
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone.

My name is Ms. Voyle, and welcome to today's lesson where you are going to be planning the final paragraph of your diary entry.

This unit is based on the story "Into the Forest," and you may wish to refer to it.

You will need a copy of the 2022 Walker Books Limited edition of "Into the Forest" by Anthony Browne.

Pause the video and get your copy now.


Now, I know you have the book with you.

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully.

There'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to and you'll also need a piece of paper and pen or pencil for writing your plan.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is, I can plan the final paragraph of a diary entry based on "Into the Forest." Here are the keywords for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn.

Your turn.


Show and tell.

Present tense.


Great job.

Well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

Emotions are strong feelings that result from a person's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

Show and tell is a writing technique for showing a character's feelings with description of their actions and expressions.

Present tense refers to a verb form that indicates an action or state happening in the current moment.

And a reflection is a careful thought or consideration.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to plan and in the second part you will be writing your plan.

So let's begin with preparing to plan.

Your diary entry can be structured like this.

Date and greeting.

The greeting is "Dear Diary." The opening paragraph.

This is where you gave a general statement about the day and began your recount.

Paragraph one.

This is where you gave a recount of the strange encounters had in the forest.

And paragraph two.

This is where you will recount, reaching grandma's house, finding dad and returning home.

You have already written the date and greeting.

The opening paragraph.

And paragraph one of your diary entry.

In this lesson, we are planning paragraph two.

Let's recap what happens after the boy escapes his encounters from his perspective.

I ran towards Grandma's as quickly as I could.

I became increasingly scared because I had the dreadful sense that I was being followed.

I arrived at Grandma's house and the voice inside didn't sound like hers.

I felt so panicked and worried.

When I went inside, I found Grandma's safe and I discovered that Dad was there too.

I told them everything and they hugged me.

Let's check your understanding.

Put the following events in the correct order to show the chronology of the boy's final recount, a, I arrived and it didn't sound like Grandma inside, I panicked, b, I ran towards Grandma's house as quickly as I could, c, I went inside and I found Grandma and Dad.

I told them everything, d, I became really scared because it felt like I was being followed.

Pause the video now and number these 1 to 4 to show the correct chronology.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

First, I ran towards Grandma's house as quickly as I could.

Second, I became really scared because it felt like I was being followed.

Third, I arrived and it didn't sound like Grandma inside.

I panicked! And forth, I went inside and I found Grandma and Dad.

I told them everything.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the chronology of events for the final part of the boy's recount.

We want to express the thoughts and feelings the boy had during each point of the final recount.

This conveys the emotions he experienced.

You can express your thoughts and feelings in your diary entry in two ways.

By explicitly stating them.

And by using show and tell to describe your actions and expressions at each moment.

We should use precise and ambitious vocabulary and avoid repetition when describing the boys' experiences.

It's now time for us to come up with some precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe the first key moment.

The boy ran towards Grandma's house.

Pause the video and generate ideas with your partner now.

Well done.

You were great at generating ideas for this key moment that conveyed the fear that the boy is feeling.

Let's take a look.

So sped towards Grandma's.

AWFUL sense I was being followed.

Became increasingly terrified.

Loud voice was different to Grandma's.

Panic took over, heart pounded.

It's now time to come up with some precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe the next key moment.

Grandma was safe and Dad was there too.

Pause the video to generate ideas with your partner now.

Well done.

You were great at generating ideas to show and tell how the boy was feeling at this moment.

Let's take a look at some examples.

Grandma was TOTALLY fine.

Totally in capital letters is a great way to exaggerate here.

Such a surprise, Dad was there too! Couldn't believe my eyes.

Breathed a sigh of relief.

Explained everything, felt safe again.

Lots of this vocabulary conveys the relief the boy felt once he discovered his Grandma was safe and his Dad was there too.

Let's check your understanding.

For each example, decide whether the vocabulary conveys feelings of fear or relief, a, heart pounded, b, felt safe in their embrace, c, felt like I could breathe again, d, sprinted for my life.

Pause the video and answer now.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

For a, heart pounded, this conveys fear.

For b, felt safe in their embrace, this conveys relief.

For c, felt like I could breathe again, this also conveys relief.

And for d, sprinted for my life, this conveys fear.

These are all great examples of how you can use, show and tell to convey how you are feeling as the boy at each point of the recount.

After you have recounted the final moment, you'll shift from past tense into present tense.

It is common for diary entries to switch into the present tense towards the end.

This is where the person writes about how they are currently feeling or offers reflections they have.

A reflection is a careful thought or consideration.

For example, the boy might reflect at the end of his diary entry.

I'm very lucky to have a family that protects me! Let's check your understanding.

True or false? A diary entry often switches into the present tense towards the end.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer, a, this is where the person writes about current feelings and reflections.

Or b, this is where the person writes about what they think will happen in the future.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is, a.

Well done.

A diary entry often switches into the present tense towards the end because this is where the person writes about current feelings and offers reflections.

It's now time for us to come up with some precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe this key moment.

The present moment where you as the boy are at home with your Mum and you are offering reflections and feelings.

