
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone, my name is Ms. Voyle, and I am going to be teaching you your writing lesson today, where you will be writing the second paragraph of your persuasive advert, focusing all on the health benefits of our snack.

I'm really excited to teach you, and I hope you're feeling ready to learn.

You need to be listening and looking carefully.

There'll be some tasks where you need somebody to talk to, and you'll need a piece of paper and pencil or pen for your writing.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is I can write a persuasive paragraph that's details the health benefits of a product.

Here are our keywords.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn.

Your turn.

Health benefits.

Formal fronted adverbial.


Unique selling point.

Well done, great job.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

Health benefit refers to the positive effects on a person's health gained from food, treatment, or an activity.

A formal fronted adverbial is a sentence starter followed by a comma, which is formal in tone and often found in nonfiction texts.

To contrast means to highlight a difference, often between items or elements in juxtaposition, which means two elements that are very close together, yet somehow, have a very key difference.

A unique selling point is what makes a product better than others on the market.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to write, and in the second part, you will be writing the second paragraph of your happy and healthy section.

So let's begin with preparing to write.

The main body of the persuasive advert will be titled "Happy and healthy," and split into two paragraphs.

Paragraph one, focus on appealing to the reader through how the treat would make them happy.

It communicated the unique selling point with a key focus on taste.

Paragraph two is going to be focused on healthy, where you'll provide details about the product's ingredients and health benefits.

In this lesson, we are writing the second paragraph.

Let's revisit an example of the first paragraph for our persuasive advert.

"Happy and healthy.

These blissful bites, which are healthy and nutritious, are the most mouthwatering snack you'll ever taste.

They're coated in the creamiest, most scrumptious chocolate that will make your taste buds dance with joy.

Experience the crunch of the chocolate shell before it melts in your mouth.

Choose the Champion Chew to make your chocolate dreams come true." Paragraph one achieved the following purpose: It communicated the unique selling points, and it focused on the taste of the product to appeal to the reader.

It was able to communicate the unique selling point by including some information about the health benefits.

Sentence one had a relative clause embedded, which are healthy and nutritious, but the overall paragraph focused on really appealing to the reader's sense of taste by focusing on the chocolate element.

Paragraph two needs to provide greater detail about the product and will focus on what makes it healthy.

So very different to paragraph one.

We need to include the following information in paragraph two: what makes the energy ball healthy; the main ingredients; the nutrients provided by those ingredients; the health benefits for the body.

Let's check your understanding.

What information does paragraph two need to include? A, the main ingredients in the energy ball.

B, the nutrients provided.

C, what makes the energy bowl delicious.

D, the health benefits for the body.

Pause the video and select your answers now.

The answers are A, B, and D.

Paragraph two needs to include the ingredients in the energy ball, the nutrients provided by those ingredients, and the health benefits for the body.

What makes the energy ball healthy? Let's remind ourselves.

It is made up of 80% healthy ingredients.

Now, that is an important fact to remember.

Customers like to hear statistics or numerical facts about products.

What are the healthy ingredients in the energy ball? Oats, nuts, and dried fruits.

Now, importantly, we need to know what nutrients are provided by these ingredients.

Healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates that are rich in fibre.

Let's check your understanding.

If I explain the ingredients of the product, the reader will have all of the information they need.

True or false? Pause the video and answer now.

That is false.

Well done, but can you justify your answer? Let's see.

A, it's important to explain the nutrients that these ingredients provide the body with, or B, it is important to explain how the ingredients are mixed to make the product.

Pause the video and select your justification now.

The answer is A, well done.

As well as giving the ingredients of the product, it is really important to explain the nutrients that comes from these ingredients.

It's important to explain to the reader not just the nutrients, but the benefits of consuming these nutrients to persuade them further.

The nutrients provided by the energy ball deliver a wide range of benefits to the human body.

We're going to focus on the following effects.

Healthy fats are essential for providing the body with energy.

Protein is essential for building and repairing muscles.

And carbohydrates rich in fibre are good for the gut and support the digestive system.

Let's check your understanding.

Match the nutrient to its health benefit.

Our nutrients are healthy fats, protein, carbohydrates rich in fibre, and the health benefits are supports a healthy digestive system, essential for providing energy, and essential for building muscles.

Pause the video and match these now.

