
Lesson video

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Hi, everyone, my name is Ms. Voyle, and welcome to today's lesson, where we are going to be reading and discussing a section of ""The Borrowers."" For this lesson, you need a copy of the 2014 Puffin Books edition of "The Borrowers" by Mary Norton.

Pause the video and get your copy of the book now.

Great, now I know you have the book with you.

During this lesson, you'll need to be listening and looking carefully, and there will also be some tasks where you need somebody to talk to.

I hope you're feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for today's lesson is I can read and discuss a section of the buildup in ""The Borrowers."" Here are the key words for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.

Buildup, atmosphere, emotions, inference.

Great job, well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

The buildup is the building of action and suspense that leads up to the climax in a narrative.

Atmosphere refers to the tone or mood created in a text.

Emotions are strong feelings that result from a person's circumstances, mood or relationship with others.

And inference means to use clues from the text to draw conclusions.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be summarising events from the buildup.

And in the second part, we will be reading and discussing a section.

So let's begin with summarising events from the buildup.

What do we know about "The borrowers?" Mary Norton is the author of ""The Borrowers."" "The Borrowers" is a fantasy fiction text.

Fantasy fiction means it is a story which is made up or imagined and involves magical elements and imaginary worlds.

"The Borrowers" is about miniature people who secretly live under the floorboards of an English house and borrow from the big humans in order to survive.

Let's remind ourselves of the key events of "The Borrowers" within the narrative structure.

In the opening, a lady called Mrs. May tells a little girl called Kate about the Borrowers.

The Clock family is then introduced.

In the buildup, Pod gets seen, and Homily decides that Arrietty should be allowed to go on an expedition with him to borrow.

On this trip, Arrietty encounters Boy in the garden, and they develop a friendship.

In the climax, the human beings realise their things are going missing, and they think Boy is involved.

Mrs. Driver hires a rat catcher to catch the Borrowers, but Boy helps them to escape.

In the resolution, the story ends as it began, with Mrs. May and Kate sewing their quilt.

In today's lesson, we are going to discuss the following section of the buildup.

On this trip, Arrietty's first borrowing expedition, Arrietty encounters Boy in the garden, and they develop a friendship.

Your last piece of narrative writing described Arrietty setting off on her first borrowing expedition and reaching the clock.

Let's summarise the next section of the buildup.

Through the hole in the clock, Arrietty could see the hallway of the house, and the outside world through the open door.

Arrietty watched from the clock as Pod ran to the mat by the front door to collect brush fibres for Homily.

Shortly afterwards, Arrietty joined her father to help, but it hurt her hands, so he told her she could sit on the doorstep and observe the outdoors.

Let's check your understanding.

True or false, Arrietty was most fascinated by the upstairs of the house.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is false, well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, Arrietty was drawn to the outside world, or B, Arrietty just wanted to find items to borrow.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is A, well done.

Arrietty was most drawn to the outside world.

Arrietty climbed down the front step onto the path and spotted the grating that she would look through.

Arrietty enjoyed the freedom of running in the open and made her way around to the grating to call out to her mother.

Homily requested more borrowed items, and Arrietty passed these messages on to her father.

While Pod went off to borrow, Arrietty joyously explored the outdoors.

She ventured through the grass to the base of a tree and she happily observed the nature surrounding her.

Let's check your understanding.

Where did Arrietty venture to when her father went borrowing? A, through the grass to the base of a tree.

B, along the pathway to the back garden.

Or C, through the hallway to the kitchen.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is A, well done.

When Pod went borrowing, Arrietty ventured through the grass to the base of a tree.

As Arrietty peacefully lay in the grass, she turned her head sideways and was taken aback by something she saw glittering through the grass.

It was an eye, or at least that is what Arrietty thought, but the sheer size of it confused her.

It was the eye of a human bean.

A voice spoke to Arrietty, and she realised she had been seen.

Although initially afraid, Arrietty spoke back.

The eye and the voice belonged to Boy, a 10-year-old human being, and he and Arrietty struck up a friendship.

Let's check your understanding.

What was Arrietty first taken aback by the sight off? A, the voice of a human being.

B, the legs of a human being.

Or C, the eye of a human being.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is C, well done.

Arrietty was first taken aback by the sight of the eye of a human being.

It's now time for your first task.

Number the events from the buildup, one to six, to show their order in the story.

I will read them to you.

Shortly after, Arrietty joined her father and sat on the front doorstep.

While pod went borrowing, Arrietty enjoyed the freedom of the outdoors.

Arrietty was taken aback when she spotted the eye of a human being.

Arrietty spotted the grating and spoke to her mother through it.

Arrietty closely watched from the clock as Pod ran to the front doormat.

After venturing through the grass, Arrietty happily laid by a tree.

Pause the video and number these events one to six now to show their order in the buildup.

Welcome back.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

One, Arrietty closely watched from the clock as Pod ran to the front doormat.

Two, shortly after, Arrietty joined her father and sat on the front doorstep.

Three, Arrietty spotted the grating and spoke to her mother through it.

Four, while Pod went borrowing, Arrietty enjoyed the freedom of the outdoors.

