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Welcome back to your design and technology lesson.

I am Mrs. Mee and I am your design and technology teacher and we are exploring cooking and nutrition.

So today we're on session five.

So we have done four previous sessions and we've been exploring culture and seasonality.

So previously we've looked at different cultures and the food that they eat.

We've also looked at where our food comes from.

We've looked at the different season in which our food grows.

We've looked at what we need for a healthy and varied diet.

And we've also made a healthy soup.

So hopefully you've had chance to make that soup and tastes that soup.

And if you haven't, today's the day.

So today we're going to look at how to revaluate food products.

Now, this is a really tricky job.

Some people get paid to evaluate food products.

What do you think they have to do to evaluate them? That's right.

They have to taste them.

So today's going to be a tough lesson.

You are going to have to taste food and tell me what you think about it.

So thank you for joining me.

I'm going to introduce you to the next part of the lesson now.

And we will look at how we can evaluate your food products.

So are we ready to start? So today's lesson is all about evaluating food products.

So remember the rules of play.

We need to have fun, explore and experiment, be confident, play safe, and don't be afraid to make mistakes because the next mistake could be the next big idea.

So what we're going to explore in today's lesson, is we're going to be exploring investigative and evaluative activities.

So we're going to investigate existing food products and we're going to evaluate them.

We're going to do that by looking at how to evaluate food products using different techniques.

We're then going to be looking at how food packaging informs us.

So we're not only going to evaluate the food within the packaging, we're also going to evaluate the food and packaging as well.

And then you're going to have the opportunity to design your own food label.

So what you're going to need in today's lesson, is you're going to need a lot of knowledge about the different key words that we're going to use.

So these are some of the key words we're going to use in today's lesson.

We're going to be looking at evaluate.

So when we evaluate, it is to look at a product and make judgements on what the advantages and disadvantages are.

We're going to use the word sensory.

Now the word sensory relates to the senses being stimulated by tasting food products.

We're going to explore the different senses.

We're also going to be looking at the word inform.

And the word inform relates to how a package gives key facts and information about a product by law or to promote a product.

Now you're going to need the following things in today's lesson.

So I'm going to go off and get these myself as well now.

You're going to need a paper and pencil.

You're going to need a soup sample.

So if you made a soup last lesson, you can use that as your sample or if you will already know it was too delicious, you could just find an a pre-packaged soup.

Now, if you're struggling to find soup as an exact example food product, you could use another food product.

So don't panic if it's not soup.

But we'd like you to look at soup itself.

So paper and pencil, a sample of soup or of a food.

And then, can you do me a favour? And can you go and get some example of packaging in and around your house? So any form of food packaging find lots of examples.

That could be your cereal box.

It could be a soup, a Tennessee soup.

It could be a container that has soup in it.

So pause the video, go off and get all of these items then come back to me and we're going to start by looking at how we would evaluate food and the packaging that contains the food.

So have you got all of your things I asked you to prepare? So we needed a paper and a pencil.

You need a sample of soup or the soup that you made.

And Mrs. Mee made some soup yesterday.

So I'm going to show you my soup in the moment and then you also need some food packaging which we'll use towards the next part of the lesson.

So how do we evaluate food products then? So, what we're going to look at, is we're going to explore how we can evaluate our food products using what we call sensory evaluation.

So what do we mean by the word sensory? That's correct.

We're going to be using our senses.

So what are our senses? Have a little think.


So sensory that relates to our sensor is being stimulated.

So as we evaluate a product we will use our senses to make a judgement such as our eyesight, our taste, our hearing.

So we'll use these senses to sense things and these senses will be stimulated.

And what senses will we be looking at? So let's explore some of our senses and think about which ones we're going to use to judge a food product.

So are we going to use our eyes as part of a sensory analysis? Are we going to be smelling the food product? So am I going to ask you to start sniffing your soup? Are we going to be tasting our food product? Are we going to be touching it? And are we going to be listening to it? So we're going to do a sensory analysis of the food product that you produced, or if you haven't got that, any of a food product similar.

So I've got an example of my food product.

So I've got a soup right next to me which I'm going to show you in a moment.

Which senses would we use to test the actual food itself? That's Correct.

We're going to look at the soup.

