
Lesson video

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Hi everybody, it's Ms. Gardner.

Welcome to your next lesson from our unit, non-chronological report on a healthy lifestyle.

I've really been enjoying teaching you all this unit and I hope you've been enjoying learning about a healthy lifestyle as well.

So let's get started with our next lesson.

In today's lesson from our unit, non-chronological report on a healthy lifestyle, we are going to be doing some writing.

So your learning outcome today is I can write a detailed paragraph about what forms a healthy diet.

So let's start with looking at the keywords.

We'll do my turn, your turn.

Text flow, subheading, compound sentence, complex sentence, fronted adverbial.

Let's have a look at what these mean.

Text flow is how a text is written to keep the reader engaged.

A subheading is a word, phrase, or sentence used to introduce part of a text.

A compound sentence is a sentence formed of two main clauses and a coordinating conjunction.

And a complex sentence is a sentence formed of at least one main clause and a subordinate clause.

A fronted adverbial is a sentence starter followed by a comma.

So there are two sections to our lesson today.

In the first we'll be preparing to write and in the second we'll be writing this section.

So let's start with preparing to write.

Our non-chronological report can be structured into four sections.

So an introduction which we've already written.

Section 1, what is a healthy diet? Section 2, how important are exercise and sleep? And then a conclusion.

In this lesson, we are writing section 1, and we're going to be using the plans we've made already to help us with this.

So when we write, we always try to do these things.

Plan and say each word, sentence, sorry, before we write it so we can hear it makes sense before we write it down.

Use punctuation where we know the rules.

Showcase each sentence type we know.

So we want to think about including a simple sentence, a compound sentence, and a complex sentence.

Write letters neatly on the line in joined handwriting.

Use spelling strategies to spell words accurately.

And we need to check and improve our writing when we think we've finished.

So we know we need to use a plan and plan our sentences before we write them down.

So let's look at a plan for writing section 1.

So your subheading could be a question, what is a healthy diet? And then these are the key points, the most important bits of information.

I think we need to tell the reader about a healthy diet.

So these were the points I've included in my plan.

A balanced diet includes a variety of food groups for a range of nutrients.

Nutritionists recommend 30 plant-based foods a week, why? They're high in fibre and good for the gut.

Whole grains release energy slowly and keep us fuller for longer.

Protein is important for repair and growth of muscles, and good sources of protein are legumes, nuts and seeds, eggs, meat and fish.

So these points are all about nutritious food, food we want to be including in our diet.

You might have included a few other different facts that we learned about healthy diet, but these ones, either the ones I thought were the most important.

So if you want to pause the video and add these to your plan now, you can absolutely do that.

Some other facts, some additional information that is important about balanced diet.

Scientists recommend drinking six to eight glasses of water a day.

Some sugary foods and foods high in trans-fats can be included in a balanced diet, but these less nutritious foods should be enjoyed in moderation, so not eaten all the time.

So these are just some extra points, some additional information that would be important to include in our section, what makes a balanced diet? So we're going to use these points and think about how we can write them as full sentences, part of a cohesive paragraph.

So the section needs to include the following for text flow: A subheading, detailed specific facts about a healthy diet.

We know the facts become more and more specific, less general in these themed sections.

We want to include subject-specific vocabulary.

Fronted adverbials, so formal fronted adverbials or fronted adverbials of cause, and a range of sentence types.

So simple, compound and complex.

So let's just say our first sentence is out loud first, because we know how important it's to say our sentences, I don't expect you to just remember these from the top of your head.

You can use your plan to help you complete these sentences.

So we're going to use these points from the plan.

A balanced diet includes a variety of food groups for a range of nutrients.

Nutritionists recommend 30 plant-based foods a week, high in fibre and good for gut.

Let's say these now as full sentences.

You can use the sentence scaffold to help you.

I'm going to say it now.

When I say blank, I want you to be thinking about what could come in the missing space.

I'm gonna say the sentences out loud now, and as I say them, you can be thinking about what needs to go in the blanks.

A balanced diet includes blank that provides different blank to keep us strong and energetic.

Nutritionists recommend eating blank.

This includes eating lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, because they are blank.

And you can use the information from the bullet point notes above to help you fill in those blanks.

So pause the video now and off you go, saying these sentences out loud.

Well done everybody.

I'm going to read the sentences out loud and you can read them along with me.

A balanced diet includes a variety of food groups that provide different nutrients to keep us strong and energetic.

Nutritionists recommend eating 30 plant-based foods a week.

