
Lesson video

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Hello and welcome to today's spelling lesson.

I'm Mr Moss and I'm really looking forward to teaching you.

With you today you need to bring with you your looking eyes, your listening ears, and your thinking brains, as well as that, something to write with and someone to talk to would be great as well.

Let's crack straight on into today's lesson.

So in today's lesson we're going to applying the new or spellings including or spelled O-R-E, or spelled O-U-G-H, and or spelled with an A.

The outcome is I can apply three new spellings for the or phoneme, O-R-E, O-U-G-H, and A.

Here are the keywords for today's lesson, I'm gonna say them and I need you to say them back to me, I really need to hear you saying them.

Please keeping an eye and ear out for these keywords in today's learning, they're gonna be really important.





Make sure you're saying them back to me.


Past tense.


Let's have a little chat about what these mean then.

A digraph is a two-letter representation of a sound.

A trigraph, tri, meaning three, is a three-letter representation of a sound.

A verb is a doing or a being word, if you do it or you are it then the word is a verb.

And past tense, okay, is a word, often a verb, that shows that something has happened already, has happened in the past, has been done already.

Brilliant, make sure you keep an eye out for these today.

Here then is our lesson outline.

Today we're going to be applying the new spellings including O-R-E, O-U-G-H, and A for that or sound.

We're gonna begin by looking at some common exception words and then we're gonna review what we know about those three or spellings and some other or spellings as well, and then we're gonna have a go at applying these spellings within a sentence which I'm really looking forward to.

So, let's get on with looking at some of these common exception words.

Common exception words, okay, they are those words that don't follow our regular phonics patterns which makes them a little bit trickier to perhaps read or trickier to spell, trickier to remember because we can't apply our phonics rules to them.

So we're gonna have a go at reading some words and then we're gonna have a go at memorising them as well.

So my turn, your turn.




You might be noticing a pattern here.



So war, obviously two groups of people having a large fight, a prolonged, long fight.

Warm, okay, keeping myself nice and warm.

And towards, I am coming towards you now, to move to someone.

So, let's have a think.

Have a look at these words again for me and I want you to think what do you notice about these spellings? What makes them common exception words? What letters in them are not behaving in that regular way you'd expect them to in our phonics? Pause the video and have a think now.

Brilliant, some excellent thinking, some excellent conversations going on there.

So, let's have a look then at this word war, warm, and towards.

In war, definitely it's that AR, it looks like it should be w-ar.

We usually think of ar, ar, ar as in start or car, but it's making an or sound.

So it's that A-R there making an or sound, which is a bit strange isn't it? And it's the same in warm, it sounds like it should be maybe an O-R doesn't it, warm? But it's not.

And then we have towards, and it again has that or in it as well, so you might expect it to be spelled with perhaps an O-R instead of an A-R.

And this is what makes these common exception words.

I'd like you to have a go at finding the correct spelling of the common exception words we have just read.

I'm gonna put some words up and then I'm gonna ask you and give you time to point to the correct spelling.

What is the correct of the word war, of the common exception word we just looked at? Pause the video, point to it now.

Brilliant, I'm hoping you pointed to this one here which is our common exception spelling of that war, the two nations went to war.

However, this word here actually is a spelling for a word wore as well, but it's a homophone.

Remember, homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings.

And this is then he wore a hat, to wear something.

So, the next one.

Point to the correct spelling of the word warm for me.

Pause the video and point now.


I'm hoping you pointed to this one here, it's that A-R, that's why it's a common exception word making that or.

Or sound.

And finally, can you please point to the correct spelling of the word towards? Remember the pattern we've been look at today.

Which letters do you think are going to represent that or sound? Pause the video, point to the correct spelling of towards now.


This one here, it's that A-R again, towards.

So, remember, that A-R spelling can sometimes make that or sound.

Brilliant work everyone.

So because these are common exception words, we sort of just have to learn by sight, and learn them off by heart and here's a really good strategy we can use to help us with this.

This is called the look, cover, write, check strategy and it works like this.

You look at the word, so I'm gonna look at the word war, I look at it, imprint it in my brain, cover it up, I've got it here.

I then have a go at writing it and then checking to see how I did.

Now I don't just do this once, I do this a number of times.

It's repetitive, this strategy, that really embeds that spelling into your brain which also allows you to be very independent as well.

Obviously using our best handwriting.

So, I'd like you to pause the video now and have a go at writing out these three words war, warm, and towards a number of times using this strategy.

Pause the video, off you go.

Fantastic everyone.

