
Lesson video

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Hello, welcome.

I'm Miss Brooms, and I'm so very excited to be learning with you today.

We are going to have a fantastic time, and I'm so excited to be guiding you through our learning.

So let's get started, shall we? Welcome to the lesson, describing the troll in "The Three Billy Goats Gruff".

Your outcome for today is, I can write a sentence with an adjective to describe a character.

So by the end of today's lesson, you should be able to write a sentence with an adjective to describe the character that we are focusing on today.

For this lesson, you are going to need your looking eyes, your listening ears, your thinking brains.

You will also need somebody to talk to and something to write on.

Now, it's best if you have lined paper, but if you don't, that's okay.

Let's get started.

Our key words to keep an ear out for today are describe, noun, adjective, personality, appearance.

Don't worry if you haven't heard these words before.

We are going to be learning about them throughout this lesson.

Make sure that you keep an ear out.

So let's start with using adjectives.

Adjective, that's one of our key words.

But first, can you use your story mountain to retell the story using once upon a time, then ,next, after that, suddenly, finally, can you use your story mountain to retell the story? Just whisper to your finger.

Well done, keep going.

Whisper the story to yourself using the story mountain.

Good job.

Well done, that was great.

Now, nouns are naming words.

They name people, places, or things.

People, places, things.

People like another child at school, places like home or school, and things like a pen or a glue stick.

Now these nouns are all characters in "The Three Billy Goats Gruff".

We have the smallest goat, we have the middle, and we have the largest goat.

These are all nouns, these goats.

Can you think of one more character from the story and turn to the person nearby to you and tell them? Pause the video here.

Well done, great.

Now that you know what a noun is, which of these are nouns? A, eating, B, goat, C, small or D, bridge.

A, eating, B, goat, C, small, or D Bridge.

Show me on your fingers.

Show me on your fingers.

And pause the video here for some thinking time.

Great job.

Let's see what the answers are.

Which of these are nouns? A, eating, B, goat, C, small, D, bridge.

The answers are B, goat and D, bridge.

Well done if you got B or D.

If you didn't, that's okay.

Now, nouns are places and things in the story as well as characters.

So that places and things in the story as well.

Another character in the story is the troll.

In this lesson, we'll be describing him.

Now, if you have heard the story before, then you'll know some ways that we have described the troll.

So you've already learned what a noun is, which is one of our key words.

Now we're going to think about how we can describe him.

So this story, it describes the troll's personality and appearance.

So it describes the troll's personality and the troll's appearance.

So we've got fearsome, bushy beard, a temper as sour as a lemon, furious.

From all of these things, fearsome, bushy beard, a temper as sour as a lemon and furious.

We get to know the troll's personality and we could be thinking, "Hmm, the troll seems a little bit mean", but it doesn't necessarily mean what he looks like because no, that's his personality.

That's what's inside.

Now, an adjective is a word that describes a noun.

Adjective, one of our key words.

So an adjective is a word that describes a noun.

An adjective gets to add detail to it.

So an adjective adds detail to a noun.

So we are going to use adjectives to describe the character of the troll in the story.

So we're going to use adjectives, describing words, for our noun.

So we are going to be thinking about the personality or character traits and the appearance.

So the personality is what the troll is like, what's he like? What is he like inside? What's he like? And his appearance is what he looks like.

So we are going to be thinking about those things.

His personality or character traits you might say.

And his appearance.

Now, these adjectives that I'm about to show you, describe the troll's personality and character traits.

So turn on your listening ears.

Have a listen to what I'm about to say.

These adjectives describe the troll's personality and character traits.

Mean, angry, horrible, furious, fearsome.

These are adjectives that describe his personality or his character.

That's what he's like inside.

He's mean, angry, horrible, furious, fearsome.

That's his personality inside.

Now they tell us how the troll behaves, and these adjectives gives us more detail about his character, about what he's like.

So we know that he behaves quite angrily and mean when he told those goats that he wanted to eat them.

But it also gives more detail about his character, who he is.

I mean, he's quite fearsome, growling, frowning, stomping.

It's very fearsome.

So we know that is what he is like.

Now, when we describe a character's appearance, we describe what they look like.

So for the troll that is green, enormous, hairy, sharp teeth.

So sharp is our adjective.

Teeth would be our noun.

So we've described his teeth as being sharp.

So sharp is our adjective.

That's what we're.

We're describing his teeth.

So this is his appearance.

This sign here with the eye is to show you that we are looking at the appearance.

We are looking at the appearance.

Well done.


Great repeating.

