
Lesson video

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Hi everybody, I'm Ms. Gardner.

Welcome to your first lesson on our unit, "The Man on the Moon": Narrative Writing.

I'm so excited to do this unit, it's one of my favourite films. I really hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

So let's get started with lesson one.

Today's lesson is our first lesson of our unit, "The Man on the Moon": Narrative Writing.

So we're going to be watching the film and discussing it.

So your learning outcome today is, I can discuss my initial responses to the short film, "The Man on the Moon".

The key words for today's learning.

We're going to do my turn, your turn.

I'll say the word first and then when I do this, you can say it back to the screen or to your partner or to your teacher.




Let's have a look at what these mean.

Imagination is our mind's ability to create pictures and ideas that aren't real.

So we use our imagination to create stories, or pictures, or images, and these aren't real.

Empathising is getting inside a character's head and imagining how they might be feeling.

A response is a feeling, emotion, or opinion that can be discussed about something that someone has seen or heard.

We are gonna be developing responses to "The Man on the Moon" after we've watched it.

So there are two sections of our learning today.

In the first, we'll be imagining the setting and characters, and in the second we will be developing responses.

So let's start by imagining the setting and characters.

"The Man on the Moon" is a short animation.

It tells the story of a man who lives on the moon.

We must use our imagination to create an image arm in our minds of what life would be like on the moon.

Because we know that humans don't live on the moon.

It's not a real place someone would live on.

So we have to use our imagination to imagine what that could be like.

Imagination is the mind's ability to create pictures and ideas that aren't real.

It's time for our first talk task.

I want you to look at this picture and tell your partner, or the screen, or anyone you're with, what you can see in this image, and what do you think it might be.

We know that this is from the moon, but maybe you're imagining it's a hole, a crater, or something really different.

It almost looks like a skateboard ramp or something like that.

You can use your imagination to create an image in your mind of what you think this must be.

So have a go and pause the video now.

Okay, well done everyone.

I hope you had a go at imagining what this must be, might be.

Now we've got another picture.

This picture is a zoomed out version of the previous picture and I want you to take a look at it again and think about what can you see, what do you think it might be? Maybe you think it's somebody's house? Maybe it could be the corner of a school? Who knows what life on the moon is like, so you need to use your imagination to think about what this could be.

So pause the video now and tell your partner or the screen what you imagine this image is.

Off you go.

Well done everyone, for using your imagination to imagine what this picture is.

Now I have an even further zoomed out picture.

This time you can see a figure, an unknown figure.

Think about who that might be, what they might be doing there, what they might be in, what is that? Their house, is that their office? I want you to use your imagination and think about what is happening now in this picture.

So tell the person next to you or the screen and pause the video.

Off you go.

Okay, welcome back, well done everyone.

I wonder if you or your partner or whoever you were speaking to had really different images in your head of what was happening here and of what life on the moon was like.

Really well done, everybody.

Okay, it's time for task A.

We're gonna be using our creative skills now to do some drawing.

I want you to draw a picture showing what you imagine a man on the moon might look like.

We have no idea what a man on the moon might look like.

He might look like almost like an alien, or he might like just anyone we would see in everyday life.

Think about what clothes they might be wearing, what their facial expressions might be.

Do they look happy to be there? Do they look sad? And then, again, you're using your imagination to create an image in your mind of what a man might look like.

I also want you to imagine and draw a picture of what you imagine his house might look like.

Do you imagine it to be huge and grand, filled with lots and lots of furniture and things? Or small, empty, maybe not very well kept? I don't know, this is your idea in your head, you're gonna use your imagination.

So there's not really a right or wrong answer for this.

So you've got two boxes on your sheet for you to complete this and I need you to pause the video now and draw a picture showing what you imagine the man to look like and his house.

So off you go.

Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed drawing what you imagine life on the moon is like.

I really did, I'm gonna show you what I've drawn.

So first I drew what I imagine the man on the moon to look like.

I thought that maybe he might have quite ragged clothes, maybe a bit unclean clothes, because I didn't think there'd be like electricity on the moon for him to be able to wash his clothes.

I've also drawn him having quite messy hair, 'cause I didn't think there'd be a hairdresser's or anything, anywhere he could go to to cut his hair.

And I also drew him waving, 'cause I imagined him to be waving out at the galaxy and the stars.

And then his house.

I did a very simple house, a small house.

And I didn't do any windows.

I imagined that it might be hard to get find glass up on the moon, but I did drew a solar panel, 'cause I thought he's a lot closer to the sun than we are on Earth.

So maybe he could use solar power to create some energy.

