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Hello, and welcome to what is our 10th and final lesson in the Design and technology; 3D computer aided design unit of work.

My name's Mr. Wicken and it's fantastic to see you here today in our lesson.

In today's lesson, we're going to look into why we evaluate our final designs and products and how important it is to conclude everything from what you have produced over this project.

So let's have a look at today's learning objectives.

Now as always, if you haven't yet done the Intro quiz if I could ask you to pause the video here, go and get that done now, and then come back to this point to continue with what we are going to be learning in today's lesson, okay, great.

Now that's done, let's have a look at what we're going to actually learn in today's lesson.

So the first area is we're going to actually understand how we evaluate our final product against those specification documents that we created quite a few lessons back now but you probably realise just how important that specification document is to the whole design process.

And here in our last lesson, you are going to actually evaluate against that specification with the final product you've come up with.

After that, we're going to look at actually how we can evaluate our product against our client's final views and opinions on what you have designed and created.

Again, we've looked into our client, we've gone back to them at different points in this project and you have hopefully understood that, speaking to your client is really crucial for your success in a final design product that you make.

And then finally, we're going to actually evaluate your learning.

You're going to look at yourself and actually what you've done over this unit of work and conclude what you've done well and maybe where you could improve for future lessons.

So that's another really key and crucial areas that we evaluate ourselves and how we think we have done across this unit of work.

And as always, you'll finish off with the Exit quiz for this lesson.

Okay, so before we go any further we need to make sure we've got our equipment.

Now, today, we're going to need a couple of different things.

First thing is, as we have had throughout the whole this project, our exercise book or pieces of paper whichever one you've been using, I don't mind, as long as you've got those ready at hand, you're going to need them for what we're going to be doing in today's lesson.

The other was thing is a pen or pencil but a pen preferably doesn't matter what colour as long as he's comfortable to use, I'm happy that you've got one, and you're also going to need a computer or tablet device that is internet enabled.

So if you haven't got those bits of equipment now ready for the lesson, if you want to pause the video here, go and to get those things and then come back and we'll carry on, okay, great.

So let's have a look at today's key words.

So the first key word is evaluate.

So let's say that together as always I'll say it, you repeat it, so evaluate, evaluate, evaluate.

Excellent, well done.

Now I'm absolutely certain that you have used this word for a variety of different reasons and probably in different areas of learning at school.

But with us, what we're going to do is we're going to use that word to evaluate and judge and define and determine the actual worth the quality of our final product.

We will evaluate whether what we have designed and created meets our expectations as well as our client.

So evaluate is a really key word for today's lesson.

The other one is suitability.

Now let's say that together again, so I'll say it and you repeat it.

Suitability, suitability, suitability.

Excellent, really well done.

Now, suitability is a slightly different word to evaluate in the respect of actually how well the product that you have designed and created actually meets the intended user.

Is the product suitable for what we originally set out to do? And suitability is really important to link to evaluate because we can evaluate something, but actually if we find that the suitability is not right then we are evaluating and saying that what we've done isn't necessarily correct.

So suitability is our second key word for today's lesson.

All right, let's go into our first area of learning today.

So our first area of learning in today's lesson is actually how we evaluate something against our original specifications.

Now, this area of evaluation is usually one of the first things that our designer will do when evaluating their product or products because it is a really key and vital part of the evaluation process.

I've got a question and I want you to think about it and actually come up with hopefully a personal experience of this which is, can you think of reading an evaluation or a review of maybe a new console, maybe new toys, clothes, trainers, something similar that you've read personally to get a better understanding of that product.

You have, great, so have I, and actually by reading those evaluations, those reviews that you've found online or in magazines or newspapers, wherever it might be, actually we get a much better understanding of whether this product that we are looking at is going to be suitable for me, or maybe somebody else.

If I give you an example for myself if I'm buying a new car, for example, I would want to be able to go through the evaluation looking at key points as we go through to do with maybe fuel economy, maybe to do with the engine size, maybe to do with the interior, the design, maybe actually I want to look into how environmentally friendly the product is and also the cost, but by going through that evaluation point by point it's allowing me to get a better understanding, and I suspect it's same for you when you read those evaluations and reviews on whatever the product might have been.

So how do we do the evaluation against the specification? Well, one way of doing the evaluation is actually in a scoring grid and this is quite a nice, clear, and easy way to actually tally up and total the scores to see how successful you've been with your product against your specification as an evaluation.

So I've got an example below me in a table and you'll notice it's sectioned into three columns, the specification point, the score between zero and three, as well as the comments.

