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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle, and I am really excited to be teaching you this reading lesson all about the book "And Tango Makes Three." For this lesson, you need a copy of this book, "And Tango Makes Three," and you should have already read it.

And it will be really helpful to refer back to while we are discussing the story throughout our lesson.

Pause the video now, and go and get it so that you have it ready to read.

Well done.

Now I know that you have your copy of the book with you.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to begin.

You'll need to be listening and looking carefully, and there will be lots of tasks where you will need somebody to talk to.

Let's get started.

The learning objective for today's lesson is, I can explore the meaning of family in the story.

Here are our keywords.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.

Theme, love, identity, family.

You will be hearing these words throughout the lesson, and we will be talking about their meaning.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be looking at understanding and identifying themes within the story.

And in the second part, we will be exploring the meaning of family.

So let's begin with understanding and identifying themes.

"And Tango Makes Three." Let's remind ourselves what we know about this story.

"And Tango Makes Three" is a children's story which is based on a real-life account of two penguins as told by a zookeeper.

Although it is based on a true story, it is told as a narrative with elements of storytelling and character development.

The authors are Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, and the illustrator is Henry Cole.

Let's summarise the story of "And Tango Makes Three" to remind ourselves of all of the key events.

Two boy penguins, one named Roy and one named Silo, were different to other couples because they were both boys.

Roy and Silo spent all of their time together and lived just like the girl and boy couples.

Roy and Silo realised that the one thing they couldn't do like the other couples was hatch an egg, so they tried to hatch a stone instead.

A zookeeper noticed how much Roy and Silo wanted to be parents, and so he gave them an egg that needed hatching and taking care of.

Roy and Silo cared for the egg until it hatched and they became parents to a baby penguin who was named Tango.

Let's check your understanding.

Which statement is the best summary of "And Tango Makes Three," A, it tells the story of how penguins have babies, B, it tells the story of how penguins live together, or C, it tells the story of how two boy penguins become parents and live and love just like other penguins? Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is C.

The best summary of "And Tango Makes Three" is it is a story of how two boy penguins become parents and they live and love each other just like all the other penguins.

Well done.

The theme in a story is the big idea or lesson that the author wants you to explore and understand through reading the story.

Examples of themes you might notice in stories are friendship, good v.

evil, bravery, family, sharing, celebration, differences, teamwork, discovery, greed.

Can you think of any other themes you know from books? I'm sure you can.

Readers can interpret themes and their importance differently, which means that you and another person might read the same story and each of you might identify a different theme that you think the author is communicating.

"And Tango Makes Three" conveys important messages through exploring the following themes, love, which means a strong feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, family, which is a group of people who look after each other and love one another, and identity, which means the different aspects of who we are.

Let's check your understanding.

Match the theme to the correct definition.

Our themes are A, love, B, family, and C, identity.

And the definitions are the different aspects of who we are, a strong feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, and a group of people who look after each other and love one another.

Pause the video and match the theme to the correct definition now.

Let's take a look at the answers.

Love is a strong feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection.

Family is a group of people who look after each other and love one another.

And identity is the different aspects of who we are.

Well done.

It's time for your first task.

We have looked at what a theme is, and we have identified three key themes in "And Tango Makes Three," love, family, and identity.

I would now like you to discuss what other themes could be interpreted from the story.

Consider the meaning behind the story and the characters' actions.

Pause the video and discuss with your partner now.

You had such interesting answers.

Let's take a look at some of the themes you identified.

We had differences.

This is a key theme in the story.

We learn about how Roy and Silo are different from the other penguins.

But also, similarities too.

We learn about all the ways that they are the same as the other families.

Teamwork; Roy and Silo showed great teamwork when caring for their egg and even before the zookeeper gave them the egg.

They showed teamwork trying to hatch the stone.

Empathy; the zookeeper holds great empathy for Roy and Silo and wants to help them become a family.

Companionship; the girl and boy penguins are great companions to each other, and Roy and Silo have a beautiful companionship too.

Resilience; Roy and Silo do not give up in their endeavour to have a child.

It's a beautiful story of resilience.

And nurturing; we see throughout the story how nurturing Roy and Silo are towards one another and to their baby Tango when she arrives.

