
Lesson video

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Hi everyone.

My name is Ms. Royal and welcome to this lesson where we are going to be identifying the features of an information text.

We will be exploring an information text about the author Atinuke, which you can find in the additional materials section of this lesson.

During the lesson, you need to be listening and looking carefully and there will also be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is, I can identify the features of an information text through exploring a model text about the author Atinuke.

Here are the key words for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.

Information text, feature, author.

Great job well done.

You will be hearing these words lost throughout the lesson and we will be discussing their meaning.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be looking at the purpose and subject and in the second part we will be looking at features of an information text.

So let's begin with purpose and subject.

Do you love reading? I do.

Have you noticed that there are many different types of texts that you can read? The simplest way to organise them is to separate them into two categories.


This is made up stories with characters, places, and adventures which did not happen in real life.

And non-fiction, which is a genre of text which presents real events, information or knowledge.

Let's check your understanding.

What does non-fiction refer to? A, made up stories which did not happen in real life.

B, writing that involves rhythm and rhyme or C, texts which present real events information or knowledge.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is C.

Well done.

Non-fiction refers to texts which present real events, information or knowledge.

So we know that non-fiction is a genre of text which presents real events information or knowledge.

Can you think of any types of non-fiction texts you know of? Pause the video and have a little think.

We have information texts, non-chronological reports, instructions, diary entries, biographies, newspaper reports.

These are all examples of non-fiction texts.

Let's check your understanding, which two of these are types of non-fiction texts? A, stories, B, information text, C, newspaper reports, D, poems. Pause the video and select your answers now.

The answers are B, information texts and C, newspaper reports, well done.

You are going to write your own information text.

An information Text is a type of non-fiction text that provides true and factual information to the reader.

Information means facts learned about something or someone.

Therefore, the purpose of an information text is to inform the reader about something or someone.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false, the main purpose of an information text is to entertain? Pause the video and select your answer.

That is false, well done.

The main purpose of an information text is to provide true and factual information about someone or something.

So what kind of things or people might you read an information text about? Things, maybe animals, sports locations, historical events, technology.


You might read an information text about historical figures, significant figures, sports people, authors, musicians.

You are going to write an information text about an author.

The author you choose will be the subject of your information text.

You will be writing an information text about one of the following authors, Atinuke, Roald Dahl or it Ibtihaj Muhammad.

It can be fascinating to find out more about authors lives and how this may have influenced their writing.

Do you recognise any of these authors' names or any of the books written by these authors? Atinuke is the author of "Anna Hibiscus' Song".

Roald Dahl is the author of "Fantastic Mr. Fox".

Ibtihaj Muhammad is the author of "The Proudest Blue".

Pause the video and discuss with your partner whether you have heard of any of these books or read them and whether you know any other books written by these authors.

If you haven't heard of any of these authors, don't worry because we will be learning lots more about them in this unit.

It is time to check your understanding.

Match the book to the author who wrote it.

The books are A, "Fantastic Mr. Fox".

B, "The Proudest Blue" and C, "Anna Hibiscus".

The authors are Atinuke, Roald Dahl and Ibtihaj Muhammad.

Pause the video and match these now.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

"Fantastic Mr. Fox" was written by Roald Dahl.

"The Proudest Blue" was written by Ibtihaj Mohammad and "Anna Hibiscus" was written by Atinuke.

Well done.

It is time for your first task and it is a talk task.

What kind of information would you want to uncover when reading an information text about these authors? Some examples are "I would like to know who or what inspired them to become an author" or "I would like to find out if they have any other jobs aside from being an author." What else would you like to discover about these authors? Pause the video and discuss with your partner.

Welcome back.

Well done for considering what kind of information you would like to find out when reading about an author.

Here are some examples of what I heard.

Aisha said, "I would like to find out where the author was born and where they grew up.

That would be interesting." Andeep said, "I would like to find out more books they have written that I might enjoy." That's a great piece of information to uncover.

And Sofia said, "I would like to find out what kind of books they enjoy reading themselves." That would be a great thing to know.

Maybe it would help us understand what inspired them.

Well done for demonstrating an understanding of the purpose of an information text and engaging with the subject that we are going to be creating an information text about.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson where we are going to be looking at the features of an information text.

We are going to look at a model example of an information text about an author and identify the key features.

This information text can be found in the additional materials section of this lesson.

