
Lesson video

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Hi everybody, it is Ms. Gardner.

Welcome to today's vocabulary lesson.

I'm really excited for today's lesson because today we are going to be learning new words that we can use that are associated with friendship, which is a really lovely topic to be able to talk about.

So thank you very much for joining.

I really hope you enjoy the lesson and let's get started.

Your learning outcome for today's lesson is to effectively use new vocabulary associated with friendship.

Let's start with the key words.

We'll do my turn, your turn.

Adjective, an adjective is a word that describes a noun.

Synonym, a synonym is a word that has the same or similar meaning to another word.

So there are two sections of our lesson today.

In the first, we'll be learning the new vocabulary and then we'll be applying the vocabulary.

So let's start with learning the vocabulary.

Before we look at the words, I want you to think about this question.

How do you think you should treat your friends? What do you think is important in a friendship? Here's some sentence starters to help you.

We should treat our friends or it's important to be kind to our friends when.

So discuss this with your partner, your class, whoever you're with.

Or just have a little think and pause the video now.

Okay, here are some possible responses to these questions.

We should treat our friends with kindness.

We should always try to include our friends in games, and it is important to be kind to our friends when they feel upset.

Do you agree with all these statements? If you want to just ask these questions again, you can pause the video now.

Otherwise, really well done and let's move on.

All of our friends are really different people and they might feel things differently.

It is important that we always try to treat our friends with respect.

We are going to explore some words today that we can use when discussing friendships.

Here's our first word.

Have a look at what's happening in the picture.

What can you see? Pause video now.

Okay, so in this picture we have Plato sat on the floor.

He looks really unhappy, doesn't he? Looks like he's about to cry.

Looks maybe quite cold.

And Bearnice looks like she's being a really good friend.

She's looking out for him, making sure he's warm enough, giving him a blanket.

So we can describe Bearnice as a very kind friend, as a compassionate friend.

Compassionate, my turn your turn.


Compassionate is an adjective and it means feeling somebody else's pain and wanting help them.

So let's listen to a story.

Bearnice was worried about Plato.

He looked very cold and unhappy.

"Can I get you a warm drink?" The compassionate girl asked.

Bearnice sat down next to Plato and asked him if he wanted to talk.

Plato was very grateful for his compassionate friend.

When have you been a compassionate friend? Let's have a think about that question.

I was a compassionate friend when I comforted my friend, who had hurt herself.

Tell the person next to you, your partner, or just have a discussion as a class.

When have you been a compassionate friend? Here's a sentence starter to help you.

I was a compassionate friend when.

Pause the video now.

Off you go.

Okay, here's a possible response.

I was a compassionate friend when I shared my snack with a friend who forgot theirs.

Have any of you ever done that before? I'm sure lots of you have been really compassionate friends.

So checking for understanding, what is the adjective that matches this picture? Pause video now; have a think.

Okay, let's all do this together.

The adjective that matches this picture is 3, 2, 1.


Well done.

Here's our next picture.

Have a look really closely at what's happening.

What can you see? Pause the video now.

Okay, so in this picture, we have Plato and Bearnice, who are look like they're having a movie night.

They're on the sofa and Grit looks like he really wants to join, doesn't he? He's got his pot of popcorn.

He's coming up to the sofa and he looks like he wants to join in and Bearnice is being really polite.

She's made lots of space.

She's moved on over so that Grit can come and join them.

So we can describe Bearnice as making Grit feel included.

My 10, your turn.

Included, this is an adjective.

It's when you feel accepted and part of a group.

Let's listen to a story.

"Plato, I think we should invite Grit to join our movie night," whispered Bearnice.

They have never had a dog at their movie night before.

Previously, it had been strictly a bear and platypus affair.

"Excellent ide.

." but before Plato could even finish, Bearnice had moved to make space for Grit.

"Always room for one more," Bearnice smiled at Grit.

How do you think Grit felt at the end of the story? Pause the video now and discuss this with your partner.

I think he would've felt really included and felt accepted and part of the group.

Have a think about how you can make sure that people feel included.

