
Lesson video

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Hi everybody, it's Ms. Gardner.

Welcome to your next lesson from our unit, the Stone Age and non-chronological Report.

I hope you've been enjoying this unit as much as I have.

So let's get started with our final writing lesson.

In today's lesson from our unit, a non-chronological report on the Stone Age, we are doing our final bit of writing.

So your learning outcome is I can write the conclusion of a non-chronological report about the Stone Age.

Let's start with looking at the keywords.

So we'll do my turn, your turn.

Conclusion, summarise, formal fronted adverbial.

Let's have a look at what these mean.

The conclusion is the closing or final paragraph of a non-fiction text.

To summarise is to sum up or conclude the main body of a text.

A formal fronted adverbial is a sentence starter followed by a comma that is formal in tone and often found in nonfiction texts.

So there are two parts to our learning today.

In the first we'll be preparing to write, and in the second we'll be writing our conclusion.

So let's start with preparing to write.

So non-chronological report can be structured into five sections, an introduction, section one, section two, and section three, and then a conclusion.

We've written our introduction, our section one, two, and three.

So today we are writing the final section, the conclusion.

When we write, we always try to do these things.

Plan and say each sentence before we write it so we can hear and check it makes sense.

Use punctuation where we know the rules.

Showcase show off each sentence type we know.

So simple, compound, complex.

Write letters neatly on the joined line and joined handwriting.

Use spelling strategies to spell words accurately and check and improve our writing when we think we're finished.

So why do we need a conclusion? The purpose of the conclusion is to do all of these.

Summarise the key information from the text.

Tell the reader what to do if they want to find out more about the subject.

What's really important is that there is no new information or facts about the subject in the conclusion.

So we're not going to tell the reader anything new about the Stone Age in our conclusion.

So true or false, this sentence would be in a conclusion.

In the Neolithic era, people made tents out of animal skin and carried them around with them when they moved around.

Pause the video now.

That's right, that is false.

Can you use A or B to justify your answer? A, specific and detailed facts about the subject come earlier in the report, or B, the purpose of the conclusion is to give final detailed facts.

Pause the video now.

That's right, it is A, subject specific and detailed facts become earlier in the themes sections, well done.

So in your conclusion, you need to include the following features, a formal fronted adverbial, a summary sentence, and an outline of what the report was about.

And a suggestion to the reader of where up to find out more information about the subject if they'd like to.

So let's have a look at these in a bit more detail.

A formal fronted adverbial is used in a conclusion to signal that your writing is coming to an end.

It can summarise the main points of a text and gives a sense of closure for the reader.

So for example, in conclusion, to summarise, to conclude.

Formal fronted adverbial start a conclusion and they're followed by a comma like any fronted adverbial.

But these will come at the start of your conclusion.

So the first sentence in our conclusion will be a summary sentence and it'll start with our formal front adverbial like it to conclude or in conclusion or to summarise.

And your summary sentence introduces the conclusion to let the reader know that they have come to the end of the text, the end of the non-chronological report.

And it needs to summarise the key point of the text.

So we definitely don't want to give any new information about the Stone Age and we need to think about what is the key point of our non-chronological report? Why did we write the non-chronological report? You don't want to go into too much detail now.

You don't want to start talking about the diet and how they were hunter-gatherers or how they started domesticating pets.

You don't need to talk about how they were nomadic or how the neolithic people started to settle.

That's too much detail.

And most importantly, you've already explained that in the earlier sections.

So really, you just want to tell the reader and summarise to the reader that the Stone Age is a really important part of British history and that it's really important that we learn about it because it's had such a big impact on how we live today and how the world has become the way it has.

So now we've thought about that.

Here are some examples that I've come up with.

If you like the idea of these have a go at writing one similar on your whiteboard or on a piece of paper and saying it out loud as well, so that you feel really confident when it comes to writing your conclusion.

These were my ideas.

To summarise, the Stone Age is a fascinating prehistoric era that is an important part of British history.

Remembering Stone Age and British need to have capital letters because they are proper nouns.

I've also included an expanded noun phrase.

Fascinating and prehistoric are both really precise adjectives which describe this era.

Or you could do to conclude, the Stone Age is an important part of British history and it has interested historians for years.

You could also, instead of saying historians use the noun archaeologists, which we learned about in a previous lesson.

'Cause that is really precise.

And we know that archaeologists have spent years digging up old Stone Age sites like Skara Brae to find out lots more about this, this period of history.

Or in conclusion, the changes in housing and diet throughout the Stone Age were significant.

Significant is really important and have impacted the modern world.

And I think that is quite an important point.

The fact that we saw lots of change happening from the Mesolithic into the Neolithic period.

That was quite an important point in our non-chronological report.

So you could use that in your summary sentence, but just remembering, and this is the most important part, that no new information about the Stone Age is given in the conclusion.

Okay, so let's check for understanding which formal fronted adverbial would be found in a conclusion? A, in addition.

B, however.

C, to summarise or D, additionally.

Pause the video now.

That's right, it is to summarise.

In addition, however, additionally, they're all examples of formal fronted adverbials but they would've come earlier in the text.

So the conclusion summarises what the report was about, just so the reader has a really strong understanding of what they have learned.

So in our non-chronological report about the Stone Age, we wrote about all of these, the diet, the housing, and the artefacts in the Stone Age.

So we just need to remind the reader that that is what they had learned about.

So let's check for understanding which of these sentences would appear in the conclusion? A, this report has taught you about the awesome, cool Stone Age.

B, this report has informed you about the diet, housing, and artefacts from the Stone Age or C, this report will teach you about the Stone Age.

