
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle, and welcome to this reading lesson where we are going to be engaging with the story of "The Moon Dragons".

For this lesson, you need this copy of "The Moon Dragons", written by Dyan Sheldon and illustrated by Gary Blythe.

Pause the video and get your copy of the book now.


Now, I know you have your copy of the book with you.

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully and there'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is, I can read and summarise the story of "The Moon Dragons".

Here are our key words for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.

Fantasy, plot, summarising.

Great job.

Well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

Fantasy is a genre of fiction involving magical elements typically set in a fictional universe and inspired by mythology or folklore.

The plot refers to what happens in a story.

And summarising means to pull out the key events and ideas from the text.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, you'll be reading "The Moon Dragons," and in the second part you'll be summarising the story.

So let's begin with reading "The Moon Dragons." "The Moon Dragons." Take a look at the front cover of our book.

What do you see? Let's find out a little bit more about this book.

What genre does the story belong to? It's a picture book and narrative fiction text.

This means that the book is told through words and illustrations.

It's is considered a fantasy story.

Who is the author and illustrator? The author is Dyan Sheldon and the illustrator is Gary Blythe.

The illustrations in "The Moon Dragons" are vivid and they're a key element in the storytelling.

What makes "The Moon Dragons" a fantasy story? Fantasy is a genre of fiction involving magical elements typically set in a fictional universe and inspired by mythology or folklore.

The plot of "The Moon Dragons" is based around the search for moon dragons, which are mythical creatures.

The story is set in an undefined period of time, which means we don't know exactly when it took place and it is set in a fictional kingdom.

The main characters in the story are a king who wants to find and retrieve the Moon dragons and a young girl named Alina who believes she can find the moon dragons.

Let's check your understanding.

What makes "The Moon Dragons" a fantasy story? A, the story contains lots of illustrations, B, it is about the search for mythical creatures called moon dragons, or C, the main characters are a king and a young girl named Alina.

Now all of these statements are true, but only one of them explains what makes the story a fantasy story.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is b.

Well done.

The story is considered a fantasy story because it is about a search for mythical creatures called moon dragons.

It's now time to begin reading the book, and I hope you are feeling excited.

Read from the beginning of the story up to page 8 where there is an illustration of the king holding up both fists.

Pause the video to read these pages now and come back and press play when you are ready.

Let's check your understanding of what you've read so far.

Which two things were the moon dragons known for? A, their singing, b, their dreams, c, their flying, d, their silver, shiny scales.

Pause the video and select your answers now.

The answers are a, their singing and d, they're silver shiny scales.

Well done.

True or false, the king was able to retrieve a moon dragon from the mountains? Pause the video and select your answer now.

That is false.

Well done.

Can you justify your answer? A, the king's huntsmen were not successful and returned with a goat instead, or b, the king went to the mountains himself, but found the journey too hard.

Pause the video and select your justification now.

The answer is, a, the king's huntsmen were not successful and they returned with a goat instead.

And we know that the king was not very happy about that.

Well done.

What did the king offer as a reward for anyone who could find the moon dragons? A, a room filled with food, b, a room filled with gold or c, a room filled with sunflowers.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is b.

The king said that he would provide a room filled with gold as a reward for anybody who could successfully find the moons.

Well done.

It is now time for you to continue reading the story up to page 16.

The illustration on this page shows Alina climbing the mountain.

Pause the video to read this part now and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back.

I hope you really enjoyed reading the next part of the story.

Let's check your understanding of what you have just read.

Put the following events from the middle of the story in the correct order.

A, the villagers mocked Alina for her confidence in the quest, b, many men for the moon dragons but found nothing, c, Alina climbed the mountain uninterested in the king's prize, d, a young girl called Alina said she would find the moon dragons.

Pause the video now and number these one to four to show the order in which they happen.

Let's take a look at the answers.

First, many men searched for the moon dragons but found nothing, second, a young girl called Alina said she would find the moon dragons, third, the villagers mocked Alina for her confidence In the quest, fourth, Alina climbed the mountain uninterested in the King's prize.

Well done.

It's now time for you to continue reading the story right up until the end.

Pause the video to finish reading the story now and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back.

I hope you really enjoyed reading to the end of the story.

Let's check your understanding together.

True or false.

Alina felt a physical connection to the Moon dragons when she found them.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, her heartbeat and breath moved in sync with the dragons singing and wing movements, or b, she was able to fly like the dragons.

Pause the video and select the correct justification now.

The answer is a.

Well done.

Alina's heartbeat and breath moved in sync with the dragon singing and wing movements, which means they moved at the same time.

Why did Alina lie to everyone and say she didn't find the moon Dragons? A, she wanted sympathy for failing the quest, b, she wanted to protect the moon dragons from the king or c, she wanted to prove to everyone that she could find them? Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is b, Alina wanted to protect the moon dragons from the king.

