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Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

My name is Mr. Brown and I am here with your English lesson for today.

And we are going to be planning, planning the second entry into Florence Nightingale's diary.

So let's get planning, shall we? Okay, so the outcome for today's lesson is I can make a plan for writing a diary entry as Florence Nightingale.

And the keywords we'll be using today are past tense, verbs and plan.

Let's say those together.

My turn first and then your turn.

Past tense.


That's it.


And one more, plan.


Really good.

Past tense, verbs and plan.

The lesson outline for today's lesson on planning the second entry of Florence Nightingale diary, we will start by preparing to plan and then we will move on to writing the plan.

So preparing to plan.

We are going to be writing a diary entry written from the perspective of Florence Nightingale.

Now, to write from someone's perspective, we'll need to have a strong knowledge of their life.

Perspective means that we are writing as them.

We are pretending to be Florence Nightingale.

So to pretend to be Florence, you need to know a lot about her life so that you have as much as you can, the same knowledge in your head that she would've had in her head.

So particularly the part of her life which she is writing this diary entry.

That's what we'll be focusing on.

Now, the part of Florence's life that we are placing our diary entry in is the day after she arrived at the hospital in Scutari.

So the day after she arrived.

Let's learn about Florence Nightingale and what she did at the hospital.

In 1853, a war broke out in Crimea with France, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire, which is known as Turkey now, all fighting against Russia.

A British hospital was set up in Scutari in Turkey to care for all the sick and wounded soldiers.

And there were hundreds and thousands of these soldiers who were sick and wounded in the fighting in this place in Turkey, Scutari.

Now, the soldiers in Scutari were not well looked after in the hospital.

There were very few nurses to take care of them.

Standards of hygiene were poor and there were no proper medical care.

Many of the soldiers became sick from the terrible conditions in Scutari in the hospital.

So even if they were just wounded, let's say that they had hurt their leg or their arm, when they arrived at the hospital, the time they spent in the hospital, the conditions were so bad that they actually became sick from just being in the hospital too.

There was dirt and blood on the floors.

Soldiers were lying on the floors due to a lack of beds.

So there wasn't even enough beds for all the soldiers.

Bedsheets were blood stained.

So they had blood all over them.

There weren't clean bedsheets.

There were very low levels of medical equipment, such as clean bandages.

So something we might think, clean bandages, they must have had clean bandages.

They actually didn't have enough.

The drains were blocked and sewage was overflowing.

So this means that the toilets were not working properly and everything in the toilets was coming up and out, and you can imagine the smell.

That would be horrendous.

Rats would run around the hospital and on wounded soldiers, so the soldiers that were lying on the floor would have rats scampering over them.

The food that the soldiers had to eat was old and mouldy and often contained maggots 'cause it was so rotten and old that maggots started to grow inside.

And there were very few nurses and those that were there had little medical knowledge or experience.

So even the nurses that were there to care for the soldiers, they didn't really know what to do.

Now, Florence was desperate to travel to Scutari to help care for the soldiers in hospital there.

And she took a team of 38 nurses with her.

And after a long journey, they arrived in Scutari in Turkey.

And Florence, well, she was shocked at the awful conditions in the hospital.

Now, Florence started making changes to the hospital straight away.

She wanted to improve the conditions as much as she could.

Let's check your understanding on Florence's life so far in the knowledge that you've gained.

So the hospital in Scutari was very hygienic.

Now, is that true or is that false? The hospital in Scutari was very hygienic, true or false? Can you pause the video and decide true or false now? Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you were right.

The hospital in Scutari was very hygienic.

I'm afraid that was false.

The hospital was not very hygienic.

It was very unhygienic.

Can you say that word? Unhygienic.


Well done.

Now, our diary entry focuses on the day after Florence arrived at the hospital.

On this day, she made changes to improve the conditions, and these are some of the changes that she made.

She swept and scrubbed the floors.

She ensured all soldiers were in beds with clean sheets.

And ensured means she made sure something happened.

She made sure that all the soldiers were in beds with clean sheets.

She added new medical equipment, such as clean bandages.

She arranged for the drains to be unblocked.

That would've helped that awful smell, wouldn't it? She cleaned the whole hospital and got rid of any rats.

She organised for the food to be fresh and healthy.

And she brought with her nurses with knowledge and experience, and she trained those who needed to be trained.

So the nurses that she brought with her, those 38 nurses that came across from England with Florence, well, they were very experienced and they had excellent medical knowledge, so they knew what to do.

