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Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

I'm Ms. Absel, and I'm feeling really excited because guess what we're going to do together? We are going to do some handwriting.

I love sharing handwriting.

I love forming new letters together, making patterns.

It's all so much fun.

So what you need to be ready is to have your eyes ready looking.

You need your ears ready to listen out for keywords.

And we're gonna be warming up our hands and our wrists soon.

So you'll need those ready.

And let's begin.

Let's have a great time.

The outcome for today's lesson is I can form the capital letters S, J and U.

Let's find out what the keywords are today.

So today we'll be looking out for and we'll be listening out for the word horizontal line.

Let's do my turn, your turn.

Horizontal line.


Let's make sure we're really looking out for every time we can see that word and every time we can hear that word.

And let's make sure we're thinking about that word too.

Today's lesson has got three parts to it, formation of S, J, and U.

First of all, we'll be forming the capital letter S.

Next, we'll be forming the capital letter J.

And finally, we'll be forming the capital letter U.

Are you ready to begin with some warmups? Let's have a go at our hand squeeze warmup.

I'm going to go first of all and then it will be your turn.

I'm gonna choose which hand to begin with.

This one.

And I'm gonna start by stretching out all my fingers, stretching them really wide, really far apart.

And then I'm gonna slowly bring them in.

And I'm going to imagine I've got something precious in my hand and I'm squeezing and holding it tight, holding something tightly in my hand.

Something tiny, tiny and precious.

And then I'm going to open out my fingers into that lovely stretch once again.

And then back into a squeeze, holding something precious and tight.

I'm gonna try with the other hand.

First of all, that lovely big stretch.

Stretch all my fingers.

And then bringing all those fingers in and squeezing something, holding something precious, holding it tight.

Out to that lovely stretch.

And then fingers in to a lovely squeeze.

Mm, feels great.

Okay, it's your turn.

Choose which hand you're going to begin with.

Put that hand up, open up the fingers, stretch them wide, and then squeeze them tight.

Hold something precious and tiny and tight and then stretch, and squeeze.


Other hand.

First of all, stretch and then squeeze the hand tight, stretch, and squeeze.

Oh, lovely job, everybody.

Next, we're going to move on to our wrist circles.

First of all, I'm going to stretch my hands out in front of me and then I'm going to pull my fingers in to form fists.

And then I'm going to make circles, moving in one direction.

Lovely circles.

And then I'm going to go in the other direction.

This feels good.

This feels fun.

Are you ready to join in? Let's go.

Take your hands, put 'em out in front of you.

Form fists.

Let's go, one direction, other direction.

Let's just do it again because it's so much fun.

We can't really stop 'cause we're enjoying ourselves so much.

That's the way to do it.

And now can you see what's appeared on the screen in front of you? Two letter Ss? What's the difference between the capital letter S and the lowercase letter s? Take a look closely.

What can you see? Tell the person next to you.

Did you notice that the capital letter S starts and well, it goes up as high as the ascender line and that the lowercase letter s goes as high as the x-height line? Did you notice both of these letter Ss are sitting on the baseline and that they have a similar formation? They actually are formed in the same way, but they're just different sizes sitting in between different lines.

Let's find out more.

The capital letter S and the lowercase s are formed in similar ways.

The capital letter S starts just below the ascender line and the capital letter S sits on the baseline.

It's formed by curling around one, two times.

I'm going to have a go at forming the capital letter S in the air.

First of all, I'm going to use my finger, then I'm going to use my fist and you can have a go after me.

All right, so I'm going to start up just below the ascender line.

I'm gonna go up to the ascender line.

I'm going in anticlockwise direction up to the ascender line.

I'm gonna curl into the x-height line.

Then I'm gonna curl back down to the baseline and finish just above the baseline.

So this letter is formed of two curls.

It's a really nice, lovely flowing shape.

Let me show you again.

So I start just below the ascender line.

I'm going anticlockwise, I'm curling around and into the x-height line.

Then I'm curling around down to the baseline and I finish just above the baseline.

