
Lesson video

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Hello my name is Ms Johnson and I'm going to be teaching you English today.

In today's lesson, we're going to write the first section of a non-chronological report on the Portia Spider.

If you haven't watched the previous lessons, and you should stop this lesson, and go back and start at the beginning of lesson one, otherwise, these lessons won't make much sense.

If you have then let's get started with our writing.

Let's start today's lesson by looking at our ongoing Word bank.

This is going to help us before we do any writing today.

Then we're going to remind ourselves of the layout of our report and why we are writing this report.

And then we're going to look at a modelled right to an example right, and then I'm going to show you a live right before you do some writing yourself today on the first section of the Portia Spider non-chronological report.

And then we've already written our opening.

So this is now section one.

In the lesson today, you're going to need an exercise book or paper or pencil or pen.

Because this is a writing lesson, it'd be really good if you have a sharp pencil.

If you can sharpen it, then please do.

But don't worry if you can't.

And you're going to be needing to do a lot of thinking today.

So you need to make sure you bring your brain with you as well.

Now, before we get going, again, as this is a writing lesson, if you can, it would be really good if you can sit up straight, and you put your feet flat on the floor, and so that you have good posture when you're writing.

So I'm going to do that now.

I'm going to sit up straighter than I was my feet are flat on the floor, and then I've got good posture when I'm doing my writing.

I'm now going to warm up my hands as well.

I like to this before any writing lesson.

So I'm going to pinch each of my fingers like this, you copy me and then go on the other hand and then shake hands and then pinch again.

This is really important because it makes sure all those muscles are ready to work in our hands coz handwriting is important as well.

And then shake and then I'm going to pinch each finger to the other finger and then go back the other way and I'm going to try and speed up You can feel the muscles in your hands working now.

Now I'm going to to try double tap.

Now I'm not really good at this one.

See if you can do better.

Think about lots of different things.

I always end up doing more than two taps, I think.

Okay, and then shake.


Now we're ready.

So let's get started.

We're going to start by looking at our Word bank today.

Firstly, I have added two new words to it.

One is locating that means searching for finding the location where something is, say locating, second is potent, say it potent.

And that means like strong smell a potent smell being strong, or a potent poison would be a really strong poison to potent, say it, potent.

Now I wonder if all the other words which ones can you remember? Let's say them together first.

Then in a minute, I'm going to ask you to pause the video and try work out the meaning of them.

Pray say it pray.

arachnid say it, arachnid.

Agile, agile.

Keep repeating after me.

Camouflage, camouflage.

Venomous, venomous.

species, species.

Piercing, piercing.

debris, debris.

Bulging, bulging.

adaptation, adaptation.


Now, we need to know the meaning of these words.

So I think we're probably be using some of these words in our writing today.

We are talking about the appearance of the poaching spider today, and lots of these words relate to their appearance.

So can you pause the video here and press play when you're ready to get going and tell me what the meaning of these words are? Well done show me on your fingers how many words you got? Fantastic, well done.

It sounds like you had lots of words there.

That's brilliant.

So we're going to quickly recap the meaning of these words.

prey is the animal the spider eats arachnid is a type of spider.

It's just another name for a spider.

Agile means they move quickly and they're quite flexible with their movements.

Camouflage is means that they blend in with their environment, locating is trying to find the location.

Venomous means poisonous.

species means a group of organisms are grouped together because they're similar.

Piercing means it goes through something to piercing and then finds my pierce the skin of another spider.

Potent means really strong and smell or amount.

Debris would be the kind of leaves on the floor of a jungle.

And bulging means something is about to burst your bulging pocket.

and adaptation is how the animal has changed to suit its environment.

So well done.

Remember, do not use a Words bank if you're not sure what it means.

These words are really formal words.

these are goods words to be used instead that will also subject specific words, but don't use them unless you're absolutely sure what they mean.

Otherwise your writing might not make any sense.

But if you are sure and you are feeling competent, then please use these words.

