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Lesson video

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Hello everyone.

It's Mr. Brown here with your English lesson, and today, we are planning.

We are planning the first entry of Florence Nightingale's diary.

So remember, we are writing from Florence Nightingale's perspective.

We are pretending that we are Florence Nightingale herself and we will be planning a diary entry as if we are Florence.

So let's get started.

The outcome for today's lesson is I can make a plan for writing a diary entry as Florence Nightingale.

And the keywords we will use are perspective, plan, notes.

Let's say those together.

My turn first, then you repeat.

Perspective, plan, notes.

Amazing job, well done.

Perspective, plan, and notes are our keywords today.

So we will start our lesson by preparing to plan and we will then move on to writing the plan.

We're going to be writing a diary entry written from the perspective of Florence Nightingale.

Now, perspective is the way someone thinks, feels, or sees something.

It is their point of view.

When we share our perspective, we are saying what we think about something or giving our personal opinion.

Let's check your understanding on that.

Perspective is the way someone thinks, feels, or sees something.

It is their point of view.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide true or false now.

Welcome back, everyone.

True or false? Let's see if you were right.

Perspective is the way someone thinks, feels, or sees something.

It is their point of view.

True, absolutely, it's its perspective.

You have a perspective on lots of things, as do I.

I might tell you who my favourite football team is, who I believe is the best football team.

That is my perspective.

You might disagree.

One way that a person can share their perspective is in a diary.

A diary is a personal book that is used by someone to write their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Each time a person writes in their diary, it's called a diary entry.

Now someone may keep a diary to keep a record of past events, to remember important moments, to express emotions or explore difficult feelings, or to keep secrets and have a private space.

True or false? A diary is a personal book that is used by someone to write their thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you were right, true or false? A diary is a personal book that is used by someone to write their thoughts, feelings, and experiences is true.

Well done if you said true.

That is what a diary is.

Diaries are usually an example of non-fiction texts because they are written about real events.

So they're usually an example of a non-fiction text.

However, diaries can become more like fiction texts when they are written from someone else's perspective.

So if you are pretending to be someone else, then it is not actually non-fiction anymore because those events may not be real because you might be making them up.

When we are writing from Florence Nightingale's perspective, it's going to be a little bit of both.

Therefore, we are pretending to be Florence when we're writing a diary entry.

So she's a real person, but of course, we are pretending to be her.

We're writing about real events, but only from our understanding of them.

We weren't there to experience them ourselves.

So we are writing from Florence Nightingale's perspective.

You are Florence Nightingale.

That's what you have to remember.

To write from Florence Nightingale's perspective, we'll need to have a strong knowledge of her life, particularly the part of her life during which she is writing this diary entry.

So the part of Florence's life that we are placing our diary entry in is the day she arrived at the Crimean War.

So that's when our first diary entry will be placed.

That's what we'll be writing about.

So let's learn a bit about Florence Nightingale and what she did during the Crimean war.

So it will prepare us to write this diary entry.

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 in Italy, but moved to England with her family when she was still a baby.

She was actually named after the Italian city she was born in, Florence.

From an early age, she loved to read books and study.

She eventually decided that she wanted to become a nurse and devote her life to helping other people.

True or false? Florence decided to become a teacher and devote her life to educating children.

Is that true or is that false? Let's check your knowledge of Florence Nightingale and her life.

True or false? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Is it true or is it false? Did Florence Nightingale decide to become a teacher and devote her life to educating children? Well, she did not.

Well done if you said false.

She did not decide to become a teacher.

She decided to become a, tell me, a nurse, exactly.

And devote her life to educating children? No, to looking after people who are unwell.

Well done if you said false.

After Florence finished training as a nurse, she set up a hospital in London.

It was clean, organised and hygienic.

She made sure all the nurses were trained and the hospital was regularly cleaned.

This may seem obvious to us now, but at the time, hospitals were definitely not the clean, organised and hygienic places that they are today.

In 1853, a war broke out in Crimea with France, Britain and the Ottoman Empire, which is known as Turkey now, all fighting against Russia.

The war broke out because the countries involved all wanted control of Crimea because it would give them more land, more power, and more money.

The war was devastatingly violent.

Over the three years that the war lasted, around 300,000 people died.

Let's check our understanding.

Florence Nightingale set up a hospital in London, which was, a, clean, b, dirty, c, hygienic, or d, unhygienic.

And we're looking for more than one correct answer here.

So what do you think? Pause the video and decide for yourself now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you are right.

Florence Nightingale set up a hospital in London, which was clean and hygienic.

Well done if you said a and c.

Due to all the fighting in the war, there were many injured soldiers who needed medical care.

A British hospital was set up in Scutari, in Turkey, to care for all the sick and wounded men.