Are you ready for your turn? Let's start just below the ascender line and we're going anticlockwise up to the ascender line.

Then we're curling into the x-height line, and then we are curling down to the baseline and finish just above the baseline.

One more.

Let's do our first curl into the x-height line and then our second curl down to the baseline.

Fantastic letter Ss.

Well done, everyone.

Let's try now with our fist.

Let me go first of all.

From here just below the ascender line, I'm gonna do one curl into the x-height line and then another curl down to the baseline.

Are you ready to join in? Let's go with your fist from just below the ascender line.

Let's do our first curl into the x-height line and then our second curl down to the baseline.

One more.

This is a really nice, lovely curly, curly, curly letter S.

Great job, everyone.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter S.

I'm sitting comfortably.

My pen is in the tripod grip.

I'm starting just below the ascender line.

I'm going to go up to the ascender line and I'm going to curl into the x-height line and then I'm going to curl back around down to the baseline and finish just above the baseline.

Let's try that again.

So start just below the ascender line.

I go up to the ascender line, curl around into the x-height line.

Then I'm gonna curl around again down to the baseline and then finish just above the baseline.

Let's try one more.

Just below the ascender line, up to the ascender line, curl into the x-height line and then curl around again down to the baseline and around.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter S? Take a look at these three Ss before you and pick the correct formation.

Pause the video here.

Well done if you picked that first S that's sitting in the correct position and it's facing in the right direction.

For your task, I'd like you to practise forming the capital letter S.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dot, show you where to begin.

And finally, complete two lines of the letter S independently on your tramlines.

Enjoy this flowing, snaking letter S.

Pause the video here.

How did you get on with forming the capital letter S? Did you start just below the ascender line, go up to the ascender line and then curl back down to the x-height line.

And then did you curl back again around to the baseline? Have a look at all of these letter Ss and find your best one.

Circle your best and celebrate.

Now we're moving on to forming the capital letter J.

Here it is.

Here's the capital letter J.

It's on the screen and so is the lowercase j.

Take a look at these two.

What do you notice about them? What's the same? What's different? What can you see? Turn and tell the person next to you.

Pause the video here.

Did you notice that the capital letter J goes all the way up to the ascender line? Did you notice that the lowercase letter j has a dot at the top? and they're sitting in different places.

The capital letter J sits on the baseline, whereas the lowercase letter J is one of those descenders.

It goes all the way down to the descender line.

They have a different formation.

The capital letter J and the lowercase j are formed in different ways.

The capital letter J starts on the ascender line and the capital letter J sits on the baseline and it has a curl up at the baseline, and it has a horizontal line across the ascender line.

So a horizontal line is a line that goes across, across ways.

That's horizontal.

I'm going to have a go at forming the capital letter J in the air.

I, going to start using my finger, then it'll be your turn.

Then I'm even going to use my nose to form the capital letter J.

That's gonna be fun.

And then you can have a go.

All right, so I'm gonna start up here at the ascender line.

I'm coming all the way down to the baseline and curling up.

Then I lift my pencil from the page, go back up to the ascender line and I draw a horizontal line across.

Let me show you again.

From the ascender line, I go down to the baseline, curl up, finger off, back to the ascender line and a horizontal line across.

Are you ready to have your turn? Let's go.

Start from the ascender line down to the baseline.

Curl up, pencil off, back up to the ascender line and a horizontal line across.

One more.

Ascender line down to baseline, curl up, pencil off and horizontal line across the top.

Those Js are looking so good.

Are you ready to have a go at watching me form the J with my nose? This is gonna be fun.

I'm starting at the ascender line.

I'm going down to the baseline.

Curl up, take my nose off and a horizontal line across the top.

It's your turn.

Get those writing noses ready.

At the ascender line, let's go down to the baseline, curl up, take your nose off and make a line across.

Wonderful job.

Look at those Js.

They look good.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter J.

I'm sitting comfortably and my pen is in the tripod grip.

I'll start at the ascender line.

I'm gonna go down to the baseline and then curl up.

Lift my pen from the paper and then at the ascender line, I'm going to draw a horizontal line across the top of the J.

