
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

My name is Mr. Brown.

And I am your English teacher for today's lesson.

And we are going to be planning, planning the build-up of a fantastic animation called ""Lucky Dip." So let's get planning, shall we? The outcome for today's lesson is, I can plan the build-up of "Lucky Dip." The keywords we will use are ambitious vocabulary and planning.

Let's say this together.

My turn, then your turn.

Ambitious vocabulary, planning.


Well done.

Okay, so we will start by preparing to plan and then move on to writing the plan itself.

"Lucky Dip" can be structured like this, opening, build-up, climax, and resolution.

This is a story staircase, and we today are focusing on planning the build-up.

Now the purpose of the build-up is to do these things.

A build-up needs to develop the plot and characters, introduce a problem, and build up tension and excitement.

These are the things that a build-up must do.

Now here is the story of "Lucky Dip" structured on a story staircase, and you can see today we're focusing on the build-up.

Let's check our understanding.

The purpose of the build-up is.

Is it A, to solve a problem, B, to develop the characters, C, to introduce the characters, or D, to introduce a problem? Hmm.

What do you think? Might be one answer, might be more than one correct answer.

Pause the video and decide for yourself now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you managed to find the correct answers.

So, A, to solve a problem, absolutely not.

We do not solve a problem in the build-up.

B, to develop the characters, yes, this is where we want to develop the characters a little bit more.

The ones that we've introduced in the opening, we would develop them and find a little bit more out about them.

To introduce the characters, well, no, that's the opening.

To introduce a problem, yes, that would happen in the build-up too.

So we introduce a problem and we develop the characters.

Well done if you've said B and D.

So let's look at the build-up.

In the build-up, we develop the characters and introduce the problem.

Now, Emily, she's our main character.

She enters the strange and scary arcade.

She sees the Pin Man and hides.

Then she sees the magical bunny, but is taken out by her granddad.

Taken out of the arcade.

This is our build-up.

This is everything that we need to include in our build-up.

But let's watch the build-up, shall we? Let's watch this section, just the build-up, to see exactly what the build-up will contain.

So let's watch the build-up of "Lucky Dip" now.

(feet tapping) (calm music) (machine whining) (handle cranking) (machine beeping) (feet tapping) (handle cranking) (machine beeping) (handle cranking) (machine beeping) (Emily sighs) (machine beeping) (eerie music) (machine beeping) (eerie music) (coin rattles) (machine buzzes) (machine whining) (machine squeaks) (eerie music) <v ->Whoa.

</v> (eerie music) (flags flapping) (chair squeaks) (wind swooshing) (rain spraying) (coin rattles) (machine buzzes) (machine whining) (machine cracking) (machine squeaking) (machine whining) (door creaks) (eerie music) (feet tapping) (eerie music) <v ->Welcome back.

Did you enjoy watching the build-up?</v> I felt that the build-up of "Lucky Dip" really matches what we talked about a build-up should contain.

It develops the characters.

It introduces a problem.

Now let's read an example of the build-up.

We've seen an example, but now let's read so that we know what we are aiming to write.

Emily placed her cold quivering hand on the splintered wooden door of the arcade and gradually pushed it open.

Then the nervous girl quietly shuffled across a dark room towards several colourful arcade machines.

Suddenly she saw a terrifying huge man.

He had sharp pointy pins sticking out of his bald head and his wide angry eyes were staring straight at her.

In a flash, Emily darted frantically behind a machine to hide.

A moment later, she saw a soft, fluffy bunny inside a Lucky Dipper machine and curiously edged towards it.

It was alive.

She couldn't believe her eyes, but her granddad grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

Would she ever be able to help this magical bunny? And that's our build-up.

So we've seen the animation.

We've read a build-up.

We know what we are aiming towards.

Now let's get planning.

When we plan, we generate ambitious vocabulary for us to use in our writing.

The vocabulary we'll generate will be verbs and adverbs and adjectives and nouns.

Now using ambitious vocabulary means using words that are precise and descriptive.

They paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind and make writing exciting to read.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of these will not be in our plan? Is it A, verbs and adverbs? B, adjectives and nouns? Or C, full sentences? Which of these will not be in our plan? Pause the video and decide for yourself now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Let's see if you found the correct answer, which will not be in our plan? Now we said that there will be verbs and adverbs in our plan.

There will be adjectives and nouns, but there will not be full sentences.

We do not include full sentences in a plan.

So well done if you said C.

Let's review the key moments of the build-up.

Emily enters the strange and scary arcade.

That's what happens first.

Emily sees the Pin Man and hides.

Emily sees the magical bunny, but is taken out by her granddad.

Let me check your understanding.

I would like you to order the key moments of the build-up.

So we have Emily sees the magical bunny, but is taken out by her granddad.

What number is that? Is it one, two, or three? Emily sees the Pin Man and hides, again, one, two, or three? Emily enters the strange arcade, a strange and scary arcade.

Is that one, two, or three? Put a number next to each of these and order the key moments of the build-up.