However, the soldiers in Scutari were not well looked after in the hospital.

There were very few nurses to take care of them, standards of hygiene were poor, and there were no proper medical care.

Many of the soldiers became sick from the terrible conditions in hospital.

There was blood and dirt on the floors.

Soldiers were lying on the floor due to the lack of beds.

The bed sheets that the soldiers were lying in were blood-stained.

They were unclean.

There were low levels of medical equipment such as clean bandages, something like clean bandages, which we may think is an absolute essential, they didn't have enough of.

The drains were blocked and sewage was overflowing.

So the smell you can imagine would've been horrendous.

Rats would run around the hospital and on the wounded soldiers.

So even the soldiers that were there to be looked after, they were lying on the floor and would have rats scampering over their bodies.

The food was old, mouldy, and often contained maggots.

There were very few nurses, and those there had very little medical knowledge or experience.

So we are really starting to get a picture of just how bad things were at this hospital.

Florence was desperate to travel to Scutari to help care for the soldiers in hospital there.

She took a team of 38 nurses with her, and after a long journey, they arrived in Scutari in Turkey.

Florence was horrified at the awful conditions of the hospital.

Florence started making changes to improve the hospital straight away.

True or false? Florence Nightingale went to Scutari on her own.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide true or false now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you were right.

Florence Nightingale went to Scutari on her own is false.

She did not.

She took a team of nurses with her.

But how many nurses were in that team? I wonder if you know.

Tell me if you do.

She took a team of 38 nurses with her.

Well done if you said 38.

Florence Nightingale made many changes to the hospital and to Scutari.

Let's have a look at some of the changes she made.

She swept and scrubbed the floors.

She ensured all soldiers were in beds with clean sheets.

She added new medical equipment such as clean bandages.

She had the drains unblocked.

She cleaned the whole hospital and got rid of any rats.

She ensured the food was healthy and fresh.

And she brought with her nurses with knowledge and experience and she trained those who needed to be trained.

Florence even made sure to look after the soldiers at night.

She would often be seen patrolling the hospital at night carrying her lamp to help her see.

She became known as the Lady with the Lamp.

And this is still a name that people call Florence Nightingale today.

True or false? Florence Nightingale was known as the Lady with the Lamp.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide true or false now.

Welcome back, everyone.

So is it true or is it false? Florence Nightingale was known as the Lady with the Lamp.

It is true.

Well done if you said true.

Time for a task.

I would like you to fill in the blanks using the words from the box below.

So here, you can see some sentences with some words missing, some blanks, and there is a box with five words in it.

Those five words will fill in those five blanks.

Let me read you the sentences and I'll just leave a gap where the blank is.

In 1853, the war started and Florence took a team of nurses with her to help look after the soldiers.

Two blanks.

What do you think? Would it be Crimean, hospital, hygienic, floor, wounded? Let's keep going.

The conditions at the in Scutari, Turkey were awful.

Soldiers were lying on the filthy because they didn't have enough beds.

Florence worked tirely to make the hospital more.

What could it be? Your job, to take the five words in the box at the bottom of the page and to put them into the blanks.

Pause the video and have a go at this task now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see how you got on.

In 1853, the something war.

Could it be the Crimean War? Well done if you said Crimean.

The Crimean War started and Florence took a team of nurses with her to help look after the wounded soldiers.

They were wounded, which means they were injured and hurt in battle.

The conditions at the hospital in Scutari were awful.

Soldiers were lying on the filthy floor because they didn't have enough beds.

And Florence worked tirelessly to make the hospital more hygienic.

Well done if you successfully filled in those blanks.

Let's move on to writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Now notes are short and capture key vocabulary and important information.

The purpose of notes is to have the writer to organise information easily for future use.

Notes guide us when we're writing.

Which two of these are things that notes help us to capture? Is it a, full sentences, b, unimportant information, c, key vocabulary, or d, important information? And we're looking for two correct answers.

So pause the video and find the two correct answers now.

Welcome back, everyone.

So two correct answers.

Let's see if you managed to find them.

Well done if you said c, key vocabulary, and D, important information.

Full sentences, we do not use notes to capture full sentences and unimportant information.

If it's unimportant, it shouldn't be in your notes.

Well done if you said c and d.

Notes are not written in full sentences and do not require capital letters, full stops, or commas.

They can be made of just a few words.

The writer making the notes just needs to understand them.

The writer then takes the notes and turns them into full sentences.

A plan can contain notes to help us know what to write about in each sentence.

This acts as a helpful starting point when writing.

So the notes will guide us.

Our plan is there to support our writing and help make it a bit easier.

Diary entries often contain feelings.

Our plan will remind us of the key moments to include in this diary entry and how Florence, you, remember you are Florence or how Florence or you felt during each one.

