
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle.

And welcome to today's lesson, where you are going to be writing the second section of your information text about your chosen author.

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully.

There'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

And you'll need a piece of paper and pen or pencil to do your writing.

You have already written a plan for this section of your information text, and you will need the notes from this plan to support you with your writing.

Pause the video and make sure you have these notes with you now.


Now I know you have your notes with you.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is I can write a section of an information text about an author.

Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.


Text flow.

Fronted adverbial.

Great job.

Well done.

You will be hearing these words throughout today's lesson, and we will be discussing their meaning.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to write.

And in the second part, you will be writing the Jobs and books section.

So let's begin with preparing to write.

You are going to write an information text about a chosen author.

Your author is either Atinuke, Roald Dahl, or Ibtihaj Muhammad.

Your information text will be structured into three sections, introduction, childhood and inspiration, jobs and books.

You have already written the introduction and the childhood and inspiration sections.

In this lesson, we are writing the jobs and books section.

You have already written a plan containing this information, and you will use this to support your writing today.

The subheading Jobs and books tells the reader what this section will be about.

In this section, you will need to include the following.

Any other jobs the author had.

Their journey to becoming an author and famous works they've written.

Important or interesting facts about their career and adult life.

You should end this section by including one of the following.

Where they are and what they're doing today or a recommendation of other books by the author.

What is text flow? Text flow refers to how a text is written to keep the reader engaged and achieve the text's purpose.

You can achieve text flow through using the following.

A range of sentences, simple, compound, and complex.

And fronted adverbials.

Let's remind ourselves of the different sentence types.

A simple sentence contains one main clause.

An example of this is, Atinuke travelled to many different parts of the world.

A compound sentence is formed of two main clauses and a joining word.

An example of a compound sentence is, Atinuke loved adventure and she travelled around the world.

And a complex sentence is formed of at least one main clause and a subordinate clause.

An example of this is, Atinuke travelled the world when she finished her education.

Forming compound and complex sentences.

Let's remind ourselves how.

We use coordinating conjunctions to form a compound sentence.

These are and, or, and but.

We use subordinating conjunctions to form a complex sentence.

Some examples of these are as, when, so, because.

Let's check your understanding.

Match the sentence type to the example given.

The sentence types are a, simple sentence, b, compound sentence, c, complex sentence.

The sentence examples are, she has a variety of skills because she did many different jobs, Atinuke did many different jobs, and, she did many different jobs but storytelling was her favourite.

Pause the video and match the sentence type to the correct example now.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

The simple sentence is, Atinuke did many different jobs.

This contains just one main clause.

The compound sentence is, she did many different jobs but storytelling was her favourite.

Here, the coordinating conjunction but has been used to join two main clauses.

And the complex sentence is, she has a variety of skills because she did many different jobs.

Here, the subordinating conjunction because has been used to begin a subordinate clause.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the different sentence types.

A fronted adverbial is a sentence starter followed by a comma.

It adds detail to the clause that follows.

Can you spot the fronted adverbials in the following text? Listen carefully while I read this to you.

After education, Atinuke decided to travel around the world because she loved adventure.

Impressively, she did many different jobs during this time so she has a range of talents.

Eventually, she was drawn to writing children's books.

Pause the video now and see if you can spot the fronted adverbials in this text.

Hopefully, you spotted after education, impressively, and eventually.

Viewpoint fronted adverbials and fronted adverbials of time will support text flow in your writing.

Let's look at the purpose of different fronted adverbials.

Viewpoint fronted adverbials.

These are sentence starters that introduce facts and express the writer's opinion.

For example, amazingly.

Fronted adverbials of time.

These are sentence starters that tell the reader when something happened.

For example, eventually.

Let's check your understanding.

Match the type of fronted adverbials to the examples given.

We have viewpoint fronted adverbials.

These express the writer's opinion.

And we have fronted adverbials of time.

These state when something happened.

The examples are, first, afterwards, eventually, before long, in later years.

Then impressively, unusually, intriguingly, interestingly, surprisingly.

Pause the video now and match the type of fronted adverbial to the correct examples.

Let's take a look at the answers.

The examples of viewpoint fronted adverbials are impressively, unusually, intriguingly, interestingly, surprisingly.

These express the writer's opinion.

And the examples of fronted adverbials of time are afterwards, eventually, before long, in later years.

These state when something happened, and they help communicate the chronology of events.

Well done.

It's now time for your task.

Say the first few sentences of the Jobs and books section and make sure you include the following.

Key information from the notes in your plan.

Here is an example of some of my notes about Atinuke for the Jobs and books section.

Make sure you include a range of sentence types, simple, compound, and complex.

And to make sure you include fronted adverbials, and that at least one of these is a viewpoint fronted adverbial.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

You did a great job at orally rehearsing the first few sentences of the Jobs and books section for your chosen author.

It was great to hear you including a range of sentence types and fronted adverbials to support text flow.

Let's take a look at an example of the first few sentences for the Jobs and books section for Atinuke.

Atinuke decided to travel around the world when she finished her education.

She loved adventure and she could take her storytelling with her anywhere.

Interestingly, she did many different jobs during this time but storytelling was her favourite.

Eventually, she was drawn to writing children's books.

In the first sentence, the subordinating conjunction when has been used to stretch the main clause, and this has formed an adverbial complex sentence.

In the second sentence, the coordinating conjunction and has been used to join two main clauses, forming a compound sentence.

In the next sentence, the viewpoint fronted adverbial interestingly has been used.