Pause the video and do this now.

Welcome back, let's see if you ordered these key moments of the build-up correctly.

Number one, Emily enters the strange and scary arcade, this happens first.

Then Emily sees the Pin Man and hides, that happens second.

Then third, Emily sees the magical bunny, but is taken out by her granddaughter.

Well done if you ordered those key moments correctly.

So let's look at each moment in more detail.

Emily touches the door of the arcade.

She pushes the door open.

She walks inside the arcade.

We need to generate verbs and adverbs to describe the action in this moment.

So verbs are doing or being words and adverbs are words that describe verbs.

Now the action in this moment is her opening the door and walking in.

The verbs that I have generated are touched, pushed, stepped, shuffled.

She touches the door.

She pushes the door.

She steps inside.

She shuffles inside.

I may only use one of touched or pushed.

I may only use one of stepped or shuffled, but I'm generating more than I need at this moment, and that's what planning is all about.

Now I've got adverbs that I feel can go with these, could help the reader to understand how she touched, how she pushed, how she stepped, how she shuffled: gently, gradually, quietly, nervously.

And the amazing thing about adverbs and verbs is sometimes they are a little bit interchangeable.

So I can use, she nervously touched the door of the arcade, but I could also use, she gently touched the door of the arcade.

She quietly touched the door of the arcade.

She gradually pushed the door of the arcade open and went inside.

Emily quietly stepped into the arcade.

You can see that I'm playing around with which verb and which adverb I want to use.

And also verbs and adverbs are interchangeable in terms of their position.

So I could say Emily gently touched the door of the arcade, but I could also say Emily touched gently the door of the arcade.

Really interesting, Emily gently touched the door.

Emily shuffled nervously into the arcade.

This is an example of how you might use these verbs and adverbs.

We also need to generate adjectives to describe the important nouns in this moment.

So nouns are people, places, or things.

And adjectives are words that describe nouns.

Now important nouns in this moment are her hand, because that's the part of her body that she places on the door, the door itself, and of course the arcade.

So the adjectives I've got are for hand, cold, quivering, shivering, tiny.

So cold, because she's come out from the cold.

She's gonna have a cold hand.

Quivering, because she's nervous, shivering, same thing.

And tiny, I want to give an impression to the reader.

I want to make them understand how small she is, because when she goes into the arcade and sees the Pin Man, it's going to feel like she's in more danger if she's very small and he's very big.

Okay, how 'bout the door? Splintered, wooden, old.

So this is an abandoned arcade, which means that people are not meant to be going in there.

So it could've been like this for a long time.

So I've made the door seem splintered, like it's not new.

It's very old.

I've used old as an adjective too.

Wooden, to say the material it's made from.

Splintered means when there are little tiny shards of wood sticking out from something.

And you can actually get a splinter in your finger and it's gonna be quite uncomfortable.

Then we have arcade.

And this is describing the whole of the arcade.

So abandoned, which we know, because it says keep out on the front.

Dark, straight away, it's building more atmosphere.

I'm making it seem scarier by calling it dark.

Creepy, mysterious, mysterious arcade.

We don't know about it.

We have unanswered questions about it.

Is it safe? Is it not safe? Mysterious is a good adjective to describe the arcade.

So let's use an example, cold quivering hand, splintered wooden door.

You would take two of those adjectives and put that with the noun to make an expanded noun phrase.

We'll also be planning this moment from the build-up.

This is when Emily sees the Pin Man, she hides behind the arcade machine.

And this moment too, Emily sees the Lucky Dipper machine and walks towards it.

She sees a bunny come to life, but then her granddad pulls her away.

So there are three key moments, and we've broken those moments down to look at them in a little more detail.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false, in the build-up, Emily knows that the Pin Man is a kind character.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, so in the build-up, does Emily know that the Pin Man is a kind character? Absolutely not, she does not know that he's a kind character.

And we as the audience, as the reader do not know.

The feeling we had when we first watched "Lucky Dip," we felt that the Pin Man was not going to be a kind character.

We know now that at the ending, he is, but Emily does not know that he's a kind character, and we need to describe the Pin Man accordingly.

We need to make him feel and seem scary, unkind, dangerous.

Time for a task.

I would like you to fill in the blanks with ambitious vocabulary from the box below.

You can see I've got my adjectives and nouns in the box below and I've got some blanks for you to fill in with that ambitious vocabulary.

Emily slowly placed a something, something hand, so that's two adjectives to describe her hand, on the something comma something door full stop.

She took a deep breath and quietly crept inside the something comma something arcade.

So you're going to be describing the hand, the door, and the arcade by choosing ambitious adjectives from our plan below.

Over to you.

Pause the video and gave a go at this task now.

Welcome back.

Let's see how you got on.

So I have chosen Emily slowly placed a tiny comma shivering hand, but you could've said quivering comma cold hand and they would both be acceptable answers.

Old wooden door is what I went for to describe the door and the arcade, I said, dark comma abandoned arcade.

