
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone, my name is Ms. Royalle, and welcome to this lesson where we are going to be generating information about authors to prepare to write an information text.

During this lesson, we will be reading some model information texts about the authors Atinuke, Roald Dahl, and Ibtihaj Muhammad, and you can find these in the additional materials section of this lesson.

For this lesson, you need to be listening and looking carefully and there'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is I can learn about the authors Atinuke, Roald Dahl, and Ibtihaj Muhammad and develop a personal response.

Here are the key words for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.

Information text, author, personal response.

Great job.

Well done.

You will be hearing these words throughout today's lesson and we will be discussing their meaning.

There are four parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be reading about Atinuke.

In the second part, we will be learning about Roald Dahl.

Then we will be reading about Ibtihaj Muhammad.

And finally, you will be developing a personal response.

So let's begin with Atinuke.

In this lesson, we are going to read information texts about the lives of the following three authors, Atinuke, some of the books she has written are "Anna Hibiscus," "Amazing Africa," "Too Small Tola," Roald Dahl, some of his books are "Fantastic Mr Fox," "The BFG," "Matilda," "The Twits," and Ibtihaj Muhammad, who is the author of "The Proudest Blue" and "The Kindest Red." We will learn about each author and you will develop a personal response to choose one that you would like to write about.

We are going to begin by hearing all about Atinuke.


Have you ever heard of "Anna Hibiscus" or "Amazing Africa"? Atinuke is the wonderful author of these creative children's books.

She uses her imagination to transport readers to vibrant settings and takes them on exciting journeys.

Read on and you'll learn all about a Atinuke's fascinating life.

Childhood and inspiration.

Atinuke was born and raised in the beautiful West African country of Nigeria.

She was inspired by her grandmother's oral storytelling when she was little.

These folktales reflected their culture and they were full of magic, wisdom, and laughter.

When Atinuke was five, her family moved to a quiet part of the city of Lagos.

It was here that she began to immerse herself in books and she developed an even deeper love for storytelling.

She enjoyed reading books by Enid Blyton.

Jobs and books.

After finishing her education, Atinuke decided she wanted to adventure and she travelled to many different parts of the world.

She did many different jobs during this time, but she carried her love of storytelling with her wherever she went.

Eventually, she decided to write books for children.

Her stories are filled with inspiring characters and they teach important lessons about friendship, kindness, and bravery.

Some of her other famous stories that you may enjoy are "Too Small Tola" and "No.

1 Car Spotter." I hope you enjoyed hearing about Atinuke.

Let's check your understanding.

Which author did Atinuke particularly enjoy reading books by when she was growing up? A, Michael Rosen, B, Enid Blyton, or C, Beatrix Potter.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is B, Enid Blyton.

Atinuke loved reading Enid Blyton's stories when she was growing up.

Well done.

It is time for your first task.

Refer to the information text about Atinuke in the additional materials.

Discuss and answer the following questions with your partner.

One, where was Atinuke Care born and raised? And two, what did Atinuke do before becoming a children's author? Pause the video and discuss and answer these questions now.

Welcome back.

Well done for exploring the information about Atinuke.

Let's take a look at the answers.

For one, where was Atinuke born and raised? She was born in a West African country called Nigeria.

And two, what did Atinuke do before becoming a children's author? She travelled around the world and did a variety of jobs.

It is now time for the second part of our lesson where we will be learning about the author Roald Dahl.

Introducing Roald Dahl.

Have you ever heard of "The BFG," "Matilda," or "Fantastic Mr Fox"? These amazing books were all written by an incredible author named Roald Dahl, and this information text will tell you all about him.

You'll learn all about this creative man's childhood, his jobs, and his brilliant books.


This imaginative man was born in Wales on the 13th of September, 1916 to Norwegian parents.

Sadly, his father and sister died when he was very young, but a younger sister was born shortly afterwards.

Roald Dahl loved reading as a child and he was lucky enough to meet his literary idol, Beatrix Potter, when he was six years old.

He was sent to a boarding school when he was only nine and he found his time there difficult.

However, the school was right next to Cadbury's Chocolate Factory and the children all got to taste the chocolate.

This inspired his famous book, "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" Jobs and books.

Before Becoming an Author, this talented man was a pilot in the Royal Air Force and he fought in World War II.

After the war, Roald Dahl began writing short stories for adults, but he soon realised that his real love was for children's stories.

This was, in huge part, inspired by his experience as a father when he would regularly make up bedtime stories for his children.

His stories are imaginative and contain magical elements.

"James and the Giant Peach" began as a bedtime story and is just one out of an impressive 50 books that the author wrote.

Interestingly, he wrote his books in a small hut in his garden that had a yellow door.

He also wrote by hand because he didn't know how to type.

Roald Dahl died in 1990 at the age of 74.

I hope you have enjoyed learning all about the author Roald Dahl.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of the following inspired Roald Dahl as a writer? Select two.

A, his childhood experiences, B, space and planets, C, his experience as a father with his own children.

Pause the video and select your answers.

The answers are A, his childhood experiences, and C, his experience as a father with his own children.

Both of these things inspired Roald Dahl as a writer.

Well done.

It is time for your second task.

Refer to the information text about Roald Dahl in the additional materials.

Discuss and answer the following questions with your partner.

One, which building was next to Roald Dahl's boarding school and why is this significant? Two, what did Roald Dahl do before becoming an author? Pause the video and discuss and answer these questions with your partner now.

Welcome back.

Well done for exploring and reading the information about Roald Dahl.

Let's take a look at the answers.