And any nurses that were already there that needed training, Florence trained them up.

Now, describing these actions in Florence's diary entry will involve you using lots of past tense verbs.

So it will involve you using lots of past tense verbs.

Now, here's an example.

Swept and scrubbed.

They are past tense verbs.

They are verbs.

They are doing words but doing words that happened already.

They've happened in the past, swept and scrubbed.

Yesterday I swept and scrubbed.

Last week I swept and scrubbed.

A second ago, I swept and scrubbed.

Tomorrow I will swept and scrubbed? No, past tense.

It means it has to have happened, not that it will happen or is happening now.


That's a past tense verb.

Added, arranged, cleaned, organised, brought, and trained.

These are all, say it with me, past tense verbs.

Good, past tense verbs.

So true or false? In a diary entry, you'll be mostly using past tense verbs.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide true or false now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you were right.

Is it true or is it false? Well done if you said true.

In a diary entry, you will be mostly using past tense verbs, like scrubbed and swept and organised.

So it's time for a task.

I would like you to fill in the table by writing the verbs in the past tense.

Now, the first one I've done for you.

So if you look at the right-hand column, it says present tense, scrub, in the past tense is scrubbed.

So you've got the present tense verbs, clean, train, arrange, add.

Your job is to give me the past tense of those verbs.

So the past tense of scrub is scrubbed.

But what's the past tense of clean? Yesterday I clean? Hmm, what could it be? Over to you.

Pause the video and complete your task now.

Welcome back, everyone.

How did you get on? Did you find it easy or was it a bit tricky? Let's see if you were right.

So we know that the present tense scrub, the past tense of scrub is scrubbed.

Yesterday I scrubbed the floors.


The past tense would be cleaned.

Well done if you said cleaned.


I must train the nurses.

Tomorrow I will train the nurses.

Yesterday I trained the nurses.


Well done.



I will arrange for this to happen.

This morning I arranged.

See, it doesn't even have to just be yesterday or further into the past.

It can be this morning.

If you're writing a diary entry, usually you'd write that at the end of the day.

So you might say, this morning I did this.

This afternoon I arranged for this to happen.

And the last one, add.

This afternoon I added, I added extra medical equipment that would help the soldiers who were sick.

Scrubbed, cleaned, trained, arranged, and added.

And what's interesting to me is I can see that they all end with -ed.

A past tense verb often ends with -ed.

That's a good thing to remember too.

Well done if you managed to complete that task correctly.

And if you didn't, have a look at these past tense verbs and remember them.

Okay, let's move on.

It's time now for writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Now, notes are short and capture key vocabulary and important information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

Notes guide us when writing.

So which two of these things are things that notes help us to capture? Is it A< full sentences? B, unimportant information.

C, key vocabulary.

Or D, important information.

Which two of these things are things that notes help us to capture? A, B, C, or D? You're looking for two correct answers.

Pause the video and have a go at finding those two things that notes help us to capture.

Off you go.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see.

Did you manage to find both? Did you manage to find the two correct answers? Let's have a look.

So which two of these are things that notes help us to capture? Do notes help us to capture A, full sentences? Absolutely not.

Notes do not help us to capture full sentences.

Notes are short and brief and not written in full sentences.

So it's not A.

B, unimportant information.

Do notes help us to capture unimportant information? No.

Unimportant information, well, if it's unimportant, it shouldn't be in your notes.

Notes is just for C, key vocabulary and D, important information.

Well done if you said C and D.

This plan will guide you in writing each sentence.

Your plan might contain past tense verbs, adverbs and joining words.

These are the things that we might use in our plan.

The part of Florence's life we are placing our diary entry in, and let's remind ourselves of this, is the day after she arrived at the hospital in Scutari.

Let's say it together.

The part of Florence's life we are placing our diary entry in is the day after she arrived at the hospital in Scutari.

That's when we are writing our diary entry, the day after she arrived.

So imagine yourself as Florence sitting perhaps in the late afternoon or evening writing about what you have done that day.

And it's the day after you arrive at the hospital in Scutari.

And this is what our plan will look like.

On the left, you see a column which says what happened/what you saw.

So that's what you write in the left.

On the right side, what you did.

And in brackets, I put past tense verb.

That's where your past tense verb will be.

Let's have a look as an example.

So what happened, what you saw.

Well, if you are Florence, you saw filthy floors covered in mud and blood.

Your job is to then put in what you did.

Now, Florence would've immediately scrubbed so that the floor was spotless in the hospital.