Well done for identifying more themes within the story.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson, exploring the meaning of family.

We are going to focus on the theme of family within the story of "And Tango Makes Three." What does family mean? Have a little think.

How would you describe the meaning of family? A family is a group of people who look after each other and love one another.

Traditionally, in the animal and human world, families have consisted of one female and one male parent.

Now families are all different, and they come in many different forms. How were Roy and Silo and Tango different to a traditional family? Both penguins, one named Roy and one named Silo, were male penguins.

They lived together and loved each other like female and male penguins did.

They couldn't make an egg themselves, but they could still raise a baby and love it.

It was the first time a penguin at the house had been raised by two dads.

Let's check your understanding.

How were Roy, Silo, and Tango different to a traditional family from the penguin area, A, they lived together and loved each other, B, it was the first time a penguin in the zoo was raised by two dads, or C, they were the first family to have a baby? Remember, you are looking for the key difference.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is B.

It was the first time a penguin in the zoo was raised by two dads.

That is why they seemed like a different family.

But families come in many different forms. What makes them a family is that they all love and care for each other and enjoy spending time together.

Here are some examples of families you might see.

Children living with one mum and one dad.

Children living with only one parent, maybe just their mum or just their dad.

Children living with grandparents or other relatives.

Children living with two mums or two dads.

Children living with parents and step-parents.

Children living with foster parents or adoptive parents.

And a family without children.

There are so many different types of families in our world.

We know that families come in a variety of forms. Let's reflect on "And Tango Makes Three" to consider what the meaning of family is.

How were Roy, Silo, and Tango just like the other families? Have a little think.

Roy and Silo cared for and protected the egg until it was ready to hatch.

They provided Tango with food when she was hungry.

They hugged her and provided her with physical comfort and safety.

They taught her how to live in her natural environment.

They shared a home together and loved each other.

So even though they were the first family to have two dads as parents, they cared for and raised their daughter Tango in all the same ways the other penguin families did.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false? Roy, Silo, and Tango were just like other families in many ways.

Pause the video and answer now.

That is true.

Well done.

We heard all about how they raised her with love and protection just like the other penguin families.

It's time for a task.

What different types of families do you know of? Your sentence starter could be, "My family has.

." And you could share with a partner what your family looks like.

Or, "I know a family that.

." Or, "In books, I have seen families that have.

." Pause the video and discuss with your partner now.

Welcome back, I loved hearing about all of your different beautiful families.

Let's take a look at some examples I heard.

"My family only has one parent.

I live with my mum, my sister, and my brother." There are lots of families with just one parent.

"I know a family that doesn't have any children, just a couple who love each other." What a lovely example.

There are lots of couples who choose not to have children but still create a family together.

"In books, I have seen families that have two mums or two dads, just like in 'And Tango Makes Three.

'" That's true, there are lots of families with two mums or two dads too.

And there were so many other wonderful examples of families that exist in our world.

It's time for your final talk task.

What do you think the meaning of family is then? We know that families come in many different forms, so I'd like you to consider what you think all families have in common.

Your sentence starters could be, "I think the meaning of family is.

." "I think families are.

." Or, "I think.

." Pause the video and discuss with your partner now.

Welcome back again.

I really enjoyed listening to all of your thoughts about what the meaning of family is.

Here are some examples of what I heard.

"I think the meaning of family is about always being there to support one another." "I think families are kind and loving towards one another." "I think that you can choose who you consider to be family based on friendship and love." These are all wonderful examples of how family is not about who is in it or what the family looks like, but it is all about how the people in the family treat one another, how they love one another and make one another feel safe and protected.

Well done for exploring the themes within "And Tango Makes Three" and considering so thoughtfully what the meaning of family is.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

A theme is a big idea, topic, or message that appears in a story.

"And Tango Makes Three" tells the story of a penguin family that has two dads.

"And Tango Makes Three" explores themes of love, family, and identity.

Families come in many different forms, shapes, and sizes.

And love is the most important element in a family.

I have loved sharing this story with you and exploring the wonderful themes within it.

Well done for all of your hard work learning and all of your wonderful discussion.