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Hi there, and welcome to today's spelling lesson.

I'm Mr. Moss, I love spelling and I'm really looking forward to teaching you.

With you today you need to bring your looking eyes, your listening ears, and your thinking brains.

As well as that something to write with and write on would be great.

And having someone to talk to you or something to talk to, you would also be brilliant.

Let's get into today's lesson then.

In today's spelling lesson, we're going to be spelling words with the suffixes ful and less.

The outcome is, I can change the meaning of a word by adding the suffix ful or the suffix less.

Here are the key words for today's learning.

My turn, your turn.

Make sure I can hear you saying these back to me.

Suffix, root word, adjective, noun.

So let's have a little chat about what these mean then.

A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning and to create a new word.

So today we're looking at those suffixes, FUL and LESS, ful and less.

The root word is that base word onto which our prefix or our suffix is added.

An adjective describes a noun, it tells you what it's like.

And a noun is a PPT, a person, a place, or a thing.

So today we are going to be adding the ful and the less suffix onto root words to create adjectives that will describe nouns.

Here's the outline for today's lesson.

First of all, we're gonna look at the rules for adding the suffixes, FUL and LESS.

And then we're gonna practise and apply some spellings and also write a sentence.

Let's get on with looking at some rules for adding these suffixes then.

Remember, the suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning and create a new word.

Here I have the root word cold, onto that I've added er as my suffix.

I've created colder Help, here, I'm adding the ING suffix.

And it's becoming helping.

And here I have quick and it's becoming quickly when I add that LY suffix.

So here are three examples of suffixes, ER, ING, LY, all added to the end of the words to create new words.

Sometimes the root word spelling might change.

Other times it might stay the same, and we simply add the suffix.

There are lots of different types of suffix and there are also lots of different rules as to what happens to that root word when we add certain suffixes.

And now we're gonna generate some rules when we add the ful and the less suffix.

So let's read some words.

My turn.

Your turn.

Careful, careless.


Playful, helpless, beautiful, merciless, joyful.

So if you look really carefully at all of these words, I can notice that they either have the ful or the less suffix.

And some of them, if you look at careful and careless, even have the same root word onto which either suffix can be added.

These words are also all adjectives.

Now remember, adjectives describe nouns.

Adjectives describe nouns.

They give us more detail.

So adding ful or less onto the end of a root word will create adjectives.

The suffix ful means full of or having the qualities of that root word.

So for example, hopeful means to be full of hope.

Hope there is my root word, I've added ful, which interestingly isn't spelled FULL.

It's just spelled FUL.

And it means to be full of hope, to have lots of hope, have that quality.

The suffix less there means without or lacking.

Not having that thing, not having that quality.

So if I look at the word hopeless, my root word hope there.

If I add the suffix less, it means without hope.

So they're opposites in a way.

If you are hopeful, you are full of hope.

And if you are hopeless, you are without it, you don't have it.

Beautiful means full of beauty.

Powerless means without power.

So ful means full of having the quality of that root word.

Less means without or lacking the quality of that root word.

Some root words, we can add both the full and less suffix.

We looked at this earlier didn't we with that word care, the root word care, I can make careful or careless, but this isn't always the case.

Care plus ful creates careful.

care plus the suffix LESS creates careless.

If you are careful, you are full of that quality of care.

If you are careless, it's the opposite of careful.

You don't have that quality at all.

Hopeful and hopeless.

Again, this root word hope we can add both ful and less to.

These words are opposites of one another.

The ful or less suffixes often turned nouns into adjectives.

Remember, adjectives describe nouns.

She felt pain when she fell down.

The word pain here is a noun, and it shows the feeling that this person is experiencing.

The scrape on her knee was painful.

The word painful here describes that noun, the scrape, and is an adjective.

So let me add ful or less.

We often create adjectives.

The boy's fear made it hard to sleep.

The word fear here is a noun.

It shows the feeling the boy is experiencing.

The fearless firefighter ran into the building.

The word fearless describes the noun, the person, the firefighter, and is therefore an adjective.

So again, when we add LESS as our suffix, we often create adjectives whereas it describe nouns.

So which word class is thought and which word class is thoughtless here? Think about, which is a noun, which is an adjective.

I have an interesting thought.

My brother can be thoughtless.

Pause the video.

Which world class is which? Good job.

So thought is a noun is a thing, it's an idea.

And thoughtless is describing the brother here, the person.

So it's an adjective.