Pause the video now and discuss this with your partner, with your class.

We'll just have a little think.

So what kind of things can you do to make someone feel included? Maybe you can invite them to play your game.

Maybe you can invite them for a play date or sit next to them in the playground.

Lots of things you can do to make it somebody feel included and part of the group.

So when have you felt included? I felt included when my classmate invited me to join in their game at break time.

When have you felt included? Discuss this question now with your partner or your class and you can use this sentence starter to help you.

I felt included when.

Pause the video now.

Okay, I hope you enjoyed discussing that.

Here's a possible response.

I felt included when my big brother let me join his basketball team in a game with his friends.

I bet that made someone feel really great to be included in his big brother's basketball team.

What a nice feeling.

So checking for understanding, what are the adjectives that match these pictures? Pause video now and have a think.

Okay in the first picture, Bearnice looking after Plato.

What is the word? Let's all do it together 3, 2, 1.

It's compassionate.

Well done.

The next picture.

Bearnice inviting Grit to join the movie night.

Grit feels really, everybody 3, 2, 1, included.

Well done.

Here's another picture.

Before I tell you what the word is have a close look.

What can you see? How could you describe Brick? The character with the T-shirt covering his face in the picture.

Pause the video now.

Okay, so in the picture we can see it's at a party 'cause of all the balloons.

Everyone looks like they're having a really fun time apart from Brick, who looks really nervous.

He's covering his face with his T-shirt.

Maybe 'cause he doesn't want anyone to see him or doesn't wanna have to talk to anybody and we can describe, so we can describe Brick as Shy.

My turn, your turn, shy.

Shy is an adjective and it means feeling nervous around other people.

Let's listen to a story.

Oz, Plato, and Armie were having a fun time at the party.

Brick, however, felt very nervous and uncomfortable.

The shy boy covered his face with his T-shirt to avoid looking anyone in the eye.

He felt too scared to speak to anyone.

Have you ever felt before? When have you felt shy? I felt shy when I was speaking to my friend's mom outside the gates.

Sometimes if you don't know someone very well or maybe they're a little bit older than you, and you dunno what to say, that can make you feel a little bit shy.

When have you felt shy? Tell the person next to you or your partner or your class.

You can use this sentence data to help you.

I felt shy.

Pause video now.

Okay, here's a possible response.

I felt shy on the first day of summer camp because I didn't know anyone in my group.

That can be quite a daunting feeling when you go somewhere new and it feels like everyone knows each other apart from you and that can make you feel quite shy.

Checking for understanding, what are the adjectives that match these pictures? Pause the video now and have a think.

Okay, our first picture, Bearnice looking after Plato.

What's the word everybody? 3, 2, 1.

It's compassionate.

Well done.

Our next picture, Bearnice is being really kind to Grit, inviting him to come in so he feels, what's the word, 3, 2, 1? Included.

Well done.

And then our third picture, describing Brick at the party.

He's covering his face.

He's really nervous.

Doesn't want to talk to anyone.

He's really 3, 2, 1, shy.

Well done.

Our final word today.

Have a look at this picture.

What can you see that is happening? Pause the video now.

Okay, so you can kind of see that this picture is set in a cinema because it's a screen at the back which says fin.

So it means it's the end of the film.

The film is over.

Plato has come in to clean the cinema floor, where everyone's just dropped all their popcorn and their snacks and instead of just leaving at the end of the film, Bearnice is being really helpful, and she's not just letting Plato clean up all the mess.

So she's being really respectful.

My turn.

Your turn.

Respectful, respectful is an adjective and it means showing consideration and respect for others.

Let's listen to a story.

It would've been easy for Bearnice to drop her empty popcorn container on the floor, but then she noticed Plato, who was hard at work cleaning the cinema.

Bearnice was respectful towards the people, who worked at her local cinema.

So she put it in the bin.

When have you been respectful? I was respectful when I listened to my classmate's answer and didn't talk over her.

I was showing my classmate respect by listening to her opinion.

When have you been respectful? Tell your partner or your class.

I was respectful when.