So you should hopefully have the words war, warm, and towards written out a number of times looking like this.

Don't worry if you've made any mistakes, remember mistakes are magical, they're golden in spelling, it's how we learn.

So, if you've made any mistakes I'm gonna give you some time now, make some corrections, see how you got on.

Pause the video, make some corrections.

Brilliant, onto our next learning cycle then.

We're gonna look at the three or spellings, O-R-E, O-U-G-H, and A and review what we know about them.

So, remember the three spellings, O-R, O-O-R, A-U and A-W, for that or sound, are the common representations of that or sound, so words like for, story, door, indoor, launch, August, saw, prawn, these all contain that more common representation of the or sound, it's found more regularly.

But do remember the spellings O-R-E, O-U-G-H, and A are rarer representations of that or sound, so they appear less commonly.

But it's very important that we know them and we learn some of the words that contain them.

So, remember, we have words like ignore, store, and shore for that O-R-E spelling and that O-R-E is usually found at the end of the word.

For our O-U-G-H spelling, remember, that's usually found in verbs, in past tense verbs in particular, thought, bought, and fought here being examples, quite often then followed by a T.

I remember we had that mnemonic device, O-U-G-H, oh you grumpy hippo, to help us remember that and we're gonna talk a bit more about that in a moment.

We then have our A spelling and you can see here it's usually comes before an L or a double L.

And I always sort of like to remember as well if it is that A-L-L spelling, double L, it's usually at the end, and if it is then followed by a single L, it's usually at the beginning, words like also and always are just that A-L.


Where is the ore spelling usually found in a word? Pause the video, point to the correct answer now, A, B, C, or D.

Off you go.


Absolutely it is found at the end most commonly.

Some words that exemplify this, more, snore, explore, and score, like I scored a goal.

And there you go, trigraph at the end there.

For our O-U-G-H spelling, remember, oh you grumpy hippo is a mnemonic device that we can use to help us remember the tricky letter stream O-U-G-H.

Oh you grumpy hippo.

And we can see that in these words here, bought, thought, and fought, that O-U-G-H spelling and these are all verbs in the past tense, they've already occurred.

Remember, bought is to do with buying, so it's the past tense of to buy something from a shop.

Thought, past tense of you've been thinking.

And fought, with the F at the start, is to do with fighting, so it's the past tense of fighting.

What is the phrase that can help us remember the O-U-G-H spelling? Pause the video, have a think, and say it.

Brilliant, I can hear some excellent mnemonics being recited there.

It's oh you grumpy hippo.


In these words the A comes before the L or a double L.

Let's read these words, my turn, your turn.







Brilliant, I think I added an extra word there, call, but it's following that same pattern.

So you can see it here followed by a double L or a single L.

Where if it's at the end of the word, it's usually that double L, at the beginning it's that single L.

And something I've noticed as well is is that ball, small, and stall all contain the word all, which is with an A at the beginning but then followed by that double L and that's just a single word on its own.

Very high frequency, all of us.

So, I'd like you to have a read of these words, I'm not gonna read them to you, I need you to read them, stretch them, sound them out, think about them.

Which of these words contain the A making the or sound? Okay, pause the video, read these words, and then figure out where the A is making that or sound.

Off you go.


Let's go through these and see how you did then.

The first word is cart, c-ar-t, cart.

Hm, my A there is going with an R and making an ar sound, not an or sound, it's not saying cort, so that one doesn't count.

With our B here, always.

Yeah look, one of the As there does make that or sound.

The one in the middle doesn't, but the one at the beginning does and it's followed by the L.

So that one definitely does.


P-ar-k, park.

Hm, again, that A is making an ar sound isn't it, along with the R, it's not making an or sound.

And the last one, call.

C-or-l, call.

Yeah absolutely, it's that A followed by that double L making that or sound.

So always and call have As here that are making an or sound.

I'd like you to have a go at matching the spelling to where it is most commonly found in a word now.

Spellings are on the left, our A, our O-R-E and our O-U-G-H, oh you grumpy hippo, and where they're found is on the right.

Can you please match them now? Pause the video, off you go.


So, let's go through.

Our A likes to go before an L or a double L, remember that.

Our O-R-E, yep, absolutely, at the end of the word.

And our O-U-G-H, oh you grumpy hippo, in the middle, and remember it's in the middle, most commonly of past tense verbs, not all the time, but most commonly.

So, here I've got some words underneath and I'd like you to write them into the correct columns.

You can see I've got an or spelled O-R-E column, or spelled O-U-G-H, and an or spelled with an A column.