Well done for matching.

Let's go through the answers together.

Healthy fats are essential for providing energy, protein is essential for building muscles, and carbohydrates rich in fibre support a healthy digestive system.

Good job.

We can begin our paragraph about the health benefits by contrasting this with the indulgence of the chocolate element.

This links our second paragraph to our first, and reiterates the unique selling point of the product.

Here is an example sentence.

Despite its delicious and decadent chocolate casing, the energy ball is made up of 80% health-boosting and energising ingredients.

Despite is a formal fronted adverbial for but.

It has been used to contrast the taste of the product with its health benefits.

My main clause is focusing on the health benefits of the treats, while my formal fronted adverbial allows me to contrast that to the chocolatey, delicious taste.

Let's check your understanding.

What type of fronted adverbial is being used in this sentence? Despite being cased in chocolate, the energy bowl is made up of 80% healthy ingredients.

A, a fronted adverbial of cause.

B, a formal fronted adverbial to show contrast.

Or C, a viewpoint fronted adverbial.

Pause the video and answer now.

The answer is B.

Well done.

A formal fronted adverbial to show contrast has been used here.

The keyword is despite.

Here are some further examples of formal fronted adverbials for but that can be used to show contrast.

Although the treat tastes like chocolate heaven, a surprising 80% of the energy ball consists of healthy and nutritious ingredients.

Even though the snack is coated in scrumptious chocolate, it is made up of 80% nutrient rich ingredients.

And in spite of its indulgent chocolate ingredient, the energy ball remains an incredibly healthy snack, as it's made up of 80% oats, fruit, and dried nuts.

So we have looked at examples using the formal front adverbial although, even though, in spite of, and despite.

These are all used to contrast, which will be really useful for your first sentence.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of these sentences has used a formal fronted adverbial to contrast the main clause? A, after the chocolate melts inside your mouth, you'll taste the healthy ingredients which make up 80% of the snack.

B, despite its nutritious benefits, the energy ball is made up of 80% healthy ingredients.

Or C, although the snack tastes like pure chocolate, it is made up of 80% nutrient-rich ingredients.

So carefully check the beginning of each sentence to search for that formal fronted adverbial, but you then need to check that the sentence starter contrasts the main clause.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is C, well done.

We can spot the formal fronted adverbial, although, and it says although the snack tastes like pure chocolate, it is made up of 80% nutrient-rich ingredients.

Those are contrasting ideas.

You may have spotted that B also began with a formal fronted adverbial, despite, but its sentence starter did not contrast to the main clause.

Well done.

It's time for your first task.

Say the first few sentences of your second paragraph.

Make sure you include the following: a formal but-fronted adverbial to contrast the taste with the health benefits.

Here are those formal fronted adverbial for buts.

We have despite, even though, although, in spite of.

Fantastic, well done.

And you need to remember to include the ingredients, which is 80% oats, nuts, and dried fruits.

You also want to include the nutrients that are delivered by those ingredients, healthy fats, protein and carbohydrates rich in fibre.

And don't forget about their health benefits.

The energy ball provides energy, builds muscle, and supports digestion.

Pause the video and discuss and orally rehearse now with your partner.

Let's take a look at the answers.

First, check your sentences for the following: a formal but-fronted adverbial to contrast the taste with the health benefits, and details about the ingredients, nutrients, and health benefits.

Take a moment and consider whether you have included these things.

Let's take a look at a fantastic example that I have put together by listening to all of your wonderful sentences.

"Despite its indulgent and heavenly chocolate shell, the empowering energy bowl is made up of 80% health-boosting ingredients.

Consisting of mainly oats, nuts, and dried fruits, the nourishing nibble provides the body with healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates rich fibre.

These nutrients will give your body energy, build your muscles, and keep your digestive system healthy so that you can be the best you every day." Let's take a look at that first sentence.

We can see it has used the formal fronted adverbial despite to contrast.

It says, "Despite its indulgent and heavenly chocolate shell, the empowering energy ball is made up of 80% health-boosting ingredients.

There's my key fact regarding the percentage of the ingredients that are healthy.

I can see that there is then a sentence including the main ingredients, oats, nuts, and dried fruits.

This sentence then also details the nutrients that come from these ingredients, healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates rich in fibre.

And my final sentence goes over the health benefits given to the body.

