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Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle, and welcome to this writing lesson on "The Proudest Blue," where you will be developing ideas and planning sentences about a special item that belongs to you.

I'm really looking forward to hearing all about your special items. For this lesson, you need to be listening and looking carefully.

You need your thinking brain.

There will be tasks where you need somebody to talk to, and then you will need a piece of paper and pen or pencil to write your plan.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is I can plan a sequence of sentences about a special item.

Here are the key words for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.




Well done.

We will be referring to these words throughout.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to plan, and in the second part, you will be writing a plan.

So let's begin with preparing to plan.

What do we know about "The Proudest Blue"? Let's remind ourselves.

"The Proudest Blue" is a children's picture book which celebrates the importance and beauty of the hijab.

The book is inspired by the author's own life experiences.

The author of "The Proudest Blue" is Ibtihaj Muhammad, alongside S.



And the illustrator of the book is Hatem Aly.

The special item in "The Proudest Blue" is the hijab.

The hijab is worn by some Muslim women as an expression of their Islamic faith.

The author, Ibtihaj Muhammad, tells a story about the importance of this item by sequencing events and emotions linked to it.

She tells the story of the day Asiya bought her first hijab.

It explores Asiya's first day at school wearing it.

It talks about how Faiza and Asiya felt about it.

And the author also provides rich description of the hijab to highlight how special it is.

Let's check your understanding.

Why is the hijab such a special item for as Asiya and Faiza? A, it costs a lot of money.

B, it is an expression of their religion and identity.

C, it looks nice to wear.

D, it makes them look like everyone else.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

the answer is B.

The hijab is so special to Asiya and Faiza because it is an expression of their religion and identity.

It can also look lovely to wear, but that's not what makes it most special.

In this lesson, you will be developing ideas and making a plan to write your own short narrative about a special item that belongs to you.

Your plan will need to include the following, what your special item is, a description of your special item, why the item is special, and a special memory or day with your item.

Your sentences will follow this sequence.

What makes an item special to someone? Have a little think.

An item can be special to someone for a variety of reasons.

Items that are sentimental are often considered most special.

Sentimental items are ones that remind us of a special person, place, time, or feeling.

It might be an item that's been passed down to you by somebody in your family or an item that you've bought or been gifted, but you link that item to a special person or place.

Examples of sentimental items are a piece of jewellery that belonged to a relative, an item representing a belief or religion, an item handmade by someone important to you, or maybe an item you have had since you were a baby.

Let's check your understanding.

What makes an item sentimental? A, it costs a lot of money.

B, it reminds us of a special person, place, time, or feeling.

Or, C, it is used every day.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

the answer is B.

Sentimental items are ones that remind us of a special person, place, time, or feeling.

How much the item cost doesn't matter.

You might have a sentimental item that was really expensive, or it might have cost hardly anything.

It's the meaning that is important.

Some sentimental items might be used frequently, but more often than not, sentimental items are not used every day because people want to take care of them and make sure they last and don't get damaged.

It's time for a talk task.

Discuss the following questions with your partner to share a special item that you'll write about.

What is your special item and can you describe it? Why is this item special to you? And can you recall a special memory or day with your item? I'm really looking forward to hearing all of your different answers.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

I loved hearing about all of your special items, and so many of you have sentimental ones that you want to write about.

I am going to share my answers for my special item now.

So for what is your special item and can you describe it, I said, "My special item is a sewing box that my grandmother gave me as a gift.

It is made out of woven wicker, and it is cream and blue in colour." So I have said what my special item is, and I've hinted at why it's special, it was from my grandmother, and I've described it.

Why is this item special to you? It is special because my grandmother made the sewing box, and it used to belong to my mom when she was a little girl.

So this is a very sentimental reason for my item being special.

And can you recall a special memory or day with your item? I said, "The day my grandma gave it to me, I was excited but also nervous.

My grandma taught me how to thread a needle and sew that day." I really loved hearing all of your answers to these questions too, and I'm really looking forward to teaching you how to write about your special items. It's now time for the second part of our lesson where you will be writing the plan for your short narrative about your special item.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are short and capture key vocabulary and important information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note taking.

