
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

My name is Ms. Barron.

In this unit, we are learning about instructions, aren't we? And I'm just finding instructions so useful and so important all the time.

Just earlier today, I was making a birthday cake for my friend.

And in order to do that, I had to follow a set of instructions in a recipe book, and it's a good job I did.

Otherwise, I don't think it would taste very good.

I wonder if you have followed any instructions since we last met, or whether you've given any instructions to anybody else.

In today's lesson, we are going to role play a set of instructions.

So this is what we're going to do today.

First, we are going to do a quick spelling activity.

Then we're going to role play being the Hatmaker on TV.

After that, we are going to sing a song in role as the Hatmaker, also on TV.

And finally, we're going to draw and label our own magic hats.

So, a really exciting lesson today.

First, we are going to do a quick spelling activity.

Then we are going to role play being the magic hat maker on TV.

After that, we are going to sing the Hatmaker's "Magic Hat" song, also on TV.

And finally, we are going to draw and label our own magic hats, showing us the things that we really want most.

So I'm really excited for today's lesson.

Now this is what you're going to need.

You will need a piece of paper or an exercise book to write on and a pen or pencil to write with.

If you have them, it might also be useful to get some colouring pencils, crayons, or felt-tips to help you when you come to design your own magic hat.

Pause the video now and go and get those things if you need to.

Put everything you need today to start the learning.

So let's begin with our spelling activity.

Take a look at the words in the purple boxes on your screen.

In fact, let's start with the words in the first purple box.

We're going to read them together.

So, read with me.

Ready? Bus.


Now, can you see the picture of the walrus at the bottom of your screen? That is a walrus.

You can see it's a big animal and it has huge, long, sharp tusks.

Walruses are very fierce.





So those are the words in the first purple box.

I would like you to have a look at how they change in the second purple box.

What do you notice about how those words change? Pause the video and have a think about that.


You're back and ready to share your idea.

So tell me in a full sentence.

I notice that.

Go on, tell me to your screen now.

Fantastic, well spotted.

You noticed that all of those words have es added to the end of them in the second purple box.

Well done.

You're right.

So we can see the change, can't we? Those es letters that have been added.

Now let's see if we can hear the change.

Listen carefully.

Bus, buses.

Walrus, walruses.

Class, classes.

Glass, glasses.

Fox, foxes.

Box, boxes.

So can you hear the change in sound too? Now what is that es that we add onto the end of those words? It is a suffix.

Do you remember in lesson one I taught you what a suffix is.

I wonder if you can remember.

I'm going to remind you.

A suffix is a letter or group of letters that we add to the end of the word's meaning.

So es is a type of suffix.

We add it to the end of a word, like you just saw there, and it changes the word's meaning.

But how does it change the meaning? Well, it makes the words plural.

Now in lesson one we talked about how adding the suffix s makes words plural, meaning there are more than one of them.

And that is true for most words.

Usually, we just add s to make the word plural.

For example, here I have a pen.

I have one pen.

Now I have two pens.

I have pens.

I have pens, meaning I have more than one.

So for most words, we can just add s.

But for some words, we have to add the suffix es, and we're going to investigate that today.

Now these words are all nouns, aren't they? Remember nouns are naming words.

They name people, places, or things.

And in this case, bus, walrus, class, glass, fox, and box are all examples of things, aren't they? So to make these nouns, these things plural, we have to add es because they end in the following letters.

Listen carefully.

So if the noun ends in the letter s, the sound ss, the letter ss, so double s, the sound ss, or the letter x, the sound ks, then we have to add es to make them plural.

So you can see that bus and walrus both end in the letter s, the sound ss.

Class and glass both end in double s, the sound ss.

And fox and box both end in the letter x, the sound ks.

So, if the words end in those letters, then we have to add es.

So here is your spelling challenge today.

I would like you to work out whether you need to add just s or es to these nouns to make them plural.

So let's read them together, ready? Let's start with the top pink box on the left.

Fox, frog, snake, toy, bus, class, glass, box, dress, walrus, dog, and boss.

So look carefully at those words and decide whether you need to add s or es to make them plural.

And as you make your decision, I would like you to say the word out loud with the correct suffix on the end.

So, for example, let's do the first one together.


To make it plural, we need to add es, because fox ends in an x.

So it becomes foxes.


Okay, so I would like you to say the new word in the plural with the correct suffix on the end as you work them out.

So pause the video now and have a go at that.

Fantastic job.

You are working so hard on your spellings today.

This is quite a tricky rule, but it's so useful because we use plurals all the time.

All the time when we're speaking or writing, we're talking about things that are plural when we have more than one of them.

So we really need to know this.

So let's see how got on.

Here are the suffixes that you should have on the ends of these words to make them plural.

So let's go through them.

We've done the first one.

So let's go to the next one, frogs.

Frogs just has an s on the end when we say that we have more than one.

