
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle.

Welcome to today's lesson.

I am really excited, because in this lesson we are going to be reading the opening of one of my favourite books, "The Iron Man." For this lesson, you need the 2005 Faber and Faber edition of "The Iron Man" by Ted Hughes.

Pause the video and get your copy now.


Now, I know you have the book with you.

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully, and there'll also be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is, I can engage with the opening chapter of "The Iron Man." Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.

Science fiction.



Linguistic technique.


Great job, well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

Science fiction is a genre of fiction that involves imaginative and futuristic concepts linked to science and technology.

A protagonist is a main character or central figure in a story or narrative.

Atmosphere is the tone or mood created in a section or whole of a text.

A linguistic technique is a language device used to have a desired impact on the reader.

And imagery is a writer's use of highly descriptive and vivid language to paint a picture.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, you will be reading the opening chapter of "The Iron Man." And in the second part, we will be looking at atmosphere and language.

So let's begin with reading the opening chapter.

"The Iron Man" is written by Ted Hughes.

Let's learn a bit about the author and the text.

Ted Hughes was an English poet and children's author.

He was born in 1930 and died in 1998.

"The Iron Man" is a fiction text, which was first published in 1968, and it is Ted Hughes' most widely read children's story.

Since its publication, "The Iron Man" has been adapted into a film and stage productions.

What genre does "The Iron Man" belong to? "The Iron Man" is a science fiction novel.

Science fiction is a genre of fiction that involves imaginative and futuristic concepts linked to science and technology.

Can you think of any science fiction books you have read? Pause the video and discuss with your partner.

Here are some of the answers I heard.

"The Wild Robot" by Peter Brown.

"The Boy Who Fell From the Sky" by Benjamin Dean.

"Cosmic" by Frank Cottrell-Boyce.

"Wonderscape" by Jennifer Bell.

These are just some examples of science fiction novels you might have had of.

What kind of elements might you see in a science fiction novel? Pause the video and discuss with your partner.

Let's take a look at some of the elements you might see in a science fiction novel.

Outer space, this is a common setting for science fiction.

Non-human or alien life.

Time travel.

Futuristic life forms, for example, robots.

Alternate realities.

Special powers.

Let's check your understanding.

Based on the title of the novel "The Iron Man," which element of science fiction can you predict will be a part of the story? A, time travel.

B, outer space.

Or C, futuristic life forms, like robots.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is C, well done.

We can predict that there will be futuristic life forms like a robot in the story, and we can predict this based off the title of the book, "The Iron Man." The opening of "The Iron Man" introduces the protagonist and sets the scene.

A protagonist is a main character or central figure in a story or narrative.

The protagonist in "The Iron Man" is a robotic giant named The Iron Man.

The opening of the story is set in unknown part of the world on a clifftop by the sea.

It's now time for you to read or listen to the text from the beginning of Chapter 1 up to the word "Unmoving" on page three.

Here is some vocabulary you will encounter while reading.


This means the extreme edge of land.


This means a sharp or jagged point.

And scattered, this means found at various locations rather than all together.

Pause the video to read this section of the story now, and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back.

I hope you enjoyed reading the first few pages of the story.

Let's check your understanding.

What happened to the Iron Man when he fell off the cliff? A, his body landed on the beach in a lifeless heap.

B, he landed on his feet and bounced back up.

Or C, his body broke apart and the pieces scattered across the beach.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is C, well done.

When the Iron Man fell off the cliff, his body broke apart and the pieces scattered across the beach.

It's now time for you to continue reading or listening to the text from the paragraph beginning only on page three up to the word "Cry" on page five.

Here is some more vocabulary you will encounter.


This is a sea animal that has a shell with two halves.


This means stretched out a part of oneself.

And jabbed, this means poked something roughly or quickly.

Pause the video to read this section now, and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back.

Let's check your understanding.

Which two body parts belonging to the Iron Man were reunited first? A, a hand and an eye.

B, a crab and a clam.

Or C, a finger and a thumb.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is A, well done.

One of the Iron Man's hands and one of his eyes were reunited first.

It's now time to continue reading or listening to the text from the paragraph beginning slowly on page five up to the word "Came" on page seven.

Here is some more vocabulary that you will encounter.


This means attached or secured firmly in place.


This means held on tightly to.

And torso, this is the main part of the body that contains the chest, stomach, and back.

Pause the video to read this section now, and come back and press play when you are ready.

Let's check your understanding of this section of the story.

True or false? It was a quick and easy process for the Iron Man to put his body back together.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is false, well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, the iron man didn't put his body back together, the seagulls did.

Or B, it was a long process as the Iron Man's hands searched the beach to find each body part and fasten them to one another.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is B, well done.

It was a long process as the Iron Man's hands searched the beach to find each body part and fasten them to one another.

It's now time for you to finish the final part of Chapter 1.

Read or listen to the text from the paragraph beginning "The" on page seven up to the end of Chapter 1.

Here is some more vocabulary you will encounter.


This means extremely large or great.


This is a heavy sea wave that breaks into white foam.

And swell, this refers to rolling waves on the surface of the ocean.

Pause the video to read this section now, and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back.

I hope you really enjoyed reading to the end of Chapter 1 of "The Iron Man." Let's check your understanding.

True or false? The opening chapter of "The Iron Man" ends in a mysterious way.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true, well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, the Iron Man didn't find one of his ears.

Or B, the Iron Man walks deep into the ocean and disappears from sight.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is B, well done.

