
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle and welcome to this lesson where we are going to be reading the folktale of "Anansi and the Antelope Baby." For this lesson, you need this copy of the book "Mischief Makers," retold by Tony Bradman.

Pause the video and find your copy of this book now.


Now I know you have your copy of the book with you ready to read.

For this lesson, you need to be listening and looking carefully, you need your book ready to read, and there will also be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is: I can summarise the folktale of "Anansi and the Antelope Baby." Here are our keywords.

Let's practise saying them, my turn, your turn.




Good job.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

A folktale is an oral story passed down over time that teaches a moral.

A trickster is a person who cheats or deceives people.

And to summarise means to pull out the key events and ideas from a text.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, you will be reading "Anansi and the Antelope Baby" and in the second part you will be summarising the story.

So let's begin with reading "Anansi and the Antelope Baby." "Anansi and the Antelope Baby." We know that that is the title of our story.

What do we know about it? "Anansi and the Antelope Baby" is a folktale.

Folktales belong to the genre of folklore.

Folklore is a genre in which oral stories are shared and passed down over time.

A folktale does not have one author.

As they are shared orally over time, variations of the story emerge.

What type of character is Anansi? Let's remind ourselves.

Anansi is a smart but mischievous spider who encounters a range of tricky circumstances with other animals.

There are many Anansi folktales which all tell a story about Anansi's interaction with another animal.

Some of these stories focus on Anansi's mischievous elements as a trickster, while others highlight his cleverness and ability to outsmart evil.

Let's check your understanding.

What kind of character is Anansi, A, an intelligent spider; B, a smart but mischievous spider; or C, a naughty spider? Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is B.

Anansi is a smart but mischievous spider.

That means he has intelligence, but he also has a naughty side.

Anansi is often referred to as a trickster.

Well done.

What do we know so far about the story of "Anansi and the Antelope Baby"? The main character is a spider called Anansi.

We know from the title that there is an antelope baby in the story, but we haven't met this character yet.

Anansi liked to play tricks on other animals.

He contemplated which trick he could play next while he spun a web.

And then a fire started in the forest nearby and flames were coming towards Anansi.

And we don't yet know what happens next, but we are going to find out.

It's now time to read the rest of the story.

So I need you to pause the video and make sure that you get this copy of "Mischief Makers," retold by Tony Bradman.

Pause the video and get your book now.


Now I know you are holding your book and you are ready to read.

Read the next four pages of "Anansi and the Antelope Baby," which are on pages 28 to 31 of "Mischief Makers." Pause the video and read these pages now, and when you have finished, come back and press play.

Welcome back.

Well done for some wonderful reading.

Let's check your understanding of what you know so far.

True or false? Lots of the forest animals offered to help Anansi.

Pause the video and select your answer That is false.

Well done.

Can you justify your answer? A, Antelope was the only animal that offered to help Anansi; or B, nobody offered to help Anansi.

Pause now and select your answer.

The answer is A, Antelope was the only animal that offered to help Anansi.

Well done.

How did Anansi thank Antelope for saving him? A, he played a trick on her; B, he said he would help her if she ever needed it; or C, he spun her a web.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is B.

Anansi was very grateful to Antelope and he said he would help her if she ever needed it.

Well done.

It's now time to read the next four pages of "Anansi and the Antelope Baby," which are on pages 32 to 35 of "Mischief Makers." Pause the video now to read these pages, and when you have finished them, come back and press play.

Well done for doing some more fantastic reading.

Let's check your understanding of these pages.

Why did Anansi need to protect the baby antelope? A, her mother had gone to get grass and hunters were after them; B, another animal was trying to eat the baby antelope; or C, the mother antelope asked Anansi to protect the baby.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is A.

The mother antelope had gone to get grass and hunters were after both her and the baby antelope.

Well done.

True or false? Anansi thought of a clever idea to protect the baby antelope.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true.

Well done.

Can you justify your answer? A, he picked up the baby antelope and ran away with her; or B, he began to spin a web that would hide the baby antelope from view.

Pause now and select the right justification.

The answer is B.

Anansi began to spin a web that would hide the baby antelope from view so that the hunters wouldn't be able to see her.

Well done.

It's now time to read to the end of "Anansi and the Antelope Baby." Read the final three pages of "Anansi and the Antelope Baby," which are on pages 36 to 38 of "Mischief Makers." Pause the video and read these pages now.

When you have finished, come back and press play.

I hope you thoroughly enjoyed reading to the end of the story.

Let's check your understanding.

How did Anansi successfully trick the hunters? A, he told them the antelope baby was someone else; B, his web changed the appearance of the bush so the hunters thought they were looking in the wrong place; or C, he spun a web around the hunters so they couldn't see.

Pause now and select your answer.

The answer is B.

Anansi's spiderweb changed the appearance of the bush that Baby Antelope was under.

This meant that the hunters thought they were looking in the wrong place.

Well done.

True or false? Anansi demonstrated the good and kind elements of his character.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true.

Can you justify your answer? A, he showed loyalty and friendship to Antelope by saving her baby; or B, he showed humour by playing a trick on the hunters.

Pause the video and select answer now.

The answer is A.

Anansi showed loyalty and friendship to Antelope by saving her baby.

He did trick the hunters, but it wasn't for humorous purposes.

