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Hello everyone.

This is Miss Afzal here again to share some more handwriting with you.

I'm so excited to be here.

I hope you're feeling excited too.

We're going to, as always, do our best.

We are as always going to have lots of fun.

Are you ready to begin? Let's get started.

The outcome for today's lesson is I can form the capital letters, B-D-P-R-I-E, F, and L.

We have some keywords in today's lesson.

Let's go through them.

My turn.

Capital letter, ascender line, baseline, vertical line, horizontal line.

Lots of different kinds of lines for us to look out for and listen out for today in our lesson.

So what are we covering in today's lesson? We'll begin by forming the capital letters B and D.

Next, we'll be forming the capital letters P and R.

After that we're forming the capital letters I and E, and we finish with forming the capital letters F and L.

Let's begin with B and D.

And remember that your hands and wrist get stronger when you exercise them.

So warming up your hands before writing will help to improve your handwriting.

And you can do exercises to warm up your hands or you can practise handwriting patterns.

Let's have a go at some exercises.

Let's have a go at the finger pull warmup, first of all.

I'll have a go and then it will be your turn.

So I'm going to take my hand and with my other hand, I'm going to pull first of all my thumb.

Then I'm going to pull each of my fingers and I'm gonna pull and I'm gonna squeeze at the same time.

It feels really good.

It feels like a lovely, nice kind of hand massage, really.

I'm gonna do the other hand pulling each of my fingers and squeezing as well.

It's your turn.

Are you ready? Take whichever hand you want to begin with.

I'm gonna start here actually.

And you can start with your thumb and you're just gonna pull and squeeze.

And then the next one, you're gonna do the same thing for each of your fingers.

It feels really great.

Let's have a go on the other hand and we're just going to squeeze and we're gonna pull each of our fingers.

We are getting our hands and our fingers ready and strong for handwriting.

Yes, it feels great.

Next we're going to have a go at the Rolling Wrists warmup.

For this, I'm gonna take my hand, actually put it in the same position as I started the last one, and I'm going to imagine that my hand is going to be mixing something really, really delicious to eat.

So maybe you like yummy cakes, you could be mixing some delicious cake mixture.

I really like soups.

I'm gonna be pretending I'm mixing my soup in the pan.

So just doing this movement here and what we're doing is we're rolling our wrist, so we're gonna go one direction and then back in the other direction.

I'm going to do that with this hand now as well.

I am stirring my delicious soup.

What's in the soup? Mm, carrots.


What else is in there? Maybe some potato.

This tastes good and I'm going to roll in the other direction.

Okay, now it's your turn.

Choose which hand are you gonna begin with.

Choose most important decision what are you going to be mixing? Is it some yummy cookie mixture? Is it a delicious soup? What are you staring? Just imagine it and rolling your wrist around like this.

Now let's go in the other direction.

Keep stirring.

Mm, keep smelling that delicious food that you're mixing and stirring and let's have a go with the other hand.

One direction, stirring, mixing, smelling the delicious food and going around the other way.

We are making our wrists so strong for handwriting.

This is going to really, really help us.

Plus we get to imagine that lovely food.

Well done everybody.

You've done a wonderful, wonderful job.

Now we're warmed up and ready.

Let's move into the next part of our lesson.

So every letter in the alphabet can be formed in two ways.

There's the capital letter formation, which is bigger, and there's the lowercase formation which is smaller.

A capital letter is one of our key words is the uppercase formation of a letter.

The two formations can look the same or different.

So we can see these Os look similar, the Gs look different.

Let's look closely at these pairs of letters and let's notice what can we see.

What do you notice about them and pause the video and tell someone nearby.

Okay, did you notice that the capital letter B reaches up to the ascender line and so does the lowercase letter B and there is one of our keywords.

Remember there are a lot of different lines that we're gonna talk about.

So the ascender line, the ascender line is the top line in our set of tram lines and letters which have ascenders reach either up to or up towards the ascender line.

Add the lowercase letters and all capital letters reach up to the ascender line.

The capital B and the lowercase formation of the B have a different formation.

Did you notice that? Not the same.

So there we have them, letter B, lowercase letter b.

Next up it's the Ds.

Here they come.

Here they are.

What do you see? What do you notice? Pause the video and tell someone nearby.

What can you notice about these two letters? Okay, did you spot this? Capital D reaches up to the ascender line lowercase letter D reaches up to the ascender line.

Again, like the Bs, these ones have a different formation.

The capital letter D and the lowercase letter d.