So now we're going to think about our purpose, audience language and layout.

We do this at the beginning of nearly every writing lesson, because it's really important we remind ourselves what type of writing we're doing, and who we are writing for.

And then as a consequence of that, what our language needs to look like and what our layout needs to look like.

So the purpose of our non-chronological report is to inform and provide information.

It's providing factual information, so it's not made up.

It's factual information.

The audience is anyone who's interested in the subject.

So our subject are Portia spiders.

And so someone reading our report is going to be somebody that wants to learn about Portia spiders.

That's made it even clearer because we're writing about their appearance, diet and their hunting.

As somebody who wants to learn about the appearance, and what Portia spiders eat and how they catch their prey, if they wants to find out about the habitat of the Portia spider, perhaps this report is not for them.

Then we're going to look at language.

So because this is a formal report, the language is formal.

I've got my top hat there for four more reminder.

And, as I showed you before in the previous slide, in our Word bank, the language is subject specific.

So giving you some examples of format and subject specific language already today.

By showing you that word bank and our layout, we organise it under sub-sections and different paragraphs.

This helps our reader know what the section they want read is about.

So it's a sign-post to the reader and this is really important.

When we look at our report so far, we have already written the opening so that's why I put that in Grey.

Today we are only writing the first sub-section which is appearance.

and breaking this up because it currently.

quite tricky type of writing.

And it can be difficult to write a whole report in one sitting.

So we're breaking up into manageable chunks.

So today we're just going to focus on the sub-section that is appearance.

With that in mind, I need to go back to my mind that and I need to think about what facts I should include.

So I'm writing about the appearance of a Portia spider.

So I have pulled out the fact that I think I'm going to include in this sub-section, I might not use all of them, but these are ones I can help to decide.

And remember, you've also got your plan that you've already done that might help you.

If you haven't done any of those lessons yet this can help you know what we're writing about.

So the Portia spider has eight eyes.

Now what's important about those eyes is that they are superb.

So the Portia spider has superb eyesight, and it uses its bulging eyes to map its surroundings in 3D.

It also has two venomous fangs and these are Important when they catch prey because they use their poisonous to kill their prey.

It has eight legs, which helps us agile movement and helps it to jump 50 times its own body links.

That's one of my favourite facts about the Portia spider.

And it has three superpowers jumping skills superb by sight.

And it's also a genius and this came from the documentary clip that we watched from BBC Earth about the Portia spider.

Before we start writing today, I'm going to remind you to use your plan.

So I'm going to show it right but you don't need to copy mine.

Mine is just an example.

So I'm going to talk about maybe the eyes, but you might want to talk about the camouflage, you might want to talk about how it can jump.

So don't just copy me use a plan you've already done.

And I'm going to use this plan and I'm going to now improve it.

So what I'm not going to do is just write down, it has eight extraordinary eyes, I want to tell you a bit more detail about that.

And it turns these into compound and complex sentences, which we've done a lot of work on.

So I'm going to try and expand my ideas and help the flow of my writing.

I don't just want this to be a list of facts.

One feature one feature one feature, I need to help my writing to flow.

And I do that by expanding and linking my ideas to remember that you're not just copying your plan.

Okay so before we start writing our own one, it's always important to look at a modelled live example.

Right? So the one we're going to look at is the one about polar bears.

Now, because this is an non-chronological report on a species, they are very similar.

So we can take a lot of the information from the polar bear one to help us the features, not facts.

And today, our success criteria is this.

So we need to use formal vocabulary.

we are going to be using ENP To describe the spider.

We're going to use compound and complex sentences.

Now remember a compound sentence is two main clauses joined together by a co-coordinating conjunction.

A complex sentence is a main clause and a subordinate clause.

Doesn't matter the order you write those two in, you can change the position to subordinate clause, and they're joined together by subordinating conjunction.

So today to really improve our writing, we want to use at least one of those.

an EN remember is is an expanded noun phrase.

So I'm going to read you this example.

And then I want you to try and spot the different features.