We're going to smell the soup.

We're going to taste the soup.

Now what we not going to do with the soup is we're not going to get our hands inside the soup and start touching the soup.

We would use that touching when we're looking at packaging.

We're not going to listen to the soup because there's no requirement for sound in this particular product.

So we're not going to be using our touching and our listening.

So let's just talk about these senses.

So let's just look at when we look at our soup, what are we actually looking for? So, before we do that, I'm just going to pause the video.

And I'm going to show you my example of my food product that I've prepared for us to do a sensory evaluation on.

So you might want to pause the video make sure you've got your soup ready.

And then what I've had to do, my soap was prepared yesterday, so to make sure it was safe, I had to chill it in the fridge and I've got it out of the fridge now.

And I've had to heat it all the way through to make sure it's safe for me to eat.

So I do need to hurry up because obviously by the time I start testing it, it might go cold.

So I'm going to pause the video.

I'm going to show you my food product.

And then we're going to talk about how we'd start to do a sensory evaluation.

So here is my food product.

So this is the soup that I prepared earlier.

So this soup has been produced by preparing and combining potato, carrots, onion, I actually put broccoli in this soup rather than peas, and then there's a nice dollop of creme fresh on top and some fresh herbs, in this case it's coriander.

Now that has been prepared and now is ready for me to do a taste test of.

So I've got it ready there so I can actually create a sensory analysis.

So when I'm looking at the soup, so let's just take my soup as an example, what words would I use to describe the look? What words would I use? Have a little think.

So I'm not smelling it yet.

I'll smell it next.

What words am I using to describe the way in which the food product looks.

I really need to get on tasting it quite soon.

So yes, shape.

So shape.

Now, Mrs. Mee has not blended her soups so there's a lot of different shapes in the vegetables that have been prepared.

So I'm looking at the shapes.

I might then be looking at the texture and things like these actually might add a value to your soup and might make it look better.

But actually for some users, it might put them off.

So in particular, with younger children and vegetables, sometimes we blend them almost disguise the vegetable The size.


So the size of the different vegetables within the soup.

The colour, yes, the colour.

That is a really, really important.

So the colour, so that could be an advantage or a disadvantage.

If we've got a soup, that's very green and you're offering that to someone who doesn't like green vegetables that might be off-putting.

So the colour of the soup is really, really important.

Yes, we might use the words lumpy.

So hopefully you've got some of these similar words.

So these are the sorts of words that we might use to describe the way in which our soup looks.


So if your soup has been blended, you might have a smooth texture, whereas my soup is very lumpy.



We might use the word think.

We might use the word appealing.

It does look appealing or it might look unappealing.

So in my evaluation, what I do is think about how I could improve it to make it more appealing.

We might use the word appetising.

It looks appetising.

It looks like I'd want to eat it.

And in relation to shape, you might use the word cubed.

So those are just some of the words you could use.

So keep those words in mind and you might want to add to that list of key words when you're evaluating your food products.

So we're evaluating the way it looks.

We're then going to evaluate the smell.

So Mrs. Mee has got to put her nose up to the soup and smell it.

So remember, people do this for a job.

People taste food for a job.

People smell food for a job.

Exciting, isn't it? And I believe I'm quite good food critic.

I'm good at evaluating food.

So think about what words.

What words might you use? Have a little think.

Pause the video and have little think.

Smell you say what sort words.

It smells very much like vegetables.

So it might smell sweet.

That's right.

It might have an aroma, it might be very aromatic.

Mine is not, mine's kind of.

I'll come on to the word that I described mines.

It might be a weak smell, so you can't really smell it very much.

It might be a smoky smell.

Might be a savoury smells.

And mine is definitely savoury.

It's got a hint of sweetness.

So sound like an expert, no downtime.

It might smell meaty.

Well, if it's a vegetable soup, it probably got no chance of that.

Yeah, It might smell meaty.


So it's got a fragrance about it.

This is definitely fragrant.

Mine is savoury, it's fragrant.


Mine has not got a citrusy smell.

Mine is Strong.

My smell is very strong, but it's also very earthy.

That's the word I'm going for.

It's very, very earthy.

I can smell those vegetables.

I can smell those carrots actually.

