
Lesson video

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Hello everyone, It's Mr. Brown here with your English lesson.

And today we are planning, we are going to be planning the climax of, ""Lucky Dip." Now we know that climax is the most exciting part of the story, so our planning today is going to be really important.

Let's get started.

The outcome for today's lesson is I can plan the climax of, ""Lucky Dip." The key words we'll use are ambitious vocabulary and planning.

Let's say those together.

My turn, then your turn.

Ambitious vocabulary, planning.

Perfect, so we will start by preparing to plan and then move on to writing the plan itself.

Now, "Lucky Dip," can be structured like this into a story staircase with an opening, a buildup, a climax and a resolution.

Now we are planning the climax in this lesson.

Now, the purpose of the climax is to do these things, it is to describe the significant challenge or problem and to create the highest point of tension and excitement.

And the last thing we'll do is keep the reader engaged and interested.

This is the most exciting part of our story, where we will describe, not just the problem, like in the buildup, not introducing the problem, we will describe how significant and challenging that problem is.

Then we will create the highest point of tension and excitement.

We want our reader to be full of suspense, not knowing what is going to happen next and finally, we will keep the reader engaged and interested.

They will be hooked at this point, there is not a chance they will not want to read the resolution, because we will have them in the palm of our hands.

So here's the story of "Lucky Dip," structured on a story staircase, and we can see the climax.

This is when Emily reaches in, grabs the bunny after the machine has been knocked over by The Pin Man.

She then sees The Pin Man approaching her, so walks backwards, doesn't realise there is a hole behind her, falls through the hole, lands on the sand, the bunny runs away, and just when you think things couldn't get any worse for her, The Pin Man reaches down and grabs her and that's the end of the climax.

the purpose of the climax is A, to solve a problem, B, to describe the problem, C, to create lots of tension and D, to introduce a problem.

Hmm, what do you think the purpose of the climax is? Pause the video and decide the purpose of the climax, now.

Welcome back, so purpose of the climax is it's to solve a problem, well, no, that will come in the resolution.

To describe the problem, yes, we will be describing the problem in detail in the climax.

To create lots of tension, absolutely.

To introduce a problem, no, that comes in the buildup.

So B and C were the correct answers.

Well done if you said B and C.

In the climax, we describe the problem and create lots of tension, we know that Emily goes back into the arcade.

She trips over, The Pin Man pushes over the lucky dipper machine and she grabs the bunny.

That's the first key moment in the climax.

Then she sees The Pin Man coming towards her, walks backwards and falls down a hole.

Finally, she lands on the sand, the bunny runs away and then The Pin Man grabs her.

This is our climax that we are writing, but let's watch it.

Let's watch just the climax so we can see exactly what it contains.

So we will now watch the climax of "Lucky Dip." (electricity crackling) (thunder rumbling) (eerie music) (body thudding) (coin rattling) (the bunny thudding) (dramatic music) (thunder rumbling) (Lucky dipper chiming) (Emily gasping) (floorboards creaking) (Emily exclaiming) (pensive music) (waves splashing) (the bunny thudding) (body thudding) (Emily sniffing) (dramatic music) Welcome back, did you enjoy the climax? Did you feel that it was the most exciting part of the story? Absolutely, now we've seen a climax, let's read a climax so we know exactly what we're aiming to write.

Okay, here we go, the climax.

"Quickly, Emily ran back inside the arcade, but fell over onto the hard wooden floor.

Suddenly the horrifying Pin Man used his muscular tattooed arm to violently push over the lucky dipper machine and it smashed instantly.

Emily reached through the shattered sharp glass to grab the bunny, but The Pin Man was walking towards her.

Nervously, the little girl stepped backwards, but fell through a dark jagged hole in the arcade floor, would this be the end of poor Emily? Gradually she opened her eyes and realised that she had landed on the soft golden sand.

Emily held the magical bunny, but he swiftly wriggled free and ran away.

Tears filled Emily's eyes.

At that moment, The Pin Man's arms reached down and grabbed Emily, and she was thrust into the air!" Wow, okay, real cliffhanger at the end of the climax, what's gonna happen to her? Okay, so this is our climax.

Let's think about planning.

When we plan, we generate ambitious vocabulary for us to use in our writing.

The ambitious vocabulary we'll generate will include verbs and adverbs and adjectives and nouns.

Using ambitious vocabulary means using words that are precise and descriptive.

They paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind and make writing exciting to read.

That's what we're aiming for.

Let's check our understanding.

Which of these will not be in our plan? Verbs and adverbs, adjectives and nouns or full sentences, which will not be in our plan? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, let's see if you found the correct answer.