Polar bears are considered the largest species also in appearance section.

Polar bears are considered the largest species of bear in the world, but they can vary in size, these rooms remarkable beasts have many special adaptations to help them survive in treacherous, cold, Arctic conditions.

Polar bears are covered in thick camouflage fur to keep their bodies warm.

Also, polar bears are strong swimmers because they have a layer of blubber underneath their skin that helps them to float.

This is particularly useful when they are hunting on ice and in water.

In addition to this, polar bears have large flat feet with long sharp claws.

As a result, they can grip on the ice and easily catch their prey.

So pause the video here, can you find an ENP? Can you find a compound sentence? Can you find a complex sentence? Can you find two examples of formal vocabulary? Pause the video and off you go.

Well done.

Let me see what we have found.

So we can see here that we have got a form of a vocabulary.

I've highlighted the word considered coz I think polar bears are thought to be quite like that.

It's a formal way of saying thought.

Remarkable, is also a nice formal word, it means that special or amazing, I wouldn't want to say amazing its a little bit informal.

So remarkable is a formal way of saying that.

I've used words such as adaptations, which is my subject specific word, I've used the word such as survive, instead of just manages to live is another formal way of saying it.

And I've used a formal conjunction the start of a sentence also.

And that is followed always by a comma.

Then my next part of my success criteria I needed to find where I could see compound and complex sentences.

So I found a compound sentence because the first sentence is one because it's got two main clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction that is, but polar bears are considered the largest species of bear in the world, but they can vary in size and I've got that contrasting of my ideas as well.

Then I managed to find a complex sentence.

Polar bears are also polar bears are strong swimmers because they have a layer of blubber underneath their skin that helps him to flow that's really nice.

its expanded this idea it's told you why they are strong swimmers.

And that because is a really good subordinating conjunction to use there.

This is particularly useful when they are hunting on ice and in water.

Again, that when is my complex creates my complex sentence because I've created a subordinate clause.

So I've got a subordinating conjunction there.


So we're going to come back to our success criteria now.

And we're going to look closely.

we had used form of vocabulary.

We have used oh an ENP and expand a noun phrase that we check.

Yes, I have got one thick camouflage fur, brilliant.

This is why it's always important.

Once you've written to go back to your success criteria.

See, I forgot that I had to use that and I had to go back and check that I had done it.

This is why checking or success criteria is important.

Luckily, I have done one.

And I've used compound and complex sentences, which is brilliant.

So now I've known I've written a successful first section of my report.

And using my success criteria, which tells me what text type features I need to use is really important.

Do you remember though, that even though I haven't written it on the success criteria, accurate punctuation is always important.

So you must always be focusing on capital letters, full stops, commas, and all your correct punctuation.

So don't forget that I always check my punctuation at the end.

So now I'm going to do a Live Modelled write for you.

Let's have a go.

Okay, so I'm going to do this modelled write with you.

So first of all, I'm going to show you a few sentences that I'm going to ask you to pause and have a go at writing the sentences that I have.

And then we'll finish it off with a few more sentences and then you can pause again and finish it for me.

So I have started mine You can mark pie this opening sentence if you'd like.

appearance underlined.

the Portia spider has a unique appearance and is adapted to suit its environment.

That's important.

It tells me what this section is going to be about.

Now I'm going to explain what its features are.

so firstly I always started with the eyes in my plan.

It has eight large, wait, this is a great opportunity you can use in describing its features it has eight large bulging eyes and that's word for my word bank.

Then I'm going to add a little bit more detail because that's not enough is it? So this fascinating? Species rather than Portia spider again uses its superb eyesight to map it its its its it is or not known as don't use an apostrophe its just its just its with possession.

This is an interesting one, I only need an apostrophe with its If I'm saying it is.

here, I am not.

So I do not need an apostrophe.

Let me go back to the beginning.

So just need to check whatever it's in this fascinating species uses its superb eyesight to map its surroundings.