The capital letter B and low case letter b are formed in different ways.

Capital letter B starts on the ascender line.

The capital B sits on the baseline.

Another one of our keywords.

So the baseline in our set of tram lines on the screen is the one in green and it's the line that most letters sit on.

It's formed by making a vertical line down and going back up and around in one continuous movement.

A vertical line is one of our keywords.

So let's think about this one here.

So vertical means a vertical line is a line that goes up straight up and down.

And the capital letter D and lowercase letter d are also formed in different ways.

The capital letter D starts up on the ascender line.

It sits (indistinct) comfortably on the baseline.

It's formed by making a vertical line down and going back up and around in one continuous movement.

Okay, it's time for us to make these continuous movements.

Let's have a go at forming the capital letters B and d.

I'm gonna go, first of all, gonna form in the air.

After that it will be your turn.

Okay, I am gonna begin up at the ascender line and I'm going to make a vertical line down to the baseline and then I'm gonna go back up to the ascender line and then I'm gonna curl around to the x-height line and then around to the baseline all in one continuous movement.

It's your turn.

Are you ready? Start at the ascender line.

Let's go.

Vertical line down, vertical line back up.

To the ascender line and then we're gonna go around into the x-height line and then around to the baseline.

All in one movement.

Should we try again? Let's go start at the ascender line.

Vertical to the baseline, vertical back up, around to the x-height line and around to the baseline.

Those Bs look really, really nice.

Well done.

Now I'm gonna show you how to form the capital letter D.

It's kind of similar to the capital B.

I think we're gonna get the hang of this one quite easily.

We'll start at the ascender line, vertical line down to the baseline, vertical line back up, and then one movement that takes us all the way down and around to the baseline.

Okay, it's your turn to form the capital letter D.

Let's start at the ascender line, the vertical line down to the baseline, vertical line back up and I'm gonna go around the clockwise direction all the way around to the baseline.

That's it.

Let's try one more.

Ready at the as ascender line, let's go.

Vertical line down to the baseline, back up and clockwise going all the way around to the baseline.

Fantastic, job done.

Bs and D is looking good.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter B.

I'm sitting comfortably.

I'm holding my pen in the tripod grip.

I'm going to start on the ascender line and make a vertical line down to the baseline.

Then I'm going to go back up to the ascender line and then I'm going to go around to the x-height line and then I'm going to go around again to the baseline.

I'll show you that again.

Start at the ascender line down, vertical line down to the baseline.

Go back up to the ascender line and I'm gonna go around to the x-height line and then around again to the baseline.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter D.

I'm sitting comfortably, my pen is in the tripod grip.

I'm going to start on the ascender line and I'm gonna make a vertical line down to the baseline.

I'm gonna go back up to the ascender line and then I'm going to go around in a clockwise direction down to the baseline.

I'll show you one more time.

I'm going to start at the ascender line, make a vertical line down to the baseline.

I'm gonna go back up to the ascender line and I'm going to go around at the clockwise direction finishing at the baseline.

Check for understanding, which is the correct formation of the capital letter B? Pause the video while you decide which of these three Bs is the one for us.


If you chose the B in the middle.

This one is sitting on the baseline.

It goes up as high as the ascender line.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter D? Take a look at these three Ds.

Which one is it? Pause the video while you decide.

Well done if you selected the D above the letter C, this one is sitting on the baseline.

This one is going up to the ascender line.

It's all been made in one continuous movement.

Great job team.

It's time for our first task.

I would let you to practise forming the capital letters B and D.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dot and finally complete two lines independently with flow, with focus on your tram lines.

Pause video here and I'll see you when you're finished.

It's good to see you again.

How did you get on with that task? Did you start on the ascender line? Did you make a vertical line down to the baseline to start? And did you keep your pencil on the page? I really hope so.

Circle your best, B and D and celebrate.

And now it's time for us to form the capital letters P and R.

Are you ready? Here they come.

Here are the Ps, the capital or lowercase p.

Look closely at them.

What do you notice? What do you see? Tell someone nearby and pause the video here.

Did you spot that the capital P reaches up to the ascender line? Did you notice that the lowercase p is starting at the x-height line and it has a descender so it's going down to the descender line.

They have a similar formation, different placement on the lines but a similar formation.

So we've got the capital letter P and the lowercase letter p.

Let's look at the R's.

Here they are.

What can you notice? What can you see? Pause video and tell someone nearby.

Okay, did you spot the capital R reaching up to the ascender line? Did you spot the lowercase r is starting at the x-height line.