This includes eating lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, because they're high in fibre and excellent for the gut.

Well done everybody.

So now let's use a fronted adverbial from the plan.

So on our plans we included three formal fronted adverbials.

In addition, additionally, and however.

We also included a fronted adverbial of course, as a result.

So we've already said nutritionists recommend 30 plant-based foods a week which are high in fibre and good for the gut.

We've just said that aloud.

We now want to build on that and say another thing that we should be eating that whole grains release energy slowly and keep us fuller for longer.

So we can use a formal fronted adverbial, and formal fronted adverbial to build on this point.

I'm going to use in addition.

So let's have a go now at saying the next sentence out loud using a formal fronted adverbial from your plan.

So we've said the point about the plant-based foods.

Now we want to build on that and talk about whole grains.

So here's a sentence scaffold to help you.

Blank, that's where your formal frontal adverbial will go.

Blank, wholes grains such as brown rice and multi-seed bread are a valuable part of our diet as they release energy slowly to keep us fuller for longer.

So have a go at saying this sentence using your and formal fronted adverbial.

Off you go.

Okay, welcome back.

Let's all say this together.

I wanna hear really loud and clear the formal fronted adverbial at the start of this sentence.

In addition, whole grains such as brown rice and multi-seed bread are a valuable part of our diet as they release energy slowly to keep us fuller for longer.

Well done everybody.

So let's have a look at a type of sentence we want to include in our writing, a compound sentence.

A compound sentence is formed of at least two equally important main clauses, joined together with a coordinating conjunction.

So a main clause coordinating conjunction, another main clause all joined together to form a compound sentence.

We have three coordinating conjunctions and, or and but, and you'll notice that or and but have that comma before them.

So let's look at two main clauses that are equally important.

Food high in sugar can be part of a balanced diet.

They should be enjoyed in moderation.

They both make sense by themself, so they're both main clauses.

We can join these two together though into one compound sentence with the coordinating conjunction, but.

Let's have a look.

Food's high in sugar and trans fat can be part of a balanced diet, but they should be enjoyed in moderation.

But is the coordinating conjunction and you can see it has a comma before it.

So that's an excellent example of using a but coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence to join those two main clauses.

So let's check for understanding, which of the following is a compound sentence? A, plant-based foods are full of fibre as they are excellent for the gut.

B, plant-based foods are full of fibre and they're excellent for the gut.

Or C, plant-based foods are full of fibre.

Pause the video now.

That's right, it is B.

It can't be A, because as they're excellent for the gut is a subordinate clause.

And C, is just a simple sentence, it's just one main clause.

So it must be B, and the two main clauses are joined with a coordinating conjunction, and.

So let's think about another sentence type, a complex sentence.

A complex sentence is formed of a main clause stretched with an adverbial subordinate clause that starts with a subordinating conjunction.

So in a complex sentence we have our main clause, we have a subordinating conjunction, and then we have a subordinate clause.

These make a complex sentence.

So let's look at a main clause and an adverbial clause.

It is important to eat food containing protein.

Main clause.

Because we need protein to support the repair and growth of muscles.

Subordinate clause.

The first idea can be stretched with the second idea to make one complex sentence.

Let's have a look.

It is important to eat food containing protein, because we need protein to support the repair and growth of muscles.

So because is our subordinating conjunction, and it starts the subordinate adverbial clause.

So this is a great example of a complex sentence, but let's have a look at one now, which includes a bit more ambitious vocabulary.

Additionally, it is important to eat food containing protein such as legumes and eggs, because we need this nutritious food group to support the repair and growth of muscles, cells and bones.

So you can see in this complex sentence we have a formal fronted adverbial at the start, we have a stretched fact, so we said containing protein and then we added extra information such as legumes and eggs and we have a precise and factual adjective with nutritious.

So this is just another example of an excellent complex sentence.

So let's check for understanding, true or false.

This is a complex sentence.

Drinking six to eight cups of water a day is suggested by scientists, because it allows our bodies to function properly.

Pause the video now.

That's right, it's true.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, the main clause is stretched with the adverbial subordinate clause that starts with a subordinating conjunction, or B, a complex sentence contains one clause only.

Pause video now.

That's right, it's A, well done everybody.

So it's time for task A.

You need to say the first two sentences of section 1 about a healthy diet and you need to include the following, a compound or a complex sentence, two specific facts about the diet, and a fronted adverbial of your choice.

So making sure you're using your plans to help you, pause the video now and have a go at saying your first sentences of your paragraph.

Off you go.

