
Lesson video

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Hi everyone.

My name is Ms. Boyle, and welcome to today's lesson where you are going to be planning a section of narrative writing based on "The Borrowers".

For this lesson, you need a copy of the 2014 Puffin Books edition of "The Borrowers" by Mary Norton.

Pause the video and get your copy of the book now.

Great, now I know you have the book with you.

You may wish to refer to it.

During this lesson, you need to be listening and looking carefully.

There'll be tasks where you need somebody to talk to and you will also need a piece of paper and pen or pencil for writing your plan.

I hope you are feeling excited and ready to learn.

Let's get started.

The learning outcome for our lesson today is I can plan a section of the buildup of "The Borrowers".

Here are our key words for today's lesson.

Let's practise saying them.

My turn, your turn.

Build-up, suspense, "show and tell", plan.

Great job, well done.

Let's take a look at their definitions.

The "build-up" refers to the building of action and suspense that leads up to the climax in a narrative.

"Suspense" is when you are feeling anxious or excited about what may happen.

"Show and tell" is a writing technique for showing a character's feelings with description of their actions and expressions.

And a plan is a framework that writers create before they write a section or whole text.

There are two parts to today's lesson.

In the first part, we will be preparing to plan and in the second part, you will be writing your plan.

So let's begin with preparing to plan.

Here are the key events of The Borrowers on a story staircase.

The opening, a lady called Mrs. May tells a little girl called Kate about the Borrowers.

The Clock family are then introduced.

In the buildup, Pod gets "seen" and Homily decides that Arrietty should be allowed to go on an expedition with him to "borrow".

On this trip, Arrietty encounters "Boy" in the garden and they develop a friendship.

In the climax, the human beings realise their things are going missing and they think Boy is involved.

Mrs. Driver hires a rat catcher to catch the Borrowers, but Boy helps them to escape and in the resolution, the story ends as it began, with Mrs. May and Kate sewing their quilt.

You are going to be writing a section of the build-up.

The purpose of the build-up is to build action and suspense leading up to the climax.

You are going to focus on the following section of the build-up for your writing.

Arrietty spent weeks showing she was extra good by doing lots of chores as she wanted to prove she was ready to go borrowing.

The day finally came when Homily asked Pod to go borrowing and take Arrietty with him.

Pod was not in favour of taking Arrietty borrowing and tried to protest but Homily was firm in her decision.

Arrietty followed her father along the passages excitedly and she learnt all about the gates en route to the bottom of the clock.

Arrietty climbed into the clock, she stared in awe at their great namesake and she caught glimpses of light from the outside world.

Let's check your understanding.

Number the events from the build-up one to five to show that order.

I will read them to you.

Arrietty excitedly followed her father along the passages to the clock.

The day finally came when Homily asked Pod to take Arrietty borrowing.

Arrietty climbed into the clock and stared in awe at their namesake.

Arrietty spent weeks doing chores to show she could be really good.

Pod protested against taking Arrietty borrowing, but Homily was firm.

Pause the video and number these one to five now to show that order.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

One, Arrietty spent weeks doing chores to show she could be really good.

Two, the day finally came when Homily asked Pod to take Arrietty borrowing.

Three, Pod protested against taking Arrietty borrowing, but Homily was firm.

Four, Arrietty excitedly followed her father along the passages to the clock.

And five, Arrietty climbed into the clock and stared in awe at their namesake.

Well done for demonstrating your knowledge of the chronology of events in this section of the build-up.

Your writing be split into two paragraphs.

Paragraph one, Arrietty spent weeks doing chores to show she could be good.

The day came when Homily told Pod to take Arrietty borrowing.

Pod protested, but homily remained firm in her decision.

Then paragraph two, Arrietty followed Pod down the passages to the clock in excitement.

Arrietty climbed into the clock and was in awe of it.

We need to generate precise and ambitious vocabulary to describe each moment in detail.

We need to generate nouns, which are people, places or things.

Adjectives, which are used to describe nouns.

Verbs which are doing, being or having words.

Adverbs to describe verbs.

And we need to generate "show and tell" language, which describes characters emotions by describing their body language and facial expressions.

Let's consider the key moments for paragraph one.

After weeks of chores, Homily told Pod to take Arrietty borrowing.

We need to generate precise adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and show and tell language.

Pause the video and discuss with your partner which words you might choose to describe this key moment.

Let's take a look at some examples together.

Arrietty was determined to listen and be good.

She worked hard on chores.

Homily instructed him to take Arrietty on the expedition.

Pod was feeling concerned, he opposed the idea.

Arrietty's eyes lit up with glee, she rushed to get ready.

Let's consider the key moments for paragraph two.

Arrietty followed Pod down the passages and climbed into the clock.

We need to generate precise adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and show and tell language for this moment.

Pause the video and discuss with your partner how you would describe this moment.

Let's take a look at some examples together.

Arrietty bubbled with enthusiasm.

She carefully followed along the trodden passages.

She watched as her father unlatched the protective gates.

She observed diligently.

They reached the sacred entrance to the clock.

She climbed through, she gazed up in awe at their namesake.