Well done if you managed to choose ambitious vocabulary from our plan to fill in the blanks in these sentences.

Okay, let's move on to writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

When we're making notes, we would use bullet points.

Now bullet points look like this, a bit like a large, thicker, full stop floating in between the lines, and then we would write something next to it.

Let's check your understanding, what is the purpose of notes? Is it A, to give the writer something to copy word for word? B, to record words the writer won't use in their writing? Or C, to help the writer to organise information easily for future use, A, B, or C? What is the purpose of notes? Pause the video and decide A, B, or C now.

Welcome back, let's see if you managed to find the correct answer.

So what is the purpose of notes? Well, A, to give the writer something to copy word for word? Absolutely not.

We do not copy our notes out word for word.

That is not the purpose of notes.

B, to record words the writer won't use in the writing? Well, if it's a word you're not going to use, it shouldn't be in your notes.

C is the correct answer, to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

Well done if you said C.

Time for a task.

I would like you to fill in the first part of the plan with ambitious vocabulary to use when writing this moment from the build-up.

And here's the key moment.

It's Emily touching the door, opening it, and walking inside.

And your job is to fill in the verbs and adverbs and adjectives and nouns.

I have started you off with these verbs and adverbs or verb and adverb, gently touched.

And in terms of adjectives and nouns, old comma wooden door.

So you can see that's an expanded noun phrase that I've collected in my notes.

Your job is to fill in the rest.

So verbs and adverbs, adjectives and nouns, ambitious vocabulary.

Pause the video and complete this part of your plan now.

Welcome back, let's see what ambitious vocabulary you collected in your plan.

So I went for gently touched, gradually pushed, so I'm now talking about the door.

So the next thing is perhaps her walking inside, so I went for quietly crept and nervously shuffled, because I couldn't decide, perhaps which one of those I wanted to go for in my writing, so I thought I would keep both in my plan and then use them when I come to writing, decide which one I want to go for.

Adjectives and nouns, I've got tiny cold hand to describe her hand.

The door, old wooden door and a dark, mysterious arcade, and abandoned arcade.

And again, same reason I have generated both of these, because I'm not sure if I'm going to describe it as a darker, mysterious arcade or an abandoned arcade.

I will decide that when it comes to writing.

Okay, time to fill in the second part of your plan with this key moment where Emily sees the Pin Man and then she hides.

This is verbs and adverbs, adjectives and nouns, exactly the same as you did in the first part.

So I'll start you off with suddenly saw.

She suddenly saw the Pin Man.

And of course I've got to describe that Pin Man: huge, terrifying figure.

Okay, let's keep generating that ambitious vocabulary, shall we? Pause the video and complete this part of your plan now.

Welcome back, okay, let's see how you got on.

I went for suddenly saw, angrily glared to describe how the Pin Man looked at Emily.

Okay, so now I need to get Emily darting behind the machine, so I went for frantically darted to describe her hiding and desperately hid to say what she was doing.

Then adjectives and nouns, huge, terrifying figure describing the Pin Man, wide bulging eyes if I want to make him sound terrifying and scary, describing his eyes as wide and bulging is a great way to do that.

Horrified little girl, so I've now switched back to describing how Emily is in this moment, what she's like.

That's what the adjectives will do.

And broken games machine, describing the machine that she's hiding behind.

So now it's on to the third and final part of our plan, which is the moment where Emily sees the bunny, goes to take it, or goes to it rather, I should say, and her granddad comes in and he takes her out of the arcade.

I'll start you off again.

Quickly noticed, Emily quickly noticed the machine, and I'm gonna talk about the machine.

Illuminated machine is the adjective I've gone for to describe that machine.

Illuminated is when something is lit up.

And of course the machine had lots of lights around it.

So illuminated machine.

Okay, it's over to you.

Now you know what to do.

Third part of your plan, pause the video and complete this part now.

Welcome back, let's see how the third part of your plan looks.

So I went for quickly noticed, curiously moved to describe how Emily was going towards the Lucky Dipper machine, gazed speechless, what moment do you think this is going to be used for? Of course when she sees the bunny come to life.

And grabbed swiftly.

Who grabbed who swiftly? Absolutely, her granddad grabbed her swiftly and took her out of the arcade.

Let's check my adjectives and nouns.

I've got illuminated machine, soft fluffy bunny, magical adorable toy, so you can see that shift.

He's a soft fluffy bunny before he turns magical and then magical adorable toy.

And astounded girl.

She is astounded, which means she's so surprised and shocked, astounded girl.

Let's summarise the learning that we've done in today's lesson.

The purpose of the build-up is to develop the plot and characters, introduce a problem, and build up tension and excitement.

Our plan will contain ambitious vocabulary.

Our plan will contain nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs.

And using ambitious vocabulary helps to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind and make writing exciting to read.

Excellent work today.

You have planned the build-up of "Lucky Dip", so you will be ready to write it.

I will see you again very soon.