
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

It's Mr. Brown here with your English lesson for today, and we are delivering.

We are delivering not a package, not a letter, we are delivering a presentation, a presentation of a non-chronological report on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

And we are delivering it, we are presenting it, to an audience.

So, something fun today.

Let's go for it.

And the outcome for today's lesson is I can present a non-chronological report on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

The keywords we'll use today are presenting, audience, volume, rehearsing.

Let's say those together.

My turn, and then your turn.

Presenting, audience, very good, volume, rehearsing.


Great work.

So, we will start by looking at how we prepare to present.

Preparing to present will be our first learning cycle, and then we'll move on to presenting a non-chronological report.

When you are presenting, you should remember that you are doing this for an audience.

You are not doing this for yourself.

It is for the benefit of an audience.

Now, an audience, that is a group of people gathered together to listen to and watch a presentation, performance, or speech.

Your most important task when presenting is to make sure the audience can hear and understand you.

That's the most important thing.

If the audience can't hear and understand you, they won't be able to listen to the amazing content that you have already created.

So you might have a brilliant non-chronological report, but if, when you're presenting, the audience can't hear or understand you, then it's wasted.

When presenting, we need to think about all of these things.

Volume, eye contact, body language, pace.

And we're going to focus first on volume.

Now, volume is how loud or quiet a sound is.

In the context of our lesson today, you speaking is the sound, so how loud or quiet you are.

It is important that when we present, we speak at an appropriate volume.

We must speak loudly enough so that the audience can hear.

We must not shout but must not be too quiet either.

And this is a tricky balance to get.

You do not want to shout, but you don't want to be too quiet, so you must get the balance right.

Now, if you whisper, mumble, or mutter your words, your audience will not be able to hear your presentation.

Let's check your understanding so far.

When we present to an audience, we should mutter and speak quietly.

Is that true, or is that false? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you found the right answer.

When we present to an audience, we should mutter and speak quietly.

Absolutely not.

That is false.

When we present to an audience, we should not mutter and not speak quietly.

So well done if you said false.

When presenting, we need to think about all of these.

Let's remind ourselves.

We have volume, eye contact, body language, and pace, and we're now going to focus on eye contact.

Now, eye contact, this involves looking into the eyes of the people in our audience.

So right now, I am looking directly into your eyes.

You are my audience and I'm presenting to you, and I'm making as much eye contact as I can.

Eye contact is very important because it helps us to connect with our audience and for them to feel connected to us.

So you might have noticed the moments when I have to drop my eye contact to just quickly check what's on the screen to see what I am reading to you.

The moments when we have eye contact, maybe they feel a bit different.

You might feel more of a connection to me and what I'm saying.

When the audience feels connected to us, they are going to find what we have to say more interesting.

So if there is that connection there, they are going to be listening just that little bit more and they will find what we have to say a bit more interesting.

Now, if you're holding a piece of paper, it is important that you are looking up at the audience as you read.

If you are reading your non-chronological report, as I expect many of you would be, it is important that you take a moment to look down at what you're about to say and then up again as you speak.

This is a tricky skill but a skill that I know with practise you can become amazing at.

You need to look at the sentence you're reading and just read ahead a little bit.

Read the next five or six words so that they're in your head so you can then present while making eye contact, and that's a skill that will serve you so well throughout your entire lives.

Let's check your understanding on eye contact.

Now, eye contact involves looking directly into the what? Into the eyes of the people into the audience, looking directly into the paper you are reading from, or eye contact involves looking directly into the ground? What do you think, A, B, or C? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you found the right answer.

Eye contact involves looking directly into the eyes of the people in the audience.

So important, and a skill I know you're going to be practising and working on lots.

When presenting, we need to think about all of these things.

Now we're getting pretty good.

We've covered volume, we've covered eye contact, it's now body language.

Now, body language refers to how we hold ourselves and parts of our body when we're presenting.

Body language helps others understand how you feel and what you're saying, even if you're not saying a word.

Body language is very important because it helps us to look confident.

And strong body language, well, that includes all of these.

Standing with our feet shoulder width apart.

So let me just make sure my feet are shoulder width apart.

Speaking with our chin up.

So we don't want to be speaking like this.

We want to speak with our chin up.