Five, after venturing through the grass, Arrietty happily laid by a tree.

And six, Arrietty was taken aback when she spotted the eye of a human being.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the chronology of events in this section of the buildup.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson, where we are going to be reading and discussing a section of the buildup.

We are going to read and discuss the section building up to Arrietty spotting the eye.

Pay attention to how the atmosphere and Arrietty's emotions change when she spots the eye.

Atmosphere means the feeling or mood created in a text, and emotions refers to strong feelings that result from a person's circumstances, mood or relationship with others.

It's now time for you to read or listen to page 72 of the text.

Here is some vocabulary you will encounter on this page.

Nonplussed, this means surprised, confused and not certain how to react.

Quarrelling, this means having a heated argument or disagreement.

And gnarled, this means full of or covered with gnarls, rough and twisted.

Pause the video to read this section now, and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed reading.

Let's check your understanding.

How did Arrietty find her way to the base of a tree? A, she went to the back of the house.

B, she ventured through the grass.

Or C, she swam through a pond.

Pause the video and select the correct answer.

The answer is B, well done.

Arrietty found her way to the base of a tree by venturing through the grass.

It's now time for you to read or listen to page 73 of the text.

Here is some more vocabulary you will encounter.

Furrows, this means a long and narrow cut or fold in the surface of something.

Dew, this means tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night.

And parasol, this is a light umbrella used to give shade from the sun.

Pause the video to read this section now, and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back, let's check your understanding.

True or false.

The atmosphere changes when Arrietty spots the eye.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true, well done.

Now can you justify your answer? A, Arrietty is startled, which disrupts the peaceful atmosphere.

Or B, Arrietty strikes a woodlouse, which disrupts the peaceful atmosphere.

Pause the video and selects the correct justification.

The answer is A, well done.

When Arrietty spots the eye, she is startled, and this disrupts the peaceful atmosphere.

It's now time for you to read the first paragraph of chapter nine on page 74.

Here is some more vocabulary you will encounter.

Glaring, this means giving out or reflecting a strong or dazzling light.

Breathless, this means gasping for breath.

And cautiously, this means doing something in a careful and considered way that deliberately avoids risk.

Pause the video to read this section now, and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back, let's check your understanding.

Which of the following pieces of vocabulary convey that Arrietty was scared of the enormous eye? A, curving, B, breathless, C, cautiously.

Pause the video and select the correct answers now.

The answers are B and C, well done.

Arrietty was breathless, and she moved cautiously when she spotted the enormous eye.

This lets us know that she was scared.

It's now time for you to continue reading chapter nine, up to the word sharp on page 75.

Here is some vocabulary you will encounter.

Hushed, this means in a very quiet and still voice.

Tinkled, this is a light, clear ringing sound.

And scrabbled, this means scratched or groped around with one's fingers.

Pause the video to read this section now, and come back and press play when you are ready.

Welcome back, let's check your understanding.

True or false.

Arrietty overcomes her fear when speaking to Boy.

Pause the video and select your answer.

That is true, well done.

Now it's time to justify your answer.

A, she finds him amusing and giggles at him, or B, she finds her confidence to speak back and challenge him.

Pause the video and select the correct justification.

The answer is B, well done.

Arrietty finds her confidence to speak back to Boy, and she challenges him, which shows that she overcomes her fear.

It's now time for your final task, and it is a talk task.

How do the atmosphere and Arrietty's emotions change in this section of the buildup? Refer to pages 72 to 75 of "The Borrowers," and use evidence to support your inferences.

Use the following sentence starters to help you.

At the end of chapter eight, the atmosphere shifts from peaceful to.

At the beginning of chapter nine, when Arrietty realises what she has seen is an eye, her emotions.

And after Boy threatens to hit Arrietty, she becomes.

Pause the video and discuss with your partner now.

Welcome back, I loved listening to your discussions.

You were fantastic at drawing inferences and using evidence from the text to support them.

Let's take a look at some good examples I heard.

"At the end of chapter eight, "the atmosphere shifts from peaceful to mysterious "because it says Arrietty is startled "by something she has seen, "but we don't know what." That is very true.

Because we don't know what she has been startled by yet, there is a mysterious atmosphere created.

"At the beginning of chapter nine "when Arrietty realises what she has seen is an eye, "her emotions intensify.

"It says she is breathless and her heart pounds." This is a wonderful inference.

This show and tell language lets us know that Arrietty is scared and that her emotions have intensified.

And, "After Boy threatens to hit Arrietty, "she becomes calmer and confident.

"She shows this by challenging Boy "and asking why in a clear and assertive way." Well done for discussing this question and drawing inferences about how the atmosphere and Arrietty's emotions change in this section of the buildup.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

In this section of the buildup, Arrietty explores the outside world and enjoys freedom and nature.

The atmosphere shifts when Arrietty spots the eye of a human bean.

Arrietty forms a friendship with the human bean, whose name is Boy.

The atmosphere and Arrietty's emotions change over the course of her experiences outside.

And we can make inferences about a character's emotions by analysing their actions, words and expressions.

Well done for reading and discussing this section of "The Borrowers." I have really enjoyed teaching you this lesson.