Now, verbs and adverbs and adjectives and nouns, they will be in our plan, so it's full sentences.

We do not write full sentences in a plan.

Well done if you said C.

Let's review the key moments of the climax.

So we have Emily goes back into the arcade and trips over.

Pin Man pushes over the machine and Emily grabs the bunny.

Then, Emily sees Pin Man coming towards her, she walks backwards and falls down a hole.

Then Emily lands on the sand, the bunny runs away and The Pin Man grabs her.

Let's check if you can order these key moments of the climax correctly.

So put a number one, two, and three next to each of these moments.

Pause the video and order these key moments of the climax, now.

Welcome back, let's see if you managed to do this correctly.

So we have got number one, Emily goes back into the arcade, trips over, The Pin Man pushes over the machine and Emily grabs the bunny.

That's the first key moment.

Number two, Emily sees The Pin Man coming towards her, she walks backwards and falls down the hole.

Number three, Emily lands on the sand, the bunny runs away and then The Pin Man reaches down and grabs her.

Well done if you ordered those correctly.

Now we're going to look at each key moment, but in a bit more detail.

So this first key moment, we know that Emily goes back into the arcade and trips over.

Then The Pin Man pushes over the machine, which smashes.

Now because it's smashed, Emily can then reach into the broken machine and grab the bunny, something she hasn't been able to do until this point.

Now we need to generate verbs and adverbs to describe the action in this moment.

Verbs are doing or being words and adverbs are words that describe verbs.

Now the action in this moment, and there's a lot of it, and there will be in the climax, it's Emily tripping over, Pin Man shoving the machine and then her grabbing the bunny.

So I've picked three verbs, which I will use, which is, tripped, shoved, grabbed, and then the adverbs I've got are, accidentally, she accidentally tripped.

Aggressively, The Pin Man aggressively shoved the machine over.

And then eagerly grabbed or grabbed eagerly, we know that we can switch these around, they're interchangeable.

So just to see how these will look, Emily accidentally tripped over, Pin Man aggressively shoved the lucky dipper machine.

Now, we also need to generate adjectives and nouns in this moment.

So the nouns are the people, places, or things and the adjectives are words that describe the nouns.

So the important nouns in this moment are the floor, when Emily falls onto the floor, Pin Man's arm, because I'm gonna describe how he used his arm to push over the machine and then the glass.

Now you may disagree, you may choose different nouns, these are the ones that I'm choosing.

The adjectives that I've picked for floor are hard, because I want it to seem uncomfortable, the fact that she's fallen over.

Uneven, that gives a little bit of an explanation as to how or why she fell over, wooden, the material it's made from and splintered, again, making that floor seem more uncomfortable, just creating more of an atmosphere of danger for Emily.

Arm, so this is The Pin Man's arm, muscular, tattooed, hairy, huge.

I tried to think of how I could describe his arm to really make him seem threatening and scary and so I focused on his muscles, the tattoos on his arm, his hair and how big his arm is.

And then with the glass.

So we want this glass to sound dangerous, as it is of course, broken glass is dangerous, but I've described it as shattered, broken, sharp and jagged.

So these are the adjectives that I've generated and here's how they will sound, hard wooden floor, muscular tattooed arm.

Now, we will also be planning this moment from the climax.

So this is Emily seeing The Pin Man coming towards her, her walking backwards away from him and then her falling down the hole.

And we'll have this moment, this is our third key moment.

This is Emily landing on the sand underneath the pier, the bunny running away, and then The Pin Man reaching down and grabbing her.

Let's check your understanding.

In the climax, Emily pushes over the lucky dipper machine to get the bunny, is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide for yourself now.

Welcome back.

Let's see, in the climax, is it Emily who pushes over the lucky dipper machine? Absolutely not, it is of course, tell me, The Pin Man.

You are right, The Pin Man pushes over the lucky dipper machine.

Okay, time for a practise task.

I would like you to fill in the blanks with ambitious vocabulary from the box below and there it is.

So you have got the ambitious adjectives I generated for the floor, The Pin Man's arm, and the broken glass.

Your job is to choose two adjectives to describe each of those things and then put them into the sentences.

So we have Emily accidentally tripped and fell onto the something, something, floor.

Suddenly The Pin Man appeared and aggressively shoved over the lucky dipper machine using his something, something, arm.

And then finally, the machine was smashed.

So Emily reached through the something, something, glass to grab the body.

What do we think? Pause the video and fill in the blanks with ambitious vocabulary from the box at the bottom of the page now.