Helps us to look confident and proud of what we're saying.

Standing with our shoulders back.

Let me make sure my shoulders are back.


Okay, when presenting, confident body language includes which of these? Can you remember? Is it A, speaking with our chin up? B, standing with our shoulders back? C, hunching our shoulders, which is this, when your shoulders kind of come forward.

And D, standing with our feet shoulder width apart? I'll give you a clue.

There are three correct answers.

Can you find all three? Pause the video and have a go now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you found the three correct answers.

So speaking with our chin up.

Yes, that does help you to show confident body language.

Standing with our shoulders back.

Yes, that does help you to present yourself in a confident way.

Hunching our shoulders like this.

No, this is not what you want for confident body language, which means the last answer must be standing with our feet shoulder width apart.

Well done if you said A, B, and D.

Last thing to look at when presenting.

We need to think about all of these things.

Volume, how loud or quietly you speak.

Eye contact, being able to maintain eye contact for as much as you can with the audience when you're presenting.

Body language, presenting yourself in a confident way even when you're not speaking, just by the look of your body, which means it's now on to pace.

Pace refers to the speed at which we speak.

If we speak too quickly, our audience may not be able to hear what we are saying.

And you notice I increased my speed when I said that.

But if we speak too slowly, our audience may lose interest in what we are saying.

Did you find yourself losing interest in what I was saying? I spoke a bit too slowly, didn't I? Speaking at the correct pace will give us more time to use an appropriate volume, speak with clear diction, which means making sure your lips are getting around all the different sounds in all the different words, and making eye contact.

So pace is almost like the key that will unlock lots of different areas of presenting.

It's time for a practise task.

I would like you to match the key aspects of successful presenting to their definitions.

So we have volume, eye contact, body language, and pace.

And the definitions, the speed at which we speak, our posture, stance, and gestures, which help convey meaning and emotions, how quiet or loud a sound is, and looking audience members in the eye.

Your job, match these key aspects of successful presenting to their definitions.

Pause the video and get matching now.

Welcome back, let's see if you managed to match these correctly.

So we have volume is how loud or quiet a sound is.

Eye contact means looking audience members in the eye.

Body language is our posture, stance, and gestures, which help us convey meaning and emotions.

And of course, pace is the speed at which we speak.

Well done if you matched those correctly.

Let's move on to presenting a non-chronological report.

Rehearsing is when you practise something before you're performing in order to get better at it.

So rehearsing is a key part of performing and presenting.

If you make a mistake when you're rehearsing, well, you can learn from this to make your performance even better.

We are now familiar with the aspects of effective presenting.

We know volume, eye contact, body language, and pace.

We can now prepare ourselves by rehearsing before we deliver our presentation to the audience.

This may involve practising saying some tricky subject-specific vocabulary so we can pronounce it clearly in our presentation.

So you will have rehearsed lots of times for school productions.

You might have rehearsed when you're going to say something really important.

It's about practise.

Practise, practise, practise.

So, we talked about some specific vocabulary that might be tricky to say in your report.

A non-chronological report will contain words that you might not use every day, and it's important that you practise those, practise saying them so when it comes to delivering a presentation to an audience, you have practised already and you are ready.

Now, there might be words we don't use often.

They might not be decodable, so we can't use our phonic knowledge.

It's important to practise saying these types of words before presenting to others.

Let's just remind ourselves, what is rehearsing? Is it A, speaking in an appropriate volume, B, presenting something to an audience, or C, practising something so we get better at it? What is rehearsing? Pause the video and decide A, B, or C now.

Welcome back.

Let's see if you found the right answer.

So speaking at an appropriate volume.

That's not rehearsing; that's volume.

Presenting something to an audience.

Well, that's delivering a presentation, but it's not rehearsing, which means practising something so we get better at it is rehearsing.

Well done if you said C.

Okay, you can now see a non-chronological report in its entirety, the whole thing, from title to introduction to section one, section two, and conclusion.

We are going to look at an introduction now and see if there's any subject-specific vocabulary that we need to practise.

And yes, we can see there is, hygienic, organised, soldiers, the Crimean War.

These are things that I do not expect to overhear you saying in the playground, words you might not use often.

So we need to rehearse.