They look like this.

And our notes are only written using the key most important words.

We do not write in full sentences.

Let's check your understanding.

Which two of these are things that notes help us to capture? A, full sentences.

B, unimportant information.

C, key vocabulary.

D, important information.

Pause the video and select your two answers now.

the answers are C, key vocabulary, and D, important information.

Well done.

Notes are not written in full sentences and do not require capital letters or full stops.

They can be made of just a few words.

The writer who is making the notes just needs to understand them.

It doesn't matter if it makes complete sense to everybody else, because the writer will be using those notes to do their writing.

The writer then takes the notes and turns them into full sentences.

Let's check your understanding.

When we write a plan, which of these do we use? A, full sentences, B, drawings, or C, notes.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is C, notes.

Well done.

And don't forget that we will be using bullet points to make our notes.

Here is an example of how you can turn your partner talk about your special item into notes.

What is your special item and can you describe it? One person said, "My special item is a blanket that I have had since I was a baby.

It is knitted and really soft.

It is purple and blue and it has my name on it." The writer can turn these sentences that they said out loud to their partner into notes.

For example, they would pick out the key pieces of information and vocabulary and write baby blanket.

That says what the item is in simple terms. Knitted, soft, purple, and blue.

That describes its appearance in simple terms. Has name on it.

This might be considered an important piece of information for why it's sentimental or special, but as you can see, none of these notes are written in full sentences.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of the following is a good example of note-taking for a special item? A, childhood book, selection of poems, colourful illustrations, B, my special item is a poetry book which has a selection of poems and lots of colourful illustrations, or C, poetry book.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is A, childhood book, selection of poems, colourful illustrations.

This is the best example of note taking here because it includes what the item is, gives more detail about it, selection of poems, and something about what it looks like, colourful illustrations.

B would not be appropriate because it is a full sentence, and C could be one of the bullet points for your notes, but you would want a bit more information than that.

It's now time for a task.

Write three sets of notes about what your special item is and why it is special.

So what is your special item? Write that in simple terms. Adjectives describe your special item.

You can just list some adjectives using commas to separate them.

You do not need a full sentence.

And why is this item special to you? Remember, bullet point ideas.

You can have more than one here.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

Well done.

You have done a fantastic job at getting all of the important pieces of information about your special item down into bullet point notes.

You'll remember that I told you all about my special item, the sewing box, and I'm going to show you what my information looks like in note format.

What is your special item? A sewing box.

Adjectives to describe your special item, Wicker, cream and blue, sentimental, unique.

You'll notice I included a variety of adjectives here.

Wicker was about the material.

Cream and blue was about the colour.

Sentimental was an adjective to describe the meaning, as is unique.

And for why is this item special to you, I bullet pointed, grandmother made it and used to belong to my mother.

And you'll notice that I did not use full sentences.

You all did a fantastic job at this as well, so well done.

It's time for your final task.

Write four to five sets of notes about a special memory or day you had with your item.

Consider the following.

You might want to write about when you got it or the first time you used it, and make sure you include how you felt, so some adjectives to describe emotion.

Remember to use bullet points to write these notes down.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

I have seen lots more wonderful note taking where you've remembered to include key vocabulary and important information, but not written too much down or written in full sentences.

Let me share with you my notes for my special memory with my sewing box.

Explored inside the box.

Found threads and fabrics.

Spotted handmade needle holder.

Excited but nervous.

Grand grandma taught me.

I included some key bullet points about that special memory.

What happened, what I found, how I was feeling.

You'll notice there are no capital letters or full stops because these are not in full sentences.

You'll notice one capital letter for Grandma because that's her name, and you would still use capital letters for proper nouns in your notes.

Well done for finishing off your notes for your writing.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

The hijab is a very special item for the main character.

in "The Proudest Blue." We can identify our own special belongings which hold meaning.

Sentimental items are ones that remind us of a special person, place, time, or feeling.

A plan is written in note format, using bullet points to write the key information in a few words.

Well done for your hard work in this lesson.

I've really enjoyed teaching you and hearing all about your special items..