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Hello, and welcome to your first design and technology lesson.

My name is Mrs. Mee, and I'm going to be your teacher as we explore design and technology.

What sort of things do you think we're going to be doing during our lessons? That's right, yes, we're going to design and make a range of products.

So as we explore design and technology, let's have a little think about what design and technology is.

Can you tell me what item has been designed and made? Give me an example of something that's been designed and made in your room.

Yes, that's right, you might have chosen the computer or the table or the chair.

A fact is that everything that's in your environment that's man-made has been designed and made.

So design and technology is a really exciting subject because we're exploring everything in and around our environment, whether that's a chair, a table, a building, a car, a food item, your clothes that you wear, my glasses, everything has been designed and made.

Now we are going to go on a journey and we're going to explore one area of design and technology.

So we're going to explore food technology, which is Mrs. Mee's favourite subject.

Why do you think food technology is one of Mrs. Mee's favourite subjects? Yes, that's right, because I get to eat the products.

Now, unfortunately, I can't get to taste your product.

So as we explore food technology, I would like you to actually share with me some of your creations, and I'll talk about that at the end of our lesson.

So are you ready, as we go on a journey to explore and experiment in design and technology? Okay, so let's have a look at the topic area that we're going to be looking at.

So we're going to be exploring cooking and nutrition over the next 10 sessions.

And we're going to be looking at, in particular, celebrating culture and seasonality.

So we're going to explore that during the next lessons, and today we're going to look at culture in particular.

Now there are some rules that I need you to follow.

I need you to have fun, if that's okay, I need you to explore with your ideas, and I need you to experiment! Now when you experiment, what can sometimes happen? Yes, that's right, things can go wrong, especially when you're doing food technology, but please don't worry, because the most famous chefs all are very famous for their dishes because they have experimented, so please experiment.

Don't worry if you make a mistake because your next mistake could be your next big idea.

Be confident, and more importantly, play safe, because when we are creating products in a food environment, we are working with tools and equipment that can be dangerous.

So I'll go through the safety rules.

And when we do do some making activities, I will ask you to ask your parents or carer to support with the activity.

Now over the next 10 sessions, we're going to carry out different types of tasks.

One of the tasks we're going to look at is called investigative and evaluative tasks.

This is where you might evaluate to find out new things.

You might investigate a topic area, or you might investigate a food.

That might mean that you have to eat food and taste it and evaluate the tastes.

So this is you finding out information.

The other type of task that we're going to look at is called focused practical tasks.

So these are very practical.

So the first focused practical task that we carry out will be to make a soup.

And I will give you a method sheet and a list of ingredients, and I will demonstrate to you how to actually use the correct skills and techniques to create your own very soup.

And these are to help you develop your knowledge and understanding of food and nutrition.

And when we've carried out those focused tasks and done lots of investigation work, you'll then complete a design and make activity.

So you'll put all your learning into practise, and I'll give you a design and make activity to carry out.

So let's have a look at what we're going to explore in today's lesson.

So in today's lesson, we're going to look at what is meant by culture.

What do we mean by that word culture? We're also going to look at some of the foods that are linked to those cultures.

So it's going to need you to really think and do some research into different cultures once we've explored it.

We're also going to look at celebrations and what celebrations are celebrated in different cultures.

And then the final task today that we're going to look at is we're going to look at how we can gather research to find out information, okay? Okay, so let's have a look at some of the keywords we're going to be using this lesson.

So we're going to be looking at the word culture.

So the definition of the word culture is a pattern of behaviour that's shared by a society or a group of people.

We're also going to be using the word needs.

So a need is something that's essential by an end user, so it might be that they need something in their diet, or there's a need for them not to eat something in their diet, so needs are essential.

We'll explore the word wants a lot during this lesson.

So a want is based on what a user chooses, not what is needed.

We're also going to look at the word preferences.

So a preference is based on a user's preferred taste or appearance, it's what they like, their likes and dislikes, I suppose.

We're also going to be looking at the word religious.