So in the specification point column, you would take all of those different specification points that you wrote for your original specification for the shelter and you put them into that column.

Then in the scoring, what you would do is you would look at the specification point you would look at your final design and you would score between zero and three.

Now zero would be no, you've not met any at all.

It totally doesn't meet the specification point.

And three is, yes, I've absolutely met this.

I'm really pleased with it and I think it is fantastic what I've done.

And obviously the scores in between the ones and the twos would be sort of yes and no, yeah, okay.

I've done it but actually I could have done it a little bit better.

Then the final column is to do the comments and those comments are where you write and justify why you think that score.

So if you look at my example, the first specification point is the shape of my shelter will be hexagonal.

And if I was to say, yes, it's a three, I've done this because that's the shape that I possibly created.

Then in the comment I said, the design is as planned.

Okay, now that's if I was using and designing something in a hexagonal way this is just an example, the same as the cost.

Okay, I've said there's a cost, I've then said actually out of the score, one to three actually I've given it a one, not a zero, because actually there is still the cost going to be there but actually I've given it a lower score because actually I've said in the comment, I believe that the design is going to actually cost more than what I've originally said.

So I'm not only just saying it, I'm justifying my point and so on and so forth.

And you would do exactly the same.

You would go through each of your specifications, you'd score it zero to three, and then you'd put a comment with some sort of explanation, some sort of justification as to why you think this.

So for you to do this, I've given you a worksheet that's on the website that is laid out like this.

And you'll notice that I've already put Access FM.

Now this is something that you're going to have to remember to recall from those previous lessons that we've done before.

So actually, what is access FM and what do they each mean? Go back to your specification get those specification points put into this evaluation document and then start scoring and commenting.

So you need to pause the video here.

You need to get the worksheet and you need to evaluate your final design for your shelter against your original specification.

Be as honest as you can be with the scoring.

If you think that you've not met something then give it a zero or a one as you saw in my example, or if you think you've done really, really well, then be proud of yourself and give yourself a two or a three.

But ultimately what you need to do is that have a score and totally up at the bottom to see just overall how effective you've been, as well as the comments.

All right, good luck and happy evaluating.

Welcome back, and I hope you were able to really clearly evaluate against your specification and you've now got a much better idea as to how you personally feel you've done against the original specification.

So let's move on to our secondary of learning today's lesson and that is evaluating against your client, okay.

And actually how we get their views and opinions on what the final product looks like.

Throughout these whole unit of work, as I've said at the start of the lesson, we have considered what our client want from the final product.

It has been a key element through all the work we've done is going back to our client and ask them how they think they would respect the designs that we've come up with.

And actually they've then given us feedback to maybe tweak and change and amend certain parts of our design, which is great, but now we need to get our client's opinion on the final design.

Actually, this is what you have created.

This is what you are proposing and actually they need to now be happy or they need to suggest further amendments and changes to what you have created.

So when we're doing this, we're actually going to go back to some previous learning, actually what we learned in lesson three and that's where we wrote our questionnaires.

And we're going to bring back that learning from lessons three to do with open and close ended questions.

So I want you to start thinking about actually what did an open ended question mean, and what did a close ended question mean? So let's just have a think about it for a second.

What was an open question? Right, good, so an open question is one where actually you're just asking a question that could respond in a variety of different ways, depending on who you're asking and what they believe.

What was a close ended question? Good, so actually a close ended question is where you have a limited set of responses, so a yes or no or a one to three or something along those lines.

So with our questions that we're going to ask our client, we're going to do it in the different styles, open and closed.

So let's look at open first.

What type of questions could we be asking? So I've got some examples here.

First one is what features on the shelter are your favourite and why? So we're not just saying what the features are but we're actually asking them why, they're justifying their responses which is really important because by them justifying and telling us, we've got a much clearer idea as to how we've done as designers.

The next possible question could be, how could the final design be improved? So we're not only saying that this design is it and there never will be any alterations to it.

We're actually asking them, could you see any better ways that this product's design could be only further enhanced by further work and development on it, which is great.

That's exactly what we should be doing as designers.

We never stopped designing.

We never stop improving our products.

And another one is how does the design meet the needs for the intended use and how? So again, we're not just asking a question about how it meets them, but we're asking them how it does.

And that is really important to those types of questions is the justification from it.

Now the other types of questions is the closed that we've spoken about and this is where we've got that limited set of responses.

So I've got some examples here for you to possibly use, you know, is the shelter a good size? Yes or no, very simple one or the other.

They're either going to say yes or they're either going to say no.