Let's check your understanding.

Which "show and tell" language would you use to describe how Arrietty felt during this section of the build-up? A.

shoulders slumped, B.

eyes lit up, C.

shook uncontrollably, D.

gazed up in awe.

Pause the video and select the correct answers now.

The answers are B and D, well done.

We would use "eyes lit up" or "gazed up in awe" as appropriate "show and tell" language to convey how excited and happy Arrietty was to be going on a borrowing expedition.

It is time for your first task.

Fill in the blanks for paragraph one.

I will read it to you.

After weeks of helping her mother with household, (mimes blank) Arrietty wondered if she had proven herself (mimes blank) enough to go borrowing! The day finally came when Homily asked Pod for much needed (mimes blank).

As he got ready to (mimes blank), Homily called out for Arrietty to join him too.

Looking (mimes blank), Pod tried to argue against it, but Homily was firm.

With a (mimes blank) leap, Arrietty hurried to get herself ready.

The vocabulary for you to choose from is, "concerned", "sensible", "depart", "giddy", "chores" and "supplies".

Pause the video and do the task now.

Let's take a look at the answers together.

After weeks of helping her mother with household chores, Arrietty wondered if she had proven herself sensible enough to go borrowing! The day finally came when Homily asked Pod for much needed supplies.

As he got ready to depart, Homily called out for Arrietty to join him too.

Looking concerned, Pod tried to argue against it, but Homily was firm.

With a giddy leap, Arrietty hurried to get herself ready.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the type of language we would use in paragraph one.

It is now time for your next task.

Fill in the blanks for paragraph two.

I will read it to you.

As Arrietty (mimes blank) followed her father along the trodden underground passages, she observed him (mimes blank).

When they reached the first gate, Pod skillfully (mimes blank) it and guided her through.

Eventually, they reached the hole at the bottom of the clock.

Arrietty felt a rush of (mimes blank) excitement as she carefully climbed into it.

She found herself (mimes blank) up in wonder at the swinging pendulum of her (mimes blank).

The vocabulary for you to choose from is "nervous", "enthusiastically", "gazing", "namesake", "diligently", "unlatched".

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back, let's take a look at the answers together.

As Arrietty enthusiastically followed her father along the trodden, underground passages, she observed him diligently.

When they reached the first gate, Pod skillfully unlatched it and guided her through.

Eventually they reached the hole at the bottom of the clock.

Arrietty felt a rush of nervous excitement as she carefully climbed into it.

She found herself gazing up in wonder at the swinging pendulum of her namesake.

Well done for demonstrating your understanding of the vocabulary used in paragraph two.

It's now time for the second part of our lesson where you are going to be writing the plan.

When we write a plan, we use notes.

Notes are concise and capture key vocabulary and information.

The purpose of notes is to help the writer to organise information easily for future use.

We use bullet points when note taking.

They look like this.

Let's check your understanding.

What is in a plan? A.

full sentences with capital letters and full stops.


Bullet points for notes.


ambitious vocabulary D.

unnecessary information.

Pause the video and select the correct answers now.

The answers are B and C, well done.

You will write your plan using bullet points for notes and you'll include ambitious vocabulary.

It's time you to complete the plan for paragraph one.

Arrietty spent weeks doing chores until Homily finally told Pod to take her borrowing.

He protested, but Homily remained firm.

Generate precise vocabulary and "show and tell" for these key moments.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

Well done for completing the plan for paragraph one.

Let's take a look at some good examples for precise vocabulary.

Several weeks had passed.

After weeks of helping, exciting expedition, instructed him firmly, necessary supplies and for "show and tell", devoted herself to chores, behaved immaculately, sighed and protested, spoke firmly, eyes lit up with glee.

These are a range of "show and tell" examples for the different members of the Clock family.

It's now time to complete the plan for paragraph two.

Arrietty excitedly followed her father along the passages to the clock.

She climbed in and gazed up in awe.

Generate precise vocabulary and "show and tell" for these key moments.

Pause the video and do the task now.

Welcome back.

Well done for completing the plan for paragraph two.

Let's take a look at some good examples together.

For precise vocabulary, carefully trodden passages, skillfully unlatched gates, guided her through, great swinging pendulum, family namesake.

And for show and tell, bubbled with enthusiasm, eagerly followed her father, observed him diligently, rush of nervous excitement, gazed up in awe.

All of these examples of "show and tell", refer to how Arrietty is feeling during these key moments.

Well done for completing the plan for both paragraphs.

We've now come to the end of our lesson, so let's go over a summary together.

The purpose of the build-up is to build action and suspense Leading up to the climax.

In this section of the build-up, Arrietty sets off on her first borrowing expedition and reaches the clock.

A range of precise and ambitious vocabulary is used to describe key moments in the build-up.

"Show and tell" language shows a character's feelings by describing their actions, body language and facial expressions.

And a plan contains precise vocabulary, is written in note format and follows a sequence of events.

Well done again for your hard work in today's lesson.

I have really enjoyed teaching you and I hope you are looking forward to writing this section of your narrative based on "The Borrowers".