The parts of Florence's life we are placing our diary entry in is the day she arrived at the Scutari hospital.

So just imagine the emotions that she would've been feeling on that day that she arrived.

Here is how our plan will look.

You can see the column on the left where we will write down what happened and what you saw.

And when I say you, I mean Florence Nightingale, but you are Florence.

And then the column on the right, how you felt.

So your opportunity to make some notes about how you felt during that key moment when you were looking at something in particular, how you felt.

For example, arrived - hospital in Scutari.

Now is that a full sentence? No, it is quite clearly a note and that is what we do in our plans.

So arrived, hospital in Scutari.

Very unhygienic and disorganised.

So this is what happened and what Florence saw, what you saw, and then how you felt, shocked, couldn't believe my eyes.

Now when I say couldn't believe my eyes, the my is of course Florence.

Remember, you are Florence.

So couldn't believe my eyes as if you are Florence.

So when she arrived at the hospital in Scutari, it was very unhygienic and disorganised.

It shocked her.

That's how she felt.

And she couldn't believe her eyes.

So remember, you are Florence.

It shocked you.

You couldn't believe your eyes.

The phrase, couldn't believe my eyes, tells the reader that someone is feeling very, is feeling which emotion? So when we use the phrase, "I couldn't believe my eyes," it tells the reader that someone is feeling which emotion? Is it a, sadness, b, shock or surprise, or c, anger, a, b, or c? Pause the video and decide.

Couldn't believe my eyes.

Which emotion are you feeling if you say, "I couldn't believe my eyes?" Pause the video and have a go now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you found the right answer.

So when someone says, "Couldn't believe my eyes," it's not sadness or anger, it's shock or surprise.

They are so shocked and so surprised that they can't believe that what they're seeing is real.

So if I say, "I couldn't believe my eyes," I'm talking about something I've seen that I just couldn't believe was real.

I didn't believe that my eyes were seeing the thing that I was actually seeing.

So it's a really good phrase to use for Florence, for really anywhere in this diary entry.

But when she arrived, when she saw all the terrible things, it's perfect for it.

So well done if you said b.

Time for a task.

I would like you to fill in the first column on your plan to highlight the key moments you will include in this diary entry.

So what were the key moments of the moment that we're writing about, which is Florence arriving at that hospital? Now we know we started with arrived, hospital in Scutari, and I'll give you not enough beds and mouldy food.

They are your starting points.

You can add more notes to that column.

So not enough beds, maybe you could explain why or what else you saw, how you knew there were not enough beds.

Mouldy food.

Was there anything else that the food had on it? So we're just filling in the first column at this stage.

Pause the video and add some more detail to that first column now.

Okay, welcome back.

I am so intrigued to see how you got on.

So let's have a look.

Arrived, hospital in Scutari, very unhygienic and disorganised.

But then we've got not enough beds, soldiers lying on the floor, rats and bandages around them, and mouldy food, maggots.

So there's maggots in the food, oh.

And drains overflowing, smell disgusting.

So we've got three key moments that we can write about there, which brings us on nicely to our second task.

I would like you to fill in the second column on your plan to highlight how you felt in each moment.

So each one of these moments when you arrive at the hospital, when you see that there's not enough beds and soldiers are lying on the floor.

And when you see that there are mouldy, that the food is mouldy, that the soldiers were eating, the drains are overflowing, the smell.

Your job is to write down how you are feeling in each of these different moments.

Now, you can use feelings words or short phrases.

So things like couldn't believe my eyes is a great one to use to show that you were feeling shocked.

But you might just use words like disgusted, disappointed, upset.

I'll just show you an example.

Shocked, comma, couldn't believe my eyes.

That's the example that I used for the first section.

Okay, over to you now.

Have a go at filling in that second section.

Pause the video now.

And welcome back.

Let's see how you got on.

So we knew that we had shocked, couldn't believe my eyes for that moment When you arrive and see the hospital.

Felt devastated when you saw that there were not enough beds and the soldiers were lying on the floor.

For someone like Florence Nightingale to see a hospital so badly run in such a bad position would be devastating for her.

So, so sad.

Eyes filled with tears.

So that tells me straight away, that phrase tells me that you were feeling so, so emotional and sad.

And then made me feel sick to see the food was all mouldy and felt determined to change things.

So someone like Florence would see these terrible things and would be filled with determination to fix them.

Let's summarise our learning today.

Perspective is the way someone thinks, feels, or sees something.

Florence Nightingale went to the Crimean War to help.

Notes are used when making a plan and they are short and only capture key vocabulary and important information.

Notes are not written in full sentences and do not require capital letters, full stops, or commas.

Well done today, excellent planning.

All of this planning is going to help you when it comes to writing, and I will see you very soon to do that.