Let's try that again.

Start at the ascender line.

Go all the way down to the baseline.

Curl up.

Lift up my pen.

Go back up to the ascender line and draw a horizontal line across.

And one more from the ascender line down to the baseline.

Curl up.

Lift up my pen and draw a line across the top of the J.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter J? Take a look at these three Js and select the correct one.

Pause the video here.

Well done if you picked that J in the middle.

That's the one that's correct.

It's got the cross all the way across the top.

For your activity, I would like you to practise forming the capital letter J.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dot.

And finally, complete two lines independently on your tramlines.

Enjoy every J.

Pause the video here.

So how did you get on? How did you get on with forming the capital letter J? Did you start on the ascender line? Did you go down to the baseline and curl up? Did you take your pencil off the page and add a horizontal line across at the ascender line? Did you have fun? Take a look at all of those Js before you and circle your best one and celebrate.

It's time for the next part of our lesson, forming the capital letter U.

Here it is.

Here's the capital letter U.

Next to it is the lowercase letter u.

Take a look at these two sitting there beside each other.

What do you notice that's the same? What do you notice that's different? Look closely.

What can you see? Tell the person next to you.

Pause the video here.

Did you notice that the capital U goes all the way up to the ascender line? Did you notice that the lowercase letter u stops at the x-height line? What else did you notice? They're both sitting on the baseline.

They have a different formation.

Let's find out more.

The capital letter U and the lowercase u are formed in different ways.

The capital letter U starts on the ascender line.

The capital letter U sits on the baseline.

It's formed by going straight down to the baseline and across and then back up to the ascender line.

I'm going to have a go at forming capital letter U in the air.

I'm gonna have a go using my finger.

Then I'm gonna have a go using my elbow and you can have a turn after me.

So let me start my capital letter U up here at the ascender line.

I'm gonna go straight down to the baseline.

I'm just gonna go across and then back up to the ascender line.

Let me show you again.

So I'm starting at the ascender line, down to the baseline, across and back up.

So it's all done in one flowing movement.

Are you ready for your turn? Start at the ascender line.

Let's go, down to the baseline, across, back up to the ascender line.

Again, start at the ascender line, down to the baseline, across, back up to the ascender line.

Us are looking good.

I'm liking those Us.

Are you ready to have a go watching me do this with my elbow? I'm starting up here at the ascender line, down to the baseline, across.

Back up to the ascender line.

Really nice.

This one feels so nice 'cause it's just one lovely flowing movement.

Are you ready? Get your elbows up to the ascender line.

Let's go, down to the baseline, across, back up to the ascender line.

Should we do one more? Ascender line, down to the baseline, across.

Back up to the ascender line.

Look at all those Us.

They look magnificent.

I'm going to form the capital letter U.

I'm sitting comfortably.

My pen is in the tripod grip.

I'll start at the ascender line and make a vertical line straight down towards the baseline.

Then I'm gonna go across and then back up to the ascender line.

Let's try that again.

Start at the ascender line.

Go all the way down to the baseline.

Go across and then back up to the ascender line.

One more.

From the ascender line, straight down towards the baseline.

Just gonna go across there and then back up to the ascender line.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter U? Choose one of these three.

Pause the video here.

Well done if you selected that first U that is sitting in between the ascender line and the baseline, and it is just one continuous flowing movement.

For your task, I'd like you to practise forming the capital letter U.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dot.

And finally, complete two lines of the capital letter U independently on your tramlines.

Enjoy every single letter U.

Pause the video here.

So how did you get on with forming the capital letter U? Did you start on the ascender line? Did you go down to the baseline, go across and then back up to the ascender line? Did you enjoy forming every single one? Look at 'em all and circle your best one and celebrate.

In this lesson, formation of capital S, J, and U, we've covered the following.

The letters J and U start on the ascender line and letter S starts just below the ascender line.

Letter S curls around twice.

Letter J needs the pencil to be lifted to form the horizontal line at the top.

Well done for your focus and your enthusiasm in today's lesson, everybody.

See you next time.