Snakes, also, we just add an s.

Toys, we just add an s there too.


Now here we add es because the word ends in the letter s, the sound ss.

Let's look at classes.

Classes, we have to add es too because it ends in a double s, the sound ss.

Glasses for the same reason.

Glass ends with a double s, doesn't it? So we need to add es to say that we have more than one.


Again, we add es because it ends in a letter x, the sound ks.


We have to add es there too because again it ends in a double s.


We have to add es there as well because it ends in the letter s.


We can just add an s too.

And finally, buses, we have to add es again because it ends in a double s, the sound ss.

So that is the rule for you to try and remember today.

We need to add es when nouns end in the letter s, ss, double s, ss, and ks, the letter x.

Now we're going to learn about three more word ending in lesson five that we need to remember as well to add es on the end too.

But let's remember these three for now.

Well done on your spellings today.

Super effort.

Now we're going to play our instructions creation game.

So now we are going to explore our set of instructions for how to make a magic hat in role on TV.

So I'd like to welcome you to Mike's Marvellous Magic Show.

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to today's episode of Mike's Marvellous Magic Show.

It's great to be in the studio with you today.

And we have a very special guest.

Her name is the Hatmaker, and she has made a magic hat which has taken the world by storm.

She'll be telling us today how to make this amazing magic hat, what it can do for us, what we need, and how we can make it.

Now she's also going to be singing her famous "Magic Hat" song at the end of the show.

So plenty to look forward to today.

Right now I'm going to welcome her as our special guest.

A round of applause, everybody, for the Hatmaker.

Thanks, Mike, and it is great to be of the Marvellous Magic Show.

It is a lifelong dream to come to this show.

So, thank you for having me.

Now, Hatmaker, as I said, great to have you on the show.

Fantastic to have you on today.

My first question, the really burning question I have is, why make this magic hat at all? Why not just wear a bubble hat, or a sun hat, or a beret? Why should we bother to make this magic hat of yours? Of course, I can tell you why you should make a magic hat.

Now as you know, I am very well known as a hatmaker.

My hats have a fantastic reputation, but the magic hat is the very best hat of them all.

And the reason why is because it shows you the thing you want most.

What better hat could there be than a hat that shows you the thing you want most in the whole world at that moment? So one day it might show you butterflies, another day it might show you sweets, another it might show you footballs.

It shows you whatever you want most in the world at the time that you wear it.

What a fantastic hat.

Right, brilliant.

Well, thank you for letting us now that.

Now I imagine that to make a magic hat, we're going to need a few things.

So can you just let us know exactly what we're going to need in order to make this magic hat of yours.

Oh yes, absolutely, I can tell you what you need.

Now this is a really important question.

Well done for asking, Mike, because without the things that you need, it just won't work.

And you must make sure that you get all of them.

Now there are six things that you need to make a magic hat.

You need the horn of a unicorn, the snot of a giant, a dragon's tooth, the song of a mermaid, a ray of silver moonlight caught on a full moon if possible, and a big gold bucket.

So those are the six things that you need.

Right, brilliant.

So we need six things to make this magic hat.

Now they do seem pretty difficult to get hold off, but not impossible.

So probably worth a try I'd say if they're going to try to help us get a magic hat.

Now, once we've got those six things, what on earth do we do with them? We need to know this.

This is very important.

What do we do with those six things to get us a magic hat? Please tell us.

Another great question, Mike.


You need to know what to do once you've got all the things that you need.

So now you've got your six things that you need.

Here is what to do with them.

First, catch your ray of silver moonlight in your gold bucket.

Do it on the night of a full moon if possible.

Next, add your unicorn horn and dragon's tooth to the bucket.

After that, mix it all together with a giant's snot.

And finally, sing the song of a mermaid.

Now this is really important.

Without the song, it just won't work.

So sing the song of the mermaid in your sweetest voice.

I think I better tell you how the song goes, so you know what to do.

Sing it with me if you know.

♪ I am a mermaid from the deep blue sea ♪ ♪ Don't you want some magic like me ♪ ♪ My tail is full of magic you see ♪ ♪ That's why there's magic in the deep blue sea ♪ So there you go.

There you have your four steps for making the magic hat.

Very clear.

Okay, so we've got our six things.

We now know what to do with them, those four key steps you just mentioned.

Can you just give our audience a final reminder as to why they should make this magic hat? It seems like quite enough work, so I think we just need a final reminder to convince them why this magic hat is so brilliant and better than all the other hats out there.

Yes, Mike.

Of course I can give you a final reminder as to why you should make a magic hat.

Well, once that magic hat appears on your head, not only will you look fantastic, but you'll be able to dream up anything you want and feel like you can do anything.

What better feeling than that? So that's how to make a magic hat, and I hope you have a go with it.

It's been great to be on the show today.

As I said, coming on Mike's Marvellous Magic Show is a lifelong dream.