They have a different formation.

The capital letter R and the lowercase letter r.

Let's get into this some more.

So the capital letter P and lowercase p are formed in similar ways.

The capital letter P starts on the ascender line.

The capital letter P sits on the baseline.

It's formed by making a vertical line down, going back up to the ascender line and in curling around in the clockwise direction to the x-height line in one continuous movement.

How about the R? The capital letter R and the lowercase r are formed in different ways.

The capital letter R starts up on the ascender line, it sits on the baseline and it's formed by making a vertical line down to the baseline, going back up and around to the x-height line and then down to the baseline in one continuous movement.

Okay, let's have some fun.

Let's form these letters in the air.

I'm gonna go first after that, it will be your turn.

I'm gonna begin my capital letter P up at the ascender line.

I'm gonna make, yep, you got a vertical line down to the baseline and coming back up to the ascender line.

And then I'm gonna go around in a clockwise direction into the x-height line.

So super simple, it's your turn.

Are you ready? So ascender line, let's go.

Vertical line down to the baseline, back up to the ascender line and then curl around in a clockwise direction to the x-height line.

It's really looking great.

Let's try one more from the ascender line, vertical line down to the baseline, straight back up and then curl around clockwise to the x-height line.

Okay, now I'm gonna form capital letter R.

I'm beginning up here at the ascender line, vertical line down to the baseline, back up to the ascender line, clockwise into the x-height line and then down to the baseline al in one continuous movement.

Are you ready for your turn? Let's go.

Capital R.

Start at the ascender line, straight down to the baseline, back up, clockwise direction go around to the x-height line and then down to the baseline one movement.

Let's try another one.

Ready, line, go.

Vertical line to the baseline.

Back up, clockwise into the x-height line and down to the baseline.

Those Ps and Rs are looking fabulous.

I'm going show you how to form the capital letter P.

I'm sitting comfortably.

My pen is in the tripod grip.

I'm going to start on the ascender line and I'm going to make a vertical line down to the baseline.

I'm going to go back up to the ascender line and I'm going to go round and clockwise direction to the x-height line.

I'll show you one more time.

Start at the ascender line, vertical line down to the baseline.

Going back up to where I started and I'm gonna go around the clockwise direction to the x-height line.

I'm gonna show you how to form the capital letter R.

I'm sitting comfortably, my pen is in the tripod grip.

I'm going to start at the ascender line and I'm gonna make a vertical line down to the baseline.

I'm gonna go back up and then go around the clockwise direction to the x-height line and I'm gonna go down to the baseline.

I'll show you one more time.

Start at the ascender line, vertical line down to the baseline, vertical line back up.

Go around the clockwise direction to the x-height line and then I'm gonna go down to the baseline.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter P? Pause the video while you decide which is the P that's formed correctly.

Well done, if you selected the first P, this one is sitting on the baseline.

It's going up as high as the ascender line.

It's the one for us.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter R? Pause the video while you take in these three R's and decide which is the correct formation.

Well done If you selected the R above the C.

This is sitting on the baseline, it's going off as high the x-height line and it's really looking mighty fine.

It's time for your next task.

I'd like you to practise forming the capital letters P and R.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dot and finally complete two lines with focus, with flow independently on your tram lines.

Pause the video while you have a go at your task and I'll see you when you're finished.

Alright, it's good to be back with you.

How did you get on with your task and wondering? Did you start on the ascender line? Did you go round in the clockwise direction from the ascender line to the x-height line? Circle your best P or best R and celebrate.

It's time for us to form the capital letters I and E.

Let's take a look at them.

Here's the I.

Capital I, lower case, I take a close look.

What do you notice? What do you see? Tell someone nearby and pause the video here.

Did you spot the capital I reaching up to the ascender line? Lowercase I is an x-height letter.

Goes up as high as the x-height line.

They have a different formation, really quite different.

The capital letter I and the lowercase letter I.

And here are the Es, all of the Es.

The capital, lowercase, take a look at them.

What do you notice? What do you see? Pause the video and tells someone nearby.

All right, so this capital E reaches up to the ascender line, whereas the lowercase C is an x-height letter.

X-height letters sit between the x-height line and the baseline.

They have a different formation.

They are really, really quite different, the capital letter and the lowercase letter E.

So the capital letter I and locates I are formed in different ways.

The capital letter I starts on the ascender line, the capital letter I sits on the baseline.

It's formed by making a vertical line down to the baseline and then lifting the pencil to make horizontal lines across the ascender and the baselines.