And some of you may have used carrots that are fresh, that are organic, and you might notice the difference in taste compared to carrots that you purchased from a supermarket.

You might smell spices depending on what you've put into your soup to season it.

So these are the words that you can use.

So you've got to smell it.

You've got to look at it.

And then this is my favourite bit.

You've got to taste it.

So as you're evaluating your food product, do all of these things.

Look at your food product, smell you for food product and then you have to taste it.

Really important.

You don't want to give other people food that doesn't taste very nice.

And the only way of testing is to taste it yourself.

So some of the words that you might use, think about what it might taste like.

It might taste bitter.

A little bit better.

It might taste sweet.

It might taste salty.

I'm just going to put my soup down here.

It might taste sour.

It might taste rich, tangy, zesty, savoury, spicy, hot.

My case, I think mine might have got a little bit cold by now.

It might be cold.

So, what I'd like you to do is take your soup, take your soup and use all of your senses.

Use your eyes, your tongue, and your mouth and your nose to actually describe your soup.

You need to think about the key words to describe and evaluate and give your opinion.

So do that now.

Have a little think.

So Mrs.Mee is going to taste.

I've smelt it, I've looked at it.


Now I'm tasting it.

Now, when Mrs.Mee got this recipe, and it said creme fresh on vegetables soup I was a bit like, hmm, not so sure about that, but actually what it's done, it's added an extra depth to the flavour and it's added value to the soup and added a lot of texture and actually tastes really delicious.

And I wouldn't ever previously have thought about putting creme fresh with the vegetable soup.

Because it's not blended, I can actually taste all of the different vegetables in there.

So, for this task you can use the sheet so you can download this worksheet.

I would like you for the way it looks and the way it smells and the way it tastes, I would like you to write some key words which would be used to describe the advantages and the disadvantage of your food product.

And then what I'd like you to do, is give it a star rating.

So pause the video, have a go.

I'm going to sit and eat my soup.

I'm going to also have a go at evaluating my food product.

I'm going to show you what my outcome is as well after evaluating.

So hopefully you've had chance now to do your sensory analysis.

So this is a sensory analysis I did have my soup.

So I had a good taste.

I had a good look, a good smell, really took one job, very, very seriously.

So here's some of the things that I made a note of about my soup and hopefully you've produced something similar.

So the advantage is in terms of the way it looked, I said that I had a variety of colours and textures within the soup.

but I did say that the stock that I'd used, the vegetable stock it looked a little bit thin and watery.

So it looked a little bit unappealing.

The smell, it was very savoury and earthy but it was quite strong in terms of very vegetabley.

So I'd maybe look at rebalancing that by using different herbs or even a different stock if I was to make that soup again.

In terms of taste, it was very savoury and very rich and very warm, which is brilliant for Mrs. Mee.

So it lined her stomach, ready for the next part of the day, but actually it was quite salty as well.

So I had quite a high salt content.

Now my star rating, I've given my soup, and I haven't given a name yet, we'll look at that later on in the lesson, but I've given my soup four stars out of five.

So it's not a bad soup.

But there are still things that I could do to improve it.

So what did you give yours? Have a little think.

And I hope you enjoyed doing that sensory analysis and maybe you can use that technique with any other food that you might have in your cupboard.

So now we're going to look at how packaging informs us.

We're going to explore a range of food packaging and we're going to look at how it informs us about the contents of the food product.

So I brought lots of different packaging along with me.

So I've been in my cupboards and in my fridge and look for different packaging.

So I saw different packaging for soup products actually, given that we've designed a soup.

So I've got this lovely soup product here which we're going to investigate and you're going to do the same.

So I need you to think about what food packaging, we've got this lovely soup that I've got here.

I've got some pens soup that we're going to look at.

And we're going to look at what is on the packaging and what needs to be on the packaging to inform us as an end-user, what should go inside the food product.

So what I'd like you to do now, is I'd like you to go into your food cupboards or your fridge and try and find some packaging.

It doesn't matter what food product.

I've got a pasta sauce here as well.

I've got some creme fresh, I've got some Uncle Ben's rice.

It doesn't matter what the food product is.

Mrs. Mee happens to have got lots of soup products because I thought it'd be good for us to look at those as a case study.