I've got the words below and I'd like you to sort them.

Let's read through those words first, then you're gonna go and sort them.

My turn, your turn.


And this is not sure as in I'm sure you're right, this is a shore as in the shoreline where the land meets the sea.



Remember that bought is going to the shop and buying something.



Nought means zero.


Adore, if you adore something you absolutely love it.





Remember, past tense of fight.

And fall.

If something falls down, it falls over, it's no longer still up, it's down on the floor.

So pause the video, sort these into the correct columns now, off you go.

Absolutely superb work everyone.

So I'm hoping you've got some columns that look like this.

Let's check through and see if these tend to follow our rules that we generated.

We said O-R-E likes to come at the end of the word, yep, shore, adore, and before, O-R-E all at the end.

Then our O-U-G-H in the middle and followed by that T.

Now, two of these words are past tense verbs, bought and fought.

Nought is not a past tense verb, it means the number zero, so that's an interesting one.

It tends to be past tense verbs with the O-U-G-H spelling, but not in the word nought.

And then our A spelling, always, hall, and fall, yep followed by either an L or a double L.


So, we are now gonna have a go at applying these spellings within a sentence.

We are going to write a sentence containing some of our focus spellings and common exception words.

When we write the whole sentence, we need to do several things at once.

So remember we need to take our time.

You need to remember the whole sentence.

We need to form letters correctly.

We need to sound out each word.

We need to look out for common exception words and we also need to remember our capital letter, full stop, and any other sentence punctuation that might be there.

So listen to the sentence that I'm going to read.

It was warm, so she bought a ball to the shore to play with.

I'll say it one more time.

It was warm, so she bought a ball to the shore to play with.

Remember, we're gonna sound out each of these words, think about those common exception words, and then we're gonna check our punctuation as well.

We're gonna use some strategies here that are gonna help us remember this sentence.

First one, marching it out.

It was warm, so she bought a ball to the shore to play with.

You pause the video and march out the sentence now.

Off you go.

Fantastic, I love seeing you all marching there.

Next strategy, whispering it.

(whispering) It was warm so we bought a ball to the shore to play with.

Pause the video and whisper it out loud now.

Absolutely exceptional everyone, I could barely hear your whispers there but I'm sure you were saying it right.

And finally we're gonna count the words on our fingers to make sure we have the right number of words.

It was warm so she bought a ball to the shore to play with.

One more time.

It was warm so she bought a ball to the shore to play with.

It's quite a long sentence, I think I made that about 14 words.

You pause the video, count them out now.

It was warm so she bought a ball to the shore to play with.

Pause the video, count those words on your fingers.

Say it now.

Incredible everyone.

So, what you're gonna do now is you're gonna pause the video in a moment, you're gonna have a go at writing the sentence.

Remember to sound out each word, remember to look out for those common exception words, and to check your sentence punctuation as well, capital letters, full stop.

I'll say the sentence one more time.

It was warm so she bought a ball to the shore to play with.

Pause the video and wite that sentence now.

Amazing writing everyone, I saw some brilliant application of the rules that we've generated, some excellent handwriting, some self corrections as well.

And I've also seen some magical mistakes which we're gonna learn from now.

So, as I go through, check your work and make any corrections.

And I'll give you some time to do this at the end as well.

So, it, obviously needs to have a capital letter.

Was, careful with that word.

Warm, ah, one of our common exception words we've looked at from earlier on in the lesson, that A-R spelling making that or sound.

So she bought, oh, oh you grumpy hippo, past tense of buying something.

So she bought a ball to the shore to play with.


Now I've been a bit sneaky here, I haven't said brought to the shore, I've said bought a ball to the shore, like she bought it, as in buying it from a shop.

So watch out for that.

Now in ball we can see here we have our A-L-L spelling.

And in shore we have our O-R-E for that or sound as well, so be careful.

Of course we need to have a full stop as well.

Why don't you pause the video now and make any corrections.

Fantastic work today everyone, you've done a really, really good job.

Some of these or spellings are not particularly common and they can be a little bit confusing, so that's why it's really important that we learn them alongside those more common spellings.

So today we've looked at the lesson common spellings for the or sound, including or spelled O-R-E, usually found at the end of a word, so more, snore, and ignore, or spelled O-U-G-H, oh you grumpy hippo, usually found in verbs in the past tense like bought and fought.

Remember, there's that word nought which is not a verb that means zero.

And our A which usually comes before an L or double L like always, all, and small.

Brilliant, keep up your amazing spelling everyone.

See you next time.