Okay, this is pretty exciting.

This page, we've got some more keywords here.

Let's get into them.

So the baseline on outside of tram lines here, It's the line that we can see in green and lots of the letters, most of the letters sit on the baseline and in fact all of the capital letters do.

And we got another keyword.

Do you know which one it is? Yep, it's the horizontal lines.

So a horizontal line is a line that's a straight line that goes from left to right or from right to left.

A horizontal line that goes from side to side A.

So a horizontal line is a straight line that goes from side to side.

The capital letter E and lowercase e are formed in different ways.

Capital letter E starts on the ascender line.

The capital letter E sits on the baseline.

The capital letter E is formed by making a vertical line down to the baseline.

Lifting the pencil to make three horizontal lines.

There is something pretty satisfying about forming this letter, which we now have the opportunity to have a go at.

So I'm gonna go first.

I'm gonna form these letters in the air, then it will be your turn.

Alright, I'm going to begin with the I.

I am going to form my capital letter I by beginning at the, yep, you got it, the ascender line.

And I'm gonna make what kind of line? Yep.

A vertical line down to the baseline.

Lift my pencil and I'm gonna make a horizontal line across the ascender line and a horizontal line across the baseline.


It's your turn.

Are you ready? Let's get up here to the ascender line.

Let's go, vertical line down to the baseline.

Lift your pencil, make a horizontal line across the ascender line.

Lift your pencil horizontal line across the baseline.


Let's try again.

Ready? Start at the ascender line.

Make your vertical line down.

Lift your pencil, make one horizontal up there and one horizontal at the baseline.

(indistinct) Ready for one more? Why not? Let's go.

Vertical line down, horizontal lines across, capital I, done.


It's my turn to form the capital letter E.

I'm gonna begin at the ascender line.

Remember I said this is one I quite enjoy.

Why? I'm not sure.

Let's find out.

Let's find out if you enjoy it too.

All right, so I'm gonna go first.

Vertical line down to the baseline.

Lift my pencil.

I'm gonna make three horizontal lines.

So there was one at the ascender line, x-height line, and the baseline.

It's your turn.

Ready? Let's do this.

Start at the ascender line.

One vertical line down, pencil up, horizontal at the ascender line, horizontal at the x-height line, horizontal at the baseline.

Let's go again.

Let's go.

Vertical line and then our three horizontal lines.

Didn't that feel good? I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter I.

I'm sitting comfortably holding my pen in my tripod grip.

I'm going to start up at the ascender line and I'm going to make a vertical line down to the baseline.

Then I'm going to lift my pen and make a horizontal line across the ascender line.

Lift my pen and make a horizontal line across the baseline.

Let's try that again.

Start at the ascender line.

Vertical line down to the baseline and off, horizontal line across the ascender line, horizontal line across the baseline.

One more time.

From the ascender to the baseline, pencil off, across the ascender line, pen off and across the baseline.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter E.

I'm going to start at the ascender line and make a vertical line down to the baseline.

Pick up my pen and make three horizontal lines.

One across ascender line, one across the x-height line and one across the baseline.

Let's try that again.

From the ascender line, a vertical line down to the baseline, pen off and then three horizontal lines across the ascender line, the x-height line and the baseline.

One more.

All the way down.

And then three horizontal lines.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter I? Pause the video while you decide which I is the I for you.

Well done, if you selected the first I, which is going from the ascender line down to the baseline.

It's got two nice, neat horizontal lines across.

It has no dot.

That dot is there to deceive us.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter E? Pause the video while you decide which E is the E for you.

Well done if you selected the E in the middle, this one is sitting on the baseline reaching up to the x-height line.

It's looking mighty fine.

It's time for your next task.

I'd like to practise forming the capital letters I and E.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dot.

And finally complete two lines independently on your tram lines.

Pause the video here while you have a go at your task and I'll see you when you're finished.

Okay, it's great to be back with you.

How did you get on? I am curious.

Did you start on your ascender line? Did you make a vertical line down to the baseline and then lift your pencil to make the horizontal lines? Did you enjoy the experience? I really hope so.

Circle your best and celebrate.

And now we will be forming the capital letters F and L.

Here are the Fs.

Take a look at them.

What do you notice? What do you see? Turn to someone nearby and tell them.

Pause the video here.

Okay, well we can see this capital letter F reaches up to the ascender line.


What about the lowercase letter F? Well, it's starting above the x-height line and then it has a descender going down below the baseline.