It was because he wanted to protect Antelope's baby for her.

Well done.

It's time for a task, and it is a talk task.

Reflect on "Anansi and the Antelope Baby." Share your opinions and discuss them.

Likes: what caught your attention and why? Dislikes: was there anything that you didn't enjoy? And puzzles: was there anything you found surprising? Pause the video and discuss with your partner now.

Welcome back.

I loved hearing your opinions, and well done for discussing them.

Let's look at some examples of what I heard now.

For likes, what caught your attention and why, one person said: "I really liked it that Antelope chose to help Anansi and that they developed a bond.

Anansi's loyalty to Antelope showed throughout the story." This is a wonderful story in which we see Antelope and Anansi show kindness to each other in different ways.

For dislikes, was there anything that you didn't enjoy, one person said: "I found the suspense difficult when the hunters were near the baby antelope because I didn't know whether they would catch her or not." That's understandable.

It can feel a bit nerve-wracking when we don't know what's going to happen in a story, especially if we're worried about one of the characters.

And for puzzles, was there anything you found surprising, I had: "I was surprised that a small spider could help a big animal like an antelope!" Well, that just goes to prove that strength is not always about size.

And, "I was surprised that Anansi could spin a web that big and that quickly." That was surprising, but he is a very clever spider after all.

Well done for discussing the story "Anansi and the Antelope Baby" and sharing your opinions.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson, summarising the story.

We are going to be summarising "Anansi and the Antelope Baby." Summarising means to pull out the key events and ideas from the text.

Summarising the key events in a story helps us to build our understanding of the text and the meaning behind it.

Let's check your understanding.

What does summarising mean? A, to retell the story in detail; B, to read the story again; or C, to pull out the key events and ideas from the story.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is C.

Summarising means to pull out the key events and ideas from the story.

Well done.

What happens in "Anansi and the Antelope Baby"? I am now going to summarise the story to you in my own words.

Anansi spun a web while relaxing in a bush and contemplating which tricks he could play on other animals next.

A fire in the forest headed towards Anansi.

Most of the animals didn't help him but Antelope rescued him.

Anansi was grateful.

One day, Antelope left her baby by a bush while she went to get food and hunters spotted them and plotted to catch them.

Anansi saw what was happening and tricked the hunters by spinning a web to hide baby so they wouldn't catch her.

Anansi protected Baby Antelope and when her mother returned, she felt immense gratitude.

A special friendship was forged.

Let's check your understanding and see if you can fill in the blanks to summarise the story.

Anansi spun a web while relaxing in a bush and contemplating.

A fire in the forest headed towards Anansi.

Most of the animals didn't help him but.

One day, Antelope left her baby by a bush while she went to get food and hunters.

Anansi saw what was happening and tricked the hunters by.

Anansi protected Baby Antelope and.

Discuss with your partner now to fill in the blanks and summarise the story.

Pause the video.

Welcome back, and well done for doing great partner talk to summarise the story.

Let's go over the answers.

Now, you may have said some of these in slightly different words, but I'm sure you were still able to summarise the key points.

Anansi spun a web while relaxing in a bush and contemplating which tricks he could play on other animals next.

A fire in the forest headed towards Anansi.

Most of the animals didn't help him but Antelope rescued him.

Anansi was grateful.

One day, Antelope left her baby buy a bush while she went to get food and hunters spotted them and plotted to catch them.

Anansi saw what was happening and tricked the hunters by spinning a web to hide baby so they wouldn't catch her.

Anansi protected Baby Antelope and when her mother returned, she felt immense gratitude.

A special friendship was forged.

Well done.

I am sure we are all feeling nice and confident about the story of "Anansi and the Antelope Baby" now.

It's now time for your task.

Discuss these questions to summarise the key points and ideas from "Anansi and the Antelope Baby." What kind of character is Anansi introduced as? What problem did Anansi encounter and how is it resolved? How and why did Anansi show the good side of his character? Pause the video and discuss these questions with your partner now.

Well done for doing fantastic partner talk to answer these questions and summarise the key points from the story.

So, for what kind of character is Anansi introduced as: Anansi is introduced as a clever trickster who often likes to play tricks on other animals at their expense, but his character has a good side as well.

If you were able to talk about how Anansi had a mischievous side that could be unkind and a clever side that could be really good as well, then you really successfully summarised how Anansi is introduced as a character.

For question number two, what problem did Anansi encounter and how is it resolved: there was a fire headed towards Anansi.

Most of the animals didn't help rescue him because of the tricks he'd played, but Antelope saved him! And for question three, how and why did Anansi show the good side of his character: Anansi had told Antelope that he would always help her if she ever needed it.

When Antelope left baby to get food, hunters came after them.

Anansi spun a web to hide baby and trick the hunters.

He protected and saved her.

Well done for answering these questions.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

Anansi is a spider in African folktales and he is famous for being a trickster.

Summarising key events and ideas in a story helps to build our understanding of it.

Anansi faced danger and Antelope saved him when no other animal would.

When Antelope and her baby were in danger from hunters, Anansi used his trickery for good to protect Baby Antelope.

Antelope and Anansi forged a friendship through showing acts of kindness and loyalty.

Well done for your hard work reading "Anansi and the Antelope Baby" and summarising the story.

I've really enjoyed teaching you.