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Hello, and welcome to what is our eighth lesson in the design and technology 3D Computer Aided Design unit of work.

My name is Mr. Wicken and it's great to see you here again today.

In today's lesson, we're going to look at how we can develop our designs using Tinkercad that we learned about in our last lesson.

This is all going to be based around Computer Aided Design.

So, let's have a look at today's learning objectives.

So, just before we get into the learning objectives, as always, if you haven't yet done the intro quiz, can you please make sure you go and get that done because it's really, really helpful for today's learning that we're going to complete.

If you haven't got it done, pause the video here, go finish that now and then come back.


Right, let's have a look at the learning objectives for today's lesson.

So, the first area we're going to look into is actually how we develop our designs.

And we're going to look at using Tinkercad in more detail to really help our designs meet those design briefs and design specifications that we've written in our previous lessons.

Once we've done that, we're then going to look at actually how we review our designs.

And also look to get some opinions from our client to help us meet what they would like to see from our shelter design.

And then finally, you're going to actually complete the CAD design on Tinkercad so that we have it all finished and ready to move on to the last area of the design work in our next lesson.

Then as always, we're going to finish with our exit quiz to conclude and summarise all of the learning we've done today.

Now, the equipment that we're going to need for today's lesson is the same as it has been in our last lesson.

If you've got an exercise book or some piece of paper please have those time because actually it's going to be really helpful just to note down some bits and pieces as well as, where we come to do the reviewing of our design.

Plus, the really crucial thing that you'll need is a computer or a tablet device that is internet enabled so that you can access Tinkercad again, in today's lesson.

So if you haven't got those things you going to pause the video here now and then come back once you've got them.


So, we have all the resources and the learning objectives now covered.

Let's look at the key word for today.

And there is only one and that word is, Development.

Now, let's say that together, I will say and then you repeat it.

So, development, development, development.


Well done.

Now, development within the design process is actually where we review what designs we've created so far and we adapt and change them to better meet the requirements for the users that are going to actually enjoy this product once it's been finished and completed.

So it's really important this development stage because we've come up with our initial designs which is great, and we've done some really good work there.

But what we need to, is we need to tweak them we need to make those designs even better so that we can be sure that our clients can be really happy with what we've designed.

Development is probably the single biggest part in the design process because without that key development, actually we could completely miss what our clients are looking for and in the end ruin all the hard work we've done.

So development is really key for today's lesson.

So, let's go into our first learning objective for today's lesson.

So our first learning area in today's lesson is how to develop a design.

And that is key to the whole of today's lesson.

So development, as I've already touched on is just basically taking your designs that you've created to this point.

And just fine tuning them and tweaking them to better meet the requirements that we originally set out for, way back in previous lessons.

We had our design briefs, our research, our specifications.

And hopefully, you can see that all that work that we've done leading up to this point has helped you better produce a high quality range of design ideas for your shelter.

And that is the whole premise behind this process that everything that we've done up until this point has helped us with the designs that we're creating in Tinkercad now.

So, what we're going to do now is we're going to go over to Tinkercad and I'm going to show you what I mean by developing your design ideas to better meet your specifications and briefs.

So, here I am in now, Tinkercad and I've got my design here on the screen.

This is just one design I've got, obviously you're going to have two maybe more designs that you've created as I set out in our previous lessons.

So, the design I've got is quite simple, quite basic.

I bet yours look far better than mine cause mine is quite boring to be honest.

But anyway, this is the point, what we're going to do now is we'll take these designs that we've created and we're going to tweak them and change them, make them better.

So you can see that I've got my sheltered top.

Okay? Here.

And if I just look underneath what I've done is I've tried to make it look as realistic as I possibly can until you can.

So I've got that central structure there, orange and I've also got the support arms coming out in red.

That just makes it look more realistic.

And hopefully, the client, when they view these designs can get a really good idea as to what I'm trying to show to them.

Now, we've regardless of development.

What I mean by that is that we're going to take this design now and we're going to just tweak and change it to make it better.

So if I start with the actual shelter top itself.

So I've got it, as this roof-shape, which is fine and I'm more than happy with that.

You may have used this one.

You may have used other shapes for your other designs, to the, to create the top part of your shelter, which is great.

But actually, I'm not quite happy with the height of this part.

And in fact what I'm going to do is I'm going to just take it down slightly because I think I would prefer it to be a slightly more shallow roof.

And that way then, I can actually feel that it's going to be a better fit for my client.

Yeah, I'm happy with that now.

I think that looks much better than it did before.

So, that's one point where I have developed my design.

I've taken something that I had initially created and I've now changed it because I think it's going to better meet my design client.

Then if I look underneath, so I've got these support bars and they're all really nice and I haven't got a problem with them.

Actually, they look really stick and it does work for me.

But actually I'm missing some stuff.