We need to practise saying them.

So let's have a go.

My turn, your turn.






Good, let's do that one one more time.



Okay, a big one here.

The Crimean War.

Fabulous, good, you're ready.

Let's look at the Florence Nightingale section.

And we've got dangerous and unhygienic.

Let's go for those.


Brilliant, well done.



So we had hygienic before, now we've got unhygienic.

Okay, how about the Mary Seacole section? Ah, doctress, volunteered.

Battlefield, autobiography.

Let's go for those.

Oh, and Jamaica too.

Okay, Jamaica.



Very good.


And last one, autobiography.

Let's do that one one more time.


Amazing, you've got it.


Ah, the conclusion.

So I can see we've got positive and medical and autobiography one more time.

Let's practise it again.

Okay, positive.

Easy for you, well done.



Okay, one more time for that tricky one, autobiography.

Yes, it's so easy for you now because you've rehearsed, you've practised, well done.

Time for a check.

Some of the adjectives in our report can be difficult to say too.

Rehearse saying them out loud with a partner.

Now, it's not just the subject-specific vocabulary.

The adjectives in our report can be difficult to say too.

Now, what I would like you to do is to have a go at pronouncing some adjectives, and we're gonna check if you've pronounced them correctly.

So the three adjectives that I would like you to focus on are informative, fascinating, interesting.

So can you please pause the video and say these three adjectives, one at a time, to a partner.

Then your partner's job is to check whether you said them correctly.

You might need to have another go at pronouncing them.

Informative, fascinating, interesting.

It's over to you now.

Have a go at saying these adjectives now.

And welcome back.

Let's see how you got on.

Did you say the word informative correctly? How about fascinating? In this fascinating report, you have learned.

Or interesting.

Well done if you did.

So now it's my turn.

I am going to present this introduction.

Then you will have a chance to do yours.

So my turn, then your turn.

Okay, it looks like it's over to me now.

Here we go.

I'm going to present the introduction.

I'm going to try and remember about pace and volume, eye contact, body language, shoulders back.

Okay, here we go.


Were you aware that hospitals were not always hygienic and organised like they are today? Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole helped to improve hospitals a long time ago.

This informative report will teach you all about their lives and how they cared for soldiers during the Crimean War.

Read on to find out more about these brave women.

Okay, so that is my introduction.

I really tried to control the pace, not go too fast, too slow, keep my volume good.

I wanted to make sure that words like informative and Crimean War were very clear so the audience could hear them.

It's now over to you.

Time for you to practise presenting your introduction.

Now, ensure you think about the normal checklist that we've been going over this lesson, the volume, eye contact, body language, pace.

Keep those in your head.

It's over to you now.

Pause the video and present your introduction now.

Welcome back, everyone.

I am so proud of you.

You presented your introduction beautifully, very loud, very clear, good volume, eye contact, body language.

I could see that you were taking all of this on, so well done.

Time for a practise task.

It's over to you now to present your full non-chronological report to an audience.

Speak at a volume that ensures all members of the audience can hear you.

Make eye contact with audience members in order to form connections with them as you speak.

Use strong body language to convey the information confidently, and speak at a slow, clear pace.

Best of luck.

Have a go at presenting your non-chronological report now.

Welcome back, everyone.

I am sure you did an amazing job, but let's always reflect.

Reflecting on how we performed, how we presented, these are really important things in helping us to get better.

So, did you remember to do all of these? Did you remember to speak at a volume that made sure every single person in the audience could hear you? Did you make eye contact with as many people as possible to build that connection? Did you use strong body language to convey the information confidently? And did you speak at a slow, clear pace? So just take a moment now to think and reflect.

Is there any areas that you thought you did fantastically well at? Any areas that you think you could improve for next time? If you'd like to take a moment longer, you can always pause the video and talk to a partner about how you got on.

But we are going to now summarise our lesson.

Presenting involves speaking in front of others and listening to others.

Presentations are effective ways to share information.

Effective presenting involves using appropriate volume, making eye contact with the audience, and using strong body language when speaking.

And rehearsing is when you practise something before you perform in order to get better at it.

Brilliant work today.

I have thoroughly enjoyed rehearsing and presenting our reports on Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.

I will see you again very soon.