It's describing our noun.

Look at what happens when the suffixes ful and less are added to these words.

What do you notice? Hope becomes hopeful.

Full of hope.

Speech becomes speechless.

Loss for words.

Use becomes useful.

Joy becomes joyless.

No joy without joy.

What do you notice is happening here to these words? Pause the video and have a think.

The suffixes less and full.

Start with a consonant.

They start with an L.

This means that the root word here doesn't have to change when we add the suffix.

So most of the time our root word is not going to change.

When we add the suffix here.

What would the spelling of these words be then when our ful or suffix is added? Play, peace, thank.

I'd like you to have a think about how I'm going to spell the words, playful, peaceful, thankful.

Is the spelling of my root word going to change? Think about the rule we just looked at.

Pause the video and have a go at spelling playful, peaceful, thankful.

Off you go.


So play becomes playful.

Peace becomes peaceful and thank becomes thankful.

There's no need here to add anything or change anything about my root words because the ful suffix is beginning with that consonant F.

We just add it.

So remember, the spelling of the root word here can help us know how we're going to spell our adjective.

Play peace and thank, words like that we just have to add ful as our suffix to create our adjectives.

So most common rule here is just add ful.

Look at what will happen to these words.

What do you think the spelling of these words will be when we add our suffix less, LESS? We have help, care and power.

How do you think I'm going to spell helpless, careless, powerless.

Pause the video and have a think now.

Good job.

So help is gonna become helpless.

Just adding LESS.

It's the same for careless and the same for powerless.

The spelling of our root word here is going to help us know how we spell our adjective.

And our rule here then is just adding LESS.

Just like when we added FUL before, look at what happens when the suffixes FUL and LESS are added to these root words.

What do you notice? Beauty is becoming beautiful.

Mercy is becoming merciful.

Oh, sorry merciless, mercy is becoming merciless, although merciful is also a word.

It's one of those ones where you can add ful or less to it.

Pity is becoming pitiful.

Pause the video.

What do you notice? How's our root word changing here? Have a think now.

Okay, so what I spotted here is if our root word has more than one syllable and ends in a consonant Y, we remove that Y and we add IFUL, don't we? Before adding our ful or less suffix.

So let's have a think.

Beauty, mercy, pity, all of these words have more than one syllable.

They have two syllables, in fact, beauty.

And you can clap out those syllables and they all end in that Y don't they? And it's that Y making that E sound, beauty, mercy, pity.

And so what I do is I remove the Y and replace it with an I before adding either my FUL or LESS suffix.

So what will the spelling of these words be when we add the suffixes ful or less? Plenty.

How am I going to make the word plentiful? Fancy.

How am I going to make the word fanciful? And pity.

How am I going to make the word pitiless? Pause the video.

Have a good at spelling plentiful, fanciful, pitiful.

Think about our rule.

Great, well I've noticed here plenty.

Two syllables ending in a Y.

Remove the Y, add I and then FUL to make plentiful, which means there's lots of something.


Again fancy, two syllables.

Remove the Y, add I and then my FUL suffix and pitiless.

Pity two syllables ending in a Y.

Remove the Y and then add an I and then my LESS suffix.

Remember looking at the spelling of that root word can help us to spell the adjective.

And so our rule here is remove the Y and add IFUL or ILESS.

Remove the Y add iful or iless.

So we've generated two rules for each suffix here.

The first one is just add FUL and remove the Y and add IFUL or just add LESS or remove the Y and add ILESS.

Let's look at this in action then, just add FUL a word like care would just become careful.


Two syllables ending in a Y.

Remove the Y add IFUL to become beautiful and then just adding LESS, cheer will become cheerless.

And though we only have the word mercy, mercy two syllables ending in a Y remove the Y add I before adding our LESS to become merciless.

So most root words we just add FUL.

If the root word has two syllables or more than one syllable and ending in the consonant Y, we remove the Y and add I here.

Most root words, we would just add LESS.

And it's the same again here.

If our root word has two syllables or more than one syllable ending in a consonant Y we remove that Y and add our ILESS.

Take a quick snapshot of these rules now.


So with that in mind, I've got four children here and they represent each of our rules here.

Just adding FUL, removing the Y and adding IFUL, just adding LESS or removing the Y and adding ILESS.

I'm gonna show you some root words.

I want you to pick which rule we would use for adding either the FUL suffix or the LESS suffix.

Here's our first word, play.