So when we use the word religious, that's relating to someone relating to or believing in a religion.

We're going to look at the word nutrition.

So the word nutrition is the process of providing or obtaining the food that's necessary for our health and growth.

We'll explore the word dietary, so advice related to chosen diet in order for us to remain healthy.

And we're also going to look at the word values.

So a value relates to something that is important to the end user.

So, by the end of this lesson, we'll revisit these keywords, and you should understand these keywords a lot more and use them within your work within design and technology.

So in this lesson today, you're going to need two things.

First thing, I call it a magic wand.

So you're going to need a pencil to jot down your ideas, and you're also going to need a piece of paper, or you can use an exercise book.

So make sure you're ready for your lesson.

You might want to pause the lesson at this point, go off and go and collect all of your materials.

Make sure you've got plenty of room to work, and make sure you've got a nice, quiet space to work in as well.

So once you've got all your materials, pop back on the video and just resume the video, and we will continue with the lesson.

Okay, so let's explore the first part of our lesson.

We're going to be looking at what is meant by the word culture.

So have a look at some of these images.

These images relate to different cultures.

So pause the video, have a little think.

You might want to explore and research some different cultures yourself or the word culture.

Pause your video and then come back to me when you've got some ideas.

Brilliant, okay, so you may have looked at those photos and you may have identified a place, food, art, dance.

You may have identified clothing.

So there are lots of things that make up a culture.

Now, the definition for culture is a pattern of behaviour that is shared by a society or group of people.

And there are lots of things that make up a society's culture.

Let's just go through some of those things.

So here are some of the things that make up cultures.

So, food, language that we speak, nationality, celebrations, the celebrations that we celebrate link us to various different cultures.

Clothing that we wear, the music that we listen to, and our beliefs, so these are just some of the things that make up different cultures.

Now, what we're going to explore in the next part of the lesson is we're going to explore the food part of culture.

So we're going to look at different cultures and different foods that link us to different cultures.

So we're going to look at national cultures in particular.

Then we're going to look at celebrations, and then we're going to look at religious culture.

Okay, so let's explore foods that are linked to different cultures.

We're going to start by looking at national food cultures.

We're going to explore some of the foods and what nationalities you might associate those foods with.

So let's start with option one.

What nationality might you associate with pasta? Correct, Italian! So hopefully you got that right.

Let's look at option two.

What nationality might you associate a roast dinner with? British, well done! What about option three? What answer have you got for option three? What nationality might you associate a curry with? Correct, Indian, well done.

Now let's look at the final option, chilli.

What nationality might you associate a chilli with? Well done, Mexican, excellent! So now we had that little warmup exercise, we're actually going to do some research into different national cultures.

So I've selected four cultures for you there, and I would like you to research them and write down the foods that are associated with these nationalities.

So we've got Chinese, Greek, Spanish, and Caribbean.

So at this point, you're going to need to pause the video.

You're going to do some research, so you might do some research on your computer to find out what types of foods might be enjoyed in these nationalities.

So you've got four nationalities to look at, so take your time and write them down on your piece of paper.

And then when you've done that, resume the video, and we will go through some of your ideas together.

Okay, so welcome back.

So let's start by looking at what your ideas were for Chinese culture.

What sort of food dishes did you research are linked to Chinese culture? You may have had noodle soup, hot pots, chow mein, Peking duck, noodles, fried rice.

Now these are just some of the dishes.

You hopefully will have lots more.

So these are some of the dishes that are enjoyed within Chinese culture.

Should we now look at Greek culture? So let's look at Greek culture.

So what foods might be associated with Greek culture and Greek nationality? What national dishes are associated with Greek? Let's have a look.

Ooh, we've got taramasalata.

Mrs. Mee needed to put her teeth in there.

We've got olives, moussaka, which is a really delicious dish.

Grilled meats are associated with Greek nationality, feta and cheeses, another one of Mrs. Mee's favourite foods, and fresh fish.

So hopefully you got some of those ideas.