We will consider two types of features, layout features, this is the way the information is organised on the page and linguistic features, this is the type of language that is used for example, which person or tense is it written in? We will now look at a model information text about Atinuke.

Here is an information text about the author Atinuke, let's take a look at the layout of this text.

At the very top, you'll see the heading.

It says all about Atinuke.

This tells us what the information text is going to be about.

We always begin with an introduction and then there will be sections that follow this where information is grouped according to a specific topic.

The heading tells you who the information text is about.

Our example is all about Atinuke.

We know the information Text is about this author.

A subheading introduces a specific section of the information text.

The subheadings in this information text are, introduction, childhood and inspiration and jobs and books.

The heading and subheadings are always underlined.

The introduction has two important purposes.

It introduces the author and engages the reader and it provides general information and outlines the text.

I am now going to read the introduction of this model to you.

Listen carefully.

Have you ever heard of "Anna Hibiscus" or "Amazing Africa"? Atinuke is the wonderful author of these creative children's books.

She uses her imagination to transport readers to vibrant settings and takes them on exciting journeys.

Read on and you'll learn all about Atinuke's fascinating Life.

So what perspective is an information text written in? It is written mainly in the third person perspective.

For example, Atinuke is and she uses.

However, it also does use some second person perspective to include and engage the reader.

For example, "Have you ever heard of", and "You will learn all about".

Let's check your understanding, which two are true.

The purpose of the introduction is to A, introduce the author and engage the reader, B, give detailed information about the author, C, provide general information and outline the text.

Pause the video and select the two correct answers now.

The answers are A and C.

Well done.

The purpose of the introduction is to introduce the author and engage the reader and provide general information and outline the text, The sections in the information text give information about a specific part of the overall topic.

The subheadings tell the reader what that part will be about.

Here is the first section from our information text.

We can see that the subheading is childhood and inspiration.

This lets the reader know that this section will tell them about Atinuke's childhood and things that inspired her.

I am going to read this section to you now, listen carefully.

Atinuke was born and raised in the beautiful West African country of Nigeria.

She was inspired by her grandmother's oral storytelling when she was little.

These folk tales reflected their culture and they were full of magic, wisdom, and laughter.

When Atinuke was five, her family moved to a quiet part of the city of Lagos.

It was here that she began to immerse herself in books and she developed an even deeper love for storytelling.

She enjoyed reading books by Enid Blyton.

I hope you enjoyed hearing about Atinuke's childhood and things that inspired her.

I am now going to read the second section of our information text.

The subheading here is Jobs and books, so this lets the reader know that they will be finding out about the jobs that Atinuke has done and the books she has written.

I will read this to you now, listen carefully.

After finishing her education, Atinuke decided she wanted to adventure and she travelled to many different parts of the world.

She did many different jobs during this time, but she carried her love of storytelling with her wherever she went.

Eventually, she decided to write books for children.

Her stories are filled with inspiring characters, and they teach important lessons about friendship, kindness, and bravery.

Some of her other famous stories that you may enjoy are "Too Small Tola" and "Number One Car Spotter" I hope you enjoyed learning about the jobs that Atinuke has done and more of the book she has written.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of these tell the reader what a specific section will be about.

A, the heading of the information text, B, the subheadings within the information text or C, the introduction section.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is B.

Well done.

Subheadings are what tell the reader what a specific section is going to be about.

It's now time for your task.

Match each feature to its purpose for an information text about an author.

Our features heading, introduction, subheadings, sections.

The purposes are introduces each section in the information text, tells the reader who the information text is about, introduces the author, provides general information and engages the reader and provides information about a specific part of the author's life.

Pause the video and match the feature to its purpose now.

Welcome back.

Well done for doing this task.

Let's go over the answers together.

The heading tells the reader who the information text is about.

The introduction introduces the author, provides general information and engages the reader.

Subheadings introduce each section in the information text.

And sections provide information about a specific part of the author's life.

Well done for showing a great understanding of the features of an information text and the purpose of each.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

Information texts are a form of non-fiction writing that provide information about someone or something.

The purpose of an information text is to provide true and factual information to inform the reader on a topic.

Information texts are written in the third person using some second person to engage the reader.

Headings and subheadings are key features that's organised information texts into sections for the reader, and an information text about an author provides information about their life.

For example, childhood, inspiration, jobs and books.

Well done for identifying the features of an information text to prepare for writing your own.

I have really enjoyed teaching you this lesson.