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Hello everyone.

My name is Ms. Afzal and I'm really thrilled to be here with you because we are going to be practising one of my very favourite things and that is handwriting.

So we are gonna get into it.

We're gonna have a go at practising some letters and some patterns.

We're gonna do some warmups.

It's gonna be a great time we have, and I hope you're ready.

I hope you're excited too.

Let's get started.

The outcome for today's lesson is I can form the capital letters J, U, X, Y, and Z.

We have some keywords in our lesson today.

Let's go through them.

My turn, your turn.

Ascender line.


Vertical line.

Horizontal line.

Diagonal line.


I liked hearing those words loud and clear.

Let's make sure we are looking out for those keywords.

Let's listen for them.

Let's think carefully about these words that will be occurring in our lesson today.

Today's lesson is called Formation of J, U, X, Y, and Z, and it has two parts to it.

First of all, forming the capital letters J and U, and next, forming the capital letters X, Y and Z.

Let's begin with those capitals, J and U.

But before we start, what are these pictures reminding you to do? Take a good look at these three images and tell someone nearby what are these pictures reminding us about? Pause the video here.

All right, so the first picture is all about posture, how we're sitting.

So we want to sit on a chair, at a table with our feet flat on the floor and our back against the chair.

The next picture is reminding us about how to position our paper.

We want to angle it correctly and use our non-writing hand to support the paper so it doesn't slip and slide on the table.

And the final picture is showing us our tripod grip.

Hold your pencil in the tripod grip.

So you've got your tall finger pointing finger on the top, and your thumb goes underneath.

Your fingers are slightly bent.

This is a great way to hold your pencil.

Your hands and wrists get stronger when you exercise them.

So warming up your hands before writing will help to improve your handwriting.

You can do exercises to warm up your hands or practise handwriting patterns.

Let's have a go at a pattern.

I'm gonna go first and it'll be your turn.

So I'm gonna do this pattern, so I'm gonna make a diagonal down, diagonal up, down, up, down, up.

And I'm going to go back again because why not? And it's your turn.

Are you ready? Let's go.

Diagonal down, up, down, up, down, up.

Let's go back and let's just keep going for a little bit because it's a fun thing to do and it's helping us to warm up our hands to get ready for handwriting.

Great job everyone.

Every letter in the alphabet can be formed in two ways.

There's the capital letter formation, which is bigger, and there's the lowercase formation, which is smaller.

A capital letter is the uppercase formation of a letter and the two formations can look the same or different.

And here we have two formations of letters.

The letter J, capital J, lowercase J, look closely at the letter, what do you notice what do you see? Pause the video and tell someone nearby.

All right.

Did you spot that? The capital letter J reaches up to the ascender line.

The lowercase J has a dot at the top.

Love that dot and it has a descender reaches down to the descender line.

They have a different formation.

Capital letter J and the lowercase letter J.

Onto the Us.

Here they are the capital U, the lowercase U.

What do you notice? What do you see? Pause the video and tell someone nearby.

Did you spot that? The capital U reaches up to the ascender line.

And remember, ascender line is one of our keywords and it's the line that's at the top of our set of tram lines.

And the lowercase letter U is an X height letter, so it reaches the X height line.

That's the dotted line.

They have a similar formation, the capital letter U and the lowercase letter U.

The capital J and lowercase J are formed in different ways.

The capital letter J starts on the ascender line.

The capital letter J sits on the baseline and the baseline is one of our keywords is the line that we can see in green.

And most of the letters sit on the baseline.

It has a curl up at the baseline and it has a horizontal line across the ascender line.

So horizontal means a line that goes from side to side, so from left to right or right to left.

The capital letter U and the lowercase U are formed in similar ways.

The capital letter U starts on the ascender line and the capital letter U sits on the baseline.

It's formed by going straight down to the baseline and curling back up to the ascender line.

Okay, let's have some fun and form these letters in the air.

I will go first and then it'll be your turn.

I'm gonna begin with the J up at the ascender line.

I'm gonna make a vertical line down, then I'm gonna curl up at the baseline, lift my pencil off the page, back up to the ascender line, and draw a horizontal line across.

Here's your turn.

Are you ready? Start at the ascender line vertical line down and then I'm gonna curl up at the baseline pencil off horizontal line across the ascender line.

One more.

Start at the ascender line, vertical line down, curl up, pencil off, horizontal.

Great job.

And now it's time to form the capital letter U.

I'll start at the ascender line.

I only go down vertical line down to the baseline.

Then I'm gonna curl across and go back up to the ascender line.

And now it's your turn.

Start at the ascender line straight down.

And we're gonna curl across at the baseline now and back up to the ascender line.

One more.

Ascender line down, curl across.

