
Lesson video

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Hi everyone.

It's Mr. Brown with your English lesson for today and we are focusing on giving a reason to explain an opinion, so being able to say what we think and then explain why we think it.

That's the reason part and that's what we'll be learning today, so let's go for it.

Let's get started, the outcome for today's lesson is I can give a reason why I have a particular opinion.

I can give a reason why I have a particular opinion.

The key words we will use to help us with our learning journey today are opinion, reasons, two important words.

My turn, your turn, you repeat after me.

Let's say these words together.

Opinion, reasons, very good.

The lesson outline, for our lesson on giving a reason to explain an opinion.

We are going to start by looking at sharing why you have an opinion.

We will then move our learning onto using the word because, it's gonna be a very important word in today's lesson.

Sharing why you have an opinion.

An opinion is what a person thinks or believes.

Really important.

An opinion is what a person thinks or believes.

We all have lots and lots of opinions about different things.

I think spring is the best season.

That's an example of an opinion.

My favourite vegetable is broccoli.

That's an example of an opinion.

I believe the school day should be longer.

That's an example of an opinion.

I wonder if you agree with these opinions or whether you disagree with them.

An opinion is personal to the person who is sharing it.

It belongs to them.

If you are sharing your opinion, it belongs to you.

If I share my opinion, it belongs to me.

People may agree with the opinion, they may disagree with the opinion, but it doesn't matter.

It's still your opinion if you are the one sharing it.

Other people may agree or disagree with your opinion, but that doesn't change that it is your opinion and what you think or believe.

Let's have a go at sharing your opinion and listening to others share theirs.

Here are some sentence starters that you can use.

I think, I believe, my favourite, and you could use any of these ideas to prompt you to think of an opinion.

You could share an opinion about any of these topics, food, movies, books, animals, colours, games, TV shows.

I'm sure just when I was saying those words, you had things pop into your mind.

Your favourite foods or your least favourite food, that's still an opinion.

My least favourite food is, that'll be it.

Movies, books.

I know lots of you would have a favourite game or TV show, so have a go at sharing your opinions with someone around you or someone at home and listening to theirs.

Pause the lesson and have a go at doing this now.

Welcome back, let's look closely at these opinions again.

Do you notice something that they all do not do? I think spring is the best season.

I believe the school day should be longer.

My favourite vegetable is broccoli.

Three opinions.

But do you notice something that they all do not do? Take a moment to think.

What could it be? They're all giving an opinion, but what's they not doing? None of the speakers say why they have these opinions.

None of them say why, and that's what we're gonna be focusing on today.

Sharing your opinion can be improved made better by saying why you have that opinion.

As the person hearing the opinion, we often have a curiosity to know why somebody thinks or feels that way.

If I say to you, well, my favourite animal is a lion, the first thing that will spring into your mind is, why? Why is Mr. Brown's favourite animal a lion? That's the natural curiosity that we have.

Let's test your understanding.

True or false? Sharing your opinion can be improved by saying why you have that opinion.

Is that true or false? Pause the video and decide now.

And welcome back.

Okay, let's see if you are right.

Sharing your opinion can be improved by saying why you have that opinion.

Absolutely true.

Giving an opinion is brilliant but sharing why you have that opinion makes it better.

When sharing why you have that opinion, you'll be giving a reason.

That's our two key words there, opinion and reason.

Reasons help us to understand and explain things.

We use reasons lots in our everyday lives.

We use them for many different purposes, such as to explain to people why we do things, why we feel a certain way or why we want something to happen.

Let's check our understanding again.

Which of these help us to explain to people why we have certain opinions? Is it A reasons B numbers or C, facts? Which of these help us to explain to people why we have certain opinions, A, reasons, B, numbers or C, facts? Pause the video and decide for yourself now.

And welcome back.

Okay, let's see which of these help us to explain to people why we have certain opinions.

Numbers B, I don't think so.

How would a number help to explain that, if I said my favourite animal is a lion because seven.

That doesn't make sense.

Facts, well, I can see why some people might think the answer is facts because a fact about a lion may lead towards you thinking that that's why Mr. Brown likes lions the most, but facts are actually going to be used later on when you're a bit older.

You'll use facts when extending your explanations of why you think something, but the answer is A is reasons.

Giving a reason to say why you have an opinion.

Here is an opinion.

I think that spring is the best season.

It doesn't contain any reason why this person thinks spring is the best season.

It's just an opinion, that's it.

What reasons do you think they may have for their opinion? We know the opinion is I think spring is the best season, so why does this person think spring is the best season? What reason could they have? Let's take a moment to think.

What reason could they have for thinking spring is the best season? Here are some potential reasons why this person has this particular opinion.

Flowers start to bloom.

This is the time of year when the flowers start to bloom and it can be a really can be really fun.

Time of year when you look out to your garden or to the playground at school and you see flowers appearing for the first time in months.

It gets warmer.

Really good reason, this is when the temperature starts to improve and we can stay outside longer and play.

The days are longer.

Again, of course, this is when the sun stays up in the sky for longer, so the days are longer, which means we have more lights so we can play again and be outside, can play outside more.

Yep, that's a great reason.

Easter, of course, some people celebrate Easter, which is a fun celebration at this time of year in spring.

Let's check our understanding.

A good reason why spring is the best season could be that it is when people celebrate Halloween.

True or false? Is this a good reason why spring is the best season that people celebrate Halloween in spring? Is that true or false? Pause the video and have a think now.

And welcome back.

So Halloween, for a start, Halloween is not in spring, it's the 31st of October, the 31st of October.

That's when Halloween is celebrated, so it is not even in spring.

So how can it be a good reason why spring is the best season, therefore false was the correct answer.