So pause the video, grumble the packaging you can get hold of in your food cupboards.

Think about the fresh foods processed and pre cooked foods, and then come back to me.

So hopefully now you've got a range of food products for us to look at.

So what we're going to be looking at, is we're going to be looking at how food labelling is there to inform the end user about the following things.

So all of the food packaging must inform the end user of the name of the product.

So here, this is called, the brand is called Covent Garden Soup Company.

And the actual soup is carrot and coriander.

So you can see how the company have informed us of the name of the actual soup and the brand of the soup company.

The food labelling also needs to inform us about the ingredients.

So have a little look on your packaging and think about where the ingredients are.

So here, I'm just trying to look actually on this packaging where the ingredients are? I can't seem to find ingredients.

So give me just a minute.

Here we go.

Silly old me.

So the ingredients are on this side and you can see on this side of the packaging, that there's a lot of information.

So we'll talk about that in a moment but the ingredients needs to be on the food packaging.

And I'm going to show you in my special camera a closer of these packaging so you can see.

Now the ingredients also needs to detail any allergen information.

And this is detailed in bold.

It also needs to tell you if it's a food that can be cooked, what the cooking and storage instructions are, and it also needs to inform you about nutritional information.

So all of these things we'll go through bit by bit and we're going to investigate.

So have a look at one of your food products name to just think about it, and each food product it might be in a different place, but have a look.

Can you find the name? Can you find the ingredients? A lot quicker on this example.

Can you find cooking and storage instructions? Yes.

Nice and simple here.

And can you find any nutritional information? So the nutritional information actually you'll have a little image like this one here.

Can you see that? Let's see if I can point to that.

Can you see that bar there? Yeah.

So that is the nutritional information.

So we'll go through that in a little bit more detail.

So pause the video have a little look at one of your food packaging, see if you can explore where all of those things are and then let's have a look at some details.

So let's have a look at the packaging.

So Mrs. Mee has put some range of packaging of soup product in my visualizer for you to see.

So what we're going to look at first, is we're going to look at how packaging promotes the end product by using names, images, and a description.

So for examples of packaging, I'm going to use my pencil to point.

You can see the name.

You can see what the flavours soup is, but the description isn't actually on the front of the package.

So what's on the front of the package is the name.

So how the name is displayed is really important.

Isn't it? 'cause it tells you what it is.

So straightaway, the Heinz soup, I know that it's a spring vegetable soup.

Now this one, it says the Real Soup Company.

So it gives you the brand name first.

Then it tells you what the flavour is.

That's Indonesia, chick pea, and coconut soup.

And this one here, brand name on the top, and then it says vegetable cup soup.

So that's where the name is.

So have a look at your food packaging, how is the name displayed? And this is a job of a graphic designer.

It's a graphic designer's job to actually design the artwork to go on the packaging.

And it's really important that it looks good, that it attracts the end user because if it doesn't look good, you're unappetizing.

You're not going to want to actually buy that product.

So how else do they promote the end product? So they put the name on the front, and then what else have they used on those packaging? That's correct.

They've used images.

So on the first example, they've used illustrations, haven't they? So we've got illustrations here of carrots and it almost kind of loses itself in the background a little bit, but you can see there's illustrations of carrots.

On the second example, we've actually got a picture of the soup and then some illustrations overside.

On the third example, we've actually got an illustration of the key ingredients.

So it's chickpea and coconut.

So they've used the illustration as a coconut.

And I imagine that those around the outside are chickpeas.

So you can see each example is very different but it's all about trying to attract the end user.

And again, with a second example of the Heinz, there's a picture of the soup there.

But the difference is, that image is in a cup because it's a cup soap and this is in a bowl.

So have a look at yours.

Now, the next thing I want you to explore is the description.

So where's the description for that soup.

So let's have a look at the Covent Garden soup.

So the description here is about Covent, it's here, it's on the back.

So for the Covent Garden Soup, the description is actually on the back.

So you can see there's a description here.

So the original, the taste of naturally sweet carrots paired with the distinctive flavour of fragrant coriander.

You see how they're using the words that we've come across in our sensory analysis.

Fragrant, coriander, and a pinch of nutmeg.

this soup brightens in rainiest of days.