All the way back up.


I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter J.

I'm sitting comfortably and my pen is in the tripod grip.

I'll start at the ascender line.

I'm gonna go down to the baseline and then curl up.

Lift my pen from the paper and then at the ascender line I'm going to draw a horizontal line across the top of the J.

Let's try that again.

Start at the ascender line, go all the way down to the baseline.

Curl up.

Lift up my pen.

Go back up to the ascender line and draw a horizontal line across.

And one more, from the ascender line down to the baseline.

Curl up.

Lift up my pen and draw a line across the top of the J.

I'm going to form the capital letter U.

I'm sitting comfortably.

My pen is in the tripod grip.

I'll start at the ascender line and make a vertical line straight down towards the baseline.

Then I'm gonna go across and then back up to the ascender line.

Let's try that again.

Start at the ascender line.

Go all the way down to the baseline.

Go across and then back up to the ascender line.

One more, from the ascender line straight down towards the baseline.

Just gonna go across there and then back up to the ascender line.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter J? Pause the video while you decide which of these Js is formed correctly.

Well done if you selected the J in the middle.

Now which of these capital letter Us has been formed correctly? Pause the video while you choose the correct formation of the capital letter U.

Well done if you've selected the first capital letter U that we can see on our screen.

It's starting at the ascender line, coming all the way down to the baseline and back up to the ascender line.

And now it's time for your first task.

I'd like you to practise forming the capital letters J and U.

First of all, go over the grey examples.

Next, try using the starting dot.

And finally complete two lines independently on your tramlines.

Pause the video while you have a go at this task and I'll see you when you're finished.

Okay, it's good to be back with you.

How did it go? As you practised forming the capital letters J and U, did you use the correct starting point? Did you use one continuous movement for the letter U? I find that very satisfying.

And did you lift your pencil to add the horizontal line for the letter J? I hope you did.

Circle your best and celebrate.

And now it's time for the final three letters of the alphabet.

We'll be forming the capital letters X, Y, and Z.

Here they are, here are the Xs.

Let's look closely.

What do you notice? What do you see? Pause the video and tell someone nearby.

Did you spot that the capital letter X reaches the ascender line.

The lines cross and the lowercase letter X reaches the X height line and the lines also cross.

So they have a similar formation.

The capital letter X and the lowercase letter X.

Who are the Ys? Let's look closely at them.

What do you notice, what do you see? Tell somebody nearby.

Pause the video here.

Okay, capital letter Y reaching the ascender line.

It's got a diagonal line coming down to the baseline.

What about the lowercase letter Y? It has a descender which descends down to the descender line.

They have a different formation.

The capital letter Y and lowercase letter Y.

The capital letter X and the lowercase X are formed in similar ways.

The capital letter X starts on the ascender line.

The capital letter X sits on the baseline.

It's formed with two straight diagonal lines which cross in the middle.

And a diagonal line is a line that slants or leans.

The capital letter Y and lower case Y are formed in different ways.

The capital letter Y starts on the ascender line.

The capital letter Y sits on the baseline and it's formed with two diagonal lines.

I'm going to have a go at forming the capital letters X and Y in the air and after that it will be your turn.

Okay, I'm gonna begin with the X.

I'm starting up at the ascender line and I'm gonna make a diagonal line down to the baseline.

I'm going to lift up my pencil, go back up to the ascender line to the right of where I started and make another diagonal line down to the baseline, ensuring my two lines cross in the middle at the X height line.

It's your turn starting up at the ascender line, diagonal line down to the baseline.

Lift your pencil up back up to the ascender line and another diagonal crossing at the middle at the X height line.

Lovely one more.

Start at the ascender line, diagonal down, pencil off.

Pencil back up to the X ascender line and another diagonal going across.

Make sure to cross in the middle.

Great job.

And now I'm going to form the capital letter Y.

I'll start up at the ascender line and I'm gonna make a diagonal line to the X height line.

I'll live my pencil up off the page.

Go back up to the ascender line to the right of where I started and I'm gonna make another diagonal line going all the way down to the baseline and I'll make sure that those two lines touch as I'm going across.

All right, it's your turn.

Let's go, start the ascender line diagonal down to the X height line.

Lift up your pencil, go back up to the ascender line to the right of where you started and another diagonal line.

Make sure those two lines touch as you go down to the baseline.

One more.

Start at the ascender line, diagonal to the X height line.

Pencil off another diagonal all the way down from the ascender line to the baseline.

Well done.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter X.

I'm sitting comfortably and my pen is in the tripod grip.

I'm going to start at the ascender line and I'm going to make a diagonal line down to the baseline.