That's why she lied to everyone and said she hadn't found them.

She felt that the beauty of a hoard of moon dragons was far more valuable than any room filled with gold.

It is now time for a task and it is a talk task.

Reflect on "The Moon Dragons." Share your opinions and discuss them with a partner.

Likes, what caught your attention and why? Dislikes, was there anything that you didn't enjoy? And puzzles, was there anything you found surprising in the story? Pause the video and discuss with your partner now.

I loved listening to all of your different opinions on the story.

Let's share some of what I heard.

For likes, What caught your attention and why? I had, I loved the illustrations of "The Moon Dragons." Me too.

I thought they were beautiful to look at and I felt so touched by Alina's choice to protect them.

I felt that way too.

It was a really noble decision.

For dislikes, Was there anything that you didn't enjoy? I had, I didn't like the way the king treated people in the story.

That's understandable.

He did speak to people rather unkindly, didn't he? And I didn't enjoy it when the villagers mocked Alina.

I know.

They were rather unkind to her and didn't seem to believe in her, but that didn't stop her from going on her quest.

And for puzzles, was there anything you found surprising? I had, I was surprised by Alina's bravery and independence.

She did show a lot of bravery and independence in order to climb that mountain all by herself, and I was surprised that she didn't choose the room filled with gold.

That might have surprised you, but hopefully we can learn a lesson from Alina's decision.

Well done for discussing the story and sharing your opinions.

It's now time for the second of the lesson where you are going to be summarising the story.

We are going to summarise "The Moon Dragons." Summarising means to pull out the key events and ideas from the text.

Summarising the key events in a story helps us to build our understanding of the text and the meaning behind it.

Let's check your understanding.

What does summarising mean? A, to retell the story in detail, b, To read the story again, c, to pull out the key events and ideas from the story.

Pause the video and select your answer.

The answer is c.

Well done.

Summarising means to pull out the key events and ideas from the story.

What happens in "The Moon Dragons"? I am now going to summarise the story to you.

The king received news that in the mountains there were ancient moon dragons who could sing and whose silver scales shone.

The king instructed his huntsman to retrieve a moon dragon, but they were not successful and they returned with a goat instead.

The king offered a reward of a room filled with gold to anyone who could find the moon dragons.

Many men tried and failed.

Alina said she would embark on the quest.

The villagers mocked her, but she was confident and she found the moon dragons.

Alina pretended she'd failed the quest because she wanted to protect the dragons.

She felt they were worth more than gold." Let's check your understanding.

Put the following events in order from 1 to 5 to show the chronology of the story.

Alina said she would go on the quest and she found the moon dragons, the king offered gold as a reward, but nobody succeeded, the king received news that the moon dragons still lived, Alina hid her discovery to protect the moon dragons from harm, the king instructed his men to find the dragons, but they failed.

Pause the video and number these 1 to 5 now to show the chronology of the story.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

1, the king received news that the moon dragons still lived, 2, the king instructed his men to find the dragons, but they failed, 3, the king offered gold as a reward but nobody succeeded, 4, Alina said she would go on the quest and she found the moon dragons, 5, Alina hid her discovery to protect the moon dragons from harm.

Well done, for showing a great understanding of the chronology of the story.

This will really help you when summarising it.

It's now time for a task.

Retell the story with your partner by summarising the key parts.

Use the sentence starters to help you.

1, the king received news that in the mountains there were.

2, the king instructed his huntsman to retrieve a moon dragon but.

3, the king offered a reward of.

4, Alina said she would embark on the quest.

The villagers.

And 5, Alina pretended she'd failed the quest because.

Pause the video and summarise the story with your partner now.

Welcome back.

Well done for summarising the story.

I loved listening to you.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

The king received news that in the mountains there were ancient moon dragons who could sing and to silver scale shone The king instructed his huntsman to retrieve a moon dragon, but they were not successful and they returned with a goat instead.

Instead, the king offered a reward of a room filled with gold to anyone who could find the moon dragons.

Many men tried and failed.

Alina said she would embark on the quest.

The villagers mocked her, but was confident and she found the moon dragons.

Alina pretended she'd failed the quest because she wanted to protect the dragons.

She felt they were worth more than gold.

Well done for engaging with the story of "The Moon Dragons" so well and summarising the key parts.

I have really enjoyed sharing this story with you.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

"The Moon Dragons" is a picture book and narrative fiction text that belongs to the genre of fantasy.

The plot of the story is based around the search for mythical creatures called Moon Dragons.

Summarising the key events in a story helps us to build our understanding of the text and the meaning behind it.

The king offers a room filled with gold to anyone who can retrieve a moon dragon, but nobody succeeds.

Alina finds the moon dragons, but keeps her discovery a secret in order to protect them.