So we are saying that's what he looks like.

I wonder if you can think of any more words to describe the troll's appearance.

What does the troll look like? Think, or try and see if you can think of any more words.

So we have green, enormous, hairy, and we've described his teeth as being sharp.

What more can you think of? Can you turn to someone nearby to you and tell them, pause us the video here.

Well done, fantastic.

I heard some really fantastic adjectives to describe the troll's appearance.

Go you.

Now I would like you to match the adjectives that describe the troll's appearance and personality.

So match the adjectives that describe the troll's appearance and personality.

So does the troll have a mean appearance or a mean personality? Does the troll have a hairy appearance or a hairy personality? I would like you to match.

Match the adjectives to the personality.

Have a think.

I would like you to whisper the answers in your hand and hold them.

When I show you the answers, I would like you to release yours and see if you've got them correct.

So I'd like you to whisper the adjective to match the appearance or personality.

So either he has a mean appearance or mean personality or hairy appearance, hairy personality.

Whisper the one that you think is correct.

Pause the video here.

Well done.

Oh, great, whispering.

I can see how focused you all were.

Okay, I'm going to show you the answers.

Make sure you release your answers.

Get ready.

One, two, three.

The troll has a mean personality and a hairy appearance.

Well done if you've got that right.

If you didn't, that's okay.

So his personality is mean because that is what he's like.

We wouldn't say that the troll looks mean.

It's just what he's like inside.

And we'd say that his appearance is hairy because we can see that the troll is hairy.

I would like you to see if you can sort these adjectives into personality and appearance.

Adjectives, personality, appearance, all of our key words that you've already learned.


But now you need to sort them out into two groups.

Which ones do you think are personality and which ones do you think are appearance? Have a little look.

Have a look.

What do you think? Does ugly, scary, hairy, grumpy, selfish, green.

Do they all go into personality? Do they all go into appearance? Which ones go where? See if you can sort these.

See if you can sort these out.

Just have a little look.

See if you can sort them out and maybe talk.

I think you should talk to someone nearby to you and see if you can sort them out together.

Or I think you could whisper where you think each one of them goes.

And share to the person near to you and see if you were thinking of the same thing.

Pause the video here and try that.


So let's see how we can sort these adjectives into personality and appearance.

Ready? Personality.

His personality is scary, grumpy, selfish.

His appearance could be ugly, hairy, green.

Personality is what he's like inside, his character traits, and appearance is what the troll looks like.

Let's move on to preparing to write.

I would like you to look at where the adjective is.

Look at where the adjective is.

Mean troll, selfish troll, fearsome troll.

Look at where the adjective is.

Your adjectives are in green.

Now, an adjective often comes before the noun it is describing.

So we add detail to give more information about the noun by adding another adjective.

So we're giving more information by adding that adjective in front of it.

So that's why the adjective mostly comes before the noun that it's describing.

So let's look at some examples in some sentences.

The scary troll is enormous.

The selfish troll is hairy.

The grumpy troll has bushy eyebrows.

Have a look.

The scary troll is enormous.

The selfish troll is hairy.

The grumpy troll has bushy eyebrows.

Now in bushy eyebrows, the eyebrows are the noun, and the word bushy is the adjective.

Bushy eyebrows.

It's ingrained to show you though that those two have come together.

That the adjective and the noun have come together.

But all of your adjectives here have mostly come before the noun.

The ones that have come afterwards are adding even more information for the reader.

Let's have a think about a true or false.

Let's have a think about a true of false.

True or false, an adjective always comes after the noun it is describing, true or false? What do you think it is, true or false? An adjective always comes after the noun it is describing.

Pause the video here for some thinking time.

Great thinking.

Now show me those thumbs.

Thumbs up, thumbs down.

True or false? An adjective always comes after the noun.

It is describing the answer is false.

The answer is false.

It doesn't always come after the noun it's describing.

It often actually comes before.

Now have a look at this sentence again.

The scary troll is enormous.

Now scary is describing the troll's personality and enormous is describing the troll's appearance.

So we have both personality and appearance in our sentence.

Now we will describe the troll's personality first and then the troll's appearance.

The scary troll is enormous.

Great repeating.

Now we can use is or has to give more detail about the troll's appearance.

So we can use the words is or has.

The selfish troll is hairy.

The grumpy troll has bushy eyebrows.

The hideous troll has sharp teeth.

So we use has when you are adding another noun.

So when you are adding another noun, you use the word has.

For example, would has work here? The selfish troll has hairy, full stop.

Selfish troll has hairy.