It is true that the Iron Man didn't find one of his ears, but we know that it was with the seagulls, so that's not a mystery to us.

But the Iron Man walked deep into the ocean and disappeared from sight, which is quite a mysterious ending and leaves the reader with lots of questions.

It's now time for your first task.

Reflect on the opening chapter of "The Iron Man." Share your opinions and discuss them.

Likes, what caught your attention and why? Dislikes, was there anything that you didn't enjoy? And puzzles, was there anything you found surprising or confusing? Pause the video and discuss with your partner.

I loved listening to your discussions and hearing all of your different opinions.

Let's take a look at some of the answers I had.

For likes, what caught your attention and why? I heard one person say, "I loved the language used to describe the Iron Man, I built such a clear image of him in my head." For dislikes, was there anything that you didn't enjoy? One person said, "I found the description of the Iron Man putting his body back together difficult to follow.

There was so many body parts to reattach." And for puzzles, was there anything you found surprising or confusing? I heard, "I am confused about who the Iron Man is and where he has gone.

Can he breathe underwater? Is that where he lives?" The chapter did end in a very mysterious way, so I am sure you have lots of questions.

And hopefully we will uncover the answer to your questions as we continue reading the story.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson where we are going to be looking at the atmosphere and language in the opening chapter of the story.

We are going to consider the atmosphere that is created in the opening chapter of "The Iron Man." Atmosphere means the tone or mood created in a section or whole of a text.

Ted Hughes creates a mysterious atmosphere in the opening chapter of "The Iron Man." Mysterious means not easy to understand or explain.

This leaves the reader with many questions about the protagonist, the setting, and the plot of the story.

Let's check your understanding.

What impact does the mysterious atmosphere in the opening chapter of "The Iron Man" have on the reader? A, it gives the reader a clear idea of the overall plot of the story.

B, it leaves the reader with many questions about the protagonist, the setting, and the plot.

Or C, it leaves the reader uninspired to continue reading.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is B, well done.

The mysterious atmosphere leaves the reader with many questions about the protagonist, the setting, and the plot.

How does Ted Hughes create a mysterious atmosphere? Ted Hughes uses precise word choices and a variety of linguistic techniques to create vivid imagery and convey a mysterious atmosphere.

A linguistic technique is a language device used to have a desired impact on the reader.

Ted Hughes uses the following linguistic techniques in the opening chapter of "The Iron Man." Repetition.

This means the repeated use of sounds, words, or phrases that are repeated for emphasis or for a particular effect.

He uses similes.

These are the comparison of two things using "Like" or "As," which highlights similarities and creates vivid imagery.

And he also uses personification.

This is a way of describing a non-living thing as if it acts or feels like a human.

Let's check your understanding.

Match the linguistic technique to its definition.

The linguistic techniques are.

A, repetition.

B, similes.

C, personification.

The definitions are, a way of describing a non-living thing as if it acts or feels like a human.

The comparison of two things using "Like" or "As" to highlight similarities.

And the repeated use of sounds, words, or phrases for emphasis or effect.

Pause the video and match the linguistic technique to the correct definition now.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

Repetition is the repeated use of sounds, words, or phrases for emphasis or effect.

Similes are the comparison of two things using "Like" or "As" to highlight similarities.

And personification is a way of describing a non-living thing as if it acts or feels like a human.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of these linguistic techniques.

It's time for a task.

Reread from the beginning of Chapter 1 up to the word "Unmoving" on page three.

Identify one example of each of the following linguistic techniques.

A, repetition.

B, similes.

C, personification.

Pause the video now to read these pages and spot an example of each of these with your partner.

Welcome back.

You did a great job at spotting the use of these linguistic techniques.

Let's take a look at some of the possible examples you might have spotted.

For repetition.

There is repetition that nobody has any knowledge about the Iron Man.

For similes.

The Iron Man's eyes are compared to headlamps that flash in different colours.

And for personification.

The sound of the wind is described as singing through the Iron Man's fingers.

These are just some of the examples within the first few pages of Chapter 1, and you may have spotted others.

It's now time for your final task.

Read aloud from the beginning of Chapter 1 up to the word "Unmoving" on page three.

There are some key things to remember when reading aloud.

You should use an expressive voice.

You should take pauses where appropriate.

You should place emphasis on keywords.

For example, repeated phrases or words.

You should use changes in volume.

For example, you may want to say a capitalised word in a louder voice.

And you can use facial expressions too.

I would like you to try to read these pages in a way that conveys the mysterious atmosphere.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

I loved listening to you read these pages aloud.

You did such a fantastic job at reading in an expressive voice and in a way that conveyed the mysterious atmosphere.

Let's take a look at a checklist for you to reflect on how well you conveyed that atmosphere.

Did you use an expressive voice? Did you take pauses where appropriate? Did you emphasise any keywords? I wonder which ones.

Did you make any changes in volume? Did you use facial expressions? I am sure you did a fantastic job at reading these pages aloud.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

"The Iron Man" is a science fiction novel written by the author Ted Hughes.

Science fiction is a genre of fiction that involves imaginative and futuristic concepts linked to science and technology.

The opening chapter introduces a mysterious robot named the Iron Man as the protagonist.

Ted Hughes creates a mysterious atmosphere in the opening chapter, which leaves the reader with many questions.

And a variety of linguistic techniques are used to create vivid imagery and convey a mysterious atmosphere.

Well done for your hard work during today's lesson.

I have really enjoyed sharing the beginning of this story with you.