The other one is actually, what price would you pay for it? And you can give them some options because you might have a price in mind but actually by giving a range of different prices it can give them a possible response that actually is something that you might not be aware of and then finally, do you believe the final design is safe? A great question, and again one that you want to be answered in either a yes or a no scenario, because if they think it's not safe then you've got to go back and really think about how you could make it a safer design.

So these are just some examples, but you might come up with others that are more suitable for your shelter that you've come up with but they need to be in an open and closed format.

So, you're going to pause the video here now.

You're going to come up with some questions.

I'd like you to have around six questions.

So it could be three opens, three closed or two or four, whichever you are comfortable doing.

But I want you to actually come up with the questionnaire to ask your final client what they think of your end design.

When you're doing this, make sure you are asking a variety of different people.

Preferably the ones that you've been talking to throughout this unit of work, that's going to really help to keep everyone on the same track, and actually they will have been part of the design process.

You could, if you wanted to with the closed ended questions, produce a table or a graph.

So actually you could have a table showing on it as a bar chart, this many people said yes to this question and this many people said no.

So it's a really visual way of representing the data that you've collected, obviously with the open questions you might just have the responses and actually pick out key points from it.

But what you need to do ultimately is get your client's final opinions on your final design.

Okay, so get right into the questions then go and get them to respond to what you have created and see what they think.

Okay, good luck.

Welcome back, I hope you had lots of fun getting your client's final views and opinions on the designs that you've created and that the questions that you came up with really helped inform their views and opinions on what you have created across this whole unit of work.

Now, let's move on to our last area of learning in today's lesson, and that is for me, probably the most important thing that I want to see from you, which is evaluating your learning.

That is the whole point of what we've been doing over these 10 lessons.

And actually for me, I cannot wait to hear and see possibly what you are saying that you have learned through this project.

This is always the final stage of any design process is evaluating what we as designers have learned and that can really help us focus and understand where we have done really well, but also where we could further improve our skills and understanding going forward as we design and develop other products.

So this is going to be crucial, this is now self-reflection.

This is not asking somebody else, it's not looking at a document.

This is just you and your own personal opinions.

You can't ask anybody or get anybody's help.

You have to be self critical of what you've done and how you feel you've done across this whole unit of work.

So, to do this when evaluating your learning, so actually what you have learned I've got three questions that I'd like you to follow and actually answer.

So question one is what have you learned in completing this unit of work? That's really, really important, actually stop and think.

Did you remember everything that we've gone through over these last 10 lessons? If you haven't, go back to some of the previous lessons that we've done, look at some of the work you've done in previous lessons and realise just how much you've actually learned from when we started to where we are now.

You know, think about working and drawing, think about how to write a specification or that architecture work there's loads of stuff we've done.

And actually I'd like you to really review what you have honestly learned that you didn't know before doing this.

Then the second question is what was successful when completing the unit of work.

So actually, where did you have successes? Is that to do with your design? Is that to do the written work? Is it to do the research, whatever it might be, look back over what you've done across these 10 lessons and see where you've been successful in your learning.

And then the final question is what areas could you improve for future learning? So this is where you self-reflect that the work that you've created and you can look and review that work as you go, actually where could you better develop your skills? Is it to do with the drawing skills? Is it to do with the research? Is it to do with the Tinkercad? Is it to do with anything that we've gone through over these lessons? And I'd like you to make sure that you're writing these answers down in a good amount of detail, you know, proper paragraphs, make sure you've got good grammar and spelling as well 'cause that's always important.

So you're going to pause the video here and that's what you're going to go off and do now.

You're going to answer those three questions for me and you're going to review your performance.

You're going to evaluate how you've done.

That's really, really key to concluding everything we've done over these lessons.

Make sure that you've got the detail in those responses and make sure that you are being able to read it back to yourself and understand what you've done well and where you could improve going forward.

Okay, pause the video here and get evaluating your performance.

Welcome back and I hope you had some really good reflections on the work that you've done across this unit and that you were able to clearly see where you've done some learning, where you've been successful in that learning, but also where you could further improve and develop your skills.

And that's it for today's lesson, and for this unit of work.

I cannot thank you enough for being here and going through all these lessons.

I hope you've enjoyed all the work we've done together.

I know I've enjoyed being here with you, helping you through all these different lessons.

As always, I'd love to see what work you've produced not only in this lesson, but any of the previous lessons.

And if you can get your parents and carers to take some photos and if they could share them online using the #LearnwithOak, I would absolutely love to see the work that you've produced.

I thank you for being here, take care, I'll see you soon, bye bye.