That's just my idea, I'm sure you've got very different images.

And as I said, there's no right or wrong.

But I hope you've enjoyed using your imagination to draw an image of what life is like on the moon.

So really well done everyone.

Now second part of task A, you need to write a sentence.

This time you need to write a sentence explaining what you imagine the man might spend his days doing, and how you imagine he might feel on the moon.

Do you imagine him to be feeling really happy to be there? Maybe a bit lonely, maybe a bit scared? It's up to you.

I've given you two sentence starters to help you with this.

So the first one is, "I imagine this man might spend his days.

." And you can complete that sentence.

And, "I imagine this man might feel.

." So pause the video now and complete the sentences below.

Off you go.

Welcome back everybody, I hope you've enjoyed imagining what you imagine the man might, how he might be feeling when he is up on the moon.

So for example, and again, don't worry if your sentence isn't exactly like this.

I imagine this man might spend his days watching the stars floating around him.

And I imagine this man might feel lonely and scared, because there is no one with him to make him feel safe.

That's just how I felt.

But you can see I've written my- What I imagined in a nice full sentence to explain really clearly what I was thinking.

Really well done everybody, on task A.

It's now time for our second section of today's lesson where we are going to be watching the film and developing our responses.

So let's meet the main characters.

Firstly, we have the man, the man who lives on the moon.

And we have Lily, a young girl.

Just tell the person next to you or tell the screen in this talk task, how do you think they are going to be connected in this film? Pause the video now.

Well done, I wonder what you thought.

How did you imagine that they're going to be connected? Do you think they're related? Do you think maybe he's her grandfather? Do you think they're strangers? Do you think they're going to meet eventually at some point in the film? If you need to, pause the video now and have another think about this question, 'cause it is quite an important question to think about before we start watching the film.

Otherwise, let's watch the film closely.

I want you to consider all of these things.

What can you see? What can you hear? And what can you feel? So we are thinking about three of our senses; sight, hearing and feeling.

(soft piano music) ♪ I would like to leave this city ♪ ♪ This old town don't smell too pretty ♪ ♪ And I can feel the warning signs running around my mind ♪ ♪ And when I leave this planet ♪ ♪ You know I'd stay but I just can't stand it ♪ ♪ And I can feel the warning signs running around my mind ♪ ♪ So here I go ♪ ♪ I'm still scratching around in the same old hole ♪ ♪ My body feels young but my mind is very old ♪ ♪ So what do you say ♪ ♪ You can't give me the dreams that are mine anyway ♪ ♪ You're half the world away ♪ ♪ You're half the world away ♪ (people chattering) (instrumental music) ♪ You're half the world away ♪ ♪ I've been lost, I've been found ♪ ♪ But I don't feel down ♪ ♪ You're half the world away ♪ ♪ I've been lost, I've been found ♪ ♪ But I don't feel down ♪ ♪ I don't feel down ♪ <v ->I hope you enjoyed it.

</v> As I was watching it, I was thinking about all of the things I could see.

So I could see an elderly man.

A vast, far away man.

So a person who's really, really far away from Earth.

A cosy house full of Christmas decorations.

A young girl who wanted to speak to the man, and a colourful bunch of balloons delivered to the moon.

So let's just check our understanding here.

In "The Man on the Moon", I could see A, a young couple living on the moon.

B, an elderly man alone on the moon.

C, a big community living on the moon.

Or D, a young girl desperate to communicate with the man on the moon.

There are two options here, pause the video now and think about what you could see.

Okay, well done, let's go through the answers I could see in this film an elderly man.

An elderly man alone on the moon, elderly means old.

And a young girl desperate to communicate with the man on the moon.

We know it wasn't A and C, because the man was all alone on the moon, wasn't he? Really well done.


I also, as I was watching it, was thinking about everything that I could hear.

I could hear Christmas music, happy Christmas music.

Happy families having fun on Christmas Day.

There was lots of hugging and laughing and playing.

But also in comparison, there was very eerie silence on the moon.

There was no noise on the moon, which made me feel even more sorry for the man on the moon, actually, 'cause you could tell that he was really alone.

I could feel sympathy for the lonely man.

That meant I felt sorry for him that he seemed quite lonely.

I could feel the joy on Christmas day, Lily and her family were having a great time.

And then I could also feel happiness for the man at the end when he received his gift.

He seemed so happy and so moved by receiving that gift that it made me feel happy too.

So let's check for understanding.

In "The Man on the Moon", someone might have felt, A, amused by the old man.

That meant they found him funny.

B, sympathy for the lonely man, they felt sorry for him.