Well, Hatmaker, it's been a real pleasure to have you on the show today.

Thank you for letting us all know how to make this fantastic magic hat of yours.

Perhaps next time you can come back and tell us how to make a different type of hat, or even another typ of magic clothing.

Perhaps magic socks next time or magic shoes.

Who know what you'll come up with? But now I am really excited to announce that it is time for you to sing your "Magic Hat" song.

Remember, we always have a song at the end of the show.

So today, welcome onto the stage the maker.

She will be singing her famous "Magic Hat" song.

That's all for me.

So now you've seen the Hatmaker in role being interviewed.

I would like to have you to have a go at that yourself.

Now you might like to play both roles as I did.

You might like to play both the magic hat maker and the TV presenter, or you might later ask your parent or carer, somebody else in your household, to play the TV presenter, so that you can take the role of the magic hat maker, or you might even want to play with one of your toys.

Maybe your teddy bear, maybe they can be the TV reporter while you take on the role of the magic hat maker.

So, remember, while you're in role, make sure you answer these three questions.

Why you make it, what you need, and what you do.

And use these words to help you order the steps when you tell your audience what to do.

First, next, then, finally.

So pause the video now and have a go at getting into role as the magic hat maker yourself on TV, and telling the audience how to make your incredible magic hat.

Now it's time to sing the Hatmaker's "Magic Hat" song on Mike's Marvellous Magic Show.

It's great to be on today's show singing for you.

Now you've probably seen me on a lot of TV shows recently.

I've been on TV loads, and that's because of my "Magic Hat" song.

My "Magic Hat" song made me an "X Factor" finalist.

And now it's number one in the UK.

It seems like everyone wants to know how to make a magic hat.

So I'm here to sing this song for you today, and I'm hoping that you'll sing it with me a second time, and we can sing it together.

So here it goes.

The "Magic Hat" song.

♪ This is how to make a magic hat ♪ ♪ It'll show you what you want ♪ ♪ This is how to make a magic hat ♪ ♪ It'll show you what you want ♪ ♪ This is what you need, what you need to get ♪ ♪ A unicorn's horn and dragon's tooth ♪ ♪ A mermaid song and a giant's snot ♪ ♪ A ray of light and a bucket too ♪ ♪ This is what you need, what you need to do ♪ ♪ Catch your ray of moonlight ♪ ♪ Add the horn and dragon's tooth ♪ ♪ Mix and sing a song ♪ ♪ Then the magic hat appears ♪ ♪ You can dream up anything ♪ ♪ Add you'll look so fantastic ♪ ♪ It'll make you want to sing ♪ Join in with me.

Let's go, ready? ♪ This is how to make a magic hat ♪ ♪ It'll show you what you want ♪ ♪ This is how to make a magic hat ♪ ♪ It'll show you what you want ♪ ♪ This is what you need, what you need to get ♪ ♪ A unicorn's horn and dragon's tooth ♪ ♪ A mermaid song and a giant's snot ♪ ♪ A ray of light and a bucket too ♪ ♪ This is what you need, what you need to do ♪ ♪ Get your ray of moonlight ♪ ♪ Add the horn and dragon's tooth ♪ ♪ Mix and sing a song ♪ ♪ Then the magic hat appears ♪ ♪ You can dream up anything ♪ ♪ Then you'll look so fantastic ♪ ♪ It'll make you want to sing ♪ ♪ Then you'll look so fantastic ♪ ♪ It'll make you want to sing ♪ There's the "Magic Hat" song.

Oh thanks for joining in with me the second time.


Now it's time for my interview.

So now that we've deepened our set of instructions for how to make a magic hat through role play today, I would like us to do one more thing, and that is to draw and label our own magic hat, so that we can really picture what they look like and what it is that they show us.

So remember, the magic hat shows us the thing we want most at this moment.

So what is it that you want most right now? Have a think.

So this is my drawing of my magic hat.

What I want most of all right now is to see butterflies.

I want to see butterflies fluttering and flapping their wings all around me, and I want to see a beautiful rainbow.

So I need the sun and the rain for that too, don't I? So there's my drawing of my magic hat, and you can see that I've labelled it as well.

So let me read the labels.

The warm sun, raindrops, butterflies flapping wings, the rainbow, a summer day, pretty patterns, bold, bright colours.

So those labels describe my magic hat in more detail.

They tell everybody what it looks like and what it shows.

So I would like you as a final task today to draw a picture of your magic hat.

What would your magic hat look like if it could show you anything you wanted? So draw your picture and label it.

Pause the video now and do that.

So that brings us to the end of our learning today.

Now I would absolutely love to see your designs of your own magic hats showing the things that you want most.

So if you would like to, please ask your parent or carer to share your work on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, tagging @OakNational, @KateEBarron, and #LearnwithOak.

That's all for me today, and I really look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.

So, have a lovely day.