Pause the video now.

Okay, it is B, this report has informed you about the diet, housing, and artefacts from the Stone Age.

It couldn't be A because awesome and cool are examples of informal language.

And we know that in a non-chronological report we need to write informal language and it can't be C because this report will teach you about the Stone Age is in the future tense.

That would come in the introduction before they've started reading.

Well done everybody.

So finally, a conclusion needs to end with a suggestion to the reader to find out more about the subject.

So for example, if you would like to learn out more about this era, continue your research online or visit your local library.

This means the reader is encouraged to find out more information about this fascinating topic.

Hopefully they found your report so interesting that they want to learn even more about the Stone Age.

And so this final sentence encourages them to go and do that.

You might even know a website or a book or a TV show that would give even more information about the Stone Age and you could specifically suggest those for the reader as well.

So let's check for understanding.

How could a writer end a conclusion? A, with a suggestion of where to find more information.

B, 'the end' C, a final fact or D, a rhetorical question.

Pause the video now.

That's right.

It is A, we don't want to use 'the end'.

That would come probably more at the end of a narrative story.

B, we don't need any new.

It can't be C 'cause we don't need any more facts in the conclusion and we don't want to ask a rhetorical question to the reader because that hooks them in and engages them.

That was something we'd maybe be more likely to use in the introduction.

Well done everybody.

So it's time for task A, you need to say the first sentence of the conclusion and make sure you include the following, a formal fronted adverbial.

So to summarise, to conclude, or in conclusion.

And a summary sentence, summarising the key point of the non-chronological report.

You can use this sentence scaffold to help you.

I'm going to say the word blank where there's a word missing and you can have a go at saying it now.

But also when I pause the video and you can have a go again at saying it to your partner or to the screen.

Blank, the Stone Age is a blank era that is blank of British history.

So pause the video now and have a go at saying this sentence out loud.

Okay, well done everybody.

Let's just have a think about your sentences.

Did it include a formal fronted adverbial? So in conclusion, or to summarise or to conclude, and did your summary sentence summarise the key point of the text? If you need to have a go at pause in the video and saying your sentences again, you can do that now.

Otherwise, I'm going to say my fine opening sentence of my conclusion and I need you to be checking for me if I've included everything we were supposed to.

In conclusion, the Stone Age is a fascinating prehistoric era that is an important part of British history.

So did I include a formal fronted adverbial? I did, in conclusion.

And did I include a summary sentence? Yes I did.

I said that the Stone Age is a fascinating prehistoric era that is an important part of British history.

I haven't added in any new information.

I've just summarised the fact that the Stone Age is a really important part of our British history.

Well done everybody and great job.

It's now time for the second part of today's lesson where we will be writing the conclusion.

This is your success criteria for today, which will help you make sure you are including everything you need to.

So let's go through it.

I have written a formal fronted adverbial.

I have written a summary sentence.

I have outlined what the report was about.

I have written a suggestion to the reader for how to find out more information.

So let's have a look at a model conclusion.

I'm going to read it out loud and as I'm reading, you can either read along with me out loud or you can just listen.

But have a look at the success criteria and check if I have included everything I'm supposed to.


In conclusion, the Stone Age is a fascinating prehistoric era that has interested historians for many years.

In this report, you have learned about the diet, housing, and artefacts of this historic period.

If you'd like to learn more about the Stone Age, continue your research online or visit your local library.

So let's go through the success criteria.

I have written a formal fronted adverbial.

In conclusion I have, so I'm going to give myself a tick.

I have written a summary sentence.

The Stone Age is a fascinating prehistoric era that has interested historians for many years.

That's, I'm going to give myself a tick 'cause I've summarised what the report was about.

The key point from the whole non-chronological report.

I have outlined what the report was about.

In this report, you have learned about the diet, housing, and artefacts of this historic period.

Yes, I've outlined what the sections were all were.

So I can give myself a tick.

I have written a suggestion to the reader for how to find out more information.

If you would like to learn more about the Stone Age, continue your research online or visit your local library.

So yes, I can give myself a tick.

It's time for task B.

You need to now write the conclusion of the non-chronological report about the Stone Age.

You need to use your success criteria to help you structure your paragraph.

So now you need to pause the video, neatly, stick in your success criteria, and then you are gonna have a go at writing your conclusion of your non-chronological report.

So pause the video now and off you go.

Okay, well done everybody.

I'm sure you've all worked really hard.

In a minute you're going to pause the video and you're going to read back through your conclusion of your non-chronological report.

And to check that you've included everything you need to, you can use your success criteria to help you.

So you're going to go through your success criteria and through your writing and tick it off as you go.

If you have written a formal fronted adverbial like to conclude or in conclusion or in to summarise, you can give yourself a tick.

If you have written a summary sentence to start your conclusion, you can give yourself a tick if you have outlined what the report was about.

So you've explained to the reader that they have learned about the diet and the artefacts and the housing of the Stone Age, you can give yourself another tick.

And if you have finished your conclusion with a suggestion to the reader for how to find out more information, you can also give yourself a tick.

So now you need to pause the video, read back through your conclusion and check if you've included everything you need to from your success criteria.

So pause the video now and off you go.

Well done everybody.

You've all worked so hard today.

And that I hope that you've enjoyed writing this non-chronological report about the Stone Age.

So here is a summary of everything we've learned today.

The purpose of the conclusion is to summarise the key information from the text and to suggest for ways to ways for the reader to find out more.

The subheading introduced the section of a text, a formal front adverbial begins the conclusion to signal the writing is coming to an end and a summary sentence summarises the key information from the text.

Great job everybody.

Well done.