
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Corbert and thank you so much for learning with me today.

Today's lesson is called Characters in A Superhero Like You, one of my favourite things is to explore characters and imagine that I am them so I get lost in the story.

Before we get started, I need to make sure that you have your own copy of "A Superhero Like You"" by Dr.


And your copy should look just like mine.

Can you pause the video and go and get your copy? Off you go.


Can you show me your copy? You have got it.

Well done.

And we are ready to start our learning.

Today's learning outcome is I can discuss which means talk about the characters and events in the story.

Remember for this lesson, you need your copy of "A Superhero Like You".

We'll be reading the story again, so make sure that you have someone nearby who can read it to you.

You'll also need your listeners, your looking eyes and your thinking brains.

Are we ready to get started? Pause the video just to make sure you have somebody to talk to and somebody to read the story to you.

Pause the video now.


Let's get started.

Here are our key words for today's lesson.

Remember, don't worry if you don't know what these mean 'cause we will come across them as we go again and again and they help us get to our learning outcome.

For now, we're going to say them together my turn then your turn.

Character, character.





Point of view, point of view.

Let's go a little bit quicker.

Character, plot, theme, point of view.

Amazing joining in, let's get started on our lesson.

The first part of our lesson is revisiting the story.

Then we'll be thinking from the character's point of view, which means imagining we are them.

Firstly have a look at the front cover and try to remember everything you can about the story.

I would like you to think about the plot, what happens, the characters who is in the story and the setting where the story happens.

Tell your person nearby everything that you can remember.

Off you go and pause the video.


Well done everybody.

I can see that you remembered so much about the story and it's so great to hear you talk about it so enthusiastically.

Rereading a story again helps us to remember the plot, what happens, as well as notice details in the text, which is the words and the illustrations.

You are going to listen to the whole story without stopping, so you can get soaked into it and imagine that you are there with Lily and the other characters.

Can you pause the video and listen to the whole story? Off you go.

We now know the whole plot of the story, which means what happens from the beginning all the way to the end.

The story's plot focuses on introducing lots of different characters, their jobs and where their jobs happen.

So let's remember the story starts with Lily, starting her day with an idea.

She had an idea was that she wants to become a real superhero.

The story takes us on an adventure through different jobs that help people in the community, which is a main theme or big idea, making us appreciate the people in our community.

Let's see if you can remember any of those people in our community.

So you are going to think about the job and how it helps the community and who it helps.

The jobs are doctor, vet and teacher.

You need to match the job to decide whether that job helps children, people, or animals.

There might be a job that helps more than one of those groups.

Pause the video and match them together.

Off you go.

Well done, let's see if you are right.

A doctor, who does a doctor help? Children, people, animals.

Doctors help children and people.

They help care and look after people who are unwell, both children and adults and grownups.

Vets, hmm.

They help animals, but vets do also help people because they help the people who own the animals, but their job is to care for animals.

Finally, teacher.

A teacher helps children.

It helps children how to learn.

Fantastic matching, well done.

Now let's see if you can remember this.

Why does Lily want to be a superhero? Is it because she likes to wear capes? She wants to help others, or she wants people to think she is fantastic? It's only one of those.

Pause the video and have a think.

Why does Lily want to be a superhero? Off you go.

Let's see if you are right.

Lily wants to be a superhero because she wants to help others.

She's so thankful for the people in her community that help that she wants to do the same.

She's wearing a cape in the front cover, but I don't think that's why she wants to be a superhero.

'Cause she says she wants to be a real superhero and she doesn't really care if people think she's fantastic as long as she's helping other people.

Well done.

Another question for you to see what you can remember from the story.

If you aren't sure, you can look back in the book to help you.

What job does Lily's mommy have? Is she a nurse, a shop worker, or a doctor? If you are not sure, you could look back in the book to help you pause the video now, off you go.

Well done.

I wonder if you could shout it to me in a full sentence.

Lily's mommy is.

Could you tell me? Well done.

Lily's mommy is a doctor.

Nurses and shop workers are also very, very helpful.

But Lily's mommy is a doctor.

We can see that at the very end of the story and that is why Lily also wants to be a doctor because she wants to be just like her mommy.

Nurses also help people to feel better if they are unwell, but Lily's mommy is a doctor.

Now let's see if you can remember the whole plot of the story.

You are going to use your copy of the story to retell the story from the beginning where Lily wakes up.

Can you tell the story in your own words? Pause the video and off you go.

