
Lesson video

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Hi everyone, my name is Ms. Voyle, and welcome to the very first lesson on writing a journalistic report about 'Little Red Riding Hood.

' I have warned my favourite red jumper especially for it.

For this lesson, you need to be listening carefully, there'll be some tasks where you need somebody to talk to, and there will also be some writing involved.

I hope you are feeling excited, and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is, I can identify the newsworthy elements within the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood.

' Here are our keywords.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn.

Your turn.

Journalistic report.





Good job.

Well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

A journalistic report is a non-fiction text that provides information about an event.

Newsworthy describes the quality of being interesting or important enough to warrant reporting to the public.

A crime is an unlawful act, which is punishable by a state or authority.

A perpetrator is a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

And a victim is a person harmed or injured as a result of a crime, accident or other event.

You will be hearing these words lots throughout the lesson.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be retelling the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood.

' And in the second part, we will be understanding a newsworthy event.

So let's begin with retelling the story.

'Little Red Riding Hood' is a famous traditional tale.

You are going to write a journalistic report about the key events in the story.

First, we need to revisit the story to gather our information.

Traditional tales belong to the genre of folklore.

Folklore is a genre in which oral stories are shared and passed down over time.

This means that although the tale of 'Little Red Riding Hood' is well known, there are also variations in how the story is told.

Over time, as people have verbally told the story, and then it gets retold, certain parts might be changed or adapted.

True or false? Let's check your understanding.

Traditional tales are always told in the same way.

Pause the video and answer now.

That is false.

Well done.

Are you ready to justify your answer? A, traditional tales are all told as modern stories now.

Or B, there are variations in the way that a traditional tale is told.

Pause the video and select your justification.

The answer is B.

Well done.

Traditional tales are still told, but you will hear variations of them.

Some of them might be more modern, some of them might have had just one part of the story adapted.

What do you remember about the tale of 'Little Red Riding Hood?' Consider the characters, setting and plot.

Have a little think.

The characters in the story are, Little Red Riding Hood, her grandma, the wolf, and a woodsman.

You may also remember a version of the story where you hear about Little Red Riding Hood's mother at the beginning.

The setting of the story is, the woods and the grandmother's cottage.

The plot, Little Red Riding Hood has to save herself, and her grandmother from the wolf.

I am going to tell you a version of the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood,' which you will base your journalistic report on.

Listen carefully.

"Little Red Riding Hood's mother asked her to visit her ailing grandmother, who lived on the other side of the forest, to deliver a basket full of comforting goodies.

As Little Red made her way through the forest, a cunning wolf spotted her, and devised a plan to reach the grandma's house before her.

The wicked wolf arrived at the grandmother's cosy cottage, broke in and devoured her in one gulp.

The wolf then deceptively disguised himself in the grandmother's clothes, got in her bed and awaited Little Red's arrival." Let's check your understanding of the story so far.

The journey to her grandmother's cottage provokes danger for Red and her grandmother.

True or false? Pause the video and answer now.

That is true.

Well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, a wolf sees Red and approaches her so that he can eat her.

Or B, a wolf spots Red and develops a plan to reach the grandmother's house before her, so he can eat them both.

Pause the video and justify your answer now.

The answer is B.

Well done.

In our version of the story, wolf does not approach Red in the forest.

He spots her, and develops a plan to reach her grandmother's house before her, so that he is able to eat them both.

How does the wolf behave deceptively? Now, to be deceptive means to lie and trick.

Let's look at the possible answers.

A, he lies to Red, and says her grandmother has come to no harm.

B, he disguises himself as the grandma so that he can trick Red.

Or C, he is friendly towards Red in the forest, so she trusts him.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is B, well done.

The wolf disguises himself as the grandma by wearing her clothes, and getting into her bed so that he can trick Red.

I am now going to continue to retell a version of the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood,' which you will base your journalistic report on.

Listen carefully to the rest of the story.

"When Red arrived at her grandmother's cottage, she noticed the strange features of the wolf disguised as her grandmother, and realised the deception.

Realising the fate of her grandmother, and that she was also in danger, petrified Red desperately tried to escape, but the wolf stopped her.

As the wolf prepared to attack and eat Red, the commotion and the screams were heard by neighbours and the authorities were alerted.

Upon hearing the terror coming from inside the cottage, a local woodsman broke in with his axe, saving Red and rescuing the grandmother from the wolf's stomach." Let's check your understanding of the end of the story.

When neighbours heard Red's screams, what did they do? A, they all ran in to rescue her.

B, they rang the police for help.

Or C, they ignored it and hoped it would stop.

Pause the video and select your answer now.

The answer is B.

Well done.

The neighbours rang the police when they heard the dreadful screams. True or false.

The grandmother and Red both survive the wolf's attacks.

Pause the video and answer now.

That is true.

Well done.

Now let's justify our answer.

A, Red manages to rescue her grandmother from the wolf's stomach, and defeats him.

Or B, a local woodsman breaks into the cottage with an axe and rescues Red and her grandma from the wolf.

Pause the video and justify your answer now.

The answer is B.

Well done.

A local woodsman rescues Red and her grandmother.

It is time for a task.

Using the following sentence starters, retell this version of the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood.

' One, Little Red's mother asked her.

Two, Red ventured through.

Three, the wolf arrived.

Four, the wolf disguised.

Five, when Red arrived.

Six, realising the danger, Red.

Seven, as the wolf prepared to.

And eight, a local woodsman.

Pause the video and retell the story with your partner now.

Welcome back.

Well done for retelling the story.

Let's take a look at some examples of what you might have said.