Which rule are you going to use here? Pause the video.


Now be careful with this one.

Because there's no such word as playless.

There is a word as playful though to be full of play.

So playful is the one I was looking for, And it's just a case of adding that FUL.

So rule A was our first one.

Let's look at the next one.


Be careful again.

Try adding both suffixes, which one's gonna be correct full or less.

And then which rule does it follow? Pull the video and select the correct one now from A, B, C, or D.

Good job, it becomes beautiful, beauty two syllables, remove the Y add IFUL.

There's no such word as beautiless.

So beautiful is our correct one here.

And it was rule B.

The next word care.

Think about this one.

Now be careful with this one, because I think there might be two of the suffixes that we could use here, pause the video.

Which rule do you think we're going to use? Off you go.

Brilliant job team.

So it could be careful here or careless.

This is one of those root words where we can add either of our suffixes here to create something full of care or something without care that opposites.

So and this word here follows that rule of just adding either FUL or just adding LESS.


So for our practise task here, what I'd like you to do for me.

Is I'd like you to put the root words into the correct column and show what will happen when we add the suffixes FUL or LESS or perhaps both.

We have only four words below we have the words use, beauty, power, and pity.

So are you just gonna add FUL? Are you gonna remove the Y and add IFUL? Are you just gonna add LESS or are you gonna remove the Y and add ILESS? Now be careful, remember you might be able to use both ful and less with some of these words.

Not all of them, but some of them pause the video, put them into the correct column and have a go at adding those suffixes, off you go now.

Great job team.

Let's see how you've done them.

So I'm hoping you've managed to sort them into columns like this.

Useful, powerful.

They are examples where we could just add our FUL suffix.

Beautiful and pitiful.

Were two examples where we would remove the Y because they have beauty, pity, more than one syllable, two syllables ending in a Y.

Remove the Y and add IFUL.

Useless and powerless are the opposites of useful and powerful.

And we can just add LESS to the end of those.

And finally, pitiless is the opposite of pitiful.

And with that one pity two syllables ending in a Y.

We can remove the Y add ILESS the opposite of pitiful.

Now beautiful, there's no such word as beautiless, so that's why we can't add that into our final column there.

Pause the video and see how you did make any corrections and check your spellings off you go.

Onto our final learning cycle then.

we're gonna practise and apply some spellings and we're gonna have a go at writing a sentence.

So let's read a word.

The word is reign, reign.

Island, island.

What do you notice about these spellings? We have reign and island and this type of reign it's not as in the rain that's falling down, it's the reign as in the queen reigned for a long time.

It means to have power over something to reign over something.

And here we have an island, like an island, an area surrounded by water.

Have a look at these words.

What's tricky about them do you think? What's a little bit strange about them? Have a think.

Great, some lovely thinking conversations going on there.

So for me is the fact that in reign we have this EIG representing that A sound, don't we? And in island it looks like it should be is land doesn't it? Island, it's that S there.

It's almost like a silent S, isn't it? So the A sound in reign is represented by the EIG and there's a silent S in island.

We didn't say is land, we say island.

So have a look here for me.

Remember reign also is a homophone.

If it's spelled RAIN, that's the rain as in the rain that falls from the sky and gets you wet.

But this is reign as in the king or queen reigned over the country.

How do I spell that version of reign? Pause the video and point to the correct answer now.


It's that EIG representation of that A sound isn't it, that quite irregular spelling for that.

So it's this one here, which is our correct one.

And how do I spell island? Think about the silent letter that's in it.

Pause the video and point to the correct spelling now.



Remember there's a silent S in it isn't there? So it's this spelling here.

So we've looked at a few rules today, four rules in fact.

Just adding FUL, removing the Y and adding IFUL, just adding LESS and removing the Y and adding ILESS.

Pause the video for a moment and have a look back over these rules and make a mental snapshot because they're gonna be really useful when you come to practising some words now have a look at this page.

Great with that in mind and with those rules in mind, have a look at these sentences here.

Choose the correct spelling for each sentence.

I'll read the sentences to us first.

She was tired and quite forgetful.

That is a beautiful painting.

They felt helpless without any power or light.

Pause the video and select the correct spellings now.

Off you go.

Great, let's see how you've done them.

She was tired and forgetful.

Now let's think about this.

Forget, I'm just gonna add my suffix ful.

And remember we don't spell our suffix ful, FULL.

It is full of something.

Don't get confused by that.

But it's just a single L forgetful.

