
Lesson video

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Hello, everyone.

It's Mr. Brown here with your English lesson for today.

And today we are generating, we're generating a vocabulary for instructions.

And those instructions are for how to make a monster pizza.

So we are going to be generating vocabulary and ideas that we can include in those instructions for how to make a monster pizza.

So we've got so much to do today.

Let's get started, shall we? The outcome for today's lesson is, I can generate ideas and vocabulary to use when writing instructions for how to make a monster pizza.

The key words we'll use in our lesson today are imagination, noun, adjective.

Let's say those together.

My turn, then your turn.

Imagination, noun, adjective.


Well done.

Okay, so we're gonna start our lesson by generating ideas, and then we'll move on to generating vocabulary.

But first I have a question for you.

Do you enjoy using your imagination? Your imagination is a unique tool that can help you to create absolutely anything just by using your mind.

You can think of made-up settings, characters, objects that do not exist in real life.

There are no restrictions, anything.

The only limit you have is your imagination itself.

So if I ask you to create a character or a made-up world, each of you will come up with a different thing because your imaginations are different.

And depending on how creative your imagination can be is how creative the world can be or the character can be.

Now, you'll need your imagination today because we are going to be generating ideas for making our very own monster pizza.

So forget the pizzas you've seen before.

Forget that.

Forget cheese and tomatoes, and start using your imagination to get creative.

So what do you think a monster would like on their pizza? Hmm.

Let's take a moment to think.

What would a monster like on their pizza? Can you think of some ingredients that are strange, unique, and wonderful? Share some ideas with your partner.

Share the ideas you have so far.

What do you think a monster would like on their pizza? What are we going to make this pizza from? What will be the ingredients? Pause the video and share with your partner your initial ideas; the ideas that first popped into your imagination.

Off you go.

And welcome back, everyone.

Incredible discussions.

Such imaginative ideas.

Really, really good.

This is the kind of imagination that we are looking for in this lesson.

Well done.

So let's have a go, shall we? Let's, first of all, get our imaginations working by drawing a quick sketch of the monster who we'll make a pizza for.

So remember, the only limit is your imagination.

Now I'm going to show you my monster.

Oh, my goodness! Green, spiky hair, red eyes, thick, black eyebrows.

Look at those teeth (gasps) and those, what are they? Sort of pink arms sticking out from the side of his head.

Oh! Now that is an imaginative monster, but I know that you can come up with something even more creative, even more imaginative.

So remember, this is just a quick game, so we won't let it take too long.

We're going to do a quick sketch on a whiteboard or a piece of paper of the monster who you will make this pizza for.

And remember, anything goes, anything.

If you would like this monster to have, let's say, blue worms for hair, you can do that, one green eye, black, pointy teeth, pink fur on its body, eight arms and four legs, a giant belly button, and one huge, red eyebrow, anything.

So it's your turn.

Draw your monster by using your imagination.

And feel free to take any of the ideas that I just suggested to you, the ones that are listed on screen.

I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Pause the video and get drawing your monsters now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Okay, show me.

Let me see.

Wow, I did not expect to see a monster like that.

Oh, oh, it's quite scary, isn't it? Oh yeah.

Brilliant job.

I can see how much you have used your imagination to create that monster.

Incredible! You are definitely going to enjoy today's lesson.

So let's generate some ideas for the toppings on our monster pizza.

Now, the pizzas you may have seen before probably had meat or vegetables on, but your monster pizza, well, that's going to be very different.

It can have anything on, and remember, monsters like disgusting things.

So the stranger, the better! Anything you want can be a topping on your pizza.

Let's just make it as disgusting as we can.

Now I have started generating ideas for toppings on our monster pizzas.

And what I would like you to do first is talk to your partner and share any ideas that you have.

Now, I've started you off with a giant's brains.

So picture a huge giant, something like in "Jack and the Beanstalk", the giant that lives at the top of the beanstalk.

Now imagine its brains.

And the other idea I had was fish eyes.

Fish eyes, that's it.

Disgusting, squelchy, slimy fish eyes.

So they're the two ideas that I have started you off with.

It's now down to you and your imaginations.

And sharing these ideas with your partner will help your partner, too.

So what I'd like you to do is to pause the video and start generating some ideas, and then I'll show you a few more of mine.

So, giant's brains, fish eyes, what else? Pause the video and let's generate some ideas now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Brilliant generating.

I can see you've got so many interesting, disgusting ideas for toppings on our monster pizzas.

Some of the other ideas I had, I'd like to share with you now, slime sauce.