Has hairy what? We haven't said anything else.

It wouldn't make sense.

So we use has when you are adding another noun.

Having a think.

Turning on those thinking brains, well done.

Which sentence makes sense? Having a think, which sentence makes sense? A, the grumpy troll is bushy hair.

B, the grumpy troll has bushy hair.

C, the grumpy troll has bushy.

Which sentence makes sense? I want to see your hands.

I want you to show me the letters.

A, B or C, show me with your signs.

A, B, or C.

Pause the video here for some thinking time.

Well done, great thinking.

Now I'm going to show you the answer.

Which sentence makes sense? A, the grumpy troll is bushy hair.

B, the grumpy troll has bushy hair.

C, the grumpy troll has bushy.

The answer is B, the grumpy troll has bushy hair.

The other two sentences don't make sense.

The grumpy troll is bushy hair.

How can he be a bushy hair? That doesn't make sense.

The grumpy troll has bushy, has bushy what? It doesn't make sense either.

The only sentence that makes sense is B.

The grumpy troll has bushy hair.

Well done if you got that correct.

If you didn't, that's okay.

Everyone keep your focus.

Now we're going to write.

Now when we write, there are lots of things that we try to do.

We try to write letters neatly on the line.

We try to form letters correctly.

We try to use phonics to sound out and spell words.

We try to use finger spaces in between words, and we try to start our sentences with a capital letter and a full stop.

We also try to read our writing back to check that it makes sense.

These are the things that we must try to do in our writing.

I want you to have a think about our success criteria.

It says, use capital letters at the start of sentences and a full stop at the end.

So use capital letters at the start of a sentence and use full stops at the end.

Use an adjective to describe the troll's personality.

Use an adjective to describe the troll's appearance and use phonics to sound out and spell the words.

Now let's see if this sentence has met our success criteria.

The selfish troll is hairy.

Use capital letters at the start of sentences and a full stop at the end.

Have we done that? Oh, I don't think we have, but we have used an adjective to describe the troll's personality.

We've said that the troll is selfish.

Good repeating.

We've used an adjective to describe the troll's appearance.

We've said that the troll is hairy.

Hairy, yes, the troll looks hairy.

So we've said that he's selfish and he's hairy.

And we have used phonics to sound out and spell the words.

The only thing that we haven't done is make sure that we have our capital letters and full stops.

They're so important.

There we go, I've corrected it.

Now we have a capital letter and we have a full stop, so we know where the sentence ends.

Now I'm gonna choose an adjective to describe the troll's personality.

The horrible troll.

Now I will turn this into a sentence by describing the troll's appearance.

The horrible troll has green skin.

I have used an adjective to describe the troll's personality and his appearance.

Now you will choose an adjective to describe the troll's personality.

The hmm troll.

You need to fill in the gap.

Then you will turn this into a sentence by describing the troll's appearance.

The hmm troll is or has hmm.

I want you to see if you can do it.

So my sentence is, the horrible troll has green skin.

Can you think of a different adjective to describe the troll and what he looks like? So describe his personality and appearance.

I would like you to whisper it to your finger.

Off you go.

Pause the video here.

Great whispering.

I heard some really fantastic adjectives.

Now we need to plan our whole sentence aloud.

So we need to make sure we say the sentence, we say the sentence in a silly voice.

We say the sentence again, including a capital letter, finger space, and full stop.

And we tell somebody else the sentence.

Then we need to make sure that we whisper the sentence to our pencils.

The hmm troll is hmm.

So if I were to do my sentence, I would say the horrible troll.

Can you see if you can use the phrase the hmm troll is hmm or the hmm troll has hmm? Fantastic.

So this is what I would like you to fill in.

Think of your sentence.

So you need to think of your sentence.

Say your sentence.

Say the sentence in a silly voice.

Say the sentence again.

Including a capital letter, finger space and full stop.

Tell somebody else your sentence and then whisper the sentence to your pencil.

I want you to practise doing that.

And then I'm gonna show you.

Pause the video here, and off you go.

Wow, what fantastic sentences you made.

I'm going to say my sentence.

The mean troll is ugly.

That's number one.

The mean troll is ugly.

Capital letter, The mean troll is ugly.

The mean troll is ugly.

The mean troll is ugly.

I hope you did it just like that.

Here's my sentence.

The mean troll is ugly.

Another sentence I could have done.

Could have been the mean troll has sharp claws.

Well done if you prepared your sentence by doing all of those steps.

Are you ready to write your sentence? Remember, say the sentence, say the sentence in the silly voice.