Pause the video to generate ideas with your partner.

Remember to speak in present tense.

Well done.

You are great at coming up with ideas in present tense for the end of the diary entry.

Let's take a look at some examples together.

Finally home safe and sound.

Reunited with Mum, huge cuddle.

Feel such gratitude for my family.

Proud of myself for being so brave.

Time to rest, exhausted.

Let's check your understanding.

Which of the following sentences would be appropriate for the end of your diary entry? a, I am exhausted after such a turbulent day, b, I was at home when I realised how lucky I was, c, I felt proud of myself, d, I feel so grateful for my family.

Remember which tense you should be writing in at the end of your diary to convey your thoughts and feelings.

Pause the video and select the correct answers.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

The sentences that would be appropriate for the end of your diary entry are a and d.

Because they are written in present tense.

Well done.

I am exhausted after such a turbulent day.

I feel so grateful for my family.

It's now time for your first task.

Fill in the blanks for the final paragraph of your diary entry.

Listen carefully, I will read it to you.

As I ran towards Grandma's, I became scared.

It really felt like I was being followed! When I finally reached the house, the voice from inside didn't even sound like Grandma! My raced as I opened the door, but guess what? Grandma was fine.

On top of that, my dad was there too! I was over the.

We're home with Mum now and I'm feeling so for my family.

I cannot believe what a crazy day it's been, but I am really of myself for being brave! It's definitely time for some now.

The vocabulary for you to choose from is, grateful, increasingly, TOTALLY, pulse, proud, rest and moon.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

As I ran towards Grandma's, I became increasingly scared.

It really felt like I was being followed.

When I finally reached the house, the voice from inside didn't even sound like Grandma.

My pulse raced as I opened the door, but guess what? Grandma was TOTALLY fine.

On top of that, my dad was there too.

I was over the moon.

We are home with Mum now and I'm feeling so grateful for my family.

I cannot believe what a crazy day it's been, but I am really proud of myself for being brave.

It's definitely time for some rest now.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the kind of vocabulary that you will use in the final paragraph of your diary entry.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson where you are going to be writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note-taking.

They look like this.

Let's check your understanding.

What should be included in your plan? a, full sentences with capital letters and full stops, b, present tense to describe current feelings, c, precise and ambitious vocabulary, d, unnecessary information.

Pause the video and select the correct answers.

The answers are b and c.

Well done.

In the plan for your final paragraph of your diary entry, you should include present tense to describe current feelings and precise and ambitious vocabulary.

It's now time for you to write the first part of your plan.

Complete the plan for the final part of the boy's journey.

This is where the boy ran towards his Grandma's house.

You should develop precise vocabulary to describe what's happened and thoughts and feelings, including show and tell.

A good example of precise vocabulary for what's happened is raced towards Grandma's.

Pause the video and complete this part of the plan now.

Welcome back.

Well done for completing the first part of your plan.

Let's take a look at some good examples together.

So for what happened? We already have raced towards Grandma's.

Then voice didn't sound right.

Opened the door in fear.

And for thoughts and feelings, including show and tell.

AWFUL sense of being followed.

I love the capitalization of awful here.

Panic took over, heart pounded.

Great examples of show and tell.

Desperately wanted everyone to be safe.

This is a great thought.

It's time for you to complete the second part of your plan.

Complete the plan for the boy reuniting with his family.

He discovers that his Grandma was safe and that his Dad was there too.

Develop precise vocabulary to describe what's happened and thoughts and feelings, including show and tell.

A good example of precise vocabulary for what's happened is, Grandma was TOTALLY fine.

Pause the video and complete this part of the plan now.

Welcome back.

Well done for completing the second part of the plan.

Let's take a look at some good examples together.

So we already have for what happened? Grandma was TOTALLY fine.

Discovered Dad was there too! Told them everything, they hugged me.

And for thoughts and feelings, including show and tell.

Couldn't believe it.

Breathed a sigh of relief.

Felt safe again.

It's now time for you to complete the final part of your plan and this is where you will develop ideas for present tense reflections that the boy has.

So you as the boy are now back home with your Mum.

And you need to describe in present tense what is currently happening and how you are currently feeling and what you are thinking.

A good example of precise vocabulary for what is happening now is, home safe and sound.

Pause the video and complete this part of the plan now.

Welcome back.

Well done for completing the final part of your plan.

Let's take a look at some good examples together.

So for what is happening? We already have home safe and sound.

Reunited with Mum.

Time to get some rest.

And for thoughts and feelings, including show and tell.

Feel so grateful for my family.

Proud of myself for being brave.

Exhausted, eyes are closing.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

This paragraph recounts the final part of the boy's journey and his discovery that his dad is at his grandma's.

The boy's emotions heighten and he experiences intense fear leading up to him being reunited with his grandma and dad.

Thoughts and feelings can be explicitly stated and conveyed through the use of show and tell.

There is a shift from past to present tense during the final paragraph.

And present tense writing at the end of a diary entry conveys current reflections and feelings.

Well done for your hard work completing the plan for your final paragraph.

I hope you are feeling really excited to write it.