Hopefully you've explored and experimented and got more ideas than I've got, so well done.

So let's have a look now at Spanish culture.

So what foods did you research are associated with Spanish culture? You may have got paella, which is a really common national dish within Spanish culture.

Gazpacho soup, again, Mrs. Mee, struggling with those words! Tortilla, chorizo sausage, tapas.

So tapas is where you share lots of different picky foods, and churros.

So hopefully you've had the opportunity to enjoy some of these foods before.

So hopefully you've got some of those ideas.

Hopefully you've got lots more ideas than Mrs. Mee.

So let's look at our final nationality, Caribbean.

Let's look at Caribbean culture and let's look at the foods that they enjoy.

So hopefully you've got some similar ideas, and hopefully you've got some more ideas.

So chicken and rice, jerk chicken, plantain, goat stew, seafood, and rice and peas.

Those are just some of the dishes that I researched are linked to Caribbean culture.

Okay, so now we're going to explore celebrations.

Food is key to any celebration, wouldn't you agree? So every celebration that you can think of, we eat food in some way or another.

So we're going to explore a range of celebrations that are linked to cultures and think about the types of food that you might eat.

So the first sort of celebrations that we're going to look at is celebrations that are linked to religious culture.

So we're going to explore some cultural celebrations and we'd like you to identify what religion is linked to that celebration.

So let's start with option one, Diwali.

What religion celebrates Diwali? Have a little think and let me know.

Correct, now you might celebrate it yourself, so Sikhs, Hindus, and Jains all celebrate Diwali.

Option two is Eid.

This is another cultural celebration.

What religion celebrates Eid? That's correct, Muslims, so Muslims celebrate Eid.

The next celebration is Easter.

What religion celebrates Easter? Correct, Christians, so Christians celebrate Easter.

Option four is Vaisakhi.

What religion celebrates Vaisakhi? Correct, the Sikhs.

So these are just an example of different celebrations, and in these celebrations, they would all involve some form of food in a way of celebrating.

So I want us to think about celebrations and think about different types.

So we celebrate for various reasons, don't we? It could be a religious celebration, it could be a national celebration, or it could be a birthday.

How many celebrations can you think of, and is there a celebration coming up soon? I'd like you to pause this video, get your piece of paper or your book and your pencil, and note down as many celebrations as you can think of, and think about what celebrations are coming up soon.

Okay, so now you've had time to look at celebrations.

So you may have mentioned some of these celebrations.

It might be a birthday, it might be a carnival, you might've put down Easter as a celebration.

Diwali, it might be a festival, it might be Christmas, or it might be Eid, and hopefully you've mentioned lots of other celebrations.

Okay, so now we're going to look at research.

We are going to explore how to research to find out the needs, wants, preferences, and values of an individual or group of individuals.

Now, all of this research we're going to use later on towards the end of this unit.

We're actually going to use it to design and make your own dish.

So we're going to use it as part of our design and make activity, and your dish will need to reflect the user's needs, wants, preferences, and values.

So it's really important as part of this investigative activity that we find out what the user wants, what their needs are, preferences, and what their values are, so that when we design and make a product, it's made to address those needs.

Now we will do lots of focused practical tasks before you do your design and make, so you can learn about how to make a range of savoury dishes.

So this is an investigative and evaluative activity.

So the reason we're going to carry out research is to identify an individual or group of individuals to design and make a savoury dish for.

We need to find out what their needs, wants, preferences, and values are.

So how could we find out all of this information from an individual or group of individuals? Pause the video and have a little think.

That's right, you could carry out a survey, a questionnaire.

You could just simply interview them.

So you could write a list of questions, ask them the questions, and write down the answers.

So it depends on whether you're asking an individual or a group of individuals.

The format is entirely up to you.

Okay, so now we're going to explore finding out what your user wants.

So a want is something that's not a requirement, so it's not a need, it's what they want.

So we're going to look at the Eatwell plate.