Well done.

What fantastic storytelling.

I think you remembered almost everything.

So the story starts where Lily is imagining that she's going to be a somebody who helps people.

She imagines, she's a doctor, then a firefighter, then a teacher, then an air ambulance pilot, a carer, a recycling truck driver, a scientist and a vet.

Did you remember the whole plot of the story? And I wonder, did you just remember it or did you use the book to help you? Because you using the the book to help you is a really useful strategy to help you retell.

Well done.

Let's move on to the next part of our lesson.

Thinking from the character's point of view.

These are all the jobs that people can do for work.

All of the jobs that Lily talked about imagining she was doing.

But what is the main reason that Lily wants to do these jobs? Why does she think being a doctor's great or a firefighter or a teacher or a scientist? Why? What is the main reason that Lily wants to do those jobs? Have a think.

I'm going to give you 10 seconds.

10, five, zero, well done.

Lily wants to do these jobs because she wants to help the world become a better place.

Lily sees these people that help as caring, as kind, as helpful, as super and as unstoppable.

Because of this, she sees all of the people who do these jobs as real superheroes because that's the type of character that a superhero is caring, unstoppable, super, helpful and that's how Lily sees all of the people who do these jobs.

Have a look now with your book at the inside cover.

So open up to the first page and on the inside cover you can see a photo of Dr.

Ranj and lots of writing.

You are going to pause the video and listen to what Dr.

Ranj has to say.

Pause the video and off you go.


Did you listen to what Dr.

Ranj had to say? The author, Dr.

Ranj, who also sees these people as he as superheroes and he says that they do extraordinary things, which means ordinary means normal.

So extraordinary means amazing, unbelievable.

So he says that they do extraordinary things by doing their jobs because they're helping others and their community, which we know is so important.

Now I want you to turn to have a start.

Look at the start of the story and once the story starts, go to the fifth page, page five, and that's the page that starts with the word that's and at the illustration is Lily dressed up as a doctor helping a teddy bear with some dressing up in the background.

Listen to that page and look at the illustration.

Pause the video and off you go.


Having a look at that page, do you think that Lily is really working in all of these jobs or is she using her imagination and how do you know? Pause the video and share what you think.

I think, off you go.


We know that Lily is using her imagination to imagine that she's all of the characters.

We know that because she's dressed up as a doctor, she's not helping other people.

She's helping a teddy bear.

And behind her we can see her dressing up box with so many different things to dress up as including some of the jobs that we see in the story.

Now you may not find all of these jobs that interesting or exciting or want to be any of these jobs, but Lily really does and we can tell that in the way that she describes each job.

She describes the jobs as amazing, cool, incredible and super.

We are going to use our imagination just like Lily.

So we are going to imagine that we are Lily by thinking from her point of view.

So that's imagining that we're not thinking from our own thoughts anymore.

We are imagining we are Lily and thinking from her point of view.

So I am going to close my eyes and by the time I open them again, I'm not going to be Miss Corbert anymore and I am going to be Lily and all of you are going to be Lily as well.

I'm going to close my eyes.

One, two, three, four, five.

And we are no longer ourselves anymore, but we are Lily.

Hello, I am Lily.

Nice to meet you.


Let's see if we can imagine from Lily's point of view.

So remember I am not Miss Corbert anymore.

I am Lily and I am imagining that I am a carer.

I'm going to turn to that page in the book where I am a carer and I'm going to look how I think I'm feeling and I'm going to do a freeze frame.

So I'm going to freeze on how I am feeling.

Are you ready? Freeze frame.

How am I feeling? Lemme see.

I look happy.

I look amused.

If I'm amused it means I'm finding something funny.

So I'm finding something funny because I'm having so much fun dancing and laughing and talking to all of the people that I am caring.

I showed I was happy by doing a big wide smile and freezing like I was laughing.

Are you ready for your turn? You are Lily and you are a firefighter.

Can you find a page where you are a firefighter? I'm going to look through it myself.

I've got it.

Have you got it? Well done.

How are you feeling? You are going to freeze frame in three, two, one, freeze frame.

What excellent firefighters you are.

I'm going to describe how you are feeling and you are going to repeat it back to me.

Are you ready? You look excited.

You look brave.

Well done.

So you look excited and brave 'cause you're looking out the window, you're seeing what you can see and you are ready to help people no matter what.

Should we do another one? This time I am Lily, but this time I am the recycling truck driver.

I'm going to turn the page where I am a recycling truck driver.