Welcome back everybody, well done.

So just think about the sentences just you've just said, have you included a compound or a complex sentence? Are your facts specific about the diet? And have you included a fronted adverbial? If you need to say your sentences again, pause the video now and have a go at doing that.

Otherwise, I'm going to say my opening sentences and I want you to help me check, I've included all of these points.

A balanced diet includes a variety of food groups that provide different nutrients to keep us strong and energetic.

It is important to eat lots of protein, because this helps grow and repair muscles.

In addition, scientists recommend eating whole grains as they release energy slowly to keep us fuller for longer.

Okay, let's go through it.

Have I included a compound or complex sentence? I have, you can see the sentences in purple are two examples of complex sentences.

I haven't included a compound, so that's something I'm gonna be thinking about writing later.

Are my facts specific? They are.

I spoke about how protein helps to grow and repair muscles, and I spoke about how whole grains release energy slowly.

These are really specific and detailed facts about proteins and whole grains.

And have I included a fronted adverbial? In addition.

Okay, thank you for helping me check these over.

Well done everybody on task A.

It is now time for the second section of our lesson where we are going to be writing this paragraph.

So here is your success criteria and you can use this to help you remember and think about what you need to include in this section.

So let's go through it.

I have written a question as my subheading and underlined it.

I have written detailed facts about what forms a healthy diet, I have written a compound and a complex sentence, and I have used at least two fronted adverbials.

So we are going to write the subheading and first few sentences about a healthy diet together.

And as we're writing, we're gonna check the success criteria to make sure we're including everything we need to.

So I started by sticking in my success criteria and I've written my subheading, what is a healthy diet? Remembering my question mark at the end, 'cause it's a question.

My first sentence began with an indent, so there was an the margin and then a space, and then my first word.

And I'm going to read my first sentence back, 'cause I always read back my sentences to check that they make sense.

A balanced diet is important, because different food groups provide a range of nutrients that keep our bodies working properly.

So my first sentence was a complex sentence because different food groups provide a range of nutrients that keep our bodies working properly is a subordinate clause and it follows the main clause.

So my first sentence, my introductory sentence was a complex sentence.

I now wanted to start look at my plan and think about what I want to talk about next.

And I want to talk about how nutritionists recommend eating 30 plant-based foods a week, 'cause I think that's a really important part of a balanced diet and I want to include it in my non-chronological report.

Now why are they really important? Because they contain so much fibre.

So I think this is a complex sentence.

Now in my first sentence, I did my main clause first.

Now I'm going to start my complex sentence with the subordinate clause.

So as they are high in fibre, so every sentence needs to start with a, everybody, that's right, a capital letter.

As they are high in fibre, in fibre.

So I'm thinking now about the comma rules that I know.

As they're high in fibre is the subordinate clause.

It's come first, so it needs to be followed by a, everybody, a comma, well done.

As they're high in fibre, nutritionists recommend, this is quite a long word, and break it up.


Nutritionists recommend eating, now I could write the number 30, but this is a non-chronological report and we want our language to be as formal as possible.

So I'm not going to use the numbers, I'm going to write the word 30 plant-based foods a week, such as, 'cause I want to give as much detail as I can, such as fruits, comma, because this is commas in a list, vegetables, comma, nuts, and legumes.

Now this is my end of my sentence.

So what do I need everybody? We need a full stop.

Okay, before we move on, I'm going to read my sentence back and check for any errors and so I can correct them.

Capital letter at the start of my sentence, got that.

As they our.

Ooh, I've just noticed something looks a bit wrong, as they our high? Can anyone help me? Our high in fibre.

Is that the correct spelling of are? It's not is it? That's a homophone.

We need to spell it as are, A-R-E.

So I'm just gonna neatly cross it out and correct it.

It doesn't matter if we make a mistake.

That's what checking's for.

As they're high in fibre, comma, nutritionists recommend eating 30 plant-based.

Ooh, plant and based have actually become one word.

So I need to remember to use a hyphen.

Plant-based foods a week such as fruits, comma, vegetables, comma, nuts, comma, and legumes.

I'm just thinking now do I need that comma, a final comma in a list? I don't, because I've got the conjunction and.

So I'm going to cross out that comma neatly, and legumes, full-stop.

Okay, now I want to build on this point and talk about the importance of another type of food.

So I'm going to use the fronted adverbial, also, as that builds on a point from the previous sentence.

Also, and what do I need after a fronted adverbial? I need a comma, good.

Also, it is important.

Have I said important already? Oh, I have actually.