Now I remember in my specification, I said that I was going to put some lighting underneath the canopy, this part, so that when people sit underneath it in the, in the winter months or maybe even the late summer evenings, there actually is some light source that can be turned on to make it a better environment.

So what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to add the lights in.

So I'm going to use, I think, a cylinder for this.

So I'm going to drag that cylinder over.

Now obviously, that cylinder is going to be far too big for what I wanted moment.

So what I'm going to do is I'm just going to change the view.

So I can get a better view of the cylinder.

So I'm going to actually make that cylinder smaller and I'm going to actually make it a far, far short than it is at the moment.

And I'm going to click on the front view just so that I can see it.

And what I'm going to do is I'm going to move that light up.

Okay? Now I know that's at the moment not roughly where I want it.

So I'm going to just move my view around, okay? And I'm going to click on the, what is now my light and I'm going to move it around so that I'm happy with the positioning underneath the character.

So obviously at the moment, it's floating in midair.

Now this is not a magical light.

This is not Harry Potter.

We need that light to be touching the top of the canopy.

So it looked realistic.

So we're going to move that up a little bit further.


So, what I've now got is, I've got a light underneath my canopy, which is what I said that I was going to do in my specification.

And what I could do, if I wanted to, is I could click on that and I could copy and paste it and move it to the other side.

So that both sides of the canopy has a light to provide some illumination for the people sitting underneath it.

And that's the whole point.

You need to go back to those original specification documents and design briefs and make sure that what you're saying you're actually creating in your designs.

Make it a case that when you are designing, developing your work now, you've got your specification to hand and that you are changing and tweaking bits.

Not only are you adding things in, you might want to like I did with the pitch of the roof.

You might want to change parts of it to make it look better.

You might actually decide, you know what? I really don't like that at all.

And I'm going to delete that completely away and give it a whole new design shape.

And that's fine.

That's the whole point of development.

You've created some stuff last lesson with me.

Now, what we're going to do is we're going to change and tweak those designs to really meet those design briefs and specifications but also to make it a really high quality fit and finish design.

So, that's what I want you to do with the design development.

So in a moment, I'm going to ask you to pause the video here and go off and do exactly what we've just looked at.

Develop your design ideas to better meet your client's requirements.

Make sure that you've got those specification documents, those design briefs to hand so that you can really help your designs better meet what we originally set out.

Try and play around with the shape, the form of the shelters.

It doesn't matter whether you completely change the design from what you created in our last lesson.

That's the whole point of development because what you're doing is you're going to be making it better.

So, pause the video here now, go and have a good plate of the development.

Spend a good amount of time developing those designs to really better meet what you want to see from those shelter designs that you've created.

Good luck.

Welcome back.

And I hope you had a good go at developing those design ideas.

And you're feeling more confident now that those designs are a better quality.

They better meet those original documents and that you feel that you are learning how to better design a product as we go through this process.

Now we're going to review our actual designs against a key group of people.

So as we've discussed already, it's really important that every aspect of our designs that we've created is developed.

You've got two or three designs in Tinkercad and hopefully you can develop each one of those designs to better meet those specification and brief documents.

That way, you as a designer, are taken into account what we originally said and I'm not forgetting it.

That is so important to the design process.

Every product that is designed does exactly this.

They review their designs.

They go back to their original documents and check that they're meeting what they originally sent.

Now, with that in mind we need to think about seriously important group of people.

And that is our client.

We've looked into who they are.

We've asked them questions.

We've got them involved in the process but actually, they haven't yet seen any of our designs.

And that's what we're going to look into now.

Is we're going to look into finding our clients.

So those people that you've spoken to in previous lessons and getting their views and opinions on what we've designed up until this point.

That way, we can really help develop our design ideas.

So that we can get those intended users of the product and actually have their opinions of what we've done.

Now they might really like the designs and go, that's great.

That's exactly what I was looking for.

Or they might, which is very often the case is say, do you know what? I'm not quite sure on that, but I'd like it to be slightly different and that's perfectly fine.

That's the whole point of the design process.

Is that we come up with something, we develop and tweak it, but then we go to our client and say, hey, what do you think? And they always will have a view and opinion on it.

Don't worry.

Some people get really, really picky, don't they? But that's fine.

We are there to serve them, absolutely.

And sometimes the ideas that they come out with you go, that's really good.

Do you know what? I hadn't even thought about that.

And it helps you be a better designer.

So don't worry if they are asking you to change things.

That's the whole point of the design process.

So we're going to look into what our client is going to see and hopefully tell us what they'd like to improve.

What you need to do now is, if you would develop design ideas, I would like you to speak to at least one person that you've spoken to before about your show to design.

That could be somebody in your household.

It could be a friend.

It could be somebody at school.

Don't mind to it.

But I want you to show them the designs that you've created in Tinkercad.

So that they can clearly see from the discussions that we've had in previous lessons, what you have done with those discussions to come up with the designs.