For one, which building was next to Roald Dahl's boarding school and why is this significant? The Cadbury's Chocolate Factory was next to his school and this inspired his book, "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory." And two, what did Roald Dahl do before becoming an author? He was a pilot in the Royal Air Force.

Well done for answering these questions.

It is now time for us to learn all about the author Ibtihaj Muhammad.

An Introduction to Ibtihaj.

Have you ever heard of "The Proudest Blue"? It is a beautiful picture book that is written by an inspirational woman named Ibtihaj Muhammad.

Ibtihaj's story is one that involves great bravery and courage.

Read this information text so you can learn all about her fascinating journey to becoming an author.

After learning all about her, you will feel truly encouraged to remain proud of your identity and follow your own dreams. Childhood and inspiration.

Ibtihaj Muhammad was born on the 4th of December, 1985 in the American state of New Jersey.

She's the daughter of African American parents who raised her in the Islamic faith.

Ibtihaj began wearing the hijab as an expression of her Islamic faith at a young age.

She was an ambitious young athlete who enjoyed a variety of sports.

Ultimately, Ibtihaj pursued the combat sport of fencing because she was able to maintain her hijab while competing.

She was inspired by other black female athletes like Serena and Venus Williams. Jobs and books.

Ibtihaj Muhammad trained incredibly hard to become a world-class fencer, demonstrating dedication and determination.

In 2016, Ibtihaj Muhammad made history by becoming the first Muslim American woman to wear a hijab while competing for the United States in the Olympic Games.

She became a significant symbol for diversity and inclusion within sports and wider society.

Ibtihaj's life experiences inspired her to write "The Proudest Blue." The story is about two sisters embracing them Muslim identity even when others don't understand it.

It encourages everyone to be proud of their identity.

If you enjoyed hearing about or reading "The Proudest Blue," make sure you check out Ibtihaj's sequel to this story, which is titled "The Kindest Red." I hope you enjoyed hearing all about the author Ibtihaj Muhammad.

Let's check your understanding.

Ibtihaj Muhammad wears a hijab as an expression of which religious faith? A, Hinduism, B, Judaism, or C, Islam? Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is C.

Well done.

Ibtihaj Muhammad wears a hijab as an expression of the Islamic faith.

It is time for another task.

Refer to the information text about Ibtihaj Muhammad in the additional materials.

Discuss and answer the following questions with your partner.

One, which sport did Ibtihaj Muhammad compete in professionally and why was this significant? And two, what inspired Ibtihaj to write "The Proudest Blue"? Pause the video and discuss and answer these questions with your partner.

Welcome back.

Well done for exploring the information text about Ibtihaj Muhammad and discussing and answering these questions about her.

Let's go over the answers.

Which sport did Ibtihaj Muhammad compete in professionally and why was this significant? She was a professional fencer and the first Muslim American woman to compete for the United States in the Olympics.

How inspiring! And two, what inspired Ibtihaj to write "The Proudest Blue"? Her own life experiences wearing the hijab inspired her to write a story about being proud to wear it.

We've now come to the final part of our lesson, developing a personal response.

Authors of non-fiction texts often write about topics that they feel connected to or inspired by.

Developing a personal response involves expressing your own opinions, ideas, or feelings.

You are going to write an information text about one of the three authors we have learned about, Atinuke, Roald Dahl, or Ibtihaj Muhammad.

Developing a personal response to what you have learned about them will help you when choosing which author you would like to write an information text about.

Let's check your understanding.

What does it mean to develop a personal response? A, to write a letter back to someone, B, to express your own opinions, ideas, or feelings, or C, to read about something.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is B.

Well done.

Developing a personal response means expressing your own opinions, ideas, or feelings on a topic.

It is time for your final task.

Choose which author you would like to write an information text about.

Express a personal response to what you learned about this author to explain your choice.

Consider the following.

Are they the author of one of your favourite books? Why does this author inspire you? Did you make any connections between the author's life and your own? Pause the video to discuss this with your partner and express a personal response.

Welcome back.

I loved listening to your discussions and hearing your personal responses.

You've all chosen different authors and been able to express why you chose that author.

Let's take a look at a couple of the examples I heard.

One person said, "I have chosen to write about Ibtihaj Muhammad because 'The Proudest Blue' inspired me to be proud of my own identity." What a lovely answer.

This person felt a connection to the story that Ibtihaj Muhammad wrote, so that is why they want to write about her.

Someone said, "I have chosen to write about Roald Dahl because his books are my favourite.

The magical elements in them fill me with joy and wonder." This person chose to write about Roald Dahl because they love the themes within his stories.

And somebody else said, "I have chosen to write about Atinuke because my family is from Nigeria, just like she is.

I feel very culturally connected to her storytelling." This is another wonderful example of how you may feel a personal connection to an author and their stories.

Well done For discussing this, developing a personal response, and choosing which author you are going to write an information text about.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

An information text about an author provides information about their life.

For example, childhood, inspiration, jobs, and books.

Atinuke is a Nigerian-born author whose stories are inspired by African culture and traditional storytelling.

Roald Dahl was a British author who wrote popular children's literature containing imaginative and magical elements.

Ibtihaj Muhammad is an American fencer and author who was inspired to write stories celebrating the Muslim identity.

And developing a personal response to what we have read can inspire us in writing our own information text.

I'm really proud of how well you have engaged in this lesson and listened to all of the information about these interesting authors.

I hope you are feeling nice and prepared to write your own information text about your chosen author.

I've really enjoyed teaching you this lesson.