Say the sentence again, including a capital letter, finger spaces, and full stop.

Tell somebody else your sentence.

Whisper the sentence to your pencil.

Are you ready? Pause the video here.

The final thing that we are going to move onto and look at is describing the troll.

For the success criteria we need to make sure we are using capital letters at the start of sentences and a full stop at the end.

Use an adjective to describe the troll's personality.

Use an adjective to describe the troll's appearance and use phonics to sound out and spell words.

So a sentence you could have had is something like this.

The fierce troll is gigantic.

I can see that I have used a capital letter and a full stop.

So I'm gonna give myself a tick.

I can see in this sentence, the angry troll has bushy eyebrows.

I have described the troll's personality as angry.

So I'm going to give myself a tick.

In this sentence, the fearsome troll is hairy.

I can see that I have used an adjective to describe the troll's appearance, saying that he looks hairy.

So I'm giving myself a tick.

And the horrid troll has yellow teeth.

In this sentence horrid, h, o, r, i, d, horrid.

T, r, o, l, troll, has, h, a, s, has, yellow, y, e, l, oh, yellow, t, ee, th, teeth.

I know that I used my phonics to sound out and spell words, and I spelled the, t, h, e, I have used my phonics.

Success criteria tick, tick, ticked.

My sentence is, the terrifying troll has green skin.

I'm ready to write.

I need to first say my sentence.

The terrifying troll has green skin.

Now I need to say the sentence in a silly voice.

The terrifying troll has green skin.

Now I'm going to say the sentence again, including a capital letter, finger space, and full stop.

capital letter, The, finger space, terrifying, finger space, troll, finger space, has, finger space, green, finger space, skin, full stop.

Now I'm going to turn to someone near to me and tell them my sentence.

The terrifying troll has green skin.

Now I'm going to whisper my sentence to my pencil.

The terrifying troll has green skin.

Okay, now I'm ready to write.

My first word is The, capital letter, t, h, e, the, finger space, terrifying, t, e, r, i, f, ahy.

The I sound in terrifying is written with a Y.

I, ng, terrifying, finger space, troll, t, r, o, l, troll finger space, has, h, a, s, has, finger space, green, g, r, ee, n, green, finger space, s, k, i, n, full stop.

Now I'm going to check my success criteria.

Use capital letters at the start of sentences and a full stop at the end.

Where's my capital letter? See if you can point to the screen.

Did you find it? Here it is.

And where's my full stop? Right there at the end.

I got that right, tick.

Now it says, "Use an adjective to describe the troll's personality".

Have I used an adjective to describe the troll's personality? See if you can point with your pointing finger.

The troll's personality is described by the adjective terrifying.

I'm going to give myself a tick.

Now it says, "Use an adjective to describe the troll's appearance".

See if you can point to my adjective describing the troll's appearance.

Oh, the adjective is green.

Well done if you spotted it.

And did I use phonics to sound out and spell words? Yes, I did.

I'm going to give myself a tick.

Now I'm going to read back my sentence.

The terrifying troll has green skin.

I'm finished, yay.

Now, I would like you to write a sentence describing the troll's personality and appearance.

Now, when you've written a sentence describing the troll's personality and appearance, I need you to make sure that you are checking your success criteria.

I need you to make sure that you have been using capital letters at the start of sentences.

A full stop at the end.

An adjective to describe the troll's personality.

Using an adjective to describe the troll's appearance and using phonics to sound out and spell words.

For example, the terrifying troll has green skin.

The T H E, the.

I have used a capital letter.


I have used an adjective to describe the troll's personality that terrifying troll has g, r, ee, n, green, skin.

I have used an adjective to describe the troll's appearance, what he looks like.

I've said he's green, and I have been making sure that I am using my phonics to sound out and spell words.

One, two, three, well done me.

How did you do? Check your success criteria and give yourself a one, two, three, well done me.

Good checking everyone.

Make sure that you've checked to see if you have met your success criteria.


To summarise our whole lesson of describing the troll in "The Three Billy Goats Gruff", you have learned that an adjective describes a noun.

Using descriptions with adjectives makes writing more interesting.

That adjectives are often put in front of the noun in a sentence.

Adjectives can be used to describe a character's appearance and adjectives can be used to describe a character's personality.

You have met your outcome for today.

You have been so focused, so ready to learn, and you have produced some amazing work.

Well done everyone.

You have done brilliantly.

Give yourself a ♪ One, two, three, well done me.

♪ Well done you indeed.

Hopefully you'll choose another English lesson and we'll learning together.

Thank you for learning with me, bye.