Now beauty two syllables ending in a Y.

We gotta chop off that Y and add FUL.

And helpless our suffix less, LESS is spelled LESS.

Not one S, helpless.

How did you do? So for this check task, I'd like us to add the suffix less or ful to create adjectives.

I'd like you to create hopeful, tasteless, beautiful and merciless.

Pause the video and have a go at changing those root words if you need to.

And adding those suffixes now, off you go.

Great job team.

Let's say you've done them.

So hopeful.

Now my suffix ful is FUL, isn't it? I'm not gonna change the spelling of that root word.

It's gonna remain as hopeful.

The middle one says hopful and the final one says hopefull.

But remember, our suffix ful is spelt just with one L.

So our correct spelling is this one here.

The next one, tasteless.

Again, I can just add LESS to this, double S.

And I'm not gonna change the spelling of the root word, tasteless.

And finally on this one, well penultimately I should say, beautiful.

Be careful with this one.

Beauty, two syllables ending in a Y.

Remove the Y, add an I and then FUL.

It's just one L.

And finally merciless, again, mercy.

Two syllables.

Ending in a Y who remove that Y, add an I and then LESS two S's, merciless.

Great job.

So we are going to write a sentence now containing some of our focus spellings.

When we write the whole sentence, we have to do several things at once.

Remember the whole sentence, sound out each word, think of our spelling rules and remember those rules you generated for adding our FUL and our LESS suffixes today.

Look out for those common exception in curriculum words and think about those curriculum words we've looked at today.

Reign as in the reign of an emperor, a king, or a queen and island.

And remember our sentence punctuation, capital letters and full stops.

So I'd like you to listen to me say the sentence first of all.

After the King's peaceful reign, the island was a joyful place to live.

After the King's peaceful reign, the island was a joyful place to live.

So we're gonna use some strategies now to help us remember this sentence because it wouldn't be fair for me to just throw you in and expect you to have a go at writing that straightaway.

We're gonna say it a number of times and really put it into our memories.

The first one is tapping it in our head.

After the King's peaceful reign, the island was a joyful place to live.

Pause the video and tap that out now for me.


The next one, whispering it.

After the King's peaceful reign, the island was a joyful place to live.

Pause the video, whisper that to yourself or to someone around you, off you go.

Good job.

Could barely hear there, but I'm sure you're saying it.

And finally, the opposite of whispering.

We're gonna shout it out.

After the King's peaceful reign, the island was a joyful place to live.

Pause the video and shout that sentence out now make sure I can hear you, off you go.

Yeah, I definitely heard you there.

Well done.

So remember, you're gonna have a chance to write this sentence now, sound out each word.

Look out for those common exceptional curriculum words, think about any punctuation, not just capital letters and full stops but any commas, any apostrophes in there as well.

I'm gonna say the sentence one more time.

After the King's peaceful rain, the island was a joyful place to live.

Pause the video and have a good at writing that now.

Brilliant job team.

Some really good application of our spelling rules there for adding our less and ful suffixes.

Lovely handwriting and great punctuating.

Let's check our work now.

Make any corrections as we go along.

After needs to have a capital letter.

The Kings, now I've got a capital letter here 'cause the King is a proper noun.

And also I've got an apostrophe S peaceful reign, peaceful root word, peace.

Just adding our FUL suffix, reign as in the reign of a king or a queen.

Them being in charge, we have our EIG representation for that A sound, The island, remember our silent S there, was a joyful place to live.

Joyful, we just add FUL there to the end of our root word joy.

Of course, we need to have a full stop at the end as well.

There's a couple of other bits of punctuation I want to point out to you here as well.

We have an apostrophe for possession here 'cause it was the King's reign that reign belonged to the king.

So we have apostrophe S for singular possession and here we have a comma to separate our fronted adverbial.

After the King's peaceful reign, the island was a joyful place to live.

How did you do? What successes did you have? Do you have any corrections to make? Do you make any major mistakes? Share those successes and mistakes and make any corrections now, pause the video.

Really great work today team, we've been looking at our FUL and our LESS suffix.

Remember, suffixes are letter or group of letters added to the end of a word that creates a new word.

The LESS and the FUL suffixes start with a consonant.

This means the root word usually doesn't change when we add the suffix, but remember, if our root word has more than one syllable and ends in a consonant Y, then the Y is replaced by an I before adding either suffix.

Keep up the great learning and I'll see you again soon.