Welcome back, let's see how you got on.

I wonder if your choices will be the same as mine.

Emily accidentally tripped over and fell onto the hard, uneven floor.

Suddenly The Pin Man appeared and aggressively shoved over the lucky dipper machine using his muscular, tattooed arm.

The machine was smashed, so Emily reached through the shattered, jagged glass to grab the body.

Well done for completing this task and adding that ambitious vocabulary to describe the nouns in each sentence.

Let's move on to writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

Now we use bullet points when we're note taking and bullet points, they look like this, like a thick full stop floating in between the lines.

And you would write each bullet point with its own dot and then you would write some information next to it.

Let's check your understanding.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information, is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide for yourself, now.

Welcome back, notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information is absolutely true, they do! They are concise and they do capture key vocabulary and information.

Well done if you said true.

Time for a practise task, I would like you to fill in the first part of your plan with ambitious vocabulary to use when writing this moment of the climax.

So here is the first part of your plan that I would like you to fill in.

The key moment is Emily tripping over, The Pin Man, smashing the machine, and Emily grabbing the bunny.

Your job is to fill in the verbs and adverbs and the adjectives and nouns.

And I've started this off for you, with accidentally tripped as verb and adverb and adjectives, hard, uneven flaw.

Your job is to fill in both of those sections so that you have a plan for this key moment, which is full of ambitious vocabulary.

Okay, it's over to you.

Pause the video and fill in the first part of your plan now.

Welcome back, let's see how you got on.

So we knew we had accidentally tripped as a verb and adverb that will be describing how Emily accidentally tripped over.

Aggressively shoved, The Pin Man, pushing over the machine.

Eagerly reached, the way that Emily reached in through the glass.

And quickly grabbed, she quickly grabbed the bunny.

The adjectives and nouns I've chosen are hard, uneven floor, muscular, tattooed arm, shattered, jagged glass and shocked, excited bunny.

So the bunny is shocked that he is finally free from the lucky dipper machine and excited because, well, perhaps the bunny never thought that he would make it out.

Okay, time to have a go at the second key moment.

This is the second part of our plan with The Pin Man coming towards Emily, Emily walking backwards and then falling down the hole.

So I've got menacingly moved, to describe The Pin Man approaching her and angry, petrifying Pin Man.

Your job, to finish this part of our plan, pause the video and have a go, now.

Welcome back everyone, let's see how you got on.

So Menacingly moved, anxiously stepped, would that be The Pin Man? Would he be anxiously stepping? No, that would be Emily stepping backwards.

Emily anxiously stepped backwards away from The Pin Man.

Suddenly fell, of course, Emily falling through the hole.

And we've got adjectives and nouns, angry, petrifying Pin Man, I've just put PM, because I didn't have room to write Pin Man, so I just thought I put PM.

In notes, it's absolutely fine to use abbreviations, to just use letters to help you remember something.

Terrified, trembling girl and dark, ominous hole.

Okay, the third key moment and the final part of your plan.

This is Emily landing on the sand, the bunny running away and PM grabs E.

What do I mean? Ah, of course Pin Man grabs Emily.

So I'll start you off with gradually opened, gradually opened.

This is when Emily gradually opens her eyes.

She falls onto the sand and the shock and the impact of that makes her close her eyes and she gradually opens them to see where she is.

And I've described her eyes as tear-filled, wide eyes.

So something is full of something you can say it's filled, tear-filled, tear-filled wide eyes.

Okay, over to you.

This is the last part of our plan for the climax, so take your time, think carefully, ambitious vocabulary, as ambitious as you can.

Pause the video and complete this part of your plan now.

Welcome back, let's see how you got on.

Okay, so I've got gradually opened for Emily's eyes.

Quickly wriggled, the bunny quickly wriggled away from her.

Swiftly reached, The Pin Man swiftly reached down and tightly grabbed.

He tightly grabbed her arms and lifted her into the air, didn't he? So adjectives and nouns, tear-filled eyes for Emily, mischievous bunny, huge, horrifying Pin Man and frightened little girl.

This might be the last thing I write.

He lifted the frightened little girl into the air.

So that's the way of describing how Emily feels in that moment.

Let's summarise the learning that we've done today.

The purpose of the climax is to describe the problem and create the highest point of tension.

Our plan will contain ambitious vocabulary.

Our plan will contain nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

Using ambitious vocabulary helps to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind and make your writing exciting to read, which is exactly what we are aiming for in a climax.

Well done today, brilliant planning.

I think you are ready.

I think you're ready to write the climax of, "Lucky Dip." And I hope to see you again very soon.