I thought that could be a good.

'Cause every pizza needs a sauce, so this could be a good base for our pizza, slime sauce.

A dragon's toenail.

So picture how big a dragon's toenail might be.

What would it be made of? Maybe it'd be very hard, maybe crusty, maybe have some fungus in there.



Really, I think a monster pizza would definitely enjoy spiderwebs on there.

Alien eggs, really simple, so effective, alien eggs.

Mermaid scales.

That is an imaginative one.

So a mermaid's tale will be full of hundreds and thousands of scales.

So maybe some of those scales.

Ah, and vampire fangs.

Yeah, vampire fangs.

We have got some really good ideas there.

And with all of your ideas, I think we're in a great position.

Let's check our understanding.

Which of these toppings would not be suitable for a monster pizza? So which one of these would not be suitable for a monster pizza? Is it A, a troll's ear wax, B, sweetcorn, or C, slug sweat? A, B, or C? Which one would not be suitable for a monster pizza? Not a normal pizza, a monster pizza.

Pause the video and decide which one would not be suitable now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Okay, so which one of these would not be suitable for monster pizza? Well, A, a troll's ear wax I think would be brilliant for a monster pizza.

I think a monster pizza would be made so much more disgusting by troll's ear wax being spread on the top.

C, slug sweat.

I didn't even know slugs could sweat, but I think it's a great idea.


I like sweetcorn.

I like it on a pizza, but not on a monster pizza.

It is not imaginative.

It's not disgusting.

It's just sweetcorn.

So if you put B, that one would not be suitable, you're correct.

Well done.

Okay, time for a practise.

I would like you to generate as many ideas as you can for toppings that could go on your monster pizza.

Now be as creative as you can by using your, tell me, imagination.


Use that imagination.

And you can take inspiration from the following: So think about magical creatures such as giants, trolls, goblins, any magical creatures.

You could use them and then pick perhaps a part of their body.

So we had a dragon's toenail, or we had a giant's brains or troll's ear wax.

All of these are great.

Creepy animals such as spiders, slugs, snakes, things that people are a bit afraid of, animals that people find a bit creepy and uncomfortable.

These would be perfect for a monster pizza.

Okay, it's over to you now.

I would like you to pause the video and generate as many ideas as you can for toppings.

Don't worry about describing them with adjectives, just the nouns.

So toppings that we can use on a monster pizza.

Pause the video and generate as many as you can, as disgusting as you can now.

And welcome back.

Let's see some of the ideas that I came up with to see if they were as creative and as imaginative as your fabulous ideas.

So I asked you to generate as many ideas as you could for toppings that could go on a monster pizza.

Some of the ones I came up with were goblin guts, a snail's shell, a ghost's breath.

I was quite proud of that one.

I thought that was very imaginative.

A witch's wart and dog drool.

So the saliva that dribbles out of a dog's mouth, dog drool.

So they were some of my ideas, but I'm sure you came up with lots of imaginative and creative ones yourself.

Let's move on to generating vocabulary.

When we are generating vocabulary in English lessons, we are thinking of words to use in our writing.

That's what we mean when we say we're generating vocabulary.

We are thinking of words.

Now, it's an essential part of the writing process, and it helps to prepare us.

By generating vocabulary before we sit down to write, we are helping ourselves by having the most descriptive words ready to use.

So that's why planning lesson or a generating vocabulary lesson can be so helpful.

Now, the ideas for toppings we generated in the first half of this lesson, they were all nouns.

A noun is a naming word for people, places, or things.

However, we know that it's easier for the reader to picture the nouns we are writing about if we describe them using adjectives.

True or false? We use adjectives to describe nouns in our writing to make it easier for the reader to picture.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

So we use adjectives to describe nouns in our writing to make it easier for the reader to picture.

Well, that's true.

Well done if you said true.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

We need to generate adjectives to describe our toppings.

So we have our toppings, we have the noun.

We now need the adjectives to describe them.

For example, adjectives that we could use to describe slime sauce.

That was one of our toppings, wasn't it? That could be slippery, slippery slime sauce, sticky, oozy, thick, stretchy, squelchy, mucky, lumpy.

So straight away, I've been able to generate eight adjectives that I could use to describe slime sauce.

Now, the slime sauce in my head might be different from the slime sauce in your head.

So the adjective that I choose might be different to the adjective that you choose.

Let's check our understanding.

Adjectives are words that describe verbs.

Is that true or is that false? Pause the video and decide now.

Welcome back, everyone.