So looking at the different parts of the Eatwell plate, can you develop a question to find out your user's wants? Use the Eatwell guide to help.

So think about asking them a question related to fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, proteins, or dairy and alternatives.

So pause the video at this point, jot down your question, and then resume when you're ready.

Okay, so now let's have a look at what your user's preferences are.

So this is what they like, this is what they prefer.

So we might use these keywords to help us.

So they might have a preferred taste or texture or smell, or appearance when it comes to choosing foods.

So I'd like you to come up with a question to find out what your user's preferences are.

And if you want to come up with more than one question, that's absolutely fine.

So pause the video, write down your question, and then come back to me once you've got your question.

Brilliant, okay, so you've got a question now for needs, wants, and preferences.

We're now going to look at values.

So we want to think about, what's your values of your end user? Can you develop a question to find out your user's values? So it might be that they have a value in terms of source.

What I mean by that is where the food is sourced from.

They might want food that's grown at home.

They might want food that's organic.

They might not have a preference when it comes to where their food is sourced.

They might have a value in terms of nutritional value, so they might value a particular diet that has more of one of the nutritional plates than needed.

They may have a value in terms of cost, so they might want a dish that costs a certain amount of money.

So can you think about and develop a question to find out your user's values? Pause the video, have a go at developing a question, write it down, and then we'll come back to the main task and pulling it all together.

Okay, then, so let's look at one more question then.

So finally, I want you to think about a question that's linked to culture and celebration.

So I want you to ask a question related to culture.

So it might be that you ask a question such as, what nationality are you? Or, you might ask a question related to celebration.

What celebration would you like a savoury dish designed for? So think about a question that might relate to finding out about their cultural preferences and/or a celebration that they might celebrate.

So once you've done all of this, I'd like you now to create a short survey, at least five questions.

So you're presenting those questions and you're going to give those questions to an individual or group of individuals.

Remember to include a question for each of the things that we've discussed, a question for need, wants, preferences, values, cultural celebration.

This will then help you to make decisions about the savoury dish you are going to design and make.

So before you start creating your survey, I want you to think about how you're going to present it, because it needs to be presented neatly.

Now you could do this by hand on a piece of paper, or you could type up a survey and print it out so it looks professional.

So you want to number your questions, and to make it easy, if it's a survey or a questionnaire, you might give your user or group of individuals options and tick boxes to make it easy for them to fill in.

So once it's complete, get an individual or group of individuals to complete it.

And we'll look at how you can present that information that you found out in a later session.

Now you can pause the video whilst you go off and create your survey.

You need at least five questions to give to an individual or group of individuals, and your task, between this lesson and the next time I see you, is to get an individual or group of individuals to complete that survey.

And I'd like to find out off you what you found out from those groups of individuals.

So pause the video, and we will resume just to recap what we've learned today.

Okay, so welcome back.

So hopefully now you've got your five questions and you've got good coverage to find out their needs, wants, preferences, values, and information about culture and celebration.

So we have explored quite a lot today, and these are a reminder of some of the keywords.

So we've looked at the word culture, and we've looked at, that's associated with a pattern of behaviour shared by a society or group of people.

We've looked at needs, and a need is essential.

And we've looked to how to find out about users' needs.

We've looked at wants, and we've looked at that a want is what a user chooses, not what is needed.

And then we've actually explored preferences.

So we've actually explored their preferences based on a user's preferred taste or appearance.

We've looked at the word religious, and that it's related to, or believing in a particular religion.

We've looked at nutrition, and this is the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health or growth.

We've looked at the word dietary, and that's advice related to a chosen diet to remain healthy, and we've looked at values.

And we've actually explored quite a number of other words along the way.

So thank you for taking part in lesson one.

We are going to explore next lesson where our food comes from, and we're going to start thinking about the seasonality of our food.

So we're going to just develop some more understanding before we then do our first focused practical task, which, as I've already discussed, is going to be making a soup.

So thank you for being part of the lesson today.

I've really, really, really enjoyed working with you, and I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.
