
Lesson video

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Hello, I'm Miss Chu, and you have arrived a really fun and exciting English lesson.

Are you ready? Let's go.

The lesson outcome for today is I can plan the religion section of a non chronological report about ancient Greeks.

The keywords are subject specific vocabulary, your turn, plan your turn, and notes, your turn.


What is subject specific vocabulary? Subject specific vocabulary is vocabulary used when writing about a particular subject.

A plan is a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text notes are short reminders or pieces of information you write down to help you to remember things.

What's the lesson outline? I hear you say, well, for today you're going to prepare to plan, and then after you've prepared, you're going to write the plan.

So let's start preparing.

Subject specific vocabulary is words that are specifically related to the historical period.

Culture and society of ancient Greeks.

Period means a certain time in the past.

Culture is the way we do things that makes us special and unique.

And society is a large group of people who live together in a community or country.

Which of these words are subject specific vocabulary? I'm going to have a go and then we can have a go together.

We've got city, hoplite soldiers, food, people, and Athens.

Now I'm looking for words that are subject specific.

So they have to be specific to the topic of the ancient Greeks.

And I can see here that the word hoplite, I would circle that because that's specific to a heavily armed foot soldier In ancient Greece, the term hoplite is actually derived from the Greek word hoplon, which means shield.

These soldiers were named after large round shields that they carried called hoplons.

And then the other word I would circle is Athens.

Because Athens was a significant city in ancient Greece, it was considered the birthplace of democracy and also a centre for philosophy, the arts and military power during that period of time.

Now it's your turn to work out which of these words are subject specific vocabulary.

We have games, Parthenon, Zeus, stories, religion and art.

Pause the video and have a go at working out which of these words are subject specific.

I think there are big clues there.

Parthenon and Zeus have capital letters, so they must be important because they are names.

They are proper nouns.

The Parthenon is a famous ancient Greek temple located on the Acropolis Hill in Athens, Greece.

This temple was dedicated, was built and dedicated to the goddess Athena, who was the patron deity of Athens means she's the goddess of Athens.

And then the other word I would say that is subject specific to the ancient Greeks is Zeus.

Zeus is the king of the gods in ancient Greek mythology.

He's often referred to as the ruler, the King of Mount Olympus, the god of Mount Olympus, which is believed to be the home of all 12 Olympian gods.

The ancient Greek religion was a polytheistic poly, your turn the- istic belief system around gods and goddesses.

So the word poly means more than one.

So they believed in more than one god.

These gods and goddesses were thought to reside with, thought to live on Mount Olympus, which is the highest peak in Greece.

This religion played a significant role in the daily lives of the ancient Greeks and influenced their culture and the way that they saw the world.

Let's do a quick check for understanding.

True or false.

Their religion played an important role in the daily lives of the ancient Greeks.

Is this true or is this false? Pause the video and have a think.

Okay, let's see if we got the same answer.

So I think that this is true.

The religion did play an important role in the daily lives of the ancient Greeks.

And I say it's true because this religion influenced their culture and worldview.

It's not because it didn't influence their culture and worldview.

So A is the justification.

These are some key aspects of ancient Greek religion.

Olympian gods.

These are the most prominent deities in Greek religion.

There were 12 Olympian gods and goddesses who were thought to reside on Mount Olympus the highest peak in Greece.

Mythology, Greek mythology played a significant role in the culture with a pantheon.

That means a group of gods and goddesses, including Zeus, Athena and Apollo.

Myths and legends were a central part of Greek storytelling/ Festivals and games.

The ancient Greeks established the Olympic games which were held in Olympia to honour the god, Zeus.

These games featuring athletic competitions became the precursor to the part that comes before the modern Olympic games.

There were 12 Olympian gods and goddesses.

These are just some of them.

Zeus, king of gods, Poseidon, god of the sea, Apollo, god of the sun, and arts and Aphrodite, goddess of the love and beauty.

Which two are correct descriptions of the Olympian gods? A, Zeus god of the sky.

B Zeus, king of gods.

Wonder if you remember the image for Zeus.

C, Poseidon, god of the sea or D Poseidon, god of the land.

Pause the video and think about which of these two are correct.


Did you say that it was B, Zeus, king of gods and C, Poseidon god of the sea? If you did well done.

Greek mythology was an integral.

That means really important part of their religious beliefs.

Myths explained the origins of the world, how the world came to be.

These traditional stories served as a moral and cultural guide for the ancient Greeks.

They lived by these stories, And usually in these stories they featured supernatural beings, so beings that weren't of humankind, that weren't normal.

gods heroes and other legendary figures.