They definitely, definitely have different formations.

The capital letter and the lowercase letter f.

And here come the Ls.

Here they are.

What do you notice? What do you see? Tell someone nearby what you can spot.

What you notice about these Ls? Pause the video here.

Okay, did you spot that the capital letter L reaches up to the ascender line? Did you notice that lowercase L reaches up to the ascender line? So that is similar.

However, there are other things that are different about them.

So they have a different formation.

The capital letter L and the lowercase letter l.

Alright, let's get into these some more.

So the capital letter and lowercase f are formed in different ways.

The capital letter F starts on the ascender line.

The capital letter F sits on the baseline.

It's formed by making a vertical line down to the baseline and lifting the pencil to make two horizontal lines.

The capital letter L and the lowercase l are formed in different ways.

Capital letter L is made of two straight lines.

It's formed by making a vertical line down to the baseline and then making a horizontal line along the baseline.

Another pretty satisfying one I think you may find.

So let's have a go at it.

Let's try out these letters, the F and that L.

I'm gonna go first and then it'll be your turn.

I'm gonna start at the, yep, the ascender line.

I'm gonna make a, yep, a vertical line down to the baseline.

I'm gonna lift my pencil off the page and I'm gonna form two horizontal lines, one at the ascender line, pencil off, and one at the x-height line.

There is my capital F.

Your turn.

Starting at the ascender line, let's go vertical line down, pencil off the page, and horizontal across the ascender line and horizontal across the x-height line.

Really looking good.

Let's try another one.

Let's go, vertical line down to the baseline.

Pencil off and two horizontal lines.

Very, very nice.

My turn for the capital letter L.

This one, as you'll see, it's really quite nice and straightforward.

We're gonna start at the ascender line.

Vertical line down, horizontal line across the baseline.

That was it.

Your turn.

Let's go.

From the ascender line.

Vertical line down to the baseline, horizontal line across, and you just keep going.

One flowing movement.

Let's do another one.

Ready? Vertical, horizontal.

Let's do one final one.

Let's go.


Oh, yes, I like it.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter F.

I'm going to start at the ascender line.

Make a vertical line down to the baseline.

Pick up my pen and make two horizontal lines.

One across the ascender line and one across the x-height line.

Let's try that again.

From the ascender line, vertical line down to the baseline and then two horizontal lines, one across the ascender line and one across the x-height line.

One more time.

Start at the ascender line.

Vertical line down to the baseline.

Pick up my pen and two horizontal lines.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter L.

I'm sitting comfortably and I'm holding my pen in my tripod grip.

First of all, I'm start at the ascender line and I'm going to make a vertical line down to the baseline.

And then I'm making a horizontal line across the baseline.

So I'm not lifting my pen when I make the capital letter L.

Just two lines, straight down from the ascender line to the baseline and then across the baseline.

One more.

The ascender line down to baseline, across the baseline.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter F? Pause the video while you choose the correct F.

Well done if you selected the F above the A, this one is sitting on a baseline.

It reaches up as high as the x-height line, and it also has those lovely horizontal lines.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter L? Pause the video while you decide.

Well done if you selected the L above the C, it's got those two straight lines.

One going from the ascender line down to the baseline and then the horizontal across the baseline.

It's time for your final task where you will be forming the capital letters F and L.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dot.

Finally, complete two lines independently with focus, with flow on your tram lines.

I'll see you when you're finished.

Pause video here.

It's great to be back with you.

I am very curious, how did you get on? Did you start on your ascender line? Did you make a vertical line down to the baseline? Did you add the correct horizontal lines? Did you enjoy every single one of them? I hope so.

Circle your best and celebrate.

In our lesson today, formation of capitals, B, D, P, R, I, E, F, and L.

We covered the following.

A capital letter is the uppercase formation of a letter.

The letters B, D, P, R, I, E, F, and L all start on the ascender line.

The capital letters B, D, P, R and L, are formed by one continuous movement.

And you do not need to lift your pencil.

The letters B, D, P, and R all make a vertical line down.

Go back up and around in a clockwise direction.

The letters B, D, P, R I, E, F, and L all have a vertical line going down to the baseline.

The letters I, R and F need the pencil to be lifted to form the horizontal lines.

Oh my goodness.

There were so many lines in today's lesson.

Ascender line, baseline, x-height line, vertical line, horizontal lines, and you were here for all of that.

So thank you for showing up as done today and joining in.

I really appreciate that and I'm looking forward to seeing you on our next lesson.

Bye for now.