It is not a good reason why spring is the best season.

Time for a practise task.

I would like you to think of three reasons that could be used to explain why a person may have one of these opinions.

So I'm going to show you some opinions and your job is to come up with three reasons that could be used to explain why a person may have one of these opinions.

Choose an opinion that you also share or have a knowledge about that will make it so much easier if you share in one of these opinions.

It will help you to be able to think of reasons or if you have a good knowledge about this particular topic.

So first opinion, I think that dogs are the best pets.

Maybe you agree with this opinion.

Maybe you have a dog yourself or a family member has a dog or a friend.

That would mean that you would have a knowledge about this and it would help you to come up with a reason or three reasons.

The next opinion is I believe that the school day should be shorter.

Well, you all I'm sure have a good knowledge about schools, but do you agree with that opinion? Do you share that opinion? Do you think the school day should be shorter? If you do, then it's probably going to be easier coming up with three reasons why the school day should be shorter.

Next opinion, my favourite sport is football.

Football is your favourite sport football? Well if it is, then you're in a good position to think of three reasons why football is your favourite sport.

So I'd like you to pause the lesson, take your time on this one and think of three reasons that could be used to explain why a person may have one of these opinions.

If you have the time, you could even try doing three reasons for each of these opinions.

Pause the video and have a go now.

And welcome back.

Okay, let's have a look.

Let's use this opinion as an example.

I think that dogs are the best pets.

This is the one we're going to use as an example.

Dogs can be taken outside.

That is a reason why this opinion would be what someone thinks.

I think that dogs are the best pets because they can be taken outside.

That's a good example of opinion and reason.

Let's have a look at another reason.

Dogs need to be taken for walks, so you'll get exercise.

Ah, nice, I like this opinion because it links to someone's health through exercise.

Clever, very hard to not agree with that.

A dog can be a friend to a person who might live on their own.

Very good, so I think that dogs are the best pets because a dog can be a friend to a person who might live on their own, really good.

Dogs are entertaining and can make you laugh.

I like it, dogs are fun to be around.

You see people smiling and laughing when they are playing with their dogs.

Very good, a dog might keep you safe and protect you.

Again, what a great reason, a really good reason.

If you have a dog at home and they could hear someone trying to get into your house and they would bark and that would alert to you.

Really good.

Let's move on to our next lesson outline, the next part of our lesson outline, which is using the word because.

Here are some reasons why a person has an opinion, but can you work out what the opinion might be? It is when some people celebrate Christmas.

That's a reason for the opinion.

You get to wear warm coats.

That's a reason for the opinion.

It might snow.

It is a break from hot weather.

It's a time to reflect on the year and look forward to the start of a new one.

So, they are all reasons why a person has an opinion, but what is the opinion? Take a moment to think.

If you are with someone, you can share it with them and let's see if you are right.

I think that winter is the best season.

That was the opinion, these were the reasons, the opinion was I think that winter is the best season.

How do we share our opinion and the reason for that opinion in the same sentence? We know they're both really important, but how do you put them in the same sentence? There is an important word to use that signals to an audience that you are now sharing the reason why you have an opinion.

That word is because.

Because is the word you will use that will signal to an audience that you are now sharing the reason why you have an opinion.

Which word signals that you are now sharing the reason why you have an opinion is it A, and, B, so or C, because? Pause the video and decide for yourself now.

And welcome back.

So we said that one of these words signals that you are now sharing the reason why you have an opinion, and that word is of course, because.

Well done if you said because.

And and so are both joining words that can be used in sentences, but they are not the one that you would use before you give your reason and after you give an opinion.

First, you must share your opinion.

Let's look closely at the order.

First you share your opinion, then you use the word because and give a reason why you have that opinion.

Here's an example, "I think that winter is the best season because it might snow." Let's look in detail at that.

The opinion comes first, winter is the best season.

That's the opinion, the reason why is after it with because in between, it might snow.

Winter is the best season.

Why does the person think that way? It might snow, which tells me that that person loves snow because that's the reason why they think winter's the best.

Let's check our understanding.

True or false.

When sharing an opinion with a reason, the reason should go first.

Is that true or false? When you're sharing an opinion with a reason, the reason comes first, true or false? Pause the video and decide now.

And welcome back.

Congratulations if you said false, we do not put the reason first.

The opinion goes first and the reason comes after with because between them, time for a practise task, I would like you to share an opinion with a reason to explain why you think or believe something.

You can use one of the opinions below to add a reason to or choose your own opinion and then add a reason to that.

I think dogs are the best pets.

That's an opinion that you could add a reason to.

You would say, I think dogs are the best pets because, and then explain one reason why.

I believe that the school day should be shorter.

My favourite sport is football.

Don't forget to use the word because before you share the reason for your opinion, time for you to have a go.

Pause the video and add a reason to one of these opinions or if you have time to all of these opinions, pause the video now.

And welcome back.

Okay, let's have a look at some examples.

I think the dogs are the best pets.

This is how you would take that opinion and add a reason to it.

I think the dogs are the best pets because they are entertaining and can make you laugh.

Absolutely perfect, there's the opinion.

Then it's because, and then they have the reason, because they're entertaining and can make you laugh.

Another example, my favourite sport is football.

My favourite sport is football because it can be played with your friends in the park.

Absolutely, the person's opinion is that their favourite sport is football and their reason is it can be played with your friends in the park.

Let's summarise our learning today for our lesson on giving a reason to explain an opinion.

Opinions are views that a person has about something.

Reasons should be shared to explain why we have a particular opinion.

So important, because is the word that allows you to explain why you have that opinion.

Well done today, excellent work on giving a reason to explain why you have an opinion.

I will see you again very soon.