So has that captured you? So it's a really good description to try and hook the end-user into buying your soup.

Let's look at what Heinz have done to describe this soup.

There is no.

Here we go, there's a description here for Heinz.

So it might be called Heinz soup, veg but it's farm favourite all year round.

Filled with vibrant madly of carrots, peas, and sweet.

Has that got you.

So that's the description for the Heinz soup.

Let's have a look where the description is for the Real soup.

Here we go, it's just here.

So the description for this soup is actually on the back with the nutritional information.

I'll read that to you.

A warming blend of chickpeas, coconut lemon grass and lime.

That's it? That is your description.

So is that hooked you in? So what I want you to do, is pause the video, have a look at your example packaging, have a look at how the packaging has been designed to inform you of the name, how they have you used imagery on the packaging and how the views the description to hook you in as an end user? So now we're going to look at the package.

We're going to look at how it informs us of the ingredients and the allergens.

Can you spot on that food label where the ingredients are? Yes, that's right.

And I'm going to use my pencil to help point.

So here are the ingredients and they've used the colour orange to identify the ingredients.

And we'll look at the other information later on.

So you can see here all of the ingredients that's in that soup.

So actually you might be looking at that soup and hopefully being inspired to add some of those ingredients in your own soup if you were to make it gain.

So we've got things like orange juice and honey.

Now, do you remember when Mrs. Mee did her sensory analysis of her soup? It was a little bit salty.

So to make it not so salty, I could reduce the salt content but I actually think it needed a little bit more sweetness.

So I could explore with some of these ingredients, couldn't I? and add them into my soup.

Now by exploring an experiment, it could make it not taste very nice but actually it could really improve the flavour.

But as you can see, the ingredients are written here and by law, all food packaging must contain the ingredients.

And by law, it must also contain what ingredients are allergens.

So can you tell me how a food manufacturer has to inform us if there's an allergen on the food? Well, well done.

If you've got it, they have to write it in bold.

So can you spot what ingredient is actually an allergen? That's Right.

The milk.

So if you can read that though, it says milk.

So milk on this packaging is an allergen.

Because milk is dairy and some people can't eat dairy products.

Now the Real Soup Company has a lot of ingredients on this.

And I'm just going to see if that will stay like that.

So you're not going to be able to see all of those ingredients, but can you see all of those ingredients? Now, can you see any? I mean, it sounds absolutely delicious.

Can you see any bold? No, there is no ingredient in there that's been highlighted bold.

And if I just turn this and move that into the camera there, can you see all of those symbols that have been used? So this soup for me is the best soup for me to eat.

Now, this is quite expensive soup.

Suitable for vegetarians.

Suitable for vegans.

No artificial preservatives.

It's gluten-free, no GM, one of your five a day and completely allergen-free.

So that is your ultimate soup for anyone with an allergen.

So the Real Soup Company have made a fresh soup that is free from any allergens.

So that's got to be a really good example.

So what I'd like you to do now is find your example of food products and have a look.

How does your food products inform you of the ingredients and the allergens? Have a little look and investigate and do your research.

Compare which food product does it better.

So in my opinion, the Real Soup Company has got to be a winner.

And actually it sounds like a really delicious soup.

It's an Indonesian chickpeas and coconut soup, which although my vegetable soup was nice, I think this one's going to taste much nicer.

So what we're going to look at now, is we're going to have a look at how the packaging informs us about cooking instructions and storage instructions.

So we're just going to take a look at the Real Soup Company again, as my example.

And as you can see, it's really small written again, but it tells me how to prepare and cook this soup.

So I've got two options.

I can microwave my soup or I can use the hob.

Now it tells me before cooking, what I must do.

And it tells me after cooking what I must do.

So before cooking, shake well, break tab on the lead and location.

Place on microwaveable plate.

Now it gives you instructions on how to microwave it depending on the power of your microwave.

And that's really important, isn't it? And then after cooking, stir and lid to stand for one minute, ensure product is fully heated before serving.

Do not reheat.

So I can't reheat a soup that's already been heated.

And this is a guide only.

They're saying that this is a guide only.

I want to put it on the hob.

I've got to shake it, break tab, tear the lid off and empty contents into a sauce pan.

