
Lesson video

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Hi everyone, my name is Ms. Royalle, and welcome to this lesson, where you are going to be planning the second section of your information text about your chosen author.

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully.

There'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to and you'll need a piece of paper and pen or pencil for writing your plan.

You'll also need to access and read the example information text about your chosen author, these can be found in the additional materials section of this lesson.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to learn, let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is I can create a plan to support me when writing a section of an information text about an author.

Here are the key words for today's lesson, let's practise saying them, my turn, your turn.





Great job well done.

You will be hearing these words lots throughout today's lesson and we will be talking about their meaning.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to plan and in the second part you will be writing your plan.

So let's begin with preparing to plan.

You are going to write an information text about a chosen author, you have chosen to write about either the author, Atinuke, Roald Dahl or Ibtihaj Mohammad.

Your information text will be structured into three sections, introduction, childhood and inspiration, and jobs and books.

You have already written the introduction and the childhood and inspiration section.

In this lesson, we are planning the jobs and books section.

The subheading, jobs and books tells the reader what this section will be about.

In this section, you will need to include the following, any other jobs, the author had.

Their journey to becoming an author and any famous works they've written.

Important or interesting facts about their career and adult life.

You should end this section by including one of the following, either where they are and what they are doing today or a recommendation of other books by the author.

Let's revisit an example of the jobs and book section about the author at Atinuke.

Jobs and books, "After finishing her education, Atinuke decided she wanted to adventure and she travelled to many different parts of the world.

She did many different jobs during this time, but she carried her love of storytelling with her wherever she went.

Eventually, she decided to write books for children.

Her stories are filled with inspiring characters and they teach important lessons about friendship, kindness and bravery.

Some of her other famous stories that you may enjoy are 'Too Small Tola' and 'No.

1 Car Spotter.

'" You'll see in this example that I have included what Atinuke did before becoming an author.

I have then described her journey to becoming an author and told the reader a bit about her books, and I have finished with a recommendation for specific books she has written.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of the following need to be included in the Jobs and books section.

A, any other jobs the author had, B, important or interesting facts about their childhood.

C, their journey to becoming an author.

D, information about famous works and recommendations, pause the video and select the correct answers now.

The answers are A, C and D well done.

In the jobs and books section, you will need to include any other jobs the author had.

The journey to becoming an author and information about famous works or recommendations.

It's now time for your first task.

You are going to read the information text about your chosen author in the additional materials.

Once you have done this, I would like you to tell your partner the key facts about your chosen author.

For the jobs and book section, include the following when you summarise the key facts to your partner, any other jobs, the author had.

Their journey to becoming an author and famous works they've written.

Important or interesting facts about their career and adult's life, where they are or what they're doing today and finally, a recommendation of other books by the author.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back, did you read the information carefully? Did you summarise the key facts to your partner? Let's take a look at an example summary of the key facts for each author.

If you are writing about Atinuke, you might have summarised by saying Atinuke travelled around the world and did many different jobs before becoming an author.

Her stories teach important morals, "The No.

1 Car Spotter" is another book she has written.

If you are writing about Roald Dahl, a good summary would be "Roald Dahl was a pilot in the Royal Air Force during World War II." He wrote adult stories first.

His children inspired him to write children's stories.

He wrote 50 books, he died in 1990 and a good summary for Ibtihaj Mohammad would be Ibtihaj Mohammad was an Olympic medalist fencer, she was the first to compete wearing a hijab.

Her experiences inspired her to write "The Proudest Blue." she also wrote "The kindest Red." Well done for reading over the information about jobs and books for your chosen author and summarising the key facts to your partner.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson where you will be writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are short and capture key vocabulary and important information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use, we use bullet points when note taking, they look like this.

Notes are not written in full sentences and do not require capital letters or full stops, they can be made of just a few words, the writer making the notes just needs to understand them.

The writer then takes the notes and turns them into full sentences, let's check your understanding.

What should your notes include? A, capital letters and full stops.

B, key vocabulary.

C, important information.

Pause the video and select the correct answers.

The answers are B and C.

Your notes should include key vocabulary and important information.

Notes are not written in full sentences, so they do not require capital letters and full stops.

When taking notes, it is important that the information you gather is precise and accurate.

The chronology of this section is important in order to explain the author's journey in their career.

Let's take a look at some example facts for the Jobs and books section, we know that Atinuke travelled around the world.

We know that she did many different jobs before becoming an author.

Let's take a look at how I would record this information in note format for my plan.

Travelled the world after education, loved adventure, did many different jobs.

Eventually began writing children's books.

You will notice that I have only included key pieces of vocabulary and information and these notes are not written in full sentences.

You will also notice some (indistinct) of time.

After education, eventually these help me to communicate the chronology of the author's journey, let's check your understanding.

True or false.

It doesn't matter what order I write the notes in for the jobs and books section, pause the video and select your answer now.

That is false, well done.

It is important to write your notes in chronological order to show the journey of the author's career, this will help you when writing.

It's now time for your task.

Write notes about your chosen author for the jobs and books section.

Use the information provided about your chosen author in the additional materials to support you.

Make sure you include the following in your notes.

Any other jobs the author had their journey to becoming an author and famous works, they've written.

Important or interesting facts about their career and adult life, where they are and what they're doing today, and a recommendation of other books by the author.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back, well done for working hard to write the notes about your chosen author for the Jobs and books section.

You did a great job at capturing the key information and taking these notes in chronological order.

Let's take a look at an example of the notes for Atinuke for the Jobs and books section.

Travelled the world after education, many different jobs during this time.

Love of storytelling stayed with her.

Eventually pursued writing children's books, stories teach important morals, themes of friendship and kindness.

Other book "The No.

1 Car Spotter." Let's now take a look at an example of the notes for Roald Dahl for the jobs and book section.

Pilot, Royal Air Force World War II wrote short adult stories after war.

Realised love of children's stories.

Inspired by own kids, made up bedtime stories.

"James and the Giant Peach." originally a bedtime story.

Wrote 50 books all by hand, couldn't type.

Died in 1990, aged 74.

And last but not least, let's take a look at the example notes for Ibtihaj Muhammad for the jobs and books section.

Trained hard became professional fencer.

Olympic medalist in fencing for USA.

First Muslim American to compete while wearing hijab.

Symbol for diversity and inclusion.

Life experience inspired "The Proudest Blue." Encourages pride of identity.

Other book, "The Kindest Red." Well done again for your note taking, this will really support you when the second section of your information text.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary Together.

The subheading, jobs and books tells the reader what the section will be about.

The plan should include any other jobs the author had and their journey to becoming an author in chronological order.

The plan should include a piece of current information about the author or other books by them to end the section.

Notes are used when making a plan and capture key vocabulary and important information.

Notes are not written in full sentences and do not require capital letters or full stops.

Well done for all of your hard work learning in today's lesson, I have really enjoyed teaching you.