on the World Wide Web for everyone to actually have a go at using your recipe.

So we've used lots of keywords today in our lesson, let's remind ourselves.

We've looked at culture, and we know that this refers to a pattern of behaviour linked to a society or a group of people.

We've looked at the word, design specification, and we know that this is a list of specific points that a product needs to meet.

We've looked at the word, user.

So this refers to the person or people we intend to design the product for.

And you've designed your very own recipe.

So hopefully, you're set for the next lesson where we're going to create it.

So what you need to do for the next lesson is collect all of those ingredients, make sure you've got your equipment ready, and I'm going to remind you of the key strategies for actually creating those food products.

Mrs. Mee will remind you how to make soup, how to make a pancake, and how to bake bread.

I really hope you've enjoyed today's lesson.