Adjectives are words that describe verbs is absolutely false.

They do not describe verbs.

They describe nouns.

That's the one, adjectives describe nouns, not verbs.

So first we select the noun we are describing.

That's the first thing you need to do.

Then we generate as many descriptive adjectives as we can.

So we decide the noun that we're going to describe, and then we come up with as many descriptive adjectives as we can.

Now the last step is to select the adjective that describes the noun most precisely.

So there may be one adjective that stands out above the others that really fits and describes the noun in the way that you are picturing that noun.

We then use that to describe the noun in our writing.

For example, I had eight different adjectives to describe the slime sauce.

Now, the one I think fits the slime sauce that I picture in my head is stretchy.

It's really, if you touch it, and then as you pull your finger out, it's stretching and stuck to your finger.

So it's very stretchy, and it just keeps stretching on and on.

Like sometimes a piece of cheese on a pizza, when you pull the pizza away from your mouth after taking a bite, the cheese stretches out.

That's what I'm picturing in my head, and that's what I want the reader to picture in their head, too.

So I'm choosing stretchy slime sauce.

But your slime source might be very slippery.

Perhaps it's very thin and liquidy and slippery.

So slippery would be the one you would choose, or it's lumpy perhaps.

Perhaps there's big lumps in your slime source.

So lumpy might be the adjective that would best fit for you.

So let's have a my turn, your turn.

I would generate adjectives to describe the noun spiderwebs.

So I'm going to use spiderwebs and generate as many adjectives as I can to describe them.

Sticky spiderwebs, yep.

So they can be quite sticky if you put your hand in them.


Yep, I like that.


So they can make you feel a bit creepy and uncomfortable.


Obviously spiderwebs might become all tangled up, but now it's your turn.

That's the four that I have generated.

Now it's your turn to have a go.

I want you to generate as many adjectives as you can to describe the noun fish eyes.

So fish eyes is the noun.

Describe those fish eyes.

What adjectives can you come up with to describe them? Pause the video and have a go at describing the fish eyes by generating as many adjectives as you can.

Off you go.

Welcome back, everyone.

Incredible generating so many adjectives to describe those fish eyes and disgusting adjectives really fits with the way that we are trying to make our pizza sound.

We want it to sound as disgusting as possible.

So here are some ideas I had, slimy fish eyes, squashed fish eyes.

Maybe they've already been squashed.

Wobbly fish eyes, as if you imagine them a bit like a jelly on a plate, you might shake the plate and it wobbles around.

Bulging fish eyes.

So when you look at a fish, sometimes their eyes seem to be bulging out of their heads.

So I thought bulging fish eyes.

Mushy fish eyes.

Oh definitely.

That could be a really nice idea.

So lots of ideas for adjectives to describe spiderwebs.

I did.

And then you did fish eyes.

Time for a practise task.

I would like you to generate adjectives to describe the pizza toppings you'll use on your monster pizza.

You can use your own pizza topping ideas that we came up with in the first half of this lesson and generate adjectives for those.

Or you can generate adjectives for these pizza toppings if you would rather: alien eggs, dragon's toenails, and vampire fangs.

So it's your choice.

Use your own ideas, or you can use these three of mine.

So deep breath, we got this.

Generate as many adjectives as you can for those nouns, those toppings that you're going to put on your monster pizza.

Pause the video and have a go now.

Welcome back, everyone.

I am so intrigued to see how you got on.

Let's have a look how I got on at some examples of adjectives we can use.

So, alien eggs.

I thought alien eggs, you could describe them as glowing, slimy, translucent, which means you can see through them a bit, and cracked.

So I could say cracked alien eggs.

I could say on your monster pizza, you must put glowing alien eggs.



Dragon's toenails.

Crusty, smelly, yellow, sharp.

Crusty dragon's toenails, yellow dragon's toenails.

We haven't used colours much, but colours could be great adjectives.

And the last one, vampire fangs.

Razor-sharp, bloodstained, so they might have blood on, deadly and pointy.

Some really interesting ones.

If you want to steal any of these and make a note on them so you can use them in your writing, you absolutely can.

Okay, let's summarise the fantastic work that you've done today.

Your imagination can help you to think of things that do not exist in real life.

A noun is a naming word for people, places, or things.

An adjective is a word that describes a noun.

It is easier for the reader to picture the nouns we are writing about if we describe them using an adjective.

Very creative work today using your imaginations.

I am proud of all the effort you put into and the vocabulary and ideas that you generated.

And I will see you again very soon.