So I don't want to repeat myself.

I'm going to say it is crucial, which is a synonym for important.

It is crucial to eat whole grains.

I want to talk about the importance of whole grains.

Whole grains.

Why is it important to eat whole grains? Because we know, and I know this from my plan, they release energy really slowly.

So I'm going to use the subordinating conjunction, because, because they release energy slowly.

This is the end of my sentence.

So what do I need? I need a full stop, but I'm not quite finished with this point, I want to explain the effect of the whole grains releasing energy slowly.

Why is that good for us? It's because as a result it keeps us fuller for longer.

So I'm going to use the fronted adverbial, of course, to explain this effect.

As a result, we are fuller and I'm making sure I'm using the correct spelling of are this time, we are fuller, sorry, I made my U a little bit too tall.

I'm just gonna cross that out neatly.

We are fuller for longer.

The way I said that was really positive and I was like, "Oh, we are fuller for longer." I almost could have had an explanation mark, but we're writing a non-chronological report.

Our language is formal, so I'm just going to say it with, and finish the sentence with a full stop.

Let's go back and check As a result, oh, I can see immediately I've forgotten something at the start of my sentence.

What if I've forgotten at the start of my sentence? Every sentence needs to start with a capital letter.

Well done.

As a result, that's a fronted adverbial.

Every fronted adverbial needs to be followed by a, everybody, comma.

Well done.

This is why it's so important we read back our sentences to check, 'cause sometimes we forget things when we're thinking about what we need to write and we forget about things like punctuation.

So as a result, we are fuller for longer, full stop.

Okay, I'm going to stop there.

You are going to carry on and give more information about a healthy diet and water.

But for now, we're done and I'm going to go through my success criteria.

So I have written a question as my subheading and underlined it.

You can see that there.

So I'm going to give myself a tick.

I have written detailed facts about what forms a healthy diet.

I've included loads of detailed facts and information.

So I'm going to give myself a tick.

I have written a compound and a complex sentence.

I have complex sentences, examples of complex sentences here, because, as, because, but I haven't done a compound sentence, so I can't give myself a tick just yet.

But if I were to carry on writing, that's something I'd be thinking about.

Have I used at least two fronted adverbials? I have, I have also, and as a result, so I can give myself a tick.

Okay, it is time for task B.

It is your turn to write.

First thing you need to do is write and underline your subheading, then you'll need to indent the first sentence, so leaving that space between the margin and your first word.

And then you're going to use your success criteria and your plan to help you structure your section.

Here is your success criteria that you are going to be using to help you.

So pause the video now and off you go.

Welcome back everybody.

Well done for working so hard.

In a minute you're going to read your writing back to check it makes sense and to edit any punctuation errors, spelling errors that you can spot.

Then you'll tick in each box when you have completed the success criteria.

These are your points from your success criteria you want to be including.

So I'm going to read through now an example or my example of this section, and we're gonna think about if we can tick off all the points from the success criteria.

So listen in carefully and reading as I read out loud.

And you can be thinking about what I can tick off for my success criteria.

What is a healthy diet? A balanced diet includes a variety of food groups that provide different nutrients to keep us strong and energetic.

Nutritionists recommend eating 30 plant-based foods a week.

This includes eating lots of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, because they're high in fibre and excellent for the gut.

It is important to eat lots of protein, because this helps grow and repair muscles.

In addition, scientists recommend eating whole grains as they release energy slowly to keep us fuller for longer.

Also, drinking six to eight cups of water a day is suggested by scientists, because it allows our bodies to function.

Foods high in sugar and trans fat can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet.

However, they should be enjoyed in moderation.

Okay, so have I written a question as my subheading and underlined it? I have, so I'm going to give myself a tick.

Did I write detailed facts about what forms a healthy diet? I did, I made sure my facts were really specific about the different types of food we want to be including.

So I'm going to give myself a tick.

Have I written a compound and a complex sentence? I did, I wonder if you spotted the compound and the complex sentence, so I can give myself a tick.

And then did I use at least two fronted adverbials? I used two formal fronted adverbials, so I can give myself a tick.

Now it's your turn to read back through your section and see if you can tick off everything you need to from the success criteria.

Pause the video now and off you go.

Okay, here is a summary of everything we've learned today.

A section of a report contains specific facts for the reader to learn more about the subject.

The subheading introduces a section of a text using simple compound and complex sentences improves text flow for the reader and fronted adverbials ensure the reader stays engaged when reading the section.

Brilliant job today everybody.

Well done.