Maybe you could find it too.

I found it.

Have you found it? Well done.

Let me look how I might be feeling.

I'm looking out the window.

I'm seeing I'm going to freeze frame.


Are you ready? I look strong.

I look unstoppable.

Now, I was looking, I was focused.

That's why I looked strong and unstoppable, which means I can't be stopped.

Let's see.

Now it's your turn.

You are Lily.

This time you're a scientist.

Can you turn the page just the next page, after the recycling truck driver to see you as a scientist.

Are you ready to freeze frame in three, two, one, freeze frame.

Let me think how I can describe you.

Are you ready to repeat after me? You look curious.

You look proud.

Now we are going to talk about the word curious in a minute, but you look proud 'cause you're working so hard to help and make some discoveries.

Let's think about the word, curious, can you say that for me, curious.

Well done.

I was curious.

I was curious because I was wondering what the experiment was going to do.

So I've used it because there to explain why I was feeling a certain way.

I was curious because I was wondering what the experiment was going to do.

Curious means you are interested in something and you are wondering what's going to happen.

I was curious because I spotted a butterfly in the garden that I'd never seen before.

Let's look at another example.

I was curious when my teacher asked an interesting question.

I was curious when I started to wonder why the sky is blue.

Can you think of a time when you have felt curious about something? What's made you curious? I was curious when, or I was curious because? Pause the video and have a think, off you go.

Well done.

I loved all of your curiosity when you are interested or thinking about something.

I have some sentences here though.

And only one of them uses the adjective, which is a describing word, curious, correctly.

Let's have a listen.

I was curious about the boring TV programme.

If you are bored, are you curious? I was curious when I was thinking about what to have for breakfast.

Is that interesting? I was curious when I was looking at the dinosaur fossils in the museum.

Maybe wondering where they came from.

Which sentence uses curious correctly, could you pause the video and have a think off you go.

Well done.

The The answer is I was curious when I was looking at the dinosaur fossils in the museum because curious means being interested in something and wondering about something and something like a dinosaur fossil is interesting and curious.

You wouldn't be curious about the TV programme if you found it boring because it shows you are not interested.

Even though you might have been thinking about what to have for breakfast it's not really something that you are interested in or curious about.

Well done if you've got that correct.

Really good spotting.

Now back to being Lily, you are Lily.

What job were you doing when you are flying in the sky? When I was flying in the sky, I was.

Maybe you could look back in the book to help you.

Pause the video and have a think, off you go.

Well done.

Did you get it? When I was flying in the sky, I was an air ambulance pilot.

Okay, one more question where you are going to imagine that you are Lily.

Here's the question, are you ready? Which job did you have that was helping children to create artwork? The job I had when I was helping children to create artwork was, hmm, if I wanna answer this question, I'm going to look through both the illustrations and maybe listen to parts of the writing if I need to to help me answer that question.

The job I had when I was helping children to create artwork was, pause the video and off you go.


Did you get it? The job I had when I was helping children to create artwork was, being a teacher.

That was one of the things Lily did with the children that she was teaching, helping them to create artwork.

Well done.

Now you are back to being yourself.

So I'm going to close my eyes again for five seconds and you are no longer Lily.

I'm no longer Lily.

And we are back to being ourselves.

I'm going to close my eyes.

One, two, three, for, five.


Hi, I'm Ms. Corbert again and welcome back.

Well done.

Now you are going to decide from your point of view, so what you feel, which of the jobs from the story would you most like to have and why? And then listen to somebody else's idea.

So you are going to say, I would most like to be a.

because, and then listen to somebody's idea.

Maybe you could also draw a picture of it.

Can you pause the video now and share which job you would most like to have? Pause the video and off you go.


I loved hearing some of your ideas.

Here are some that I heard.

I would most like to be a scientist because I want to make new discoveries.

I would most like to be a vet because I love animals.

I would most like to be a teacher because I like helping people to learn.

I would most like to be an air ambulance pilot because I love flying.

Did you manage to explain why you would most like to have that job? Fantastic.

What another excellent lesson of learning.

In today's lesson, we have learned that this story's plot is based around introducing different characters and their jobs.

We've also learned that rereading and looking back in the story is useful to remember the plot and other details.

Thinking from a character's point of view can help us to imagine parts of the story and how the characters might be feeling.

And this story in particular makes us rethink how we see superheroes and what a superhero means to us.

Thank you so much for learning with me today and I hope to see you again soon.