And then the coordinating conjunction but has been used to form a compound sentence.

And finally, the fronted adverbial of time eventually has been used to begin a simple sentence.

Well done again for rehearsing the Jobs and books section.

Hopefully, you are feeling nice and ready to do your writing.

It's now time for the second and most exciting part of the lesson, where you are going to be writing the Jobs and books section.

When we write, we always try to do these things.

Plan and say each sentence before we write it.

Use punctuation where we know the rules.

Showcase each sentence type we know.

Write letters neatly on the line in joined handwriting.

Use spelling strategies to spell words accurately.

And check and improve our writing when we think we have finished.

Here is the success criteria for your writing today.

I will read it to you.

I have written the subheading Jobs and books.

I have used notes from my plan to include important information.

I have used a range of sentences, simple, compound, and complex, in my writing to support text flow.

And I have included at least one fronted adverbial.

You will use the notes from your plan for writing today.

Here is an example of my notes for the Jobs and books section for Atinuke.

Pause the video and make sure you have your notes with you now.


Now I know you have your notes with you.

I am now going to share a model of the first few sentences of the Jobs and books section for Atinuke with you.

And then I am going to ask you to check my writing against the success criteria.

Listen carefully.

Jobs and books.

Atinuke decided to go on an adventure when she finished education.

She travelled all over the world and she kept telling stories wherever she went.

Impressively, she did many different jobs during this time.

I would now like you to check my writing against the success criteria and see if you can spot where I've met each part.

Pause the video and do this now.

Welcome back.

Well done, you were so good at spotting how I have met the success criteria.

Let's go over this together.

So we can see that at the top, I have written the subheading Jobs and books and underlined it.

So I can take that first point.

For I have used notes from my plan to include important information, we can see that these sentences include pieces of important information from my plan, like the fact that she travelled the world and that she did many different jobs during this time.

So we can tick that part.

For I have used a range of sentences in my writing to support text flow, the first sentence uses the subordinating conjunction when to stretch the main clause.

This is a complex sentence.

The next sentence has the coordinating conjunction and, which forms a compound sentence.

And the last sentence is an example of a simple sentence.

So I can tick that part of the success criteria.

And finally, it says I have included at least one fronted adverbial.

The last sentence in this model has the viewpoint fronted adverbial impressively.

So we can tick that.

Well done for checking my writing against the success criteria.

It's now time for your writing task.

Use your plan and the success criteria to write the Jobs and books section of the information text about your chosen author.

Here is an example of my notes for the Jobs and books section for Atinuke.

Your notes might be about Roald Dahl or Ibtihaj Muhammad.

And here is the success criteria to support you.

Make sure you are checking your writing against the success criteria as you go.

Pause the video and do your writing task now.

Welcome back.

Well done for all of your focus and hard work while writing the Jobs and books section.

I could really see you using your plan and the success criteria to support you.

Let's take a look at a good example of the Jobs and books section for Atinuke.

Jobs and books.

After education, Atinuke decided to travel around the world.

She loved adventure and she wanted to explore.

Interestingly, she did many different jobs when she was travelling.

Atinuke carried her love of storytelling with her everywhere she went.

Eventually, she decided to write books for children.

Her stories are filled with inspiring characters and they teach important lessons about friendship, kindness, and bravery.

Some of her other famous stories that you may enjoy are "Too Small Tola" and "No.

1 Car Spotter." Let's now check this against the success criteria.

At the top, we can see the subheading Jobs and books, which has been underlined neatly.

So we can tick that first point on the success criteria.

For I have used notes from my plan to include important information, we can see a range of important information about Atinuke included throughout this model, that she decided to travel the world, that she did many different jobs.

Information about her books has been included, like the fact that they teach important lessons about friendship, kindness, and bravery.

And the section ends by offering a recommendation to other books she has written, "Too Small Tola" and "No.

1 Car Spotter." So we can definitely take that point on the success criteria.

For I have used a range of sentences in my writing to support text flow, the first sentence is an example of a simple sentence.

After education, Atinuke decided to travel around the world.

The next sentence is an example of a compound sentence using the coordinating conjunction and.

She loved adventure and she wanted to explore.

And the next sentence is an example of a complex sentence which uses the subordinating conjunction when to stretch the main clause.

Interestingly, she did many different jobs when she was travelling.

So we can tick that point on the success criteria.

And finally, I have included at least one fronted adverbial.

Let's take a look at the fronted adverbials we have here.

First, we can see the fronted adverbial after education.

This is a fronted adverbial of time.

Then the fronted adverbial interestingly.

This is a viewpoint fronted adverbial.

And we can also see the fronted adverbial eventually, which is another fronted adverbial of time.

So we can tick that last point on the success criteria.

I'd now like you to pause the video and check your own writing against the success criteria.

Make sure you read your writing carefully, and you can make any edits you need to in order to meet the success criteria.

Pause the video and do this now.

Well done for reading over your writing, checking it against the success criteria, and making any edits you might have needed to.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

Notes from a written plan support in writing and ensure important information is included in an information text.

Using a range of sentence types, simple, compound, and complex, in our writing helps it to flow.

Fronted adverbials are sentence starters followed by a comma, and they support text flow.

And viewpoint fronted adverbials express the writer's opinion.

And fronted adverbials of time state when something happens.

You have now finished writing the full information text about your chosen author, and I am so impressed with how hard you have worked to do so.

Well done again.

I have really enjoyed teaching you.