Or C, frustrated for the young girl.

Pause the video now.

Welcome back.

Okay, there were two options here.

B, someone could feel sympathy for the lonely man.

They felt sorry for him that he was alone.

Also frustrated for the young girl.

That moment in the film when she's desperate to get the letter to the moon and she's trying loads of different ways and it keeps not working.

That must have been really frustrating for her.

So I felt frustrated for her.

Well done.

"The Man on the Moon" has a touching and emotional moral message.

Its central message is the importance of connecting with others, particularly those who may be lonely or isolated.

It teaches us to reach out to the people around us and to show kindness and compassion to those who may be feeling alone.

Lily is that character who shows such kindness and compassion, doesn't she? She is really worried about the man on the moon, particularly worried about the fact that he might be spending Christmas day alone.

So she does whatever she can to try and make him feel less alone and to let him know that she's thinking of him.

So the film shows just how important it is to be thinking about people, other people who aren't just in our family, who might be spending holidays alone, who may be feeling quite isolated and lonely.

But remember, there is a difference between willingly, so choosing to spend time alone, and feeling lonely because there is no one around.

So sometimes you might like to be by yourself.

It might be a choice because you want to just have some alone time away from other people.

And that doesn't mean necessarily that you are lonely.

That feeling of being lonely is quite a negative feeling.

You feel like you really want to have people around you.

And that is definitely the feeling, the impression we get of the man on the moon, that he's really lonely up there all by himself.

So let's just check for understanding here.

True or false.

The main message of the man on the moon is to only spend time with your family over the holiday season.

Is that true or false? Pause the video now.

That is false.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, its main message is the importance of showing much how you care- Sorry, of showing how much you care about your family and friends.

Or B, its main message is the importance of connecting with others, particularly those who may be lonely or isolated.

Pause the video now.

That's correct, it is B.

The main message of "The Man on the Moon" it's all about reminding us how important it is to think about other people, and particularly those who may be feeling really lonely.

Well done.

So we are going to be now doing a bit more developing our responses.

And that includes discussing what you liked and disliked about something you've seen or read or watched.

So we're gonna be doing this with "The Man on the Moon".

So for example, I, I liked how Lily showed kindness to a stranger.

I liked that moment and how happy the man seemed when he received the balloons.

It was a really touching and moving moment.

I didn't like how we don't know if the man stayed on the moon forever.

I would've liked a bit more of the film showing us what happened to him after he received the gift.

There is no right or wrong answer for these, because these are your responses.

You can say what you liked or disliked, okay? But it's now your turn to explain what you liked or disliked.

So you can use these sentence stems to help you.

I liked or I didn't like.

So you're going to pause the video and tell the screen or your partner, or anybody you're with, all about what you liked and disliked about "The Man on the Moon".

Off you go.

Well done, everybody.

I really hope you enjoyed thinking about what you liked and disliked and enjoyed hearing about other people's responses.

I wonder if they were really different to yours or if they were really similar.

Well done.

It's time for task B.

You are going to fill in the table showing what you liked and disliked about "The Man on the Moon".

So in the likes table, side of the table, you'll explain things you liked, and in the dislikes you can explain things you didn't like.

So pause the video now and off you go completing task B.

Well done everybody, welcome back.

Let's go through what your answers might look like.

Do not worry at all if they don't look exactly like this.

In fact, hopefully they won't, because we've all got different responses to this film.

So I imagine that they won't be exactly the same.

But things that you might have put you liked.

How kind Lily is, how kind, how compassionate she is.

The unusual setting.

I've never seen a film set on the moon before myself.

Someone else might have, you might have, but I've never seen one like that, so I thought it was really interesting and unusual setting.

And I liked the man's reaction when he received the balloons.

As I said earlier, I thought that was a really touching moment.

Dislikes, things I didn't like so much.

How sad the man is.

I felt really sorry for him up there on alone on the Moon.

So that was quite a sad feeling for me.

It was too short, as I was saying, I wanted to know more about what happened after.

And we don't know if Lily contacted the man again.

So that's something I didn't particularly like.

I wanted to know more.

If you need to, pause the video now, and continue to fill out this box with any more likes or dislikes, but really well done everyone, for completing Task B.

It's the end of today's lesson.

Here is a summary of everything we've done in today's learning.

"The Man on the Moon" is a short animation.

The central message of "The Man on the Moon" is the importance of connecting with others, particularly those who may be lonely or isolated.

Imagination allows us to create pictures and ideas that aren't real.

Developing responses about discussing what you liked and disliked about something you've watched or read.

Well done for an excellent first lesson in this unit.

I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have.