It gives your body energy, builds your muscles, and keeps your digestive system healthy.

Well done for all of your fantastic oral rehearsal for your writing.

It's now time for the most exciting part of the lesson, where you will be writing the second paragraph.

Let's take a look at the success criteria.

I have used a formal fronted adverbial that contrasts the chocolatey taste with the health benefits of the product.

Well, you all did wonderful oral rehearsal of these sentences, so I know you will be ready for that.

I have detailed the ingredients and nutrients that the product provides.

I have explained the health benefits provided to the body.

And I have ended my paragraph using a persuasive linguistic technique.

I'm going to model writing the first sentence for paragraph two, and then I need your help.

I need you to check it against the success criteria to make sure that I have met it.

My example sentence is, "Even though it has a heavenly chocolate taste, 80% of the energy-boosting ball is made up of healthy and nutrient-rich ingredients." Now, let's look at the success criteria.

It says I have used a formal fronted adverbial that contrasts the chocolatey taste with the health benefits of the product.

Have a look at my sentence and see if you can spot where I've used a formal fronted adverbial, and double check that I have used it to contrast appropriately.

Pause the video and check now.

Thank you so much for your help.

You're right, I did use a formal fronted adverbial.

I chose even though, and I said even though it has a heavenly chocolate taste, so I'm picking out the chocolatey taste aspect there.

80% of the energy-boosting ball is made up of healthy and nutrient-rich ingredients.

So my main clause focuses on my health benefits.

I have used my formal frontal adverbial to contrast those two elements effectively.

Thank you so much for helping me check my work, and don't forget it's really important to do some general checks for capital letters and full stops, neat handwriting, and punctuation for any rules you know.

It's now time for your written task.

Write paragraph two of your persuasive advert.

Use the success criteria to help guide you.

Here are some formal fronted adverbial to show contrast that you might want to use, despite, even though, although, in spite of.

Here is a reminder of the ingredients, 80% oats, nuts, and dried fruits.

A reminder of the nutrients, healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates rich in fibre.

And the health benefits, provides energy, builds muscle, supports digestion.

So I have given you all of the key information you need to include, and you can focus on making sure that you construct those sentences really clearly using the right grammatical techniques.

Pause the video and write your paragraph now.

Well done for all of your hard work writing.

I loved seeing your concentration and enthusiasm.

Let's take a look at a model example and see how it's met the success criteria.

It says, "Despite its prominent and delicious chocolate shell, the elevating energy ball is made up of 80% health-boosting ingredients.

Consisting of primarily oats, nuts, and dried fruits, the beneficial bite is a source of healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates rich in fibre.

These nutrients will provide your body with energy, build your muscles, and keep your digestive system healthy so that you can be the best you every day." The first point on our success criteria is I have used a formal fronted adverbial that contrasts the chocolatey taste with the health benefits of the product.

My first sentence begins with the formal fronted adverbial despite, and it says, "Despite its prominent and delicious chocolate shell." And the main clause then gives details about the health benefits, so we can tick that.

The next point on the success criteria says I have detailed the ingredients and the nutrients they provide.

The second sentence says, "Made up of primarily oats, nuts, and dried fruits," and then it lists the nutrients as healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates rich in fibre, so I can tick that.

It then says I have explained the health benefits provided to the body.

Let's have a look.

It says, "These nutrients will provide your body with energy, build your muscles, and keep your digestive system healthy," so we can tick that third point on the success criteria.

And finally, my success criteria says I have ended my paragraph using a persuasive linguistic technique.

Well, let's look at how that last sentence ends.

It lists the nutrients that the snack will provide to the body, and then it uses a subordinating conjunction, so, to say, "So that you can be the best you every day." Well, that is the use of a superlative and it is very persuasive, so we can tick that final point.

Well done for all of your hard work writing, you have produced some wonderful paragraphs detailing the health benefits of our snack.

We've come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

A persuasive advert should explain the benefits of a product to the reader.

For example, health benefits.

For a healthy food product, it is crucial to detail ingredients, nutrients, and health benefits.

A formal fronted adverbial can be used to contrast information within a main clause.

The main text of a persuasive advert needs to communicate the unique selling point of a product.

I've really enjoyed teaching you your writing lesson, and I hope you've enjoyed learning.