Heat gently until hopped, stirring occasionally.

So it's telling me how to cook it.

And then if I turn it around, I'm looking now for storage instructions.

So storage is just about the nutritional information and it says, keep refrigerated, do not freeze.

This pack contains one serving.

And it says use by date, see lid.

If I turn the lead, I should be able to see that used by is 16th December.

So have a look at your packaging and have a look at how it informs..

So what we're going to do now then, is look at the food packaging in terms of nutritional information.

So this package on the rights, the Covent Garden soup package, it's got a table on it.

That table gives us all of the nutritional information.

It tells us how much energy fats, carbohydrates, fibre, protein, and salt.

So it sort of takes us back to our eat well guide, doesn't it? Now none of that really makes sense, but that is how food manufacturers inform us of what the contents is inside.

And that's expected that they do that by law.

Now what they brought in and I don't know what year it was, but they brought in a new type of labelling to help us understand about nutritional values.

So the new sort of label, and as you can see here, is the coloured bar.

Now on that coloured bar, it tells us how much fat is in the soup, how much saturates as in soup, how much sugars and how much salt and the energy value in total.

So how is that helping us? Now, we probably don't understand much about how many grammes of salt we should have in our diet, but what it is given us which makes sense to me, is it's given us colours.

So can you tell me which type of ingredient is good in this food product? Yes.

So the amount of sugars that's in this particular dish is good.

It's good for us.

There's not too much sugar.

Now the amber, the fat and the salt basically say there's a bit too much, so don't eat too much of it.

It's saying don't eat too much of the foods where there's lots of amber.

Now the one that's really high is the saturates.

So the saturates is really high.

So we've just got to be careful.

It doesn't mean that we can't eat foods with red, we've just got to have a balance.

So this new coloured label helps us to understand how much nutritional value in that soup.

So what I need you to do now then is explore a range of food packaging and investigate how the food packaging informs the end users about the name, the ingredients, the allergen information, cooking and storage instructions and the nutritional information.

And have a little look and investigate because you are going to be designing your own food label.

So I need you to research and find ideas about how the packaging informs the end-user.

So pause the video, have a little look.

And then when you're ready, come back and we'll move on.

Now we're going to explore designing our own food label.

So using everything that you've learned, from investigating existing packaging, you are going to design your own label.

And you are going to include the following things.

So you're going to design a food labelling to inform the end user about the name of the products, the description, and an image.

So that image could be a picture.

It could be illustrated sketch.

You also need to include on your label, the list of ingredients and remember, you must highlight in bold what the allergens are.

So it might be if it contains nuts or if it contain cereals, including wheat.

You can research the 14 allergens on the food standards agency website.

So ask an adult to help you.

If you're not sure of what allergens you need to put on your food label.

You need to put the cooking instructions on that.

We've looked at other examples and then you need to put your storage instructions.

So how must I store the soup that you've created? Must it be chilled and how long for? And then the final thing is the nutritional information.

So to help you, I've given you a food label guide there.

So you can download this as a worksheet and print it off and you can fill in this, or you could illustrate your own and design your own shape of your food label.

If you wanted, you could actually sketch how it would be packaged, so you could sketch the shape.

So what sorts of package would your food product be in? So think about the shape of the package.

Would it be a cuboid? Would it be a cylindrical tub shape? Think about how you would do that.

So you can do that if you want as well.

So you need to include the name, description, image, ingredients, cooking instructions, use by date and storage instructions.

Now, for the nutritional information keep it really simple because we're not going to know what percentage of salt is in there.

We're not going to know the amount of energy without doing some scientific investigation.

So you can actually see where the science is in every food product.

And there's a lot of science to actually understand the nutritional content.

So what you're going to do is you're going to use this nutritional label and you are going to have a little guess and you're going to use the colours.

So what are you going to use? In terms of fat content in your soup would you say it is amber, red or green? So green would be that it's within the expectation.

Amber would be like it's got a little bit too much fat.

And red would be that it's got too much fat in there.

So what colours would you use? Red? Not so good.

Amber for okay.

And green for really good.

So you've got to judge it.

Now, what I've done is I've used my taste test to help me.

So let me show you the examples.

So I've done an example food label using that worksheet to help you.