So I've got what happened, what you saw.

So I'm gonna talk as if I am Florence now 'cause I think that will help you.

So if this is my plan, I saw filthy floors covered in mud and blood.

And then what did I do? Well, I immediately scrubbed them so that the floor was spotless.

Now, these are notes, these are not full sentences, and I will take those next lesson into full sentences.

But today we are just planning.

Let's check our understanding.

Your plan will contain which three of the following things? Will your plan contain joining words, past tense verbs, adverbs, or full sentences? You're looking for not one, not two, but three correct answers.

So which are the three correct answers? Can you pause the video and choose those three correct answers for yourself now? Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see how you got on.

Did you find all three correct answers? Your plan will contain which three of the following things? It will contain joining words.

Well done if you said A.

It will contain past tense verbs.

Well done if you said B.

Is it C or is it D? Now, I know a plan does not contain full sentences, so it must be C, yes, A, B, and C were the correct answers.

Well done if you said A, B, and C.

Okay, it's time for you to have a go now.

I would like you to add more detail to the first column on your plan to highlight the key moments that you will include in this diary entry.

So I've started off each part of your plan for you on that left column.

So what happened/what you saw.

That's the column we're looking at.

Filthy floors covered in mud and blood.

You can add more detail to that.

You can say more things that you saw in that moment in that first box.

Then I've got in my second box down, not enough beds.

Third box, mouldy food.

Now, you can extend those and add more detail to them.

Not enough beds.

You might talk about well, there weren't enough beds.

So what was happening? What did you see? What could you see happening in that hospital room at that moment? Same with the mouldy food.

There was mouldy food.

So what did it look like? What did it smell like? What else did you see next to the mouldy food? On the mouldy food? That's what you'll put in that first column.

We are not worrying about the right-hand side column at the moment, what you did, we will focus on that after.

First of all, add more detail to the first column on your plan to highlight the key moments you will include in this diary entry.

Pause the video and add that detail now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see how you got on.

So the extra detail you might have added.

Filthy floors covered in mud and blood.

And I put hospital, dirty, unhygienic.

So that's what happened in that first moment.

You realised how dirty and unhygienic the hospital was when you saw the mud and the blood on the floors.

Next one, not enough beds.

And then the further detail I've added, soldiers lying on the dirty floors.

And then what else is happening on those floors? What else could you see? Rats running around.

Third box down, mouldy food, some containing maggots.

So that's an extra detail I've added.

Well done for adding the extra detail onto your plan.

If there's any extra detail that I've added that you would like to add to yours, then pause the video and have a go at that now too.

Let's move on, shall we? It's time for another practise task.

I would like you to fill in the second column about what you did.

Now, this will contain a past tense verb.

Can you add an adverb that describes what you did? So you can see in my example, I've got scrubbed as my past tense verb and immediately is the adverb that describes what I did.

It's how I scrubbed.

I did it immediately.

And then I've added floor was spotless too.

So your job in this right-hand column is to add what you did.

Left hand is what you saw, what happened, and the right-hand column is what you did, what you did to improve that situation.

In the first box I've put immediately, that's my adverb, and scrubbed, that's my past tense verb.

Over to you now.

Pause the video and fill in that right-hand side column on what you did, including a past tense verb and an adverb, and have a go at this now.

Welcome back, everyone.

I'm so intrigued to see how you got on.

Let's have a look at an example.

So for the second box down, we had not enough beds, soldiers lying on the dirty floors and rats running around.

That's what happened.

That's what you saw.

What you did was you quickly, there's my adverb already, quickly ensured every soldier in a bed and clean bedsheets.

So ensured is my past tense verb.

It means to make sure of something and quickly is the adverb.

I made sure very quickly that every soldier was in a bed and they had clean bedsheets.

How about this last box then? We had mouldy food, some containing maggots.

What did you do about that mouldy food? Let's have a look at the notes.

Finally organised for some food to be fresh.

So finally, the last thing you did that day was you finally organised for food to be fresh and healthy, not mouldy.

So that's what you did in response to that mouldy food.

Well done for completing all of your plan.

If there's anything on my plan that you would like to steal, then pause the video and add it to your plan now.

Okay, let's summarise the learning that we have done today.

Writing in a diary will mostly be in which tense? The past tense.

Well done.

Past tense tells the reader something happened before now.

And notes are used when making a plan and they are short and only capture key vocabulary and important information.

Well done today.

Excellent planning.

You are ready to use that planning to write a diary entry as Florence Nightingale.