Which of the following are true of ancient Greek mythology? Is it A, myths explain the beliefs of a society.

B, myths were not important to the ancient Greeks.

C, myths include gods and goddesses.

And D, Myths only happen in dreams. Pause the video and think about which of the following are true.

Okay, shall we have a look to see which of the following are true? So myths explain the beliefs of a society.

Myths include gods and goddesses.

They didn't only just happen in dreams and they were important to the ancient Greeks.

So B and D are not true.

The Greeks celebrated numerous religious festivals such as the Olympic Games.

The Olympic games were held in Olympia and dedicated to the god Zeus.

They were a series of sporting events and competitions.

True or false? The ancient Olympics were a religious festival.

True or false? Pause the video.

The answer is true.


The games were not dedicated to any of the Greek gods or the games were dedicated to the Greek god Zeus.

Well, I think you know the answer.

It is B, definitely the games were dedicated to the Greek god Zeus.

Task A, fill in the blanks with the words below.

The ancient Greek religion was a mm belief system around gods and mm.

This religion played a significant role in the daily lives of the ancient Greeks.

There were mm Olympian gods and goddesses.

These included Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, and Aphrodite.

Greek myths typically featured supernatural beings mm and heroes.

They celebrated numerous religious festivals such as the mm games, which were a series of sporting events and competitions.

Have a look at these words and then think about where they would go in the blanks.

Have a play around with where they would go, move them around and see which is the best fit.

Pause the video and give it a go.

Okay, should we have a look to see if you and I got the same answers? The Greek religion was a polytheistic belief system around gods and goddesses, well done.

This religion played a significant role in the daily lives of the ancient Greeks.

There were Olympian gods, 12, and these included Zeus, Poseidon, Apollo, and Aphrodite.

Greek myths typically features supernatural beings and heroes.

Well, it's got to be gods.

They celebrated numerous festivals such as the famous Olympic Games, which were a series of sporting events and competitions.

Now we are onto the second part, actually writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note taking, they look like this.

There they are.

And we use subheadings to organise bullet points.

They are an important part of organising notes.

What is in a plan? A, bullet points for notes.

B, full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

C, subject specific vocabulary or D, unnecessary information.

Pause the video and have a think about what's in a plan.

Okay, should we look at what the answers are? So bullet points are needed for notes definitely.

And subject specific vocabulary.

We do not need to write in full sentences when we write notes, and we definitely don't include unnecessary information.

Task B, number one of task B, write the first subheading gods and myths.

Once you've done that, underline, then write three main facts about ancient Greek gods and myths with subject specific vocabulary.

Use bullet points for each set of notes, just like the ones below here.

Pause the video and give it a good go.

Okay, let's have a look at my notes, which will be different from yours.

So I've got my gods and myths, subheading, which I've underlined.

And then my first bullet point was that I said it was a polytheistic belief system around gods and goddesses.

My second bullet point is that they played a significant role in their daily lives.

And my final bullet point is about myths and what they featured, gods, heroes and supernatural beings.

Part two, the second part of task B, write your second subheading now, festivals and games, then underline it.

After you've done that, write three main facts about ancient Greek festivals and games using subject specific vocabulary.

Use bullet points for each set of notes, just like I have shown you here.

Pause the video and write your notes.

Okay, again, my notes will be different from yours and you could steal some ideas if you wanted to.

So I've got festival in games as my subheading underlined about how they celebrated numerous religious festivals.

Second bullet point is about the Olympic games that they dedicated to Zeus.

And the final bullet point is a general comment that the Olympic Games were a series of sporting events and competitions.

Let's now look at what fronted adverbials are used for.

Fronted adverbials are an important linguistic feature.

You have formal fronted adverbials also in addition to this, and however, you have viewpoint fronted adverbials, impressively, intriguingly, and significantly.

And we have fronted adverbials of cause.

I wonder if you remember what they are, as a result and as a consequence, well done.

Part three of task B is to copy into your blank table examples of the following.

You need to think of three formal fronted adverbials, two viewpoint fronted adverbials, and one fronted adverbials of cause, you can choose from this list.

Pause the video and copy these linguistic devices into your blank table.

Okay, these are the ones that I copied into my table.

So for my formal fronted adverbial, I have in addition to this, furthermore and however, and I chose intriguingly and significantly as my viewpoint fronted adverbials.

And then as a result was my fronted adversial of cause.

To summarise, a plan is a framework that writers create before they begin to write the section or whole text.

A plan has subject specific vocabulary related to the section and notes help the writer to organise information easily for writing in the future.

Bullet points are used in note taking.

I hope that you enjoyed learning about ancient Greek religion and planning a section for a non chronological report.

In this lesson.