Then I'm going to lift up my pen and then go back up to the ascender line to the right of where I started and make another diagonal line down to the baseline and I'll make sure that my two lines cross at the centre.

Let's try that again.

Start at the ascender line, make a diagonal line down to the baseline.

Lift up my pen.

Go back up to the ascender line and then make another diagonal line down to the baseline and I'll make sure those lines cross in the middle.

And one more.

Ascender, diagonal, down to the baseline.

Lift up my pen, back up to the ascender line and another diagonal down to the baseline.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter Y.

I'm sitting comfortably.

My pen is in the tripod grip.

I'm going to start up on the ascender line and I'm going to make a diagonal line down to the X height line.

I'm then going to lift up my pen, go back up to the ascender line to the right of where I started and make another diagonal line.

It goes down to the baseline.

Let's try that again.

Start at the ascender line.

Make a diagonal line to the X height line.

Pick up my pen.

Go back up to the ascender line and make another diagonal line down to the baseline.

One more ascender line, diagonal to the X height line.

Pick up my pen and another diagonal line and this time all the way down to the baseline.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter X? Pause the video while you decide which X is formed correctly.

Well done if you selected the first X that we can see on our screen.

This has got two diagonal lines that sit between the baseline and the ascender line.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter Y? Pause the video while you decide which is formed correctly.

Well done if you selected the Y in the middle.

Why not choose a correct one.

And here it is, the final letter of the alphabet, the Z.

It's here.

It's on our screen.

Look closely at these two Zs.

What do you notice? What do you see? Pause the video and tell someone nearby.

Did you notice that the capital letter Z breaches the ascender line? It has a diagonal line and lowercase letter Z is an X height letter, goes up to the X height line.

They have a similar formation.

The capital letter Z and the lowercase letter Z, the capital letter Z and the lowercase Z are formed in similar ways.

The capital letter Z starts on the ascender line.

The capital letter Z sits on the baseline.

It's formed by making a zigzag pattern with two horizontal lines and one diagonal line.

Let's have a go at forming the capital letter Z.

I'll go first and then it's your turn.

I'm going to begin at the ascender line.

I'm gonna make a horizontal line across.

Then I'm gonna make a diagonal line down to the baseline and then a horizontal line across the baseline.

So a nice zig zag pattern.

It's your turn to get involved.

Let's begin up at the ascender line, horizontal line across, diagonal line down to the baseline, horizontal line across the baseline.

One more.

Horizontal across, diagonal down, horizontal across.

One more.

Go, go, go.

Look at that.

Love those Zs.

I'm going to show you how to form the capital letter Z.

I'm sitting comfortably.

My pen is in the tripod grip.

I'm going to start on the ascender line and I'm going to go straight across the ascender line making a horizontal line.

Then I'm going to go down, make a diagonal line down to the baseline, and then I'm going to go straight across and make a horizontal line on the baseline.

Let's try that again.

So start on the ascender line and I make a horizontal line.

Then we go down diagonal line down to the baseline, and then horizontal line back along the baseline.

So there's a kind of zigzag pattern.

I'm making one more time.

On the ascender line I make a horizontal line.

Then I can make a diagonal line down to the baseline.

And then finally, one more horizontal line.

Check for understanding.

Which is the correct formation of the capital letter Z? Pause video while you decide which of these Zs is the correct one.

Well done if you selected the first Z, this has got that lovely zig zag pattern, and it's starting at the ascender line and it's finishing down at the baseline.

It's time for your final task.

I would like you to practise forming the capital letters X, Y, and Z.

Go over the grey examples.

Try using the starting dot and then complete two lines independently with flow, with focus, with passion, with commitment on your tramlines.

Pause the video while you have a go at the task.

And I'll see you when you're finished.

It's good to be back with you.

How did you get on at forming the capital letters X, Y, and Z? Did you start on your ascender line? Did you keep your pencil on the page for the letter Z? Did you lift your pencils for the letters X and Y? Did you enjoy every single movement of your pencil on the page? I hope so, and I hope you always will.

Circle your best and celebrate.

You deserve a celebration every single day.

Today's lesson Formation of J, U, X, Y, and Z contain the following.

The capital letters, J, U, X, Y, and Z start on the ascender line.

The capital letters J, U, X, Y and Z all have either one or two vertical or diagonal lines going down to the baseline.

The letters J, X and Y all need the pencil to be lifted to form the horizontal or diagonal lines.

You do not lift your pencil when forming the letters U and Z.

The letter Z has a zig zag pattern.

Well done everybody for joining in with this lesson.

It was so great to spend time with you.

I really enjoyed forming all of these letters together.

I hope you did too.

And I hope you'll enjoy forming these letters every single time that you form them from now on.

I'll see you again soon.

Bye for now.