
Lesson video

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Hello, Everyone.

My name is Mrs. Barron, and I love stories.

In today's lesson, we are going to be exploring a characters thoughts and feelings.

In this unit, we're learning all about problems in stories, aren't we? We now know that great stories need problems that matter, problems that are difficult for our characters to solve.

So, we're going to be exploring The Hat Makers thoughts and feelings when he faces a big problem in our story.

This is what we're going to do today.

First, a quick spelling activity, then some drama to explore the thoughts and feelings of The Hat Maker, and after that, some sketches with captions so we can really picture the problem in the story.

Now, you're going to need, as always: a piece of paper to write on or an exercise book and a pencil, or pen.

So pause the video now if you need to go and get those things.

For our spellings this week, we are going to be learning about vowels and consonants.

And, I wonder if you're thinking "What on Earth are they?" Well, don't worry because it just so happens I have made up a song to help teach you what they are.

♪ There are two types of letters in the alphabet.

♪ ♪ Just two types of letters in the alphabet.

♪ ♪ A E I O U are the vowels.

♪ ♪ A E I O U are the vowels.

♪ ♪ The rest of the letters are called constants.

♪ ♪ Constants.

♪ Join in with me this time.

♪ There are two types of letters in the alphabet.

♪ ♪ Just two types of letters in the alphabet.

♪ ♪ A E I O U are the vowels.

♪ ♪ A E I O U are the vowels.

♪ ♪ The rest of the letters are called constants.

♪ ♪ Constants.

♪ Third time, join in with me this time again.

♪ There are two types of letters in the alphabet.

♪ ♪ Just two types of letters in the alphabet.

♪ ♪ A E I O U are the vowels.

♪ ♪ A E I O U are the vowels.

♪ ♪ The rest of the letters are called constants.

♪ ♪ Constants.

♪ Now we are going to put what we learnt from the song into practise.

I want you to draw two circles on your piece of paper, just like the ones you can see in front of you on the screen.

I want you to label one of your circles V, V for vowels and the other circle C, C for constants.

So I'm not going to get you to write those words, just the letter V for vowels and C for constants.

Pause the video and do that now.

Super job.

Right, we are now ready.

I am going to say some letters out loud and as you hear each of those letters I want you to decide whether you're going to write the letter in the vowel circle or the constant circle.

So, is the letter a vowel or is it a constant? Okay, are you ready? First letter, A.


Next letter, D.

Next letter, J.

Then E.

The next letter is Q.


Which circle is Q going to go in? Then W.

Then the letter I.

Where's I going to go? Then O.

The letter O.

Then the letter F.

The letter F.

The letter G.

The letter G.

And finally, the letter U.

Where's the letter U going to go? Now, let's see how you got on.

I'm going to share the answers with you.

Here we go, these are the answers, these are the letters that you should have written in each circle.

So, our vowel circle should have all five of our vowels in.

A E I O U.

There are five vowels in our alphabet, aren't there? And so, every other letter is a constant so the letters D J Q W F G should be in your constant circle, your circle labelled C.

Fantastic job on your spellings today.

We are going to do more work on vowels and constants in lesson eight.

So the first thing we are going to do to explore what The Hat Maker is thinking and feeling when the monkeys take his hats is a reflection activity.

You are going to be my reflection.

You're going to copy exactly what I do.

Are you ready? My turn first.

Who's stolen my hats? Your turn, copy exactly what I did.

There's no sign of them anywhere.

Your turn.

You naughty monkeys, give me back my hats.

Your turn.

Give me back my hats right now! Your turn.

If you're making fun of me, then you'll be sorry.

You're turn.

Good job.

I'll even get my bow and arrow! Your turn.

Ugh! I give up.

Your turn.

Fantastic job, well done at being my reflection.

Can you tell me what your favourite action was to reflect? My favourite action was "Give me back my hats right now." I like the rhythm of it.

Cam you tell me what your favourite action was in a full sentence? "My favourite action was-" Super job, well done.

Now we're going to try and picture the problem in a bit more detail for The Hat Maker by drawing a picture of that scene and thinking about how The Hat Maker feels, what he thinks, what he says and what he does at that moment.

Now, we're going to draw a simple picture to show the first part of the problem in the story whish is when The Hat Maker wakes up to find his hats gone.

So, this is going to be my drawing.

There's the tree.

His baskets of hats, empty.

So there's a big question mark above them because he doesn't know where they are.