Have a nice chat with them.

Really spend some time talking to them about the designs that you've created.

Tell them in detail, actually, why you've done this and why you think it meets the original requirement.

Through those conversations hopefully, what you will find is that they might come up with some improvements that you can then take to develop those initial designs even further.

Note down since I said at the start of the lesson that you're going to need the exercise book or piece of paper.

When they're telling you things just so that you don't forget, because actually you might have it on the screen and you have a discussion with that person but you might forget things.

So note down any improvements that they're saying.

And that way, when you go back to the designs, you can better tweak those designs so that they are even happier with the final outcome.

So you're going to pause the video here now.

You're going to find somebody to talk to about your shelter designs.

Preferably, try and have it.

So it's somebody that you've spoken to in previous lessons about the shelter itself.

That way, there's a nice link from the previous lessons to where we are now.

If you can't find somebody, don't worry.

Try and use anybody that's available in your house or maybe at school, that's fine.

And that way, then you can hopefully develop your designs to an even higher standard.

Good luck.

See you when we come back.

Welcome back.

I hope you had a really good discussion with the personal persons about your design ideas and got some really helpful ideas on how to develop your designs better so that they are clearly meeting those original specifications and design briefs that we wrote.

So, let's move on to the last area of learning in today's lesson.

And that is the completion of the CAD design.

So we've done a lot of work up until this point.

You have been amazing against so much done in such what is quite a short space of time.

So, we're now going to complete the actual CAD work itself.

You have created those initial designs first by hand then taking some of those designs and create some on Tinkercad.

Then you've developed them.

Then you've got reviews from your client and hopefully, what you should have done now is those reviews from your client, you have then taken those ideas and you've developed your designs further.

If you haven't done that if you haven't taken those comments and ideas from your client, from those discussions I would suggest that you pause the video here now and go and get those developments done.

Okay, good.

If you've got those developments done, brilliant.

Because what are you going to do now is with all those changes that you've done to the different designs in Tinkercad, and as I've said before there should be at least two designs that you've created in Tinkercad.

You're going to take one of those designs.

Now it's entirely up to you, which one of those designs it is, you are the boss here, not your client.

You choose, which one out of those different designs in Tinkercad is your favourite? Because that design is going to be your final design.

That is the idea that we are then going to take forward and say, here is the shelter, this is what we would like to have manufactured.

What is the completion of the CAD? This final design needs to be the solution to that original design brief.

So make sure that out of the different designs that you're looking at, to choose as your final design, it is one that you genuinely believe meets those original design brief documents and specifications best.

Usually, there are different designs that you find that meet the specifications in the briefs better than others.

Now actually, you might find that the design that you are more pleased with doesn't necessarily meet those original documents.

That's fine, as long as you can justify to your final client as to why you selected it.

So it's really important that when you're looking at those different designs you've created Tinkercad where you've developed them, where you've, if they've referred to them from your client's comments.

You are selecting the one that you think best meets design brief and the specifications.

So, what you going to do now then is you're going to do any further developments that you might want to, to the final designs.

That's entirely up to you.

If you want to keep tweaking and changing the designs, brilliant.

But there needs to be a point where you've to stop and go, right? That's it.

That is my final design.

I'm really happy with them.

Select one, only one.

You can't select any more than just one as your final design idea.

With that design idea, you need to make sure that everything is completed on it.

If there's any little bits of work that you want to do to change things or add things, make sure that's done.

But you need to, then once you've finished with it, call it quits.

That is your final design.

You must make sure that you review the whole design so that it meets those specifications and brief documents, okay? So, pause the video here, go back to your designs.

Do any further tweaks or changes that you'd like to, to the designs.

As I say, there's no right or wrong with what you're doing.

Just make sure that it's meeting those specifications and design brief documents.

That is the crucial bit.

Then out of those different designs, choose your favourite.

You are the boss here, you choose your favourite design.

This is really important because this is the design that you're going to take forward and show to your client and say, this is the final design.

What do you think? So pause the video here, go and choose your final design.

And I'll see it a little while.

Welcome back.

And hopefully, you've now got your final shelter design.

And that's great.

Think of all the work we've done right up until this point.

And you now have your final design for the shelter.

Great, really well done.

You should be incredibly proud of the work that you've done up until this point.

And that's it for today's lesson.

We've done quite a bit of development work in today's lesson.

We looked into actually what development is and how we develop.

We've then looked into actually how we can get our client engage with us to better meet those original design briefs and specifications.

And then finally you've now selected what is your completed final design idea.

That is a huge amount of learning that we've done in today's lesson.

And hopefully, you're really proud of the work you've produced up until this point.

I know I'm really proud of you.

So really well done.

We're going to finish the lesson here now.

If as always you can show me your work, please ask your parents or carers to take some photos of the work and they can share it online using the hashtag, learn with oak.

I look forward to seeing you in our next lesson.

Take care.