Little Red's mother asked her to take a basket of food to her grandmother on the other side of the forest.

Red ventured through the forest, unaware that a wolf had spotted her, and planned to reach the cottage first.

The wolf arrived at the grandma's home, broke in and ate her.

The wolf disguised himself in the grandmother's clothes, and awaited Red's arrival so he could eat her too.

When Red arrived at the cottage, she noticed the wolf's strange features, and realised the deception.

Realising the danger, Red desperately tried to escape, but the wolf stopped her.

As the wolf prepared to attack Red, the screams were heard by neighbours.

A local woodsman broke in with his axe, saved Red and rescued the grandma from the wolf's stomach.

Well done.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson, understanding a newsworthy event.

You are going to be writing your own journalistic report about the key events from 'Little Red Riding Hood.

' That means that you will be writing as if you are a journalist.

Journalists write reports for newspapers, or to deliver news through other mediums. For an event or story to be written about by journalists, it must be considered newsworthy.

What does newsworthy mean? Newsworthy means it is interesting, or important enough to warrant reporting to the public.

Now, there can be all kinds of different factors that make something newsworthy, but it must be interesting or important enough to report.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false? A journalistic report is written about anything.

Pause the video and answer now.

That is false.

Well done.

Now, time to justify.

A, journalistic reports are only written about serious issues.

Or B, journalistic reports are written about things important or interesting enough to be considered newsworthy.

Pause the video and answer now.

The answer is B.

Well done.

Sometimes news reports are about serious issues, but not always.

There are other issues or topics that can be considered important, or interesting enough to report.

Consider the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood,' and the key events.

If this were to happen in real life, why would it be newsworthy? Let's remind ourselves of the definition of newsworthy.

Interesting or important enough to warrant reporting to the public.

So have a little think, what happens in the story of 'Little Red Riding Hood' that is interesting or important enough to warrant reporting to the general public.

The wolf's evil ploy causes harm to other humans, which would be considered a crime.

And a crime is newsworthy.

The grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood experience suffering.

It would also be considered an unusual and shocking event, and when something unusual or shocking happens, that is often reported in the news.

And it also represents a danger that people should be aware of.

Now, we know that our news report is about a crime, and very specific vocabulary is used when reporting a crime.

A crime is an unlawful act, which is punishable by a state or authority.

This means it is an action which is against the law, and that you can get in trouble for, with the police, for example.

Examples of crimes include the following, stealing.

This is taking another person's property without permission or legal right.


This is physically attacking someone, or threatening to.

And breaking and entering.

This is entering a building through force without permission.

Now, there are many crimes that exist in our society, and these are just three examples of crimes you may have heard of.

When a crime takes place, there is normally a perpetrator of the crime, and a victim of the crime.

Now, what do those words mean? A perpetrator is a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.

So the perpetrator of a crime is the person who commits the crime.

A victim is a person harmed or injured as a result of a crime, accident, or other event.

It's time to check your understanding.

Match the key vocabulary to the correct definition.

The key vocabulary is, newsworthy, perpetrator, crime, and victim.

The definitions are, a person who carries out a harmful, illegal or immoral act.

An unlawful act which is punishable by a state or authority.

Interesting or important enough to warrant reporting to the public.

An, a person harmed or injured as a result of a crime, accident, or other event.

Pause the video and match these now.

Let's take a look at the answers.

Newsworthy means interesting or important enough to warrant reporting to the public.

A perpetrator is a person who carries out a harmful, illegal or immoral act.

A crime is an unlawful act which is punishable by a state or authority.

And a victim is a person harmed or injured as a result of a crime, accident, or other event.

Well done for matching these.

It's now time for your first task, which I know you are going to be fantastic at doing now that you know all of this key vocabulary related to crime.

Identify the newsworthy elements from the tale of 'Little Red Riding Hood.

' A, who would be considered the perpetrator? B, which actions would be considered a crime? And C, who are the victims of the crime? Pause the video and do the task now.

Let's take a look at the answers.

For A, who would be considered the perpetrator? We know that the wolf is the person who committed the crime, and he would be considered the perpetrator.

Which of the wolf's actions would be considered a crime? We would say breaking and entering, because he went into the grandma's house without permission, and assault, which means physical attack, because he ate the grandma and tried to eat Red too.

And for C, who are the victims of the crime? The grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood.

Well done for completing your task.

It is time for your final task.

Why is it considered important to share stories like this in the news? So your new story is, a wolf has broken and entered into an elderly woman's home, attacking her and her granddaughter.

Now I want you to have a little think and a talk with your partner about why this would be a news story that is important to share.

Your sentence starters are, I think this is a newsworthy story because.

And, I think this story should be shared in the news so.

Pause the video and discuss now.

Well done for all of your fantastic partner talk.

I loved hearing some of your answers.

Let's take a look at some examples.

You might have said, I think this is a newsworthy story, because it is shocking and unusual, which means people would want to know about it.

That is true.

It's not very often a wolf breaks into your home, and tries to eat you.

You might have said, I think this story should be shared in the news so that other citizens are aware of potential dangers, and can take safety precautions.

This is a great answer, and is true about reporting on lots of crime.

It's really important for people in the community to be aware of crime taking place, so that they can take precautions to protect themselves.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

'Little Red Riding Hood' is a traditional tale which has been adapted and retold in different ways.

Journalistic reports provide information about current events and news.

A newsworthy event is something that is interesting, or important enough to warrant reporting to the public.

The wolf's actions would be considered a crime, and newsworthy.

The wolf would be considered the perpetrator of the crime, and the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood would be the victims. Well done for all of your hard work, and learning in this lesson.

I really enjoyed teaching you.