And then here, is The Hat Maker wearing his own hat even though he's lost all of his others, and he's going to be scratching his head.

"Hmm" In confusion like this, scratching his head and his other hand is going to be on his hip to show that he's quite angry too.

And I'm going to draw this kind of face.

He is not impressed, not happy.

So that's my drawing.

Can you pause the video now and draw your picture that looks very similar to mine? Now we're going to write a sentence in our first box to show what The Hat Maker is thinking in this point of the story.

If you have an idea, keep it in your mind.

Here is some of my ideas, he might be thinking "They must be somewhere." He might be thinking "Oh no! I won't have anything to sell at market." or he might be thinking "Just wait until I catch the culprit." The culprit is the person responsible, the person who's taken the hats.

Which one am I going to choose? I think I'm going to choose the last one because it shows how angry The Hat Maker is at this point and that he's somebody that might want to get revenge, he might want to get them back.

I think that's interesting for a story, so that's going to be my sentence.

"Just wait until I catch the culprit." Say it with me, "Just wait until I catch the culprit." Now let's act it out together, "Just wait until I catch the culprit." Do that with me, "Just wait until I catch the culprit." Now let's count the number of words on our fingers.

"Just wait until I catch the culprit." That's seven words, I need seven words in my sentence so I'm just going to jot "seven" down here to remind me.

Right, "Just" I can sound that out can't I? Do it with me, "J U S T" "Just".

Remember, the beginning of my sentence needs a capital letter.

Capital J.

Just, wait.

Just wait, I can sound that out too.

Sound it out with me, "W A I T" "Wait." Just, finger space, wait.

Just wait, until.

I can sound that one out.

"Just wait until-" "U N T I L" "Until" "Just wait until, I-" Now "I" on it's own is always a capital letter.

"Just wait until I-" "Just wait until I catch-" "Just wait until I catch-" "The-" Our high frequency word coming up again.

"The culprit." Now, we can sound this one out.

Sound it out with me.

"C U L P R I T S" "Culprit" Oh, I added an "S" didn't I? "Culprits" then.

"Just wait until I catch the culprits." Let's sound it out again, "C U L P R I T S" "Culprits" well done, that is a very difficult word, but you did it! I'm so impressed.

"Just wait until I catch the culprits." What needs to go on the end of my sentence, tell me now.

You're right, a full stop.

Well done.

Now let's read back our sentence to check it makes sense.

"Just wait until I catch the culprits." There's my sentence.

Here are my options again, just in case you need them.

But I'd really like you to challenge yourself and have a go at writing down your own idea.

Now, remember to five finger check your sentences.

Pause the video now and have a go at writing your sentence about what The Hat Maker is thinking.

Now we're going to write a sentence in our "Doing" box to show what The Hat Maker is doing at this moment.

If you think you have an idea already, hold it in your head, you're going to use it in a minute.

Here are my ideas.

"He looked all around." I like that because it shows that he was looking hard.

Or I could say "He searched high and low." Searched means to look really hard for something.

"He searched high and low." I like that because that shows that he was really desperately trying to find his hats, he really looked everywhere.

Or I could say " He shrugged his shoulders and frowned." Frown is a face like this, can you frown with me? If we frown it means we're not happy.

If we shrug our shoulders it means we're not sure what's going on, we're confused or we're giving up.

I think I'm going to choose the second one.

"He searched high and low." Because I want to show that he really searched everywhere.

He looked behind trees, he looked under rocks, he looked in the bushes.

So that's my sentence.

Let's say it out loud.

"He search high and low." Say it again with me.

"He searched high and low." Now act it out with me.

"He searched high and low." Now let's count it on our fingers.

"He searched high and low." That's five words.

So I'm going to jot "five" down here.

Okay, now we're going to write it down.

"He searched high and low." My first word is "He" a high frequency word.

Remember I need to start with a capital letter.

Now remember our finger spaces.

What's my next word? "Searched" "Searched" Starts with the sound "S", "Searched".

Now I'm going to write this word because it's a bit tricky.

"He searched-" Remember it's a past tense verb so it ends in "-ed" "He searched high-" I think I can sound this one out.

"H I G H" "High" "High" It's my "-igh" trigraph, isn't it.

"He searched high-" "and low." Let's sound this one out.

"L O W" "Low" "Low" "He searched high and low." Full stop at the end of my sentence.

Let's read it back.