Pause the video now.

Okay, here's a possible response.

I was respectful when I said please and thank you in the lunch hall.

Yes, using your manners is a really good way of showing respect.

It is time for task A.

You need to match each picture to the correct word and definition.

Pause the video now.

Okay, let's go through it.

So compassionate.

When you're feeling somebody else's pain and wanting to help, that's the picture of Bearnice helping Plato who's really cold.

Respectful, showing consideration and respect for others.

That's the picture of Bearnice being respectful towards the people who work at the cinema and helping them clear up.

Included, feeling accepted and part of a group.

That's how Grit feels when he's invited into the movie night.

And then shy, feeling nervous around other people.

That's how Brick feels at the party when he doesn't want to talk to anybody.

Great job.

Now we're going to be applying the vocabulary.

When we are speaking or writing, we can choose synonyms to help us describe something in a really precise way.

This doesn't mean that one word is better or more ambitious than another, but we wanted to choose the word which describes something most precisely.

Let's have a look at some examples of this.

So we could say, I was kind when I gave my friend who was cold, my scarf, but I want to show that it's not just being kind, but that you really care and want to help someone.

So you could say I was compassionate when I gave my friend, who was cold, my scarf.

It's very compassionate to care for someone you can see needs help and then to act on that.

Let's have look at another example of a precise word choice.

You could say I was good in class because I listened to my teacher.

Let's be more precise here.

Instead of just saying good, you could say I was respectful in class because I listened to my teacher.

Listening to your teacher is a sign of respect.

So that's a respectful thing to do, to listen to them.

Let's have a look at another example.

You could say the girl was quiet when she met new people, but it's more than just quiet.

Let's be a bit more precise here.

The girl was shy when she met new people.

Lots of people feel shy in some situations, especially around new people.

So it's not just about being quiet, but it's actually about being shy and nervous because there's new people around so that this is a more precise word choice.

And then finally, the class made the new child feel happy.

We can definitely be more precise here.

How do they make the new child feel happy? What did they do? The new class made the new child feel included.

The new child had a happy first day at school because everyone made her feel included.

They asked her to join in.

They were really friendly and inclusive.

So checking for understanding, match each word to the definition.

You've got compassionate, respectful, included, and shy.

And then you've got the definitions next to it.

So draw lines from the word to the definition.

Pause the video now.

Okay, so compassionate is feeling somebody else's pain and wanting to help.

Respectful, showing consideration and respect for others.

Included, feeling accepted and part of a group.

Shy, feeling nervous around other people.

Well done.

It's time for task B.

You need to fill in the blanks using either shy or compassionate.

Here are your sentences.

The young girl felt hmmm on the first day of drama club and B, my friend was very hmm when I was ill and brought me some books to read.

So think about the definitions of shy and compassionate and then choose which word is the most precise word to place in each sentence.

Then once you've done that, tell your partner why you chose each word.

You can use the sentence starter to help you.

I chose shy because, or I chose compassionate because.

Pause the video now.

Off you go.

Okay, well done everybody.

I hope you enjoyed that.

Let's go through it.

So sentence A, the young girl felt shy on the first day of drama club.

It's quite a scary thing going to a new club when you don't know anyone so that can make some people feel shy.

My friend was very compassionate when I was ill and brought me some books to read.

Compassionate, when you feel someone else's pain, you want to make them feel better.

That's being compassionate.

Tell your partner why you chose each word.

I chose shy because it can be scary being in a new situation and this can make people feel nervous.

So, shy is a really precise word to use in this sentence.

Well done.

Great job today everybody.

There's been lots of new vocabulary for us to learn and I hope that you're going to be able to use it at some point in your writing or your speaking or your discussions.

Great job.

Here's a summary of everything we've learned today.

Included is an adjective, which means feeling accepted and part of a group.

Respectful is an adjective, which means showing consideration and respect for others.

Compassionate is an adjective, which means feeling somebody else's pain and wanting to help.

And shy is an adjective, which means feeling nervous around other people.

Well done for working so hard today everybody.

Great job.