So this is my food labelling.

Now, obviously I think about the design and I might sketch things on here, and I might think about the colours and the brown colours on my label, but my name of my food product is Mrs. Mee's Super Vegetable Soup.

Does that sound good? So you can think of something better I'm sure.

A description, and I've used my sensory analysis to help me, it's a warm, savoury soup with earthy flavours.

So you can see the advert printed on can to keep you warm throughout those cold days.

And I've taken an image there of how it was served in a bowl, how my soup was served.

So hopefully selling that soup to the end-user.

The ingredients I've listed, I've highlighted in bold, the one that's an allergen.

And then for cooking instructions, again, I've used knowledge from looking at.

So I looked at these labels and I used some of those key words.

So I've used those labels to help me write my own label.

So to microwave, place soup in microwavable container, microwave on full-power for five minutes.

Four hob, pour soup into a saucepan, heat until piping hot, stirring frequently.

Be careful the soup will be hot.

Let it stand for one minute before eating.

So you can see what I've done.

And then a used by date is must be consumed within two days because it is a fresh soup.

If I wanted to put it into a tin and turn it into a processed food, can you imagine what ingredients I might need to add to keep it preserved for that long? And remember it's in a sealed aluminium tin.

So that's also helping keep it air tight.

There's no air getting in that.

If any air got into that can, that soup would not be able to be preserved for that long.

So it's not just the ingredients inside the soup, it's how it's actually sealed and packaged.

And that is another lesson of materials.

So storage instructions.

Soap must be stored in a sealed container and refrigerated.

It is suitable for freezing, but you must choose within a month and defrost thoroughly before eating and use the same day.

So you can see that that's an example.

So that's the sort of thing that I'd want you to produce.

Have a little think.

And then for my nutritional label, obviously I can't work out the energy.

I don't know how many calories.

I could try and work out, but there's a lot of science involved.

So what I'd like you to do if you use your nutritional bond you can add it to your label, I couldn't fit that on my screen but you could add that to the end of your label.

And you could put it long ways or you could put it horizontal or vertical against your label.

But there I've used my sensory analysis.

So do you remember when Mrs. Mee was talking about the taste? She said it was too salty.

So I said it was two salty.

So the salt content is obviously quite high.

But for the others I think it's a really, it's all fresh vegetables, so my opinion it's good for fat.

It's good for saturates and things like carbohydrates.

There's not too many in there.

Is good for sugars.

There's not many sugary items in there.

It's all natural sugars, but it is quite salty.

And I think that comes down to the vegetable stock that I've used.

So in my evaluation, I would improve the salt content or try and make it sweeter maybe by putting more carrots in or honey, as we've discovered after looking over soups.

So hope that helps you.

So what you need to do, if you need to download the task and complete your food label, when you've done that, come back to me.

So hopefully you've had a chance now to complete your food label.

You've completed your food label and you need traditional information bar, and hopefully you've got something better than me.

So you may have illustrated it, you may have created it on a computer, however you did it, I hope you did a very good job.

So we have used lots of words, this lesson and we have learned so much.

So the key words that used we've learnt how to evaluate a food product.

And this is where we look at a product and we make a judgement on it.

So you have evaluated a food product today and you've looked at what the good things and the not so good things are about that product, the advantages and disadvantages.

You've used a sensory evaluation, haven't you? So you know now that the sensory relates to the sense that's been stimulated.

So, we were smelling our food, we were tasting our food.

We were looking at our foods.

We're using three of our senses.

You have looked at existing packaging and we've used the inform keyword.

So inform, relates to how a package gives key facts and information about a food product.

Some of that information is expected by law or some of it is there to promote the food product.

And I hope you are able to share some of your food labels with us.

So if you've designed a really good food label and you've got really good sketch, maybe or you've designed it really well using ICT, please, please, please take a screenshot or a photograph and send it to us.

So the only way it Mrs.Mee is going to see all of your fabulous work is if you share it on Twitter.

So get an adult to share it for us and use @OakNational and #LearnwithOak.

We would really like see your work.

Mrs. Mee would really like to see it.

So thank you for joining me in today's lesson.

I hope to see you during our next lesson where we'll be exploring some more cooking and nutrition.

Thank you and goodbye.