"He searched high and low." Does it have five words? "He searched high and low." Yes it does, my sentence makes sense, doesn't it? Now it's your turn to write a sentence about what The Hat Maker was doing.

I've made it a little bit more challenging this time by giving you my three options, but with some words missing.

So listen to them again.

"He looked all around.

" "He searched high and low." "He shrugged his shoulders and frowned." You can have a go at using one of my options, but I want you to sound out those words and practise writing them down.

Or, you might want to challenge yourself even more and write down your very own idea, which is brilliant.

Remember to five finger check your sentences.

Pause the video now and have a go.

Now we're going to write a sentence that tells us what The Hat Maker is saying.

If you have an idea already, hold it in your head you can use it in a minute.

Here are my ideas.

He might be saying "Who has stolen my hats?" I like that idea because it comes from the story and it shows that he's angry.

He might be saying "Bring my hats back this instant." I like that idea too because that shows that he's really angry.

He's not very patient.

Or he might be saying "Where have all my hats gone?" I like that one too because it shows that he's confused and we know that he is, he doesn't know where they are.

But I think I'm going to choose the second option, "Bring my hats back this instant." Because it shows how mad he is and quickly he wants them back.

So let's say it out loud together.

"Bring my hats back this instant." Do it again with me, "Bring my hats back this instant." Now act it out with me.

"Bring my hats back this instant." Again.

"Bring my hats back this instant." Now let's count it.

"Bring my hats back this instant." Six words, so I'm going to write six down here.

No we can sound out the fist word, bring, do it with me.

"B R I N G" " Bring".

Capital B.

"Bring my-" So, we're going to have a finger space between our words remember.

"Bring-" "my-" is a high frequency word.

"Bring my hats-" Let's sound it out, "H A T S" "Hats" "Bring my hats-" "Bring my hats back-" Back is the next word, we can sound that one out, can't we.

Let's go.

"B A C K" "Back" "Bring my hats back-" And it's a "-ck" for the "-k" sounds there in "back".

"Bring my hats back this-" "-this instant." "this instant" means right now.

"Bring my hats back this instant." Now, we haven't done this yet so this might be new learning, but I am going to put an exclamation mark at the end of my sentence instead of a full stop.

That's because this is a really strong feeling.

So we can use exclamation marks to show strong feeling.

When he says "Bring my hats back this instant!" he's got a really strong feeling of anger, hasn't he? So we can end with an exclamation mark.

Now it's your turn to write your sentence about what The Hat Maker is saying at this moment.

Now, you'll notice again, I've given you my three options, but with some words missing because I want you to have a go at sounding them out and writing them down yourself.

Here are the options, listen carefully.

"Who has stolen my hats?" "Bring my hats back this instant!" "Where have all my hats gone?" You might want to have a go at writing one of those options or you might have your own idea and want to write that, if you do that's brilliant.

Pause the video now and have a go.

Remember to five finger check your sentences.

Now I want you to have a go at the last box on your own and tell me how The Hat Maker feels.

I want you to do it in role as The Hat Maker as if you are him using the sentence stem "I feel-" I'm going to give you some options now.

I've given you some emoji faces to help you with the feeling words next to them.

If you want to challenge yourself, can you use "and" to add another feeling? For example " I feel and ." Use the sentence stem in the blue box.

Or if you want an even bigger challenge, you can have a look at the purple box.

Can you use "Because" to explain why you feel that way? You can use the sentence stem "I feel because ." Pause the video now and have a go at writing your own sentence.

Here's an independent challenge, if you feel like going above and beyond today.

I would be super impressed if you did.

So this is what you can do, draw the next picture to show the hat maker shouting at the monkeys just like I have done here on the screen.

Write four sentences of your own to show what The Hat Maker is thinking, feeling, doing and saying as he's shouting at the monkeys.

And it doesn't matter if you make mistakes, that's how we learn.

I would love to see your sentences.

So pause the video now and why not have a go.

What superstar learners, you have been today.

I am so proud of all your hard work and effort and I would absolutely love to see some of your sentences so if you'd like to, please ask your parents or carer to show your work on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter tagging @OakNational, @KateEBarron and #LearnWithOak.

But for now, I think you deserve a big marshmallow clap.

Are you ready? Do it with me.

There we go.

Oh, and I haven't forgotten, I left you with a joke at the end of lesson five so I need to tell you the punchline.

The joke was "What did one hat say to the other?" You stay here, I'll go on a head.

Get it? "I'll go on a head." Right, I will see you in the next lesson.