In reading, I'm going to add a complex sentence here, I've got a good opportunity here to do so.

I need to think when does it do that? So why is it important, it can map it to routing in 3D It's important when it's doing it when it's catching its prey.

So I'm going to use a subordinating conjunction here, when, so now I need to do my subordinate clause when locating prey full stop Now, I always construct complex sentences by thinking of the main cause first and then adding the subordinate close on at the end.

This way I know my sentence will make sense.

So I think I've done two things for my success criteria.

So far.

I've used an ENP and I have used it complex sentence, I think I'd like to use three things.

I also use formal language such as unique, adapted, appearance, locating, all these words came from that word bank that I showed you at the beginning of the lesson.

So what I'd like you to do here right now, is I want you to pause the video, I want you to write your opening sentence and give me a sentence about its first feature.

Pause the video and press play when you're ready to resume.

Well done, you've nearly already done you've done your first part of this right already.

So now we're going to think about a different feature.

I'm going to use a nice formal conjunction to do this.

In addition to this, I'm adding another feature Now, in addition to this, it also has a furry, prickly using some nice adjectives here, coat that surrounds them adding lots of detail.

Its eight legs and body.

so why is this important.

Hmm, this is important because it allows a Portia spider to camouflage with its surroundings.

This helps a Portia spider to camouflage with its surroundings.

this helps a portia,comouflage.

That's my main clause.

Let me think I want to add the subordinate clause because I still want to try a different complex sentence I could say, as it approaches a, it's bouncy, so double the P approaches its prey.

I think I need to say the Portia spider otherwise it's going to be unclear what I'm writing the Portia spider.

Camouflages, with its surroundings.

So now, I have said exactly what it then does, which is great.

Right now I could try one last feature.

Interestingly, different sentence starter you can mark some of these to keep like, interestingly, that's referred to the Portia Spider slightly differently.

This skilled Hunter also has to or had what was that word that meant poisonous? Think of my word bank think my word bank.

Oh, venomous.

Use an ENP, sticky fangs that I used to attack prey.

lets think though, I could easily use a compound sentence.

I'm going to use that fur to put in a contrast in but luckily they, are not potent which means harmful or strong enough to harm, that means hurt humans.

Oh stop.

Okay, there we go.

Now before I continue and check my work what I'd like you to do is pause the video here and have a go at finishing your write and press play when you're ready to resume I'm going to check our work and read it back And see if we've done everything in our success criteria.

So here is my example.

So I have used formal vocabulary I've got Why such as unique I've got words such as surrounding, I've got words such as locating so I can tick off formal vocabulary.

I've used lots of ENPs.

I've used eight large bulging eyes, fairly prickly coat, and venomous sticky fans, I can tick.

now have I used a compound sentence so I'm looking for coordinating conjunctions and buts.

I can see an and in my first sentence the Portia spider has unique experience and is adapted to suit its environment.

Two main clauses joined by coordinating conjunction compound sentence, and I can see one at the end.

Interestingly, the skilled hunter also has two venomous sticky furs that are used to attack its prey, but luckily they are not potent enough to harm humans.

I've used a back coordinating conjunction and I've got two main clauses.

And I've also used a few complex sentences.

So I can see a when subordinate conjunction with a subordinate clause and a main clause, and it's in the sentence this fascinating creature uses it's a pair by sector map it's around is in 3D.

When locating prey.

I've also used an as as it approaches its prey, the Portia by the camouflage with its surroundings, which is fantastic.

So I've also got another subordinate clause, the main clause or complex sentence there.

So I can say I have achieved my success criteria today, and I have been successful.

Pause the video here and check your work as well.

Well done, what an achievement, you've written your first section of the non-chronological Report, it can be really tricky writing.

So I'm really pleased with how well you've done.

What I'd like you to do now is to reflect is to underline the sentence you're most proud of Which one do you think is your best sentence? So pause the video here and underline it.


So congratulations, you completed your lesson today